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Pants-of-dog wrote:It took me less than a minute to find this: ... iders.html

Lol dude...obviously it is easy to find anti nsdap propaganda...considering the founding myth of the modern west is based on defeating the 'evil nazis'. You should wonder why the current elite feel so threatened by that ideology.

Anyway...finding such stuff is about as impressive as finding fake propaganda about Marie Antoinette during the French revolution, or fake propaganda about catholics during the 30 years war.

I've heard it all, dude. It isn't like I'm not aware of this stuff. There are also people who say Hitler liked to eat feces, had one testicle, was homosexual, was secretly jewish, was a pedophile, was transgender, and was secretly pagan.

Finding stuff that makes the 'evil nazis' look bad isn't very difficult. Figuring out the truth takes a bit more discipline and study.
FiveofSwords wrote:The usa was founded on principles that radically contradict each other. All of the residents of North America had recently arrived there and abandoned the homeland of their ancestors. They had no state religion. They did not even declare an official language. Does that seem consistent with nationalism to you?


It's called civic nationalism.

FiveofSwords wrote:'All men are created equal' yet there is slavery. Democracy is a force that politicizes people and naturally creates voting blocks. Meanwhile liberalism depoliticizes people and drives people apart as competing individuals. Likewise capitalism cannot be nationalist because it is blind to every quality except money.

Democracy without some fundamental tenets of liberalism is impossible.
FiveofSwords wrote:was secretly jewish

After testing 39 of the Fuhrer's relatives,

Hitler's Jewish blood ...

A chromosome called Haplogroup E1b1b (Y-DNA) in their samples is rare in Germany and indeed Western Europe. It is most commonly found in the Berbers of Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia, as well as among Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews.

Haplogroup E1b1b1, which accounts for approximately 18 to 20 per cent of Ashkenazi and 8.6 per cent to 30 per cent of Sephardic Y-chromosomes, appears to be one of the major founding lineages of the Jewish population.

— Allan Hall quoting historian Marc Vermeeren, DNA tests reveal 'Hitler was descended from the Jews and Africans he hated', Daily Mail, Aug. 24, 2010

Part Jewish?

Part Arab?

Take your pick.

Pure White?

I think not.

Figuring out the truth takes a bit more discipline and study.

Of which you seem to have neither.

A disciplined inquiry must respect generally shared norms regarding academic credibility.

TorrentialRain wrote:@Tainari88
Why do you continually equate people who are White with committing violence? You've said it on multiple occasions. It's a bizarre fetish.

No, I am very specific. It is White Nationalists who are obsessed with White Genocide topics--of which there is not a shred of presented evidence that there is a mass white people Genocide in the USA. None. Zero. All because they need to whip up fervor over the threat by the Brown hordes and other highly explosive crap theories. Why do they need to feed these pack of lies?

For violence and maybe overthrows and fighting the government. Violent revolution is then thrown around without a specific enemy. Why? For what purpose.

Nothing Bizarre about that. It is logical to know that White Nationalism is often about weapons and guns and using violence to do their agenda. What is their agenda? So far @FiveofSwords shows up as a newbie and as lobby fodder talking about how I hate white people. An absurd and bizarre notion. He knows nothing about me or many other posters on this board. Yet, he thinks my entire life is consumed by hating on White People.

That is not sane behavior. Then you show up as lobby fodder too, and self identify as a fascist and try to accuse me of violence against white people.

It is very suspicious by the way. Is it White Nationalists who are Fascists week? We got to go out there and stir up some hate against us in order to justify killing innocent people?

What is your story @TorrentialRain that the Brown hordes are taking over Europe, invading North America, and they are going to go house to house and kill all of you? Where is this grand conspiracy of sheer paranoid race war shit?

I would say the bizarre thinking is from people who refuse to present evidence of their being Genocided by nonwhite people, yet want to gaslight the people who are writing against White Nationalist thinking in the USA.

Yes, you do back violence and stupidity with your racial hatreds that are all homegrown. Playing the victim for no good reason. Except to whip gullible disaffected rednecks who are angry at the billionaire class who have a lot of power and money, and whom you refuse to confront.

A bunch of losers. That is who you fascist White Nationalists are.

Now you can spout some bullshit about Fascism being a benevolent ideology and not a blood filled horror of oppression and hatred. Mussolini, Primo De Rivera, Francisco Franco, Hitler and every other killer fascist who show up with theories of excluding millions of human beings from the right to life, dignity and a political voice.

You are the worst there is out there. Accept it. You will have a hard time with the white liberals with money in the USA. The White people with money are mostly liberals or moderate right liberals and so on.

Just because your own 'race' rejects your shit ideology? It is not my fault.

Go fight it out with the brainwashed liberals whom you truly hate.

White Genocide? Fuck off with that theory. :lol:
Unthinking Majority wrote:You didn't answer my question. I'll ask it again:

My question to you Tainari is: would you be ok if a lot of e.g. Chinese, Indian, or German migrants moved into Puerto Rico and one of these ethnicities became the overwhelming majority in Puerto Rico, elected politicians mostly from their own ethnic group, and their language was added to the official languages of the country etc. Newspapers and tv shows and other elements of culture became published mostly in the foreign language by this new ethnic group?

My criteria for letting people go to Puerto Rico is very clear. Are they going to have fun and be productive himan beings with warm hearts and open minds?

I do not fear other cultures. Why should I UM?

A long time ago, Roosevelt sent to PR a bunch of teachers from the mainland. To teach English as the replacement language to Spanish for PR. After many years the American teachers were speaking Spanish in their classrooms? Why? Because it was the fastest way to reach the students. Who's families and neighborhoods and communities all spoke Spanish as their main language. Remember we did not move from the island. The US invaded and never asked us if we pledged an allegiance to the US Flag. They claimed they were liberating us from Spanish tyranny and would grant us our independence. They failed to do that. Why? For hegemonic purposes.

All of the Caribbean is about racial mixing. You see it in the DNA. Racial mixture for centuries. Nothing pure race about us.

So why should I be fighting over well intentioned Americans, Germans, and every other group coming in to live among us? I do not. It is just part of the big group of people who are from all parts of the world living in the Caribbean islands. Nothing new there.

This racial purity race wars is for dummies UM.

The invasion we are getting are tax dodgers. Who do not want to pay Uncle Sam's taxes and head to Puerto Rico to hide from the IRS. Lol.

Naomi Klein spoke about the clash of the capitalist tax dodgers vs the clash of the Puerto Ricans who want to have more food sovereignty and better living conditions.

This Race Threat shit theories? I never think that way.

ingliz wrote:After testing 39 of the Fuhrer's relatives,

Hitler's Jewish blood ...

A chromosome called Haplogroup E1b1b (Y-DNA) in their samples is rare in Germany and indeed Western Europe. It is most commonly found in the Berbers of Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia, as well as among Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews.

Haplogroup E1b1b1, which accounts for approximately 18 to 20 per cent of Ashkenazi and 8.6 per cent to 30 per cent of Sephardic Y-chromosomes, appears to be one of the major founding lineages of the Jewish population.

— Allan Hall quoting historian Marc Vermeeren, DNA tests reveal 'Hitler was descended from the Jews and Africans he hated', Daily Mail, Aug. 24, 2010

Part Jewish?

Part Arab?

Take your pick.

Pure White?

I think not.

Of which you seem to have neither.

A disciplined inquiry must respect generally shared norms regarding academic credibility.


Lol. I just think it's hilarious that jews think it is some clever strategy to claim Hitler. I suppose they are hoping this would made think awkward for national socialists (they are wrong)...but just imagine how awkward it ought to make things for jews! I suppose Israel cannot possibly be safe for jews...too many jews there! We really need a lot less jews in israel or else jews will not survive!

Perhaps there are jews who worry thst if they could have been defeated by a mere Aryan then jews cannot be the master race after all?

Maybe it is revenge for hs chamberlain claiming Jesus was an aryan? Lol.

Either way, jews ought to know that a national socialist in the modern era is very used to seeing through who are they expecting to fool with all their weird made up stuff about Hitler?

Or do jews think that a natsoc is forced to reject anything that a jew came up with? I happen to think there is some truth to relativity, fyi. On thr other hand Einstein was unable to accept quantum physics because an evil nazi came up with it, lol.

Jews seem to project many of their own attitudes upon national socialism...which makes many of their horror stories about the holocaust rather disturbing...
ingliz wrote:After testing 39 of the Fuhrer's relatives,

Hitler's Jewish blood ...

A chromosome called Haplogroup E1b1b (Y-DNA) in their samples is rare in Germany and indeed Western Europe. It is most commonly found in the Berbers of Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia, as well as among Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews.

Haplogroup E1b1b1, which accounts for approximately 18 to 20 per cent of Ashkenazi and 8.6 per cent to 30 per cent of Sephardic Y-chromosomes, appears to be one of the major founding lineages of the Jewish population.

— Allan Hall quoting historian Marc Vermeeren, DNA tests reveal 'Hitler was descended from the Jews and Africans he hated', Daily Mail, Aug. 24, 2010

Part Jewish?

Part Arab?

Take your pick.

Pure White?

I think not.

Of which you seem to have neither.

A disciplined inquiry must respect generally shared norms regarding academic credibility.


How about Hitler having only one testicle? What happened to half his ball count? Defective. A lot obsession over being perfect and the Fuhrer was fra from perfect. One ball only.

Lol. Goes to show that only having half your parts does not mean you are worthless. Compassion. :lol:
After WW2, the Right in Europe was suppressed. It didn't go away, they were silenced. Partly because they were locked out of polite society, they developed their own 'history' based on fairy tales.

That's the history behind Five of Swords crazy talk.

Most of what he says is simply wrong, but it is cute the way he says ndsap to avoid making it clear he's a Nazi.

One minor detail, Hitler was an opportunist. While he was willing to say pretty much anything, his core beliefs were not socialist. Socialism, in Western Europe, meant sharing power, Hitler didn't like sharing...

One more minor detail, the Nuremburg trials are fascinating. It's more complicated than this, but the idea of international law hadn't been developed much. That means the lawyers at Nuremburg were basically making law as they went. Which is not the way things are supposed to work. I see it as a small step towards international law. As you know, that project has a long ways to go.

It's also funny, as in that's peculiar. I was a teen in the 1960s. We were still working our way through war propaganda at that time. The propaganda was that Germans were ok, Hitler led them astray.

While there is some truth to that, what I saw in Europe tells a different story. I saw guys throwing the Nazi salute, Germans being racist. On the day Hitler was born, the mayor in that town gave a speech. It is one of the most vile anti-Semitic things I have ever seen.

Not saying that's what they are now. They worked hard to change. But we're still human, and every society is going to have some batsh*t crazies living among them.
Tainari88 wrote:How about Hitler having only one testicle?

Analysis of medical notes confirms that the Nazi leader suffered from cryptorchidism or an undescended right testicle, putting the kibosh to a long-held theory that the Austrian lost a testicle after suffering shrapnel wounds in the Battle of the Somme in World War One.

The notes are from a doctor's examination performed in Landsberg prison in 1923 after he was arrested following his failed attempt to take power in the Munich beer hall putsch.

ingliz wrote:Analysis of medical notes confirms that the Nazi leader suffered from cryptorchidism or an undescended right testicle, putting the kibosh to a long-held theory that the Austrian lost a testicle after suffering shrapnel wounds in the Battle of the Somme in World War One.

The notes are from a doctor's examination performed in Landsberg prison in 1923 after he was arrested following his failed attempt to take power in the Munich beer hall putsch.


He lost a ball.

Does @FiveofSwords want to do a ritual and cry some more over the leader's testicle loss?


I am going for breakfast.

You have these white Genocide bullshit theories well in hand Ingliz. Time for breakfast. Another beautiful morning here to appreciate. :)
late wrote:After WW2, the Right in Europe was suppressed. It didn't go away, they were silenced. Partly because they were locked out of polite society, they developed their own 'history' based on fairy tales.

That's the history behind Five of Swords crazy talk.

Most of what he says is simply wrong, but it is cute the way he says ndsap to avoid making it clear he's a Nazi.

One minor detail, Hitler was an opportunist. While he was willing to say pretty much anything, his core beliefs were not socialist. Socialism, in Western Europe, meant sharing power, Hitler didn't like sharing...

One more minor detail, the Nuremburg trials are fascinating. It's more complicated than this, but the idea of international law hadn't been developed much. That means the lawyers at Nuremburg were basically making law as they went. Which is not the way things are supposed to work. I see it as a small step towards international law. As you know, that project has a long ways to go.

It's also funny, as in that's peculiar. I was a teen in the 1960s. We were still working our way through war propaganda at that time. The propaganda was that Germans were ok, Hitler led them astray.

While there is some truth to that, what I saw in Europe tells a different story. I saw guys throwing the Nazi salute, Germans being racist. On the day Hitler was born, the mayor in that town gave a speech. It is one of the most vile anti-Semitic things I have ever seen.

Not saying that's what they are now. They worked hard to change. But we're still human, and every society is going to have some batsh*t crazies living among them.

Are you one of the unruly liberals who do not unite with his batshit theories? You race betrayer YOU!!

How could you stab your own race in the back over politics?

Oh Late, are you scared that the White Race is dying out? And you need to save it from extinction....while you still can? By being a Nazi? Tell us your story¡ We are all ears.

I just need to get a cup of coffee. first.

late wrote:Make it a double.

I made plenty of coffee. Blasón brand from Oaxaca. It is delicious.

I wonder about 2024 I think it is all going to be a very weird election year indeed.

I will vote in the US election. Whoever FiveofSwords hates I might consider voting for. Lol. Just to cancel his vote.

But, if he does not vote at all? I still will vote. And it sure is not going to be a Nazi. They rarely get enough signatures to show up on a state ballot. So they are doomed to roaming political boards full of people who do not really give a shit about Nazis in the USA who fail to get minimal votes.

A bunch of permanent losers.
Tainari88 wrote:
I made plenty of coffee. Blasón brand from Oaxaca. It is delicious.

I wonder about 2024 I think it is all going to be a very weird election year indeed.

I will vote in the US election. Whoever FiveofSwords hates I might consider voting for. Lol. Just to cancel his vote.

But, if he does not vote at all? I still will vote. And it sure is not going to be a Nazi. They rarely get enough signatures to show up on a state ballot. So they are doomed to roaming political boards full of people who do not really give a shit about Nazis in the USA who fail to get minimal votes.

A bunch of permanent losers.

3rd party candidates never win. If you don't want Trump, there is only one choice.
late wrote:3rd party candidates never win. If you don't want Trump, there is only one choice.

My husband thinks that is the only choice. I do not agree Late.


Again, the two party gridlock has happened in other countries Late. The third party does break through. It takes a lot of work. But it can happen. People are frustrated with the choices.

If the Biden viejo would have passed that tax credit package that lifted most American children out of poverty and got it done? I would have considered voting for him. He failed due to his own party assholes like Sinema and Manchin.

The Democrat party has horrible people in there. Total sellouts.

I am not liking them at all.

I am much happier with my Puerto Rican Independence Party people. They just need to unite into one party. The MVC and the PIP. The PPD has to become more radical too. Once that happens? Then the move towards the left is nonstop. So I am pleased there.

I like the party running things in Mexico. The Mexicans like them too. A high approval rating. Way higher than Biden. And they ran a good six year goal oriented campaign and did a lot of great things for everyone during the pandemic. I had them come and give me free vaccinations. I got water and light bills zeroed out by them to help me financially. They had health care workers coming by to check on me. They sent food baskets. They were super nice with tourism people, and free cultural tickets to theaters, plays, movies, and shows.

They run around doing wonderful things here. They are going to pay my husband a pension for being over age 65 next year. He is not Mexican. But being older and a legal resident seeking Mexican citizenship they pay it anyway. Very inclusive. Free health care. Cheap dental care of high quality.

Everything is great.

Many US citizens think they are stuck with that shitty system forever and have to drop dead working unless they have a lot of retirement income and a paid for mortgage. They do not have to do that. But being a American English only mentality and not seeing other possibilities when the world is full of possibilities is what the problem is.

Too many people think that all problems are hard to fix. Most have a solution. if you work on it enough.

The world moves on with or without the USA leading it. They need to be a lot better at peace and prosperity for all and give up on warmongering and interfering and wanting to use 25% of the world's resources when they represent only about 5% of the world's population. And have the highest incarceration of its citizens rate in the entire planet. Something is not working there. Stop blaming everyone else and work on their own issues.

And keep out of wars.

A 1943 report by the U.S. Office of Strategic Services, the precursor to the CIA, concluded Hitler was an "impotent coprophile," who enjoyed being urinated and defecated on during sexual activity.

There is a separate psychoanalytical report for the OSS published the same year, which also dealt with Hitler's alleged coprophilia.

ingliz wrote:@Tainari88

A 1943 report by the U.S. Office of Strategic Services, the precursor to the CIA, concluded Hitler was an "impotent coprophile," who enjoyed being urinated and defecated on during sexual activity.

Psychologist Henry Murray wrote a separate psychoanalytical report for the OSS in 1943, which also dealt with Hitler's alleged coprophilia.


Look at all these reports. I heard about him sleeping past noon and forcing the SS and the top brass in the German military to lose advantages because he had to snore away. Who knows how many battles they could have won if they had some guy who was accepted into art school and did not envy the people who were better artists than he was. He had an abusive father for sure. He was all fucked up psychologically.

That people went for his agenda lets you know how sick you have to be to believe in race wars and bullshit.

Weaklings. Dummies. Incompetents. They should realize you want to solve problems with poverty in the white community in the USA? Then work together with every other American that is not white and do it as a big block. Hold these lying politicians accountable or get someone decent who will solve your issues. No need to get into fantasies of being Genocided by unknown Brown hordes and wanting to justify shooting old Black people shopping in low-income neighborhoods. Like cowards and mental cases. :roll:
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