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By QatzelOk
do you think we should abolish "the occupation"

Danholo, if you aren't a pot smoker, what are you doing in this thread?

I was only talking about Palestine to remind everyone that legal pot can be very dangerous for people who live among reptiles. If your life is always in danger, you can't enjoy the fruits of the earth.
By Wolfman
There is no worse way to end a thread, then to have Qatzel decide to post.
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By QatzelOk
I use pot in a medicinal way, Wolfman.

I am the Na'vi demographic you are trying to "save" in this stoner-Avatar project of yours.
By Wolfman
Yah, but every thread you enter is almost instantly destroyed of any possible value it might have had.
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By QatzelOk
To QatzelOk, Wolfman wrote:every thread you enter is almost instantly destroyed of any possible value it might have had.

Of any possible entertainment value it would have had to you?

Of any possible educational value it would have had to you?

You wanted to write an email to a governor for him to legalize "medicinal marijuana," and I called you on it. This is a mini "Avatar" project of yours where pot-smokers are the Navi'i, and you are the white hero who THEY NEED (because they're so disorganized and irrational).
By Wolfman
Of any possible entertainment value it would have had to you?

Of any possible educational value it would have had to you?

Of any possible value it had at all.

You wanted to write an email to a governor for him to legalize "medicinal marijuana," and I called you on it. This is a mini "Avatar" project of yours where pot-smokers are the Navi'i, and you are the white hero who THEY NEED (because they're so disorganized and irrational).

Yah, um no. Troll elsewhere Qatz. Troll elsewhere.
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By danholo
Danholo, if you aren't a pot smoker, what are you doing in this thread?

Don't waste your time, Qatz. It doesn't seem reality ever motivated your opinions, and I don't think I'll start working on you now either.

I was only talking about Palestine to remind everyone that legal pot can be very dangerous for people who live among reptiles. If your life is always in danger, you can't enjoy the fruits of the earth.

I actually don't understand this at all. Who's with me?
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By QatzelOk
Non-pot-smoker danholo wrote:I actually don't understand this at all. Who's with me?

Let me try to translate for the non-pot-smoking community who are "contributing" to this thread.

Palestinians had their homeland invaded right after WW2, and have had violence imposed on them ever since. This is no environment to be getting high in. But I blame the invaders for destroying their ability to enjoy the fruits of the earth, rather than blaming the earth or the many plants that grow on it.

In order to unite with our (potential) Palestinian pot-smoking allies, the cause of their inability to enjoy life must first be dealt with. Once the Israeli Apartheid has been taken care of, marijuana (and post-war social development, because Israel was a type of war for these incarcerated innocents) can be slowly introduced along with the trappings of a normal, peaceful life among equals.
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By danholo
This is no environment to be getting high in.

danholo, who just had a rip of a bong (from hash that had some Arabic stamp on it) says to Qatz:

Shut up, you really don't know what you are talking about. I mean, seriously. Come on now. I really don't know how you have constructed the thought process in your brain but you just spent at least 5 minutes of your time writing a bunch of gibberish all the while thinking that "I don't smoke pot". How you labelled me is beyond anything polite or courteous and is a clear sign of a fundamental attribution error. I could consider you a bigoted idiot based on this, no? If I were in your position, I'd probably hit myself with this water bottle for being such a fool for not keeping my mouth shut. My teacher, a wackjob, hit his himself with a water bottle last lecture for not understanding an actually incoherent question from a less intelligent, but nice and really cool, student. I think he might be too hard on himself. I don't think I'll go that far though.

Secondly, the soil here is not ideal for growth of prime recreational cannabis plants like BC bud or infamous strains of Cali chronic. Israeli growers have been forced to resort to in door growing pretty much like in Finland where I come from.

marijuana (and post-war social development, because Israel was a type of war for these incarcerated innocents) can be slowly introduced along with the trappings of a normal, peaceful life among equals.

Somehow I think you are presenting this as an allegory to something but as I don't want to be guessing what you are talking about, I'll take it in the literal way. I don't think "Israeli Apartheid" is an issue here, but ridiculous drug laws that plague the entire globe. Marijuana has hardly been introduced legally to any parts of the world but remains "under ground" while it's accepted in virtually any country where its consumption is rampant, for example Israel. Finland, however, is much stricter and so is Sweden, whom have very inhumane drug policies and the bulk of the population equates it to heroine almost. Maybe you should take your translating campaign there? Their brainwashed minds will be hard to open, though, sorry. :( So, making this somehow into Israel's fault could be considered a bit "bigoted", or some form of scapegoating but I'll leave it at that. If Palestinians had it the way things are going for them now, something like marijuana would be highly illegal. In other words, what have you been smoking or are you just totally out of your mind? As far as I know, marijuana keeps me depressed but hasn't made me insane.

So, for being a "liason" to the pot smoking community with your arrogantly self-assigned position of "translator", I, as a pot smoker myself, have to say that you are a horrible liaison to our cause as you can't even spot a fellow pot smoker, and you even think theocracy proned societies, traditions and cultures, bent on purity and "family values" (Palestinian Muslim society in general, which is also the majority of Palestinians today) will somehow be introduced to the scene (I mean, it's not like they don't smoke their asses off with the hookahs they got after all. Hash is not something "foreign" to Arabs). It's very much here, Qatz, I'm sorry to say. I mean, do you think we live in some sort of vacuum? Or are you saying here that "post war social development" will be the only way to "introduce" marijuana to the Palestinians who are not smoking because of you thinking there is "apartheid" in place? I think they are smoking, but as it's not accepted in their society at least on the surface, it's not very visible. Or are you some sort of cultural imperialist?
By jaycola
First time I got caught with pot by a cop in Toronto was 25 years ago. My friends and I were smoking behing our school one night. It was dark and the cops pulled up with thier lights out. They turned thier lights on us and told us to stop ewhere we were. They searched us and found a few small baggies of pot. I would have been sixteen or seventeen at the time. They took our pot, tossed it into the field and told us to scram. That was it. They tossed it and they were gone.

I stopped smoking a while ago because of some health issues but firmly believe in legalization.
I think Ontario (Canada) should legalize it tomorrow. It would bring in millions (maybe billions) in revenues, increase tourism and sales of snack foods at all night convenience stores would skyrocket.
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By QatzelOk
I wrote:I was only talking about Palestine to remind everyone that legal pot can be very dangerous for people who live among reptiles. If your life is always in danger, you can't enjoy the fruits of the earth.

This is the post that danholo said he couldn't understand.

Now, I thought this was true because he had never gotten high. But I was obviously wrong.

The reason danholo didn't understand is because he has been trained to NOT empathize with Palestinians. How in the world are they supposed to enjoy a little pot once in a while when they are wasting away in concentration camps and are shot at by the young bucks of the IDF all the time? Answer, they can't. Their lives are enough of a bad trip as it is.

The drugs that are done in Gaza and the West Bank must be ways of forgetting the hell that the invading european Arab-haters created for them behind closed doors back in Europe.

Danholo, would you like to unite with Palestinian pot smokers?
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By danholo
Danholo, would you like to unite with Palestinian pot smokers?

If there are liberal movements within Palestinian society, for example one that advocates at least decriminalization of marijuana, I'd be happy to show my support. However, something like "pot" does not account as a sufficient reason to unite with anybody, as it would be a completely superficial affair.

Their lives are enough of a bad trip as it is.

Yeah, their lives are so fucking horrible. They have never experienced happiness, joy or anything pleasant like enjoying new comers to the family, celebrating the end of the harvest season, or anything like that. Of course, never. Life is so horrible for them, it's unbearable! They live under a constant scope of Israeli soldiers. Every one of them. All the time.

The reason danholo didn't understand is because he has been trained to NOT empathize with Palestinians.

Again, fundamental attribution error. If you did not notice, everything you say is based on what you think about others. I don't know if "libel" is in your vocabulary but you do it constantly. Twice on this thread. Initially by thinking I'm not a pot smoker and then subsequently retracting your attributions and creating new one's out of scratch; by only following the models you have created in your head. You really give me a headache.

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