Biden Advocated the Right U.S. Policy at the Time in Bosnia in 1995 - Politics | PoFo

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He is also right about Iraq, to have three provinces. During Ottoman time this were also three.

The Sunnis live currently under the Terror of Iranian financed Shia militias.

This leads to extremism. If Obama has listened to his party mate ISIS horrific Terror would not have a hotbed.

Iraq is becoming more and more a colony of Iran.

The brave democracy intersecterian activists get shot by this Shia militias. I have the hope he will solve the gordian knot Israel-Palestine.

Biden understands the world whereas his predecessor had much self confidence but no knowledge.

The U.S. waited too long to intervene in Bosnia. That's the "by-stander effect." By-stander effect is the more people you have witnessing a crime the less likely they are to intervene and stop it because of the feeling of a diffusion of responsibility to have a duty to stop the criminal act. There is also the fear of how others would perceive the intervention to stop the criminal act with many people present also witnessing the crime.

Eventually, the U.S. did act in concert with it's allies in NATO and stop the Serb genocide in Bosnia. But a lot of damage had been done by the time the U.S. did act. This is why it's important to understand the "by-stander effect" so that when you encounter this effect while witnessing a criminal act, you will know to resist this effect and take action to do the right thing.
Politics_Observer wrote:@Sandzak

The U.S. waited too long to intervene in Bosnia. That's the "by-stander effect." By-stander effect is the more people you have witnessing a crime the less likely they are to intervene and stop it because of the feeling of a diffusion of responsibility to have a duty to stop the criminal act. There is also the fear of how others would perceive the intervention to stop the criminal act with many people present also witnessing the crime.

Eventually, the U.S. did act in concert with it's allies in NATO and stop the Serb genocide in Bosnia. But a lot of damage had been done by the time the U.S. did act. This is why it's important to understand the "by-stander effect" so that when you encounter this effect while witnessing a criminal act, you will know to resist this effect and take action to do the right thing.

If the USA had intervened in 1992 with 10 Cruise missile, as the Bosniak and Croat forces took the Brcko Corridor. The war and massacres would have ended years earlier.

The Serbs were rewarded with the genocide, for example is Srebrenica now part of the Serb autonomous region.

The wanted in the rape camps to create a new race.

I want not say all serbs are same, for example Jovan Divjak (a Serb) founded the Bosnian Army, before him there were just civil defense units not a real army.

I agree that the Serbs were rewarded for committing genocide. I also think that when NATO finally did intervene, it should have allowed the Bosnian federation to push the Serbs all the way back to Serbia, then a peace treaty would be signed. This would mean, there would be no Republic of Srpska within Bosnia. Forcing the Bosnian Federation to halt their offensive during NATO air strikes in my view was a mistake. Perhaps NATO did not want to be seen as taking sides so to speak and was just interested in securing a peace deal as quickly as possible instead of allowing it to drag out longer. I am not sure. Republic of Srpska should not have been allowed though as part of any peace agreement.

You are right, not all Serbs are bad. Some fought with the Bosnian Federation against the genocide that was being perpetrated. Some of the snipers defending Sarajevo during the siege were Serbs fighting on the side of the Bosnian Federation. The very least NATO should have been done, is lifting the arms embargo and arming the Bosnian Federation. This would have leveled the playing field instead of cementing the Serb advantage in arms by keeping the arms embargo in place at the time.

Another thing to consider is that the U.S. at the time was more averse to accepting casualties. This might explain why NATO forced the Bosnian Federation to halt it's offensive to retake back some of it's land from the Serbs during the air-strikes. I can attest to the fact that this mentality changed though after 9/11 and we became willing to accept casualties. This was also the case as the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan dragged on where I can certainly say our forces became more combat hardened and simply accepted causalities and being killed as nothing more than part of the job.

At the time when the wars in Yugoslavia broke out, our forces hadn't been involved in any sort of long and drawn out protracted wars where our forces had the opportunity to become combat hardened and our country hadn't experienced an attack like what we experienced on 9/11. It seems now these days our political leaders and forces are more accepting of taking casualties.
I will not question the right on own point of wiev, but need to say that these are shortsighted! why? You are arguing how this or that should be done from nowadays perspective, and that simply wasnt possible back then! what happened was nato compacting its role as world policeman on back of Yugoslavia, serbs croat bosniaks and all the rest were just mislead victims that were promised in different ways different gains if they play as were told, and all of them fell for it! some time ago, ex croatian admiral Davor Domazet stated that Serbia was rewarded by shadowy european elites in favor for its western obedience greater serbia, but later when croats reorganize themselves thing went out of control and Serbia just wanted do cash-in as much as possible from the intentional mislead, which not just in my opinion was result of the need the 5-th european and 7-th in the world by might army to be dismantled or eventually to be defragmented, but that didnt happened so later also imported war on Kosovo followed, now scenarios many combination even more, but defacto whole western balkan became poor and cutout from the rest of europe etc. etc. in my opinion what really was behind the scenes going on is the trap that was layed for Russia to intervene or not back then so it would be easily cornered or eventually loose confidence and ground among last balkan fans and like that every their geostrategic infiltration later to be on halt eg. pipelines weapons sales etc. etc.

what happened happened, but now whats happening is all the currebt status quo around Bosnia and Kosovo will be again used as excuse for eventual new trap for Moscow in case of any Bosnia reshape! why I am saying this, globalists now revived by Bidens bids will see to open new war zone, what by all accounts is almost closed in the Middle East or North Korea, and whats left so it would be played the modern anaconda doctrine against Russia is balkans, seeing this statement of Biden in this thread reminds me that now we could see opening room for new tensions!? after all his closest friend are neoconish, if so we can expect sooner or later again the balkan quarell to be ignited, but this time there are real risks that to lead to global ww3 clash because after eventual unilateral serbian independence in Bosnia due to bidens will for reshaping of the dayton agreement, such example could be copied by albanians in nMacedonia or mNegro even potentially nwGreece, and this could lead to nato member internal clash, again many cmbinations tho few final scenarios in perspective, but any of them would be welcomed by the usA military complex, so all here in balkans should be most of all aware that any domino effect can quickly unravel chaos thus everybody should be more than careful ahead why they wish or really need!

at least his statement I see Bosnia as whole (amid the kosovian reflections) is potential spark for the domino game ... and except Biden [1] many in west dont see why not [1][1] so huston we have a problem > sauce (space) forces are not still ready for the job and the chicken stew is too cold to be served immediately to all , or I am maybe wrong!?
in accordance with my previous logic about anaconda doctrine against Russia, I will assert again that the neoconish circle around Biden promise sooner than expected new turmoil in Balkan, not that this must be case, in geopolitics there is no good time rush acts, yet it depends whether western nwo agendas would be at stake because eventual world economy recession even more if on the horizon is economic depression so things could get rampant pace, this would mean instant spark in Balkans and bidens strength to sell enough anger against Russia so eventual mingling in balkan affairs could be used as provocation and call for action, although I am not aware how truly he is globalistic pawn so he would not hesitate for greater risks!?

nothing is certain eg. although Obama was looking in the beginning firm enough to proceed further in case of Syria but eventually in the end when HClinton announced the roll of no-fly zone he changed his mind and stepped down, lets say clever move so the first afroamerican president will not go in history as the one that started ww3, in meantime he was encouraged by nobel peace prize so he would not hesitate to do that, then as humanity we got luck Trump that outrun HClinton because her stance was that first thing that she would do when seat in the p-chair it would be signing of no-fly zone in Syria, but after fur years of Trump peace in action ...

... now again globalists and neocons are in place, but now risks around Syria are probably over, NKorea also, and what have left around Russia if we exclude its southern belly as illogical war zone , and amid the last statement of Biden in case of Bosnia is balkan sparkling, hope this is just wrong interpretation of mine or there is not enough room for such geopolitical spinns, but again how Biden at the moment is circled this is somehow possible, yet for many unimaginable, the biggest problem which lies is that now there are huge numbers of last middleastern ex-millitia members in eU and even do Biden would not want new war in western-balkans someone else can use them and put in motion after what if any potential conflict will arise around Serbia probably Russia and usA will get involved, hope just on diplomatic level!

So while the Democratic establishment rehabilitated the neocons, the neocons dutifully supported Biden against Trump. And the president-elect is filling his administration with militaristic hacks. For instance, Antony Blinken, Biden’s choice for secretary of state, was a supporter of the Iraq invasion. Jake Sullivan has been appointed as a national security adviser after spending years on the board of right-wing think tank Alliance for Securing Democracy. Avril Haines has been tapped to be the head of national intelligence after overseeing Obama’s unprecedented expansion of illegal drone warfare.

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