Greta’s very corporate children’s crusade - Page 34 - Politics | PoFo

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I think it needs pointing out that focusing on a child's accent is a dumbassed rightiwng dodge to avoid speaking about why there is literally no reason we should switch from fossil fuels to clean energy. And the only people who think (((clean energy))) is a (((globalist))) plot and demanding receipts to prove that this is an ideologically pure movement with no profit motives are a moderator who has a history of posting in the transbrashing Gorkiy thread and the world's second saddest Nazi, after said moderator.

Maybe they are the problem, and maybe they are the ones who make stupid arguments to muddy the waters.

But by all means. Let's listen to Mazi, a man who consumes racist memes all day and has never argued in good faith. Let's all pretend Mazi has some Very Serious questions about a child's accent as it pertains to her role as a climate change crisis actor, as if we were a guest on the Alex Jones show.
This thread and the premise for it are fucking stupid and everyone involved, including myself, should feel bad for pushing it to 34 pages. The only appropriate response to the OP is, "STFU retard."

Like as far as I can tell Kaiser hates a child because, through incident of wanting to foster sources of cleaner energy, they will benefit the sinister (((solar cell))) lobby.

Oh no. We can never let the (((Jew))) profit from the sun, or the wind, or the tide. Best to stick with fossil fuels, the traditional source of energy of the proud Yakubian.
Ok so we here we have a disturbed girl / very young women with various developmental and emotional difficulties. In particular she has some level of autism, which makes developing healthy relationships difficult for her.

So leftist say the kindest and most therapeutic path for her is be manipulated to become an icon of the world Green movement, to be thrust to the very centre of the world's political, ideological and cultural conflicts. That here with so many powerful corporate, ideological and extremely ambitious people wanting to befriend her and use her, this will actually give her the opportunity to find the peace in leftie that so sadly eluded her when she was private individual.
Rich wrote:Ok so we here we have a disturbed girl / very young women with various developmental and emotional difficulties. In particular she has some level of autism, which makes developing healthy relationships difficult for her.

I still do not understand how the alleged mental state of a presenter affects the argument conveyed.

I also do not understand what this personal attack aims to achieve.
SpecialOlympian wrote:I think it needs pointing out that focusing on a child's accent is a dumbassed rightiwng dodge to avoid speaking about why there is literally no reason we should switch from fossil fuels to clean energy.

For the record, I am not arguing against clean energy. Why doesn't Greta propose that China, India, Saudia Arabia and African nations adopt clean energy first as an experiment to see how it works out?

Prosthetic Conscience wrote:I think it needs pointing out that Thunberg does not speak with any British accent. Maybe you just don't know anyone British.

What the hell kind of accent is it then? Because she does not appear to be speaking English with a Swedish accent.

Prosthetic Conscience wrote:Of all the red herrings that people try to divert attention from serious discussion of climate change, this seems the most ridiculous yet.

The discussion of climate change is not serious to begin with. Greta's arguments are that we have believe the prediction of scientists working for various institutions with very little accountability, some of whom have been wrong for decades, and for Western nations to scale back their way of life and allow China, India and nations in Africa pollute the environment as much as they want to "catch up."
maz wrote:China, India, Saudia Arabia and African nations

If we look at the per capita numbers for greenhouse gases, they probably are using a much higher amount of clean energy than North America.

Greta's arguments are that we have [to] believe the prediction of scientists working for various institutions with very little accountability, some of whom have been wrong for decades,

Provide evidence that scientists have been made wrong predictions.

You can run around living in denial. But once 75% of the species is decimated, you can be confident that eventually, 75% of humanity will go with it.

Stop denying the obvious and start doing what is necessary to turn it around as much as possible. It might even be too late.

My eight-year-old son wanted to know what happened to the big blue whales. I had to tell him the truth. For they went extinct for crap needs that humans invented soap, and lamp oil and some cheap fuel in the 19th century.
Tainari88 wrote:My eight-year-old son wanted to know what happened to the big blue whales. I had to tell him the truth. For they went extinct for crap needs that humans invented soap, and lamp oil and some cheap fuel in the 19th century.

They aren't extinct. Scientists are tracking 55 of them in the South Atlantic where they were nearly hunted to extinction. They seem to be making a comeback.
blackjack21 wrote:They aren't extinct. Scientists are tracking 55 of them in the South Atlantic where they were nearly hunted to extinction. They seem to be making a comeback.

Those are huge creatures like the elephants. If the habitats are not adequately healthy for such enormous creatures their extinction is going to be certain. Turn them around. The Mexicans are getting aggressive with the pollution reduction. Most places I go to in Merida now refuse to give you plastic bags, no straws, no covers for soda pop. They force you to separate cardboard, glass, newspaper, and aluminium, and they do beach cleaning campaigns. Littering is extremely punished in Progreso the port. They got tough.

I think things are changing. Is it enough? I don't think so.

Too much damage @blackjack21

@SpecialOlympian as long as the liberals are dead first the planet can go to hell according to these far-right folk. It is incredibly hard to understand.

My little son does school conservation projects all the time. He loves studying turtles and ant colonies. The Yucatan is a paradise for bird watching, fishing and studying spiders, insects, and iguanas. Lol. He can be all day observing carpenter ants, fire ants, competing for ant wars...etc. His father bought him an ant farm for Christmas and he tried observing them and he likes picking leaves and putting them under a microscope.

He doesn't like soccer. He loves baseball, swimming, and martial arts. Such a masculine little boy and has almost nothing of soft ways about him except his exceptionally loving heart of his. I could not be prouder of him in all the world.

Greta is fighting for her generation's future. That includes my boy.
Sorry Tainari. Greta is a shill for big windmill. I will hate this child with all of my being and also I am going to burn a bunch of plastic and huff the fumes for no reason to spite you.

It's unfortunate that your child will have to live in a world where it's 90 degrees in winter but it's a small price to pay to own the libs.
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