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By BlutoSays
late wrote:Same.

I'd ask you to be less pathetic, but that's a non-starter.

Was that a shot?

I can't tell.

By late
BlutoSays wrote:
Paul Krugman says perceived Alien Invasion would fix Economy - August 2011

What Krugman was saying was that government spending that increased employment would get the economy moving. Which is true.

This is all way above your pay grade.
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By BlutoSays
late wrote:What Krugman was saying was that government spending that increased employment would get the economy moving. Which is true.

This is all way above your pay grade.

What Krugman is saying is he doesn't give a wet crap about what follows that government debt in the future; inflation, devaluing of the dollar and the mis-allocation of resources that Uncle Sham is SOFAKING good at.

He only cares about the political ramifications of the next several months. IOW, he's a firm believer in the idiocy of helicopter money. Anything for votes. If the next generation gets saddled with the payback, too bad.

And what you're telling us is you agree with that point of view.
By late
BlutoSays wrote:
What Krugman is saying is he doesn't give a wet crap about what follows that government debt in the future; inflation, devaluing of the dollar and the mis-allocation of resources that Uncle Sham is SOFAKING good at.

He only cares about the political ramifications of the next several months. IOW, he's a firm believer in the idiocy of helicopter money. Anything for votes. If the next generation gets saddled with the payback, too bad.

What you are saying is that you don't know what macroeconomics is. Not exactly surprising..

All you know how to do is sleazy politics.
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By Negotiator
Well, in the past I've read Paul Krugman's blog for years. But then Trump got into power. Ever since his commentary turned completely useless. Krugman really should have stayed with his horses and comment on economics, not on politics. He's not good at all at the later.

About the economic state of Russia, currently the ruble only goes higher and higher up in value, and is like 40% higher than it was before the war. Its really quite frightening to watch. This means its probably over its actual value, which could have quite negative consequences if it persists (usually you want your currency to be slightly weaker than your economy, encouraging economic growth; thats how China did it for years and helped its growth).
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By QatzelOk
late wrote:We are way ahead.

Dodge Rams and the genocide of 150 nations (in North America) are "way ahead?"

Does Russia need to kill off as many nations as the USA, UK and France have in order to "catch up?"

And then do they need to rip up all their tram systems and switch to F-150s?

The Romans probably thought they were "way ahead" because no one else was sacrificing nearly as many Christians to lions.
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By Beren
QatzelOk wrote:The Romans probably thought they were "way ahead" because no one else was sacrificing nearly as many Christians to lions.

I'm sure they couldn't find any other reason for considering themselves superior to others. :lol:

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By QatzelOk
Beren wrote:I'm sure they couldn't find any other reason for considering themselves superior to others. :lol:

Well, they were certainly stronger than all the countries they destroyed.

And in the end, they destroyed Europe as well, by making its traditional nature-worshipping faiths illegal.

This lead to mass-murdering racist Europe eventually.

There's nothing that a Christ-worshipping European Roman hates than someone who still worships nature and wants to preserve it for future generations.

This, you can thank Rome for.
wat0n wrote:I disagree. GDP per capita correlates well with several quality of life/living standards measures... It's not bad at all. Imperfect, yes, but not bad.

GDP and GDP per capita do not show how wealth is distributed. So it's only useful in showing how productive an overall economy is.
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By Mike12
QatzelOk wrote:Well, they were certainly stronger than all the countries they destroyed.

And in the end, they destroyed Europe as well, by making its traditional nature-worshipping faiths illegal.

This lead to mass-murdering racist Europe eventually.

There's nothing that a Christ-worshipping European Roman hates than someone who still worships nature and wants to preserve it for future generations.

This, you can thank Rome for.

The Roman Citizenship universalized from Rome. Perhaps that is inspiring to some. A Citizenship for a single city expanded to other cities, italy, then the world. It was the ancient world prize. Something to earn, entreaty to legal proceeding, respect.

The only Christian Descendants that are Roman are the Roman Language descendants today, thats pure acedemics, the SPanish, the French, The Italians. Germanic languages the Germans, the English, Scandinavians. The Slavic descendants, Bulgaria, Russia, Poland, Albania, Serbia. If you're annoyed by Roman Latin I'd also leave.

The Countries within are not destroyed, by the simple fact that the leadership is all purely Italian governors. Italians governed Greece, Israel, France. The inhabitants had to later fend off barbarian invasion kingdoms too. This is a central orthodox point, the Roman institution fell down to the barbarians in the West and this christian institute is now infected with the barbarians Germanic. Orthodox cannot be in union with the false-Romans, the Barbarians. The Apostles of disdain for the universal "Eternal City" it is now called, entered into Greece, Anatolia, Bulgaria, Judea was not Rome.
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By Mike12
Unthinking Majority wrote:But bagged burgers are the best kind.

But one more thing first. And black people LOST at greco-Roman Wrestling in the OLD days. I'm talking about the OLD DAYS. They lost so bad at Greco-Roman they are sore. They never could, never would, Greco-Roman like I greco-roman because they will lose everytime they touch bodies with me. Because they know I invented the Greco-Roman, which is what they are scared of touching my body because I win.
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By Mike12
I want to play as Puritans in Massachussetts
What up haters ain't sure if I spelled that state's name right. P. much all I got to say is I've been reading books about Salem witches written by feminazis and I want to play EUVI but play as those historical f--kers. What DLC do I need to play as the puritans in America.

And may as well ask if there any better games set in that area

Puritans ----- Hyper Religious protestants.
Be England, colonise, convert to protestantism, play as 13 colonies.

Fwiw, it's spelled Massachusetts.
I would say the closest match to the Puritan religion in EU4 is actually Reformed rather than Protestant, they just wanted to reform the Church of England rather than the Catholic Church.

The best way to go about this is probably to use the El Dorado DLC to create a custom nation based in Massachusetts. That way you can tailor all the national ideas and traditions to emphasize religious fundamentalism. You have to start later in the timeline if you want a custom nation with the Reformed religion, but the 1618 starting point works and is very close to when the real first Puritan colony was established. The one big downside to using a custom nation is you won't be a colony of England like they were in the real world, and they won't even accept you as a vassal due to you having a different religion. On the plus side, you'll have more stuff to do as an independent nation.

The other option is what Anaverageguy41 described. Start as England, convert to Reformed when the option is available (which isn't what really happened, but necessary for this scenario), and colonize. The first problem with that (besides the hours and hours you'll have to play England before you get to the part you care about) is that standard European colonies have ideas and traditions that reflect commercial motivations rather than religious ones. The Puritans were a different variety of colonist from the Virginians, Newfoundlanders and Caribbean colonies. The other problem is that you need to colonize 5 or 6 provinces before you can release and play the colony as its own separate entity, and even including western Mass, there's only 3 provinces in Massachusetts. One thing you could do is continue to colonize Rhode Island and a bit of New Hampshire until the colonial nation status triggers, then some time later when you have enough diplomacy tech release them as client states of Massachusetts. That's kind of what they are in real life anyway (shots fired!).

Using either method though, I don't know how much of a game experience you're going to get. There aren't many interesting religious events, especially if you're nowhere near the mess in Europe. You could run around trying to convert the natives, but they're not very challenging to steamroll, especially with a 1618 start. Nobody is going to have much interest in diplomacy with you on either side of the Atlantic. Finally, most expansion in North America is done through colonization rather than conquest, which is mostly just watching timers tick down. It's not really the sort of concept that this game excels at.

By wat0n
Unthinking Majority wrote:GDP and GDP per capita do not show how wealth is distributed. So it's only useful in showing how productive an overall economy is.

...Which correlates pretty well with several measures of material well being.
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By Beren
QatzelOk wrote:This, you can thank Rome for.

You can thank Rome for your whole lifestyle actually, but I'm sure you'd live in a pre-Roman Celtic village rather than today's Montreal as if Romanisation has never happened. :roll:
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By QatzelOk
Beren wrote:You can thank Rome for your whole lifestyle actually...

A big part of the French Canadian lifestyle is the First Nations influence.

Though it was repressed, genocided, smeared by religion and media, and legislated out of existence, the First Nations "argument" bears testimomy to a natural way of living that isn't destructive to the entire world.

By forcing Europe to Christianize, Rome destroyed Europeans ability to be natural human beings. They stopped worshipping nature, the sun, the future generations, their grandparents, etc.... and begain worshipping an abstract patriarch, who told them (through texts that human wrote) that they should obey propaganda and live mechanically-ordained lives in order to live forever in paradise surrounded by lush oasis plants and finely sculpted public art and fountains.

Europe was left with a hatred for nature, and depleted environments and hollow souls. This is why they killed so many other peoples, rather than taking care of Europes natural features.

North Americans - an extension of the worst impulses of European Christianized drones - is destroying its environment (and its human population's sanity) at a much faster rate.

What's remarkable about Europe - beyond the public art and sculpted fountains - is the small number of species of wild flowers, trees, birds, animals, etc. that weren't driven to extinction by ideologically-controlled text-slaves.
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By Beren

A big part of the French Canadian lifestyle is the First Nations influence.

You live a typical Western urbanised (a.k.a. Roman) lifestyle anyway, albeit as a French Canadian hipster, so you can feel better about it and yourself.
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By QatzelOk
Beren wrote:You live a typical Western urbanised (a.k.a. Roman) lifestyle anyway, albeit as a French Canadian hipster, so you can feel better about it and yourself.

That's just it. We are Romanized, but were also First Nation-ized.

This allows a different perspective than the cupboards-dwelling rats of European cities, who have only Rome in their heads.

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