Economics professor terminated for unfavorable study about immigrants - Politics | PoFo

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This is why there are so few honest studies about the effects of immigration.

An economics professor at a university in Northern England lost his job because he published a study showing that immigrants had taken most of the jobs in certain areas.

An academic claims he was "sacked" by a university after writing a paper that was negative about foreign workers.

Professor Steve Fothergill said his contract was terminated by Sheffield Hallam University after his paper found that half of the jobs in former coal mining areas were taken up by migrants.

He alleged that bosses at the university told him they were unhappy with his paper and subsequently did not renew his short-term, part-time contract.

Professor Fothergill accused Sheffield Hallam of launching an "assault on academic freedom", alleging that the university "simply didn't like the conclusions we came to".​

University cuts ties with academic who wrote negative paper about migrants, Julie Henry, The Telegraph, 14 December 2024
@Puffer Fish most of the jobs the migrants take or foreigners take, were undermined in the 1980s. Benefits cut. Pay cut. People laid off. And the replacements are more desperate workers.

The former workers wind up living off the dole or doing gig work without real benefits. So they resent the newcomers. Have the working class at each other's throats to keep wages low.

An old tactic. Divide and conquer.

The professor trying to be a nationalistic thinker and the liberals shutting him up. Oh, the poor conservative! Never blames capitalism for sure. Just the furriners are taking our jobs.
Tainari88 wrote:... And the replacements are more desperate workers. ... Have the working class at each other's throats to keep wages low.
An old tactic. Divide and conquer.
... Oh, the poor conservative! Never blames capitalism for sure. Just the furriners are taking our jobs.

What I hear you saying, Tainari88, is "There's no inherent reason we can't take in everyone from the rest of the world who wants to come. We just have to eliminate Capitalism!"
Puffer Fish wrote:What I hear you saying, Tainari88, is "There's no inherent reason we can't take in everyone from the rest of the world who wants to come. We just have to eliminate Capitalism!"

Then you have misheard her. The real point is, why do working people have to compete with each other for menial jobs, like dogs fighting each other for scraps off their masters’ table?
Any researcher has a duty to report findings. From what I can see, the professor is making a controversial claim. That claim is outside the scope of his duties. He's not an economist. He's not a politician. He shouldn't be attacking migrants at all.

England is a country of migrants. How many English are 100% English? His paper was insensitive to just about everyone in England.

The university had to punish him. They were paying attention to the public outrage. I'd be upset and I'm not even English. I know though that I have a mixed heritage. My ancestors did a fair bit of migration.
Potemkin wrote:Then you have misheard her. The real point is, why do working people have to compete with each other for menial jobs, like dogs fighting each other for scraps off their masters’ table?

People who believe in exclusive rights always are suspicious to me Potemkin. They usually are small minded, materialistic pendejos who want to feel tall by making sure they can deny some other human their human rights to food, water, a place to sleep, education, health care and a job that pay enough to sustain a family.

They think that capitalism has a natural right to deny that to millions of people who live in their own nation and own ancestral culture. They never analyze why people leave in the first place!

Who the hell wants wars, and high unemployment with no welfare state? And crime galore due to assholes who want easy money and to get away from the daily grind of doing jobs that pay nothing for an entire shift!

Would Puffer Fish want to work for $2 an hour in Guatemala City? Live with crime, and low wages, and be always scrambling to live? No. But he judges them for trying to find a better paying job.

The threat to the jobs in the higher pay nations are about keeping wages low for everyone. The working class of the first world nations, and the wages for the third world nations. By sending new workers who are so fucking desperate they accept no benefits and some measly wage that does not work for the expensive cities of North America, Western Europe, etc.

These people like Puffer Fish are so selfish and into their own heads that they can't fathom why people migrate in the first place. I do not have to struggle with paying my bills so why should I care about their struggles?

Because they are human beings like you are. They need the same things you need. Shelter, education, clean water, food, and medicine and a job to pay bills with. They need the same things. Can you understand that or is that too difficult for you to accept?

@Potemkin the economies of these nations bleeding despearte people are growing. Can you blame them for fleeing bad conditions. Many times sanctions imposed by the USA government policy because people got sick of the status quo nad had revolutions, or riots and instability.

The problem I have are people who are given opportunities to study, work, have everything on hand to get their needs met and just want to be into petty crime, lies and bullshit. Those people are a problem no matter where they go in life.

But the vast majority of people are not some idiots trying to live off of crime in the world. Most people who migrate want work. And to pay their own way. That is reality.

The distortions are stupid. I am pro deportation for criminal idiots who peddle drugs, do human trafficking, are pimps, and hustlers, and car thieves and thieves, and who assault people, and lazy ass bums who live off of their girlfriends and avoid raising their own children due to lazy ass bad habits. Deport all of them. Lol.

The USA has enough child support dodgers and petty criminals that are homegrown. I say deport the ones who are not homegrown back to their native countries.

But you have to give them a path to improve their lives. Not just throw them away. Once they have a chance at change and they continue to be idiots and want to follow crime out of their stupid habits? I am not sympathetic.

That is where I stand.
He alleged that bosses at the university told him they were unhappy with his paper and subsequently did not renew his short-term, part-time contract.

Professor Fothergill accused Sheffield Hallam of launching an "assault on academic freedom", alleging that the university "simply didn't like the conclusions we came to".​

I don't think the controversial paper was the main reason why he lost his post. He was a part-time lecturer who could be sacked anytime. He was under a short-term contract and his position was as vulnerable as a part-time worker at McDonald's.

Likewise, the low proportion of the workforce born outside
the UK at least in part reflects the long-term weakness of the
economy in older industrial towns. Migrants are attracted to
the places where jobs are more readily available. It should be
no surprise, therefore, that international migrants are fewer in
number in towns where the economic base has been eroded.
There are exceptions of course—Bradford and the Lancashire
mill towns are examples, where there continues to be in-migration to
established Asian communities. As a general rule,
however, it is the strength of the local economy to which we
should look for the prime explanation.

London’s particularly rapid growth—an additional 900,000
jobs between 2010 and 2019—has however had little impact on
older industrial towns. Because of the distances involved it was
always unrealistic to expect that London’s growth would attract
daily commuters from beyond the south of England, though there
are undoubtedly Monday-to-Friday flows from longer distance
into the capital. London’s rapid job growth might however have
been expected to attract a net inflow of migrants from older
industrial towns in the rest of the country. In practice this has
not happened because the London economy has tapped other
sources of additional labor: a large net inflow of international
migrants, a surge in commuting from the rest of southern
England, rising labor force participation among London residents
and a natural increase in the size of the local workforce that
reflects a population skewed toward younger groups. The balance
of internal migration (i.e., the flow of UK residents) has actually
been strongly out of London (Beatty and Fothergill, 2020). ... 00054/full
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