Difference between men and women is 3.14159 . . . - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Pi (π) is both the sixteenth letter of the Greek alphabet and the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. The difference between what is round and what is straight has no exact value. The calculation of pi begins at 3.14159 and stretches indefinitely.

Pi may provide a link between mathematics and sexuality. Since the phallic straight line (diameter) is symbolic of the male and the circle (circumference) represents the female, one might conclude that pi signifies the unsolvable and infinite differences between men and women. The sexes will never be able to "figure" each other out. Pi is an irrational number because it cannot be expressed as a fraction with integers in both the numerator and denominator. Similarly, men and women will do irrational things to maintain a relationship.

However, one can also see a positive aspect in the ratio: As the circumference increases, so does the diameter, and vice versa. Thus, whatever expands the horizons of the woman also expands the opportunities for the man.

The ancient Egyptians also found sex in numbers and geometry, as noted by Plutarch in Moralia Vol. 5. In a triangle that can be measured as three by four by five units, the erect side (3) was likened to the male, the base line (4) to the female and the hypotenuse (5) to the child of both.
Women are considered to think less rational and to use circular reasoning while men are considered to be more straightforward, generally speaking.

This is an advantage women have because they are not constantly in danger of having their ass handed to them because some other man did not "get it".

I wonder what others will say

That women are smarter than men. Their IQ scores do not support this but every man knows it is true; otherwise we would not be so flustered and childlike around them.
MistyTiger wrote:That is an interesting statement to make. Hmmm.

Women are considered to think less rational and to use circular reasoning while men are considered to be more straightforward, generally speaking.

I wonder what others will say.

IT was a circular reason that sought to naturalize women's subordinace, and others for that matter.
The discrimination that say barred women from education and its consequence was used as the basis for barring women from education. A woman without education lacks the consequences of education but such consequences were naturalized as women's inability to learn since they can't learn they shouldn't be afforded an education.

The OP seems nonsensical to me in regards that it's not even a matter of metaphor or analogy but talking about an entirely different subject than that of men and women except in a vague association.
And so it should be! Hegel advises that: “... this progress in knowing is not something provisional, or problematical and hypothetical; it must be determined by the nature of the subject matter itself and its content”.
Wellsy wrote:IT was a circular reason that sought to naturalize women's subordinace, and others for that matter.
The discrimination that say barred women from education and its consequence was used as the basis for barring women from education. A woman without education lacks the consequences of education but such consequences were naturalized as women's inability to learn since they can't learn they shouldn't be afforded an education.

Women's subordination was grounded in their low ability within the Agrarian economy, both heavy plough agriculture and animal herding. This is why women's status fell in the agrarian era compared with the preceding horticultural and hunter-gatherer economies. This is why the question of women's status appears at the beginning of the industrial revolution. As the industrial revolution has advanced and men's productive advantage for heavy labour has attenuated, the pressure for equality has naturally increased.

In the pathetic fantasy world of our hegemonic Cultural Marxist culture women have rights because they fought for them. In reality there was no fighting and precious little direct action of any substance.
Rich wrote:Women's subordination was grounded in their low ability within the Agrarian economy, both heavy plough agriculture and animal herding. This is why women's status fell in the agrarian era compared with the preceding horticultural and hunter-gatherer economies. This is why the question of women's status appears at the beginning of the industrial revolution. As the industrial revolution has advanced and men's productive advantage for heavy labour has attenuated, the pressure for equality has naturally increased.

In the pathetic fantasy world of our hegemonic Cultural Marxist culture women have rights because they fought for them. In reality there was no fighting and precious little direct action of any substance.

I agree the industrial revolution precipitates womens liberation but the idea that everything fell into their lap and without struggle is so one sided as to be entirely wrong to the necessary role of people to struggle even as the economic circumstances made the possibility of their struggle relizable. One couldnt make sense of say the struggle for universal suffrage without the participation of people unless one adopts an antihumanist structuralism.

It ultimately takes people to actualize something even if larger forces set the conditions but even such history is a product of human activity and not a causal necessity.
Wellsy wrote:One couldnt make sense of say the struggle for universal suffrage without the participation of people unless one adopts an antihumanist structuralism.

Universal male suffrage and votes for women are completely different. Yes of course we should remember our struggle for universal male suffrage against vile reactionaries like William Wilberforce. However even with male suffrage we must remember how even in the French revolution the far left turned against universal male suffrage.
Robert Urbanek wrote:
Pi (π) is both the sixteenth letter of the Greek alphabet and the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. The difference between what is round and what is straight has no exact value. The calculation of pi begins at 3.14159 and stretches indefinitely.

Pi may provide a link between mathematics and sexuality. Since the phallic straight line (diameter) is symbolic of the male and the circle (circumference) represents the female, one might conclude that pi signifies the unsolvable and infinite differences between men and women. The sexes will never be able to "figure" each other out. Pi is an irrational number because it cannot be expressed as a fraction with integers in both the numerator and denominator. Similarly, men and women will do irrational things to maintain a relationship.

However, one can also see a positive aspect in the ratio: As the circumference increases, so does the diameter, and vice versa. Thus, whatever expands the horizons of the woman also expands the opportunities for the man.

The ancient Egyptians also found sex in numbers and geometry, as noted by Plutarch in Moralia Vol. 5. In a triangle that can be measured as three by four by five units, the erect side (3) was likened to the male, the base line (4) to the female and the hypotenuse (5) to the child of both.

That doesn't actually mean anything.
Rich wrote:Universal male suffrage and votes for women are completely different. Yes of course we should remember our struggle for universal male suffrage against vile reactionaries like William Wilberforce. However even with male suffrage we must remember how even in the French revolution the far left turned against universal male suffrage.

Im not sure I follow in that I don’t think the vote was ever purely given from above as much as it was struggled for from below. Majority vote itself was the result of the capitalist class being outsiders who consolidated themselves into organizations as equals. So there is always struggle.
Yin and yang are too wonderfully smooth on all surfaces to call to mind any person’s I’ve known—least of all us. The union of most human patterns results in something less symmetrical than a circle. But Jane, darling, dammit, we’re every bit as Euclidean as yin and yang: πr² is our area and 2πr is our circumference. — Kurt Vonnegut, from messages sent to his girlfriend Jane, whom he married in 1945, as noted in the March 2021 issue of Harper’s magazine.
Rich wrote:Women's subordination was grounded in their low ability within the Agrarian economy, both heavy plough agriculture and animal herding. This is why women's status fell in the agrarian era compared with the preceding horticultural and hunter-gatherer economies.

According to Engels The Origin of the Family, societies were matriarcal for most of homo sapiens' existence. Then, when hunting technologies advanced (long spears), some males started having blood rituals, which lead to the acceptation that the male-hunter was now in charge (partiarchy).

The blood rituals were very important in establishing patriarchy, because women had the original "blood ritual" which was what cemented their place as "givers-of-life" in the natural social hierarchy.

So this means that it was *technology* that destroyed the natural order, and not "farming technology." Though any technology is guaranteed to amputate some part of our natural existence.
Robert Urbanek wrote:Pi (π) is both the sixteenth letter of the Greek alphabet and the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. The difference between what is round and what is straight has no exact value. The calculation of pi begins at 3.14159 and stretches indefinitely.

Pi may provide a link between mathematics and sexuality. Since the phallic straight line (diameter) is symbolic of the male and the circle (circumference) represents the female, one might conclude that pi signifies the unsolvable and infinite differences between men and women. The sexes will never be able to "figure" each other out. Pi is an irrational number because it cannot be expressed as a fraction with integers in both the numerator and denominator. Similarly, men and women will do irrational things to maintain a relationship.

However, one can also see a positive aspect in the ratio: As the circumference increases, so does the diameter, and vice versa. Thus, whatever expands the horizons of the woman also expands the opportunities for the man.

The ancient Egyptians also found sex in numbers and geometry, as noted by Plutarch in Moralia Vol. 5. In a triangle that can be measured as three by four by five units, the erect side (3) was likened to the male, the base line (4) to the female and the hypotenuse (5) to the child of both.


I wonder what's next. How the square root of 2 symbolizes nationalism?
QatzelOk wrote:According to Engels The Origin of the Family, societies were matriarcal for most of homo sapiens' existence. Then, when hunting technologies advanced (long spears), some males started having blood rituals, which lead to the acceptation that the male-hunter was now in charge (partiarchy).

The blood rituals were very important in establishing patriarchy, because women had the original "blood ritual" which was what cemented their place as "givers-of-life" in the natural social hierarchy.

So this means that it was *technology* that destroyed the natural order, and not "farming technology." Though any technology is guaranteed to amputate some part of our natural existence.


'Acceptation'...? :eh:
According to Engels The Origin of the Family, societies were matriarcal for most of homo sapiens' existence. Then, when hunting technologies advanced (long spears), some males started having blood rituals, which lead to the acceptation that the male-hunter was now in charge (partiarchy).

The blood rituals were very important in establishing patriarchy, because women had the original "blood ritual" which was what cemented their place as "givers-of-life" in the natural social hierarchy.

So this means that it was *technology* that destroyed the natural order, and not "farming technology." Though any technology is guaranteed to amputate some part of our natural existence.

He everyone. Do you see how cleverly he worked the word "homo" into his post.

By "any technology" do you include those perfidiously polluting bicycles?
Potemkin wrote:....'Acceptation'...? :eh:

Yes, acceptation.

See, just the use of force can be used, but "blood rituals" were necessary because humans have a soul. Luckily for technology, our souls can be transmogrified by fear. And unluckily, the changes that are made under fear are sometimes... permanent.

Drlee wrote:..."homo"...By "any technology" do you include those perfidiously polluting bicycles?

Yes, I do. Most of our technologies have been made "necessary" by other technologies. It's just failure after failure, leading to more "failure reducing" technologies, that then go on to fail in their own way.

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