Was Hitler a boring guy - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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I know Heinz Guderian sparked off some funny comments and jokes, but did Hitler ever do that?
Or was he just a lunatic that don't have any humor like all the other world leaders?
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By tragicclown
I would think most world leaders have some humor...they're people too.

Of course i have no idea.
By The One.
If he wasn't all that funny he had a sense of humor for sure. he actually saw 'the dictator' by charlie chaplin and while he did forbide its release in germany he apparently found it quite funny...
By Jesse
Its said Hitler viewed his entire life as a stage. He thought he was always being watched, although, not in a paranoid way; he just was always assuming postures and putting on a show. Its generally believed that he steeled himself to actual human emotions and activities: he refused to be seen riding a horse, eating, swimming, or laughing. He would generally cover his mouth with his hand whilst laughing if there was a photographer nearby - and there generally was. I would say he was intentionally self-neutered towards 'normal' human behaviour - simply because he was afraid of the impact it would have on the mythos that surrounded him, of super-humanity and the almost God-like aura.
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By SpitfirE
Jesse wrote:Its said Hitler viewed his entire life as a stage. He thought he was always being watched, although, not in a paranoid way; he just was always assuming postures and putting on a show. Its generally believed that he steeled himself to actual human emotions and activities: he refused to be seen riding a horse, eating, swimming, or laughing. He would generally cover his mouth with his hand whilst laughing if there was a photographer nearby - and there generally was. I would say he was intentionally self-neutered towards 'normal' human behaviour - simply because he was afraid of the impact it would have on the mythos that surrounded him, of super-humanity and the almost God-like aura.

Viewed entire life as a stage? Such a rip-off on Shakespeare
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By Comrade Nicolae Ceausescu
You know,Hitler was a dickhead,but he was certainly one of the most intertesting individuals in history.He was a brilliant politician really.To get the German people to believe in his ideas....He was very charasmatic. I think we should study Hitler's charisma a lot.Frankly,its a scary thing.He got Germany to bow to his feet.
By smashthestate
I hear he had pictures of his mother on the ceiling above the bed he had sex in. That's not boring. Sickening, but not boring.

Also, I have no proof for this, I just heard it somewhere.
By Erik of NKP
Haven't you seen the footage of Hitler after the fall of France? He's so happy there, smiling, laughing and even almost dancing :p
By smithbrian86
Anyone read that book "hitlers willing executioners"?
By Enigmatic
If he wasn't making his political tirades for a position of power, they'd have been hilarious. You don't need to have a sense of humour to be funny.
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By Khenlein
Herr Hitler was not as reserved as some think, true he tried to present himself in a certain manner to the masses. But if he wasn't in a mood, he was really quite amiable.

Not a bad smile either, if youve seen the Eva Braun movies (who hasnt.)

Der Fuhrer,

This is sort of smirkish, if not an outright smile.

Considering Rommel was executed later for plotting against der Fuhrer, I'd say this is an amiable greeting.

This one is just plain adorable,

Just chilling out with the Women folk, lifes not easy for a leader.

Seriously, Der Fuhrer has a warmer and more inviting smile than Howard Dean.
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By Truth-a-naut
I thought Rommel killed himself before they were able to execute him... as didn't they give him a funeral with full military honors?
By sokath
No, for Rommell it was basically either you kill yourself, or I kill you, take your choice.

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By Truth-a-naut
I think there's more to it then that.

anyways... I thought he was buried with honors and all that.

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By Khenlein
He was, it was an elabortate statate funeral.

But like Sokath said, he was found to have had involvement in a Plot to remove Hitler.

If I remember the story correctly, two gestapo officers went to his home and told him the position he was in. ( he was home because he had been wounded by a British plane straffing his car). So, being a Field Marshall, he was given the option of taking his own life, having it blamed on his wounds, and being hailed as a hero the Third Reich.

Im sure there are websites or books you could find that will satisfy yoru curiosity.
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By Truth-a-naut
I just read up about it.

He was a hero to the public and any sort of show trial would have been messy.

Oh well.
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By SpitfirE
Even if Hitler was a great politician he wasn't too great of a military man.
If he would of paid more attention to the greatness of rockets. And Nazi's were pretty damn close to Abomb, but hitler didn't rwealized it's greatness.
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By Comrade Nicolae Ceausescu
Gabriel Anthony,how can you refer so casually to Hitler like we was your neighbor or something?
By Disenfranchised
Comrade Ceausescu wrote:Gabriel Anthony,how can you refer so casually to Hitler like we was your neighbor or something?
Because G A is a fascist look at his dog breath Sig. Shit my old man was in the Pacific Theater but my Uncle Bob he was in the European Theater. I wish I could kill some Nazis too. :evil:

Goldie the Germans were working on fission during the 2nd W War different historians different estimates of how close they were to making an Atomic Bomb. :)
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