An interesting story - Politics | PoFo

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The Second World War (1939-1945).
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By Ignominious
It is a little known piece of history that during WW2 Germany attacked Newfoundland Canada (Then a british Colony) with U-Boats.

I was on a small Island in "Conception Bay" Newfoundland. It was one of the richest Iron deposits in the World. Mine shafts that go a mile down and 2 miles out under the water.

Before the second world war, Iron was sold from that Island to Nazi Germany. But later, the Iron (obviously) only went to the free french, and the British, so there were usually huge iron freighters out on the bay, waiting to go in an escorted convoy.

But on two seperate ocasions, a German U-Boat attacked the Iron ships, sinking 2 each time. One of the Torpedos missed and hit the island. It shook the Island so much that they thought that the Germans had come and were invading. Women and children went to hide and the men we ready to fight.

They had big anti-submarine guns on the cliffs. You can still see them, they fired them but they didnt hit anything.

Then another time, they fired a torpedo into the Harbor at St. John's. The Americans had military there, and you can see their bunkers on the cliffs there. The torpedo didnt sink anything, it just hit the bottom and exploded.

I just thought these were interesting stories...
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By Adrien
It's anecdotes that make history! :)
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By KurtFF8
that is intresting,its also interestering that nazis were very close to conducting major sabatouge (i know thats not spelled right lol im a bad speller) operations in the US but were turned in by one of the sabatours
By Steve
While we're on German spy stories and conspiracies...

There's a park/camp somewhere southwest of where I live which supposedly was a German spy outpost. The proprietors of this establishment have shown us this tunnel, which is maybe 10m long, going up a cliff on the Niagara Escarpment which was apparently used by the Germans in one of the wars (forgot which one :O ) to spy on us.

I doubt this, mainly because there is nothing of any strategic importance where I live. Especially on the Niagara Escarpment in the middle of a forest.

Very odd, but interesting.
By Ignominious
Another interesting story is that the British kept German POW's in Canada, near the great lakes. There are stories that some of the escaped, and got into a submarine that came up the St. Lawrence River into the Great lakes. They say that they carried around a dummy for days in a german uniform, so the guards just thought they were carrying around a guy that was hurt, so they would count the guys iin rolecall.

Another thing is Japanese Parachute bombs drifted all the way into the Canadian rockies, and the Japanese shelled an Island near Vancouver Island.

There is alot of history that just keeps turning up.
By CasX
Did you know in WWII there were Japanese submarine attacks in Sydney harbour? Darwin was bombed as well.

Near where I live there was a Japanese POW camp. On February 25, 1943, they was a wierd sort of stand-off between the guards and the prisoners. It ended up in a riot in which 48 Japanese were killed and one guard. The extra-wierd thing was that near the coast from where the camp was, a Japanese submarine had been sighted a few days earlier. They believe the prisoners may have been in contact with the sub, but who knows.

The problem with many of the Japanese prisoners of WWII was that being taken prisoner in the war instead of being killed was very dishonourable, so many were pretty suicidal and also didn't want to go back to Japan.
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By Mr. Smith
During WWII Nazis landed on Long Island. Jones Beach a very large state beach facing the Atlantic. About 10 of them they planted booby traps and then dispersed. They where later aprehended however.

At Jones Beach there is a still a huge watch tower you can see from most of the beach that was built in WWII to look out for incoming German fighters.

Here is the tower, it's now a loop in the highway to the beach and other beaches.

By B. H.
I have read that the Japanese shelled or dropped parachute bombs on forests up in Oregon as well as put bombs on parachutes in Texas.
By Rusty
About the interesting stories, I've got two. As I am a Chinese living in H.K. , so these two stories happened in Hong Kong.

The first one is, when the British built up the Gin Drinker Line (or Inner Line), for some reason, they built up so many sign to guild the army where the defence position located. However those signs are also became the guild of Japanese. It was one of the reasons why Japanese can hit the line and broke it down so fast.

I cannot remember the other one well, so may be a little bit wrong. On the Mount Davis in Hong Kong Island, there are a huge battery set up on the mount. There was a hit in the plotting room located on the top of that mount. The bomb is a dud, and in the plotting room, there were about 60 wounded solider lying there where the accident happen. The strange thing is, the dud bomb was made in British. It was used by Japanese to fighting against British. But this bomb didn't kill the British. It may love its country~
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