was Hitler a saint? - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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By Comrade Ogilvy
was Hitler a saint?

was he choosen by the holy church of rome to invade Russia when it discided to break way from the church ?

A would-be liberator?

Didn't he attempt to liberate Russia that was ruled by the Communists who killed 40 million of their own people?

Didn't he take his nation that had been crushed by the western allies and rebuild it?

Wasn't he vegetarian and kind to animals and children?

was he any less of a fascist than those that rule over us today?

Our Gulags are democratic we are told; Hitler's concentration camps were not democratic. But is there really much difference?

Was Hitler a saint or a tyrant?
By GandalfTheGrey
I am moving this to the History forum.

Stui, this is one of the more rediculous threads you have posted

was he choosen by the holy church of rome to invade Russia when it discided to break way from the church ?

Give me some evidence that the Catholic church gave Hitler the power to invade Russia, and we might have something.

Didn't he attempt to liberate Russia that was ruled by the Communists who killed 40 million of their own people?

Where the hell did you get this 40 million figure from?? Stalin might have killed a lot of people, but it was nowhere near this.

Hitler loved the Russian people so much that he killed an estimated 20 million of them while trying to conquer them. He loved them so much that he referred to them as subhuman. He loved them so much that he allowed Russian POW's to be used for scientific experiments. Others were sent to concentration camps, others were tortured and killed. Less than 10% of Russian POW's made it home after the war.

Didn't he take his nation that had been crushed by the western allies and rebuild it?

No, he led it into death, defeat and destruction. When the Allies were closing in, he ordered a scorched earth policy, attempting to destroy what he could not keep.

Wasn't he vegetarian and kind to animals and children?

He hated children.

was he any less of a fascist than those that rule over us today?


was he any less of a fascist than those that rule over us today?

Seriously, this is just too stupid to respond to.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Give me some evidence that the Catholic church gave Hitler the power to invade Russia, and we might have something. ? maybe you should look it up some time or whats some documents on hittler.

have you ever hear of the gold that was hidden in nazi trains that where give by the queen and vatican to the third reich ?

But you say, Hitler killed a lot of people. Well not as many as the Russians did, and when the allies killed ten million was that the act of good guys, or were they just butchering people to sustain the western elite's status quo, sacrificing the blood of their people and their enemies for a system based on power and control that disenfranchises ordinary people?

"Well, history says Hitler was a bad guy", but who wrote the history?

Didn't the victors write it, and was anyone distorting facts or lying?

I personally think Hitler was a tyrant. But I have no first-hand evidence to support my view, as I have only other people's opinions to go on.

But was he any less of a fascist than those that rule over us today?

Our governments imprison people without trial or with false evidence; they execute people, assassinate others, make war, seize assets and effectively imprison their citizens economically and politically by milking them endlessly, while exercising absolute surveillance and control over almost every activity.

A million people a year die in the western world from poverty, illness and despair because they are unable to cope with the rules of our modern society, which in effect is a prisoner of war camp.

I think Hitler was a tyrant, but I don't know that he was. I wasn't alive, I have no first hand information and you can't trust history books.

You can't properly answer that questions, as you don't know if the information you have is part of the story, or all of the story.

The fact is, as much as we might protest, none of us can ever know. Our perception is too finite and it's often based on bogus information, and we don't know what evil was in the minds and souls of Hitler's victims. How do we know that Hitler wasn't sent by God to sort out the Russian Communist Party and the European elite?

Perhaps God saw how nasty our egocentric societies would become, and he-she-it decided to have a little clean-up campaign, so that our societies wouldn't become quite as nasty quite as quickly. The weird thing is you can't say.

Only God knows. The accused in court may be guilty, but he or she is often an innocent child as well. Can you execute an innocent child and not be a party to the same crime of murder?

It's not all black and white. Gray is the color of choice in heaven. "I don't know" is the correct answer to God's survey. Black and white is a very dangerous game for it allows us to hide our crimes under a cloak of righteousness. But worse than that, it allows us to set ourselves up as would-be gods, dispensing justice in our minds with no real facts, or holding cut and dry opinions as truth, which often turn out to be lies manufactured for us by others, as in the example of Pearl Harbor.
By jpyy

Isn't this picture enough proof to show that the man was a tyrrant?
By Political Interest
Why was my post deleted?. Anyway it can only be said that he was no saint, he was a mad man who killed millions. Please dont tell me I insulted anyone, I didnt mean to.
By Tovarish Spetsnaz
Didn't he attempt to liberate Russia that was ruled by the Communists who killed 40 million of their own people?

Clearly you are wrong on that...Communists killed 110 million Russia... :knife:

Less than 10% of Russian POW's made it home after the war.

Just to correct that...only about 40% survived German camps.
By Nucleicacidman
Also, according to Masters of Death by Richard Rhodes Hitler went into the Soviet Union with the intensions to murder over 40 million Slavs... not exactly a saint in my opinion.
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By Monkey Angst
Well, the question in the title brings with it a question of its own: By what measure, exactly, can a man who orders that 11 million citizens of his own land and the lands conquered by unprovoked aggressive war be exterminated in concentration camps, be considered a saint? If there is a test of sainthood that can approve acts like that, then Hitler would qualify for that honor.

As I understand it, in order to get sainthood from the Catholic church, you need three miracles. Thousands of credulous idiots across the globe are willing to blind themselves to the crimes of the Third Reich. That's miracle one...
By Cap
This is a silly question, the man was obviously evil. The fact that others may have done the same, or that others may be more evil does not negate the fact that Hitler was a raving lunatic with no respect for human life, and many people died as a result of his actions.

And you can't trust any information... You say the history books on hitler are skewed, well maybe the hisotry books on the Russians, and the rest of the world are inaccurate too?

Cap 8)
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By The American Lion
Oh come on you all leftist probaly love Hitler in the 1% of yah. Because if he could kill more jews. Israel would never been created.
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By Piet the destroyer
The Republican Party wrote:Oh come on you all leftist probaly love Hitler in the 1% of yah. Because if he could kill more jews. Israel would never been created.


no whe do not love hitler whe only regret that he wasn't a few years longer in power so he would have inveted the atom bomb and nuked the USA

but seriously nobody thinks hitler is or was a saint. he did not liberate russia he planned to kill al the inhabitants. that is not liberating.
By Cap
The Republican Party wrote:Oh come on you all leftist probaly love Hitler in the 1% of yah. Because if he could kill more jews. Israel would never been created.

Your posts are so rhetorical and ignorant.

Cap 8)
By Tovarish Spetsnaz
he did not liberate russia he planned to kill al the inhabitants. that is not liberating.

Sure that is liberating...did you not get the memo from Bush and Sharon??

Oh come on you all leftist probaly love Hitler in the 1% of yah

WTF is a "yah"??...lol
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By Khenlein
Why does it seem that every other thread in the History section devolves into a debate about which Dictator is responsible for the most human suffering?
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By GeorgElser
The Republican Party wrote:Oh come on you all leftist probaly love Hitler in the 1% of yah. Because if he could kill more jews. Israel would never been created.

The holocaust was the reason because Israel existe.
Hitler is the founder of Israel.
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By Todd D.
Stuie Smiley wrote:have you ever hear of the gold that was hidden in nazi trains that where give by the queen and vatican to the third reich ?

Ever hear that we never really landed on the moon, and that it was all an elaborate hollywood plot? Yeah me too, doesn't make it any more than a conspiracy theory. Despite what you may have read or heard, the Catholic Church was one of the most outspoken objectors to Hitler and his regime. All of this garbage about "Hitler's Pope" is nothing more than rhetoric and misunderstanding of Church Policy.

Our governments imprison people without trial or with false evidence; they execute people, assassinate others, make war, seize assets and effectively imprison their citizens economically and politically by milking them endlessly, while exercising absolute surveillance and control over almost every activity.

Read this very slowly and very carefully: Hitler attempted to eradicate numerous ethnic groups from the face of the planet for no reason other than they were different than him. There was no false evidence, there was no bogus charges, there was just the simple reason that they were Jewish, Gypsies, Russians, Catholics, whatever, that was enough to sentence them to death. If you can't see the difference between that and even the worst government in the world today, then you are quite simply ignorant.

A million people a year die in the western world from poverty, illness and despair because they are unable to cope with the rules of our modern society, which in effect is a prisoner of war camp.

First of all, no it is not "in effect" a POW camp. Dying of starvation for whatever reason is fundamentally different than being put into a cyanide gas chamber and having to claw over the corpse of your just dead father to reach your last breath of air. There is a HUGE difference there. Second of all, under no circumstances, ever, were the Jews allowed to survive in the Concentration Camps. For as bad as poverty gets, especially in America, there is always that chance that you can work your way up to prosperity (don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that everybody will do this, but for every human being, there is that chance).

I think Hitler was a tyrant, but I don't know that he was. I wasn't alive, I have no first hand information and you can't trust history books.

You can trust the survivors, the guys with the numbers tatooed on their arms that saw more horrors in 5 years than any human should ever have to even think about. This is not some myth that was fabricated to form sympathy for the Jews, this was a very real, very evil campaign.

How do we know that Hitler wasn't sent by God to sort out the Russian Communist Party and the European elite?

Perhaps God saw how nasty our egocentric societies would become, and he-she-it decided to have a little clean-up campaign, so that our societies wouldn't become quite as nasty quite as quickly. The weird thing is you can't say.

By putting the second biggest bunch of assholes this planet has ever seen in charge? I'm sorry, I don't know of any faith that would say God attempted to fix a society that was steadily declining downhill by putting the end result in charge. That's, among other things, terrible planning.

It's not all black and white. grey is the color of choice in heaven. "I don't know" is the correct answer to God's survey. Black and white is a very dangerous game for it allows us to hide our crimes under a cloak of righteousness. But worse than that, it allows us to set ourselves up as would-be gods, dispensing justice in our minds with no real facts, or holding cut and dry opinions as truth, which often turn out to be lies manufactured for us by others, as in the example of Pearl Harbor.

With the Nazi's, it's one of the few cases that it WAS very black and white. Basing moral, physical, spiritual, and economic superiority on nothing more than an accident of birth is evil. Period.
By GandalfTheGrey
maybe you should look it up some time or whats some documents on hittler.

I thought you said we can't trust history books.

when the allies killed ten million was that the act of good guys, or were they just butchering people to sustain the western elite's status quo, sacrificing the blood of their people and their enemies for a system based on power and control that disenfranchises ordinary people?

You seem to forget that war was forced upon the allies. It was Hitler who invaded France, Russia, as well as most of the rest of Europe. and attempted to invade Britain. Now I will be the first person to point out the attrocities of the Allies during the war, but shit happens during war - a war that was started by Hitler. Look at the outcome: the nazis were destroyed, the occupation of almost all of Europe was ended, and the persecution of literally millions of people of minorities was stopped. Please humour me and try telling me the war was really a huge conspiracy hatched by the allies in order to maintain the elite's status quo :knife:

Most wars are unjustifiable, but WWII was the exception to the rule.

I personally think Hitler was a tyrant. But I have no first-hand evidence to support my view, as I have only other people's opinions to go on.

What else do we have to rely on with history?

Our governments imprison people without trial or with false evidence; they execute people, assassinate others, make war, seize assets and effectively imprison their citizens economically and politically by milking them endlessly, while exercising absolute surveillance and control over almost every activity.

reality check stui: if things are really that bad, then you would be in prison, being tortured for just writing what you just did. The fact is, people WERE imprisoned and tortured and executed for writing such things in nazi Germany. I bag out the government all the time, everyone does. Where is the gestapo? Sure, there might be a lot of surveillance on our lives - too much for my liking, but it is not leading to mass arrests and people being tortured and executed in concentration camps.

How do we know that Hitler wasn't sent by God to sort out the Russian Communist Party and the European elite?

for two very good reasons: 1. The Russian communist party survived Hitler, and 2. Hitler didn't target the European elite. He targeted minorities: jews, slavs, homosexuals, jehovas witnesses and gypsies.

Perhaps God saw how nasty our egocentric societies would become, and he-she-it decided to have a little clean-up campaign, so that our societies wouldn't become quite as nasty quite as quickly. The weird thing is you can't say.

or perhaps God had nothing to do with it at all. Like all our problems, Hitler was a man made problem, not a curse from God. Why do you blame God for the way humans screwed up?
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By Balthaak
This is ridiculous!

was Hitler a saint?


was he choosen by the holy church of rome to invade Russia when it discided to break way from the church ?

No. But Vatican remained neutral during WW2. When did Russia break away from the church? Was it when the Catholic separated from the Ortodox? That happened a bit earlier. 1054 more exactly.

A would-be liberator?

Liberating who?

Didn't he take his nation that had been crushed by the western allies and rebuild it?

Yup. He did rebuild the German country. But just till he fucked it up as never before.

Wasn't he vegetarian and kind to animals and children?

This is absolutelly correct. And he didn't smoke ether.

was he any less of a fascist than those that rule over us today?

He wasn't just a nationalist and a nazist. He was antisemitist. He wanted to extinct every Jew, Slav and Gipsy in the world. That makes him a slight different from Bush. OK, not much :D

Our Gulags are democratic we are told; Hitler's concentration camps were not democratic. But is there really much difference?

They weren't democratic? That's the worst thing that happened in those camps? I'm not convinced.

Was Hitler a saint or a tyrant?

I think you know the answer now.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
The question is mad, even shocking; but it's not the question that is shocking, it's the fact you probably have never asked it that's strange.

Much of our thinking is controlled by others; certain ideas are permitted and others strictly disallowed.

Then we also create the same limitation for ourselves, insisting on silly rules and ideas that bind us. The rules that surround religion and spirituality are typical Necker's prisons, which attempt to drive us like sheep via conformity and fear into the back of the box.

The idea that God insists on lots of excessive rules is rather silly, for God is love and love is liberation. Imposing rules on people is a form of hate. It's the camp commandant exercising his or her power.

Our world is obsessed with black and white. The media sells it all the time, good guys, bad guys. Our people—good, nice; other people—not so nice, a bit smelly, keep them out.

Members of the golf club—nice, exclusive, special. Nonmembers—not so special; in fact a lower social order, allowed in only under certain very controlled circumstances. Our church—good people, guaranteed to be saved by God.

Other churches—heathens, ugly, bad, not as special and selected as us. When we label people we lock them into the box. We also do it to ourselves all the time. In yearning for things we continually affirm we haven't got the things we yearn for. In defining yourself you exclude all the things you are not. In other words, to truly feel a sense of the eternal you have to be nothing, and so you become everything.

In being something and needing things you affirm you are very finite. Nothing is black or white; no one is completely innocent or totally guilty.

The murderer might be guilty in the sense he or she committed the crime, but they may be also be innocent in the sense that they were abused and beaten repeatedly as a child and hurting people is all they were taught. The victim may seem innocent, but what darkness is hidden away deep within them that pulled the murderer to them, we don't know about. For the most part, there is only gray.

can you really decide about anything that you have no direct experience or knowledge of? The answer is you can, but you'd often be in error. Even the situations in life you have experienced firsthand may have been clouded by your perception of events because of your agenda.

So all opinion is framed in perceptional definitions and limitations. What you know is defined mostly by what you don't know; what you perceive is limited by all the things you can't perceive.

Be equitable and offer a kind word and a soft eye to everyone and try not to judge people, because you don't know most of the time, do you?

If you judge harshly, then one day you will also be judged harshly. Be soft and be open and Necker your mind to the other side, even if what you see is not to your liking. You can always Necker back. It's a good habit to look at the alternative perspective. It opens you up and gives you a more infinite view of self, and it also teaches you to be less judgmental and to learn about your life and reality.

Name a dictator

They are all the same... Not saints... Not sane....

They have all been given power...To take and give life... A power that when handled by a broken mind can wield unspeakable devastation and horror to the people they so wildly want to help (for every dictator campaings the same: Equality, Good to the working class, etc.)

No saint in Hitler if you ask me... Just a man with too much power who brought his own desperation and hatred to bear through the arms of a militarized country where he reigned supreme... much to the disgrace of the millions who died to his hands
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