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By Comrade Nicolae Ceausescu
I didn't think Nazi's were tolerated
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By Truth-a-naut
Oh I know they were close to it, but Hitler wanted it to be used for industry rather then a weapon.
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By Khenlein
Comrade Ceausescu wrote:I didn't think Nazi's were tolerated

Nazis were Fascist,
While Fascists aren't by definition Nazis.

As for being tolerated, I'd have to argue with that, in light of all the Stalin induced orgasms that go on around here.

Also, your Sig is 11 pixels high :)
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By Comrade Nicolae Ceausescu
Nazis were Fascist,
While Fascists aren't by definition Nazis.

I know. It just seemed that you were making comments that were very sympathetic to Hitler.

As for being tolerated, I'd have to argue with that, in light of all the Stalin induced orgasms that go on around here.

Stalin and Hitler are about as similar as Bush and Lenin.
Also, your Sig is 11 pixels high

Boo hoo.A mod Pm'd me about it,I told them I had no way of changing it because I wasn't hosting it.I asked them to host and changed it and nothing happend.
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By Khenlein
I know. It just seemed that you were making comments that were very sympathetic to Hitler.

By characterizing as Human? Well, gues what, he wasn't some spirit that was spewed by some Volcano in Hawaii. He was a remarkable men that lead an extradordinary life.

Stalin and Hitler are about as similar as Bush and Lenin.

The objections to posting anything favorable to Der Fuhrer is based upon the massive amounds of lives that were lost as a result of the War, are you saying Stalin is different?

Boo hoo

It was a joke,
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By Comrade Nicolae Ceausescu
By characterizing as Human? Well, gues what, he wasn't some spirit that was spewed by some Volcano in Hawaii. He was a remarkable men that lead an extradordinary life.

I hope by extrodinary you do not mean good.

The objections to posting anything favorable to Der Fuhrer is based upon the massive amounds of lives that were lost as a result of the War, are you saying Stalin is different?

The objections are to the millions of lives Hitler took thorugh concentration camps.I do not blame Stalin for the lives lost in the war-war is war.Its not his fault.
It was a joke,

I know.I was just making sure everyone knew what the situation was.
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By Adrien
Well we cannot say that Hitler lived a very colorful life (hey, he was a Nazi after all, and with those uniforms they just can't be real party guys). The certainly most known fact about this is the story of Hitler's breakfast, which was always the same, i can be wrong in the details, but it was something like: a glass of milk, one biscuit and two quarters of apple.

Yeaaaaaaah, so crazy.
By Jesse
Stop trashing the uniforms! :lol:

The lives lost during the war? No, that is not Stalin's fault. The amount of lives lost? Due to his paranoia, ineptitude and general incompetence, many more than necessary were lost in repelling the invaders; that is definately his fault.
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By Comrade Nicolae Ceausescu
The lives lost during the war? No, that is not Stalin's fault. The amount of lives lost? Due to his paranoia, ineptitude and general incompetence, many more than necessary were lost in repelling the invaders; that is definately his fault.

Funny how you believe everything the west says about Stalin(lies), and dismiss what they say about Hitler(truth) as lies.
By Tovarish Spetsnaz
Due to his paranoia, ineptitude and general incompetence, many more than necessary were lost in repelling the invaders; that is definately his fault.

This of course...everone knows is true. It was written on stone on Mount Sinai and moses himself brought it back to earth...And God said Stalin is incompetent, inept and paranoid. For so God says...for so it shall be.

On second thought...I won't even bother to reply to this.
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By Maxim Litvinov
So I'm supposing the decision to build forward airfields with thousands of aircraft bombed *on the ground* on July 22, the refusal to initially countenance the fact that Hitler had invaded and thus to allow Russian troops to counter-attack, his trip back to Zubalovo and decision to resign because "we've fucked everything up", together with the purging of about 7% of the military in 1936-37, including many of the best tacticians was all lies too? Of course! The only reason the Soviet Union suffered any casualties at all was because of fascist wreckers! A fifth column!

Or perhaps all this happened, but Stalin was tied up in a Kremlin cellar, and it was really just some Stalin impersonator?
By Tovarish Spetsnaz
So I'm supposing the decision to build forward airfields with thousands of aircraft bombed *on the ground* on July 22, the refusal to initially countenance the fact that Hitler had invaded and thus to allow Russian troops to counter-attack, his trip back to Zubalovo and decision to resign because "we've fucked everything up", together with the purging of about 7% of the military in 1936-37, including many of the best tacticians was all lies too? Of course! The only reason the Soviet Union suffered any casualties at all was because of fascist wreckers! A fifth column!

Or perhaps all this happened, but Stalin was tied up in a Kremlin cellar, and it was really just some Stalin impersonator?

Well...unless you actually BOTHER to research any of what you just said. May I suggest reading Zhukov's memoirs...I think he has an insight into it ;)

Why was the decision to build foreward airfields bad?? It gives for quick reaction time. The problem was not what Stalin was doing...but the fact that he was doing it a bit too late...meaning the Soviet defenses on the border were nowhere near completed, most bunkers were not occupied and most aircraft were not in combat-ready condition on June 22.

Of course...60 years later...its pretty easy to say Stalin did it wrong. Being then...I'd say Stalin did the best thing that was possible given the situation.

Yes Stalin made mistakes...his main mistake being the timing...USSR wasn't ready on June 22...nothing more. But as I said...are you criticizing him becasue he couldn't see into the future??? Thats a pretty weak criticism...and I don't think it deservs any further comment.

Refusal to accept that Hitler had invaded??? Again...another lie which has no bases in reality. Why do you people insist on believing fary tales..when in fact if you read the accounts of people like Zhukov who were with Stalin during the whole thing...and say quite different things.

Stalin was informed about the German invasion on the night of June 21...when a German soldier defected to the Soviet side and warned them. Now...contrary to western propaganda BS...Stalin believed this man and took all steps necessary. For proof of that...you can just read Zhukov:

`But perhaps the German generals sent this deserter to provoke a conflict?', Stalin asked.

Timoshenko: `We think the deserter is telling the truth'.

Stalin: `What are we to do?'

Timoshenko: `A directive must immediately be given to alert all the troops of border Districts'.

After a brief discussion, the military men drew up a text, which was slightly modified by Stalin. Here is the essence:

`I order:

`a) During the night of 21.6.41 the firing posts in the fortified areas on the state border are to be secretly occupied;

`b) Before dawn on 22.6.41 all aircraft including army aviation are to be dispersed among the field aerodromes, and carefully camouflaged;

`c) All units are to be alerted. Forces are to be kept dispersed and camouflaged;'

Zhukov , pp. 232--233.

Zhukov rights that at 3:40AM German planes bombed Soviet cities and the war started. Stalin was imediately called and ordered an emergency meeting of the Politburo. They met at 4:30AM. Zhukov said at 7:15 directions were drawn out and send to commanders to start a counter-attack.

The nonsensical lies that Stalin orderd Soviet forces not to fire is wrong...Zhukov proves it. Although it took 4:35 minutes to order Soviet units into counter-attack...doesn't mean the opposite order was issued earlier.

And as for the time period...4 hours 35 minutes...may seem like a lot...but in real terms it was a rather quick response (not to mean that units on the frontier hadn't already started to open fire). Compare it to other surprise attacks...it took Israel 4 hours to order its forces on the Sinai to go on a counterattack against the Egyptians...and this was in 1973 on a much smaller scale. 4:35 minutes at the time...was actually a fast response.

Criticism of that are usually made by ignorant people who simply want to throw dirt on Stalin...and lackig any real facts...they make up their own.

Stalin ordered the units to get ready already by the morning of June 21...and by June 22 he imediately responded to it. The only problem was that the bunkers were not finished...the fortifications along the border not occupied and the aircraft were not air worthy. The army units had just arrived on the frontier and lacked ammunition and supplies. This was all a process in the building. As I said...the only thing that killed the Russians was the timing. They were not ready on June 22 1941. When the German attacked many Soviet units lterally had no ammunition or running tanks. Poor 1941 communication created chaos...their ammunition was on their way on trucks...when the trucks were caught by the Germans which had already overrun the unarmed units. Now again....60 years later its easy to say "Why wasn't Stalin ready on June 22??" Because he couldn't see into the future...and neither counld anyone else. Such arguments against Stalin are very childish.

All those LIES that he was demorilized and went into seclusion are absolute BS. Zhukov was there...and he can testify to it. Everyone else who was there with him says the same story...Molotov, Rokossovsky. Only idiots like Khruschiev who were half a world away writing out potato harvast reports say Stalin was demorilized and went into seclusion. But he wasn't even there...

Oh what a BIT of research can uncover...ehh??

As far as his "trip back to Zubalovo and decision to resign because "we've fucked everything up""...is yet another one of those old Khruschievite lies. People who were WITH HIM...people like Zhukov and Molotov...wrote in their memoirs about this time....and they DENY EVERYTHING Khruschiev said. Stalin did not go into seclusion...he certainly did not offer his resignation. Stalin was in his office 12 hours or more a day meeting with commanders in the first days of the war. It is only enough to look at his office log books...which BTW are in the Soviet Archives. The log books for his meetings show that he had meetings around the clock with commanders all throughout those first days. Never did he leave his post. His shortest working day was 8 hours...but that followed a working day of 20 hours. No...Khruschiev was LYING.

Why don't you read it from people who were THERE!!!

`Stalin himself was strong-willed and no coward. It was only once I saw him somewhat depressed. That was at the dawn of June 22, 1941, when his belief that the war could be avoided, was shattered.'

Zhukov says Stalin was somewhat depressed...and who wouldn't be in such a situation. But he says Stalin responded quickly and REJECTS all the lies of Khruschiev.

Zhukov was there...Khruschiev was not. Whose word do you take??

As for the purging of the Red Army...22,705 were relieved of their duty from the Red Army. At the same time...the Red Army officer corp GREW from 144,300 to 282,300.

Now that 22,705 number is a bit tricky. Its the total number of officers relieved of duty...and includes people relieved for old age, medical reasons, disciplinary reasons, retirement and so forth. Only about 9000 were removed for "political" reasons.

Well then again...they could have satyed in place...and acted as the French officers did towards the Nazis. But then again the USSR did not have fifth columnists like the Belgian and French Armies had. Gee I wonder why...


So you see my dear Litinov...5 minutes of research...and you wouldn't have made such wrong and childish comments.
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By Maxim Litvinov
Well - first Timoshenko and Zhukov were active in alerting Stalin to border tensions. People swam across the Bug to alert the Soviet forces. Much of the best intelligence alerting them of the plan to attack was ignored. Merkulov reported the final decision to attack and Stalin wrote back "Tell the 'source' in the Staff of the German Air Force to fuck his mother!"

Zhdanov - one of the military chiefs - was sent off on a month long holiday on the 19th.

Immediately before the attack there were many people involved in working through the possible situation - Molotov,Mikoyan, Timoshenko, Zhukov and others. Zhukov wasn't present at all the meetings.

Just over an hour after the invasion Beria, Timoshenko, Zhukov and Mekhlis met at the Kremlin, along with Mekhlis, Molotov and Stalin. Stalin's first directive "do not cross the border" hinted that he still wanted to believe it was just a provocation.

As for the 'fucked it up' thing -- well, if was said on the way to Kuntsevo. Your beloved Zhukov wasn't there. It is reported by Molotov (We've fucked it up), Mikoyan (Lenin left us a great heritage and we his successors have shitted it up), Beria (Everything is lost. I give up. Lenin left us a proletarian state and now we've been caught with our pants down and let the whole thing go to shit) and Chadaev (Lenin founded our state and we've fucked it up). None of these - especially Molotov - is a particular Stalin hater.

This was on June 28. Stalin stayed away from the Kremlin until the 30th, when he had to be coaxed back by Molotov and co... I'll give you more information on this period, if you want.

None of this testimony is from Khrushchev.

I could make a separate post about the Red Army if you want me too. Perhaps you want to answer initially if you think Tukhachevsky, Gamarnik and their families deserved to be shot and incarcerated - and if this helped the Soviet war effort.

One of my main earlier points - which you haven't addressed - is the fact that much of the Soviet Air Force was wiped out *on the ground* because they hadn't even been mobilised. If they had been alerted *they could have flown away*.... But no, no...

I've done at least 6 minutes of research, and noted the responses of more people than simply the apologist Zhukov (and not Khrushchev, either)

... if you want I can talk about the Politburo decrees *during* the war which often gave a death sentence to those taken by the Germans.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Can somebody show me the video of Hitler happy after the conquering of France? How many lives did the germans lost in the invasion?
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By Boondock Saint
Hitler boring?

The man invaded Poland, France, the Netherlands, Africa, Russia and prepared to invade the UK and you ask if he boring?

Hitler was many things, boring is not one of them.

One needs only watch one of his inspiring speaches to realize this ... he was a brilliant speaker but what he preached was utterly devoid of humanity.
By Tovarish Spetsnaz
Merkulov reported the final decision to attack and Stalin wrote back "Tell the 'source' in the Staff of the German Air Force to fuck his mother!"

And of course you have a SOURCE for that???

People swam across the Bug to alert the Soviet forces.

Perhaps you suffer from ADD and already forgot about what I wrote above. ONE person swam accorss to warn the Soviets. He did so on June 21. And guess what...Stalin did believe him. Read the quotations I have by ZHukov on that very incident.

Why do you INSIST on ignoring facts but always inventing your own???

Much of the best intelligence alerting them of the plan to attack was ignored.

Again wrong. 95% of the intelligence reports coming in were wrong to begin with. Most of them were being fed in by England and other western powers. England warned the Soviets...EVERY MONTH...that the German attack would happen "Next month!!" It was all lies. And it is also all lies that Stalin ignored intelligence reports. And who told you he did??? Khruschiev and his idiot cronies?? Khruschiev was counting potatos at the time...what did he know?? Read some Zhukov about how Stalin responded to REAL intelligence reports from Soviet agents. They knew the attack would come...they did not know when or how it would come...and NO ONE KNEW. Soviet intelligence was flooded with flase reports from al over Erueope warning literally every week that there would be an attack on that week. It was all false. Stalin had to ignore most of it...He only trusted trsuted sources.

But again....you all love to say how Stalin didn't foresee it 60 years later...becasue its very easy 60 years later to do so. Why don't I hear anything of the sort about why the French and British and Belgians were caught with their pants down when the Germans attacked??? Ahh...only attacks on Stalin are alowed. British and French pathetic failures are result of "brillinat German tacticks"...while Soviet failures are result of "Stupid Stalin".


There was authentic intelligence coming in...and Stalin adn the rest of the Soviet command were in fact paying close attantion to them all. But how ridiculous can you get to say it was all a failure becasue they didn't get the "date" on the spot. As if American intelligence got the date of Perl Harbor on the spot?? Why no one is calling Rosevelt inept for not knowing Pearl Harbor would happe???

Again...people who make these criticisms are ignorant little intellectuals who have no understanding of reality.

People who keep saying Stalin didn't listen to intelligence reports and didn't prepare are either outright lying are are totally ignorant. In March 1941 Stalin ordered 800,000 reservists called up and moved to the western border. In April 28 border divisions were added to the western borders for defense. In 1940 construction of a fortified line along the border of the newly liberated lands in Belorussia and Ukraine (which had been occupied by Poland) begun. 2,500 concrete bunkers were beuing build along with many other fortifications, aifields and such...all in all 140,000 men were working on fortifying the border every day. Soviet arms industry was put on high gear...and new types of weaponry started enetering service (all the war-winning weapons started builing in this period)

Zhukov describes excercises they carried out in the Ukraine...using German tacticks to train the Red Army to resist them Zhukov said just like in the real thing....the Germans won in the excercises too.

And now you come here and tell us Stalin didn't do any of that. He just said..."go fuck your mother!" Well I'm convinced...if a potato counting Khruschiev said it...than it must be true.

Zhdanov - one of the military chiefs - was sent off on a month long holiday on the 19th.

And??? Stalin didn't know the date of the attack...NO ONE KNEW THE DATE OF THE ATTACK. Where was Rosevelt when they bombed Pearl Harbor?? Probably fucking one of his mistresses. What an inept ruler...ehh???

Ridiculous accusations...

Immediately before the attack there were many people involved in working through the possible situation - Molotov,Mikoyan, Timoshenko, Zhukov and others. Zhukov wasn't present at all the meetings.

Molotv wrote memoirs too describing the situation. Zhukov was present in the first meetins in the first day of the war. NO ONE...except idiot Khruschiev...said Stalin didn't prepare enough or that he ignored intelligence.

Just over an hour after the invasion Beria, Timoshenko, Zhukov and Mekhlis met at the Kremlin, along with Mekhlis, Molotov and Stalin. Stalin's first directive "do not cross the border" hinted that he still wanted to believe it was just a provocation.

Stalin's first directive was issued at 7:15...it said to go on the counter attack. There was no other directive...

The other directive can be found only in Khruschiev's imagination.

The Soviets had already recieved germany's declaration of war long before 7:15...so they knew this was not a provocation. And yet again...you INSIST on fairy tales...even when the real facts are in your face. I alerady quoted Zhukov on what happened in those early hours.

As for the 'fucked it up' thing -- well, if was said on the way to Kuntsevo. Your beloved Zhukov wasn't there. It is reported by Molotov (We've fucked it up), Mikoyan (Lenin left us a great heritage and we his successors have shitted it up), Beria (Everything is lost. I give up. Lenin left us a proletarian state and now we've been caught with our pants down and let the whole thing go to shit) and Chadaev (Lenin founded our state and we've fucked it up). None of these - especially Molotov - is a particular Stalin hater.

Please...a SOURCE would be helpful (holds breath to get source from Khruschiev) And second...where is Stalin in that scene?? I don't see him...maybe he's back stage. Funny how it isn't real...just RUMORS.

This was on June 28. Stalin stayed away from the Kremlin until the 30th, when he had to be coaxed back by Molotov and co... I'll give you more information on this period, if you want.

None of this testimony is from Khrushchev.

Actually ALL of it is by Khruschiev. he is the one who said it first...and then other western "hisorians" picked it up. Molotv DENIES any of this happened.

Stalin NEVER left the Kremlin...not during the entire first week of the campaign. Molotv can attest to that...as can his own office log books which can be found in the Soviet Archives.

The stories that Stalin went into seculsion and Molotov had to get him out are FALSE...LIES by Khruschiev. Molotov himself DENIED IT!!

This is Molotov refuting Khruschiev's lies...


"It is wrong to say he (Stalin - Ed.) was confused; he was worried, but he did not show it. To say that he was not worried would be ridiculous. But writers portray him in a way that he wasn't, like a repentant sinner! This is, of course, absurd. During all this time, as always, he worked, he did not lose control of himself and he certainly did not lose the power of speech".

Its funny how you attribute things to people who themselves deny it.

During the first week of the campaign at least...Stalin was exclusivly in the Kremlin holding meetings and giving directives. His log books have been found and studied in the archives. Here is what they show:

On June 22 Stalin's OFFICIAL work day begun at 05:45 and ended at 16:45...this is official but of course the Soviet leaders already were meeting at 04:30.

On June 23 he had meetins and his work day lasted 22 hours and 35 minutes!!

On June 24 it was the shortets...only 5 hours as official work day where he was in his office.

June 25th he is recorded as having 24 hours of meetings.

June 26 and 27 he is recorded as having 10 hour work days in both.

June 28 was 5 hours...becasue of fatigue of such a long work schedule

During the week of June-22-28 Stalin had 88 hours 40 minutes of meetings...involving 158 meetings with 45 senior government and military officials.

Now THIS...is what is FACT. Khruschiev was nowhere near at the time..and was making up BS about Stalin being in seculsion. He was not...he was in the Kremlin the whole time holding meetings...and as I said Molotv can attest to that becasue he was there.

This data was taken from Steven J. Main: 'Stalin in June 1941: A Comment on Cynthia Roberts', in: 'Europe-Asia Studies', Volume 48, No.5 (July 1996) who studied Stalin's log books in the archives.

"Thus, judging by his appointments diary, as well as the statements of his contemporaries, the important measures adopted by both the party and the state, etc., the view that Stalin locked himself away for any length of time during this critical opening period of the Soviet-German War would appear to be no longer tenable".

(Steven J. Main: ibid.; p. 838).

But of course...any CASUAL observer would realise Stalin was not in seculsion but was in the Kremlin.

It was on June 26 that it was Stalin who ordered the construction of secondary defense lines 300km behind the main ones. How could have given out such a on order on June 26...if he was "in seclusion"...as Khruschiev says (and again I must point out to you once more that it is Khruschiev and ONLY Khruschiev that makes such a claim).

On June 29 Stalin made out the directives which were announced to the nation on July 3 in his famous radio address. He issued them on June 29 however. And yet...Khruschiev tells us Stalin was hiding drunk in his datcha on June 29 :hmm:

And then funnily enough you add this comment...

I'll give you more information on this period, if you want.

I find that very amusing. If yo had any information on that period...you'd know better. I took you for someone who was actually interested in historical accuracy. It seems to me now you are just an armchair intellectual...and not a very good one at that.

I could make a separate post about the Red Army if you want me too. Perhaps you want to answer initially if you think Tukhachevsky, Gamarnik and their families deserved to be shot and incarcerated - and if this helped the Soviet war effort.

And what does the fate of their families have to do with the war effort for you to bring it up?? I suppose you believe these men were "innocent". Yes...thats the general concensus amongst all armchair intellectuals. Its not reality however...for the very simple fact that there have been many many many people who have tied them to a military conspirancy to overthrow the Soviet government. The west in fact provided the best evidence of that...when in 1946 a Soviet officer who had in fact been a member of that military conspiracy (Tokaev) defected to the British and wrote Comrade X...an account of his actions during this military conspirancy...and how he ties this conspirancy going all the way up the highest military commanders...and how the NKVD completely descimated the conspirators and eliminated almost all of them (Tokaev himself was arrested on such charges but was released in 1940). So now I know you will come and tell me the conspirancy was not real...Stalin was paranoid. And yet here we have a man who himself took part in it...and wrote a book describing how far it went.

But then again...its not as if half the Belgian officers and half the French officers weren't Hitler's fifth columnists and handed Hitler their countries to him. Its not as if it didn't happen. But no...Stalin was paranoid.

Can anyone say Vlasov (arrested in 1937...released 1940), Colonel Mileti Zykov (arrested 1936, released 1940), General Vasili Feodorovich Malyshkin former chief of staff of the Far East Army (arrested 1937, released 1940), Major-General Georgi Nicolaievich Zhilenkov (arrested 1937, rleased 1940). All of these "Brillinat commanders and tacticians"...were among those arrested in the Tukhachevsky affair for planning a pro-german coup in USSR. These men...actaully JOINED the Nazis during WW2.

Well I guess Stalin was paranoid again too...

Of course...no comment on Marshal Pétain, General Weygand, Admiral Darlan...and many other German fifth columnists in the French Army.

If the French had had as much insight as Stalin did...perhaps they would not have been defeated in 2 weeks.

One of my main earlier points - which you haven't addressed - is the fact that much of the Soviet Air Force was wiped out *on the ground* because they hadn't even been mobilised. If they had been alerted *they could have flown away*.... But no, no...

Flown away to la-la land??? IF...they had been alerted. And why was the US AF on Pearl Harbor not alerted??? Must be becasue rosevelt was inept. Why were the Israeli units in the Sinai not alerted but whiped out?? Must be because of Israeli ineptitude.

Again...I will say it for the 5th time...such accusations are good only for armchair intellectuals who have no touch with reality. They are childish accusations. In war there is no such thing as "alerted". The enemy does not alert you of anything. Thats whats called...the element of surprise. There was no way for the Soviets to alert their forces...if they didn't know when and where the Germans would attack. NO ONE ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH...unless German...knew when it would happen. 60 years later you can of course make any comment you would want.

As I made comparison before...just look at how the Israelis were caught with their pants down in 1973. It took them 4 hours to undertand what had happened. By that time their Bar Lev Line was destroyed...and their tank units in the Sinai were bruning before their crews even had time to put on their pants.

This is military reality. Let childish intellectuals like you make any comments they want to...

I've done at least 6 minutes of research, and noted the responses of more people than simply the apologist Zhukov (and not Khrushchev, either)

And what a wonderful job you did...ehh?? Should have spend that extra 7th minute...

... if you want I can talk about the Politburo decrees *during* the war which often gave a death sentence to those taken by the Germans.

Knowing your 6 minute research...I wouldn't want to read it...lol
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By Truth-a-naut
Stalin - dead
Hitler - dead

For all of his successes Stalin seemed to die in the ordinary fashion.
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By Maxim Litvinov
Well - I happen to have different sources to you, because I have read more than simply Zhukov and Molotov. Zhukov and Molotov are neither considered the most reliable or non-biased sources on those days, so most people choose to *check* their testimonies with other eyewitness accounts.

I agree that many militaries throughout history have been unprepared. This does not deny that the Soviet Union was in 1941. What is clear from the sources is that Stalin did not treat the attack entirely seriously - perhaps due to previous disinformation - and did not trust early reports of the invasion, thinking them mere provocations. There was ample intelligence from many sources, but Stalin didn't react appropriately to it.

For your reference, the June 16th letter from Merkulov to Stalin is preserved, along with Stalin's comment scrawled on it ("tell him to fuck his mother") in the archives. It was published in Izvestiya TsK KPSS, 4, 1990, on p. 221.

It - like many of my sources - has nothing much to do with Zhukov, or Khrushchev.

The Soviet defensive lines and airfields were built *very* close to the new border between the USSR and Nazi Germany. This meant that unless the military command was competent enough to mobilise in time to repel an attack, or unless they thought *there would be no attack*, that this action was a case of quite inept planning. As it is, a combination of these cases meant large human and aircraft casualties on the first day of the war.

Now - as for the attack. Well, Zhukov claims the Politburo assembled at 4:30pm on June 22nd. But Stalin's logbook (you know - the official source) shows that it started at 5.45pm. So in fact - nearly two hours after the attack, and not 30 minutes as Zhukov claims. But I don't deny Stalin was actively engaged in the war effort from 22nd June to 28th June.

There are many eye-witness or indirect eye-witness accounts of what followed, including Mikoyan, Chadaev (a Sovnarkom assistant), Natalya Poskrebysheva (Poskrebyshev's daughter), Nina Budyonny (Budyonny's daughter), Sergo Beria (Beria's son), Timoshenko and Kuznetsov. So, you are not restricted to Molotov and Zhukov by any account. If you just used them as sources, you would get a very skewed picture.

Even Zhukov seems to indicate that Stalin was not expecting the attack at any time - it was the only time Zhukov saw Stalin depressed. Zhenya Allilueva reported that she had "never seen Joseph so crushed". So what happened next was hardly unbelievable.

On the 28th of June, Stalin had reached breaking point. Communications with Belorussia were poor, and he stormed out of the office. Molotov and Mikoyan's memoirs point to this, as do those of Chadaev and Deputy Chief of Staff Vatutin. Mikoyan dates it as the 29th, Chadaev as the 27th. But, from the logbook of Stalin's office, we know that it was the evening of the 28th -- Stalin did not appear on the 29th or 30th.

As I mentioned before - it was from the 28th that Stalin had his "breakdown" - days that you have left unaccounted.

Stalin lost his temper with Zhukov, and Zhukov reported left the room crying. It's fairly clear, therefore, why the Marshal doesn't talk about this in his recounts, but others do (not Khrushchev - he wasn't there). Even as the Stalin-apologist Molotov recounts "Zhukov shirks responsibility for the beginning of the war. But that is naive. He is not only evasive, he gets confused" (Molotov Remembers, p. 38).

Stalin said that he'd resigned, but the men thought he might be joking - or that the extreme stress was talking. On the 29th, however, Stalin didn't "show up for work". Others dealt with the situation. By the evening of the 30th, people were still stopping by his office, where Poskrebyshev explained he hadn't turned up since the 28th. They called his dacha, but got no reply. Beria took the opportunity of Stalin's absence to suggest the new war cabinet - exluding many of the prominent Bolsheviks.

The Politburo gathered (minus Stalin) and decided that they'd make a trip out to the dacha to see what was happening. According to Mikoyan, Stalin asked "Why've you come?" when they arrived there. Molotov also recalls going off to Stalin's dacha, where Stalin was "in a very agitated state. He didn't curse, but he wasn't quite himself". Zhukov wasn't there. Beria recounted "It was obvious Stalin expected anything could happen, even the worst", suggesting that Stalin thought the Bolshevik leaders might have been organising a coup against him. But they had not - they simply wanted Stalin back. Molotov urged Stalin to come back to work, and explained that they'd organise a new war cabinet and things were going to be better.

Stalin appeared again in his office on July 1st, the same day the papers announced he was to be Chairman of the newly-formed GKO.

Now that's the story from several sources. Zhukov wasn't there, so didn't write about it. And Zhukov's testimony is *known* to be inaccurate when compared to the Kremlin logs anyway.

You can choose to believe that Tukhachevsky, Gamarnik and other generals were genuine traitors too, and that the purge of the Army was necessary. I think you'll be hard pressed to prove their guilt, however.

But what is known - as I describe here - is that an account which critically examines *all* the eyewitness accounts available, does suggest that there was both depression and a misevaluation of the reality of the situation from about 16th June to the 1st July on Stalin's account.

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