I Reject, I Affirm. ''Raising the Black Flag'' in an Age of Devilry. - Page 46 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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I read Scripture quite a bit I suppose, never as much as I would like to, but of all the Books of the Scripture I read more than most these days are the Books of the Maccabees. There, demonstration is given between the Monotheism, the Orthodoxy of the Old Testament Church, and the Paganism of the World and it's rulers.

And this relates to even the very deepest things of philosophy both true and false. For in the second Book of Maccabees, Chapter seven verse 28-29, we read the woman with the seven Maccabean martyrs beseeching her youngest son to embrace martyrdom. She says;

''...I beseech you, my child, to look at heaven and earth and see everything in them, and know that God made them out of nothing; so also He made the race of men in this way. Do not fear this executioner! But be worthy of your brothers and accept death, that in God's mercy I may receive you back again with your brothers...''

Every philosophy and every pagan belief affirms the eternity of the universe and the material arrangement within it only being the object of change over time.

Monotheism of whatever sect both false and true, asserts the creation of the world at a certain time long ago from now, from nothing, by God. And, the resurrection of the dead.

This is not the West, is it?
@Odiseizam , you said;

small correction, per'se Abrahamic Monotheistic religions and sects asserts Resurrection Of Souls, pagan and neopagan monotheistic monistic deistic etc. sects not always accept Resurrection :)

Yes, that's what I mean. Not that all are true, but that all share that belief while nobody else does outside those religions.

have You noticed the Holiness of the Words from the Scripture when reread it after Pilgrimage?

Absolutely. It's one of the best aspects of my life these days.

Christ Between Us ...

Amen brother.
Today was of course the 20th anniversary of the attacks on 9-11. I know that as flawed as the official story is, it remains that only an Islamic militant could have carried out that act of malevolent terroristic genius. Surely not the clerks, hollow men and non-entities that have ''led'' the West since 1945. It was a Razzia, a raid, that worked spectacularly in getting the West to overreact and therefore expand the numbers and powers of the Jihadis. With the results we see today in places like Afghanistan.

Materialist reductionism applied to this situation won't solve the problem. Unless you consider total war to be ''materialist reductionism''.
altho most of the public believe that was word for jihadist plot, those that are geopolitically literate know that was word for western spin if not scenario, at least they acted blind so would use such stunt as excuse, but knowing how even earlier wtc was planned for bombing due the antiasbestos law that asked such scrapers to be demolished, its extra probable that 9/11 was rigged event which served the western imperialist interests! I mean how to sell full blown wars were they want (with terrorists excuse) and that not to be opposed in antivietnam war manner, yeah but now all arabs became labeled as boogieman when the "democracy export" proved to be failed experiment that actually never was prime goal, sadly but we witnessed filthy geopolitics from the very beginning of this century nothing less nothing more!

https://[No advertising]/threads/manufactured-reality.242980/post-7969524

lets say having plutocracy instead democracy and everything is possible even north americans getting killed by own elitist vampires, for them back then just minor statistic tho arranged in less as possible casualty way when wtc was most empty but enough to provoke ultimate nato invasion on middle east and central asia, luckily they bumped on the Syria ramp otherwise we would see further exploitation of this more and more obvious rigged skim!
Odiseizam wrote:altho most of the public believe that was word for jihadist plot, those that are geopolitically literate know that was word for western spin if not scenario, at least they acted blind so would use such stunt as excuse, but knowing how even earlier wtc was planned for bombing due the antiasbestos law that asked such scrapers to be demolished, its extra probable that 9/11 was rigged event which served the western imperialist interests! I mean how to sell full blown wars were they want (with terrorists excuse) and that not to be opposed in antivietnam war manner, yeah but now all arabs became labeled as boogieman when the "democracy export" proved to be failed experiment that actually never was prime goal, sadly but we witnessed filthy geopolitics from the very beginning of this century nothing less nothing more!

https://[No advertising]/threads/manufactured-reality.242980/post-7969524

lets say having plutocracy instead democracy and everything is possible even north americans getting killed by own elitist vampires, for them back then just minor statistic tho arranged in less as possible casualty way when wtc was most empty but enough to provoke ultimate nato invasion on middle east and central asia, luckily they bumped on the Syria ramp otherwise we would see further exploitation of this more and more obvious rigged skim!

@Odiseizam ;

I know that there's a lot of theories out there about various anomalies in the 9-11 event, but even if we were to assume that all of that were absolutely 100% true, it would remain that the 9-11 event served the purposes of militant Islamists quite well, culminating in the defeat of the USA in Afghanistan and the restoration of the Taliban as the rulers of that country. I have my doubts that this outcome was the original intention of the alleged people claimed to be behind 9-11, but it was the intention of the Islamist militants whether they carried out the deed (with help or not, knowingly or otherwise) or not.
if we assume that the caliphate thing was real agenda then 9/11 didnt served the main purpose, as daesh so as alqaeda were formed and financed by cia so here jihadists are just misused in bigger skim that failed, after the western fiasco in Syria due to the russian persistency all the skim fell apart staying in Afghanistan after that was just unreasonable, what will keep safe us'soldiers the opium trade and mineral potential, they wasting yearly more than it could be exploited from it, aside the constant risks of been easy target and like that constant shame as military and intelligence, on top after the fracking the afghan oil and gas pipelines are less important and practically too expensive for keeping them safe ...

    on other hand if we suppose that like this 9/11 was achieved something for the jihadists that is lets say silly, that stunt even executed by them didnt brought nothing for the muslim realm not even motivation for greater compacting, they were all manipulated if not on pay roll to serve greater western interests at least to be used as indoctrinated war dogs that would be used wherever euroatlantic determinist dont have excuse directly to intervene!

public allegations portraying osama as cia stooge

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allegations_of_CIA_assistance_to_Osama_bin_Laden#Allegations

too many coincidental vacuum voids that nowadays are still empty


osama engaged in cia war in Kosovo cmon does anyone need more ev.


was he player stooge or stooge went rogue and lured and played Dont Matter


as could be seen there many inconsistencies, also on PoHo I've numbered extra strong motives, only one forgotten there is the need Pakistan to be secured too, tho my opinion is that per'se usaf land in Afghanistan so it would secure the ground for the anaconda military strategy for surrounding Russia , all the rest should have been bonus like the big bucks for the military industry they didnt got nothing altho even that is sucess if we know that 1/5 of the real us economy is directly or indirectly dependent of the same industry! anyway Pakistan and the radical flow was maybe extra risk i.e. usA stirred the cauldron with the jinadi ussR resistance so it was their mess to be settled and controlled again ...

The JUI became more important on the Afghan scene after 1993, when it entered into an alliance with the government of Prime Minister Bhutto. The Jama‘at, in contrast, had no links with that government. In addition, the alliance between Hek- matyar and Tajiks (that was brokered by Qazi Husain) prompted Pakistan’s Pathan elite into action. Pathan military commanders in the military and the ISI, in cooperation with Benazir’s Pathan minister of interior—General Nasirullah Babur—conspired to ensure Pathan rule over Afghanistan. In order to achieve this they undermined Hekmatyar and his al- liance with the Masood/Burhanuddin Rabbani faction (and the Jama‘at), and looked to a new Pathan force (the Taliban). The Jama‘at was thus sidelined in the Afghan scene, and was re- placed by JUI, which had close ties with the Taliban. The Qazi- Hekmatyar nexus was replaced by one between JUI’s Mawlana Fazlur Rahman and Taliban’s Mulla Umar as Pakistan military’s instrument for controlling Afghanistan. The rise of the Taliban quickly influenced Pakistan’s pol- itics. The movement’s meteoric rise in Afghanistan created much enthusiasm for it in Islamist circles in Pakistan, and Vali Nasr [34]
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given Taliban’s connections with the Deobandi establish- ment in Pakistan, created a “Talibanization” of Pakistan. As a result, Islamist forces became more strident in their rhetoric, and grew more jihadist and revolutionary. The change of scene in Pakistan forced the Jama‘at to adopt a more revolutionary posture in order to protect its position in Islamist circles.
cfr 2000 - Vali Nasr - International Relations of an Islamist Movement: The Case of the Jama’at-i Islami of Pakistan
@Odiseizam ;

Yes, all these are important things to consider, especially as Russia and Serbia are targeted for destruction by the Western Elites and need all the ''Muscle'' they can muster from any source possible in order to do it.

But, this is another matter from the concern that all of this will enable militant Islam to eventually conquer not only the West but East as well.
my opinion is more simple not Russia and Serbia but Orthodox Christianity is at stake which could be seen from my recent thread on PoHo Manufactured Reality, but lets keep the logic on real politics, as I've suggested cia saw mujahedins fit to serve as mercenaries where euroatlantic determinists see fit eg. Bosnia and Kosovo i.e. even in eU the same could be used for intimidation of unobedient member states, tho mainly like this alone as invisible terror meance was/is conditioned the us'congress to envision greater military budget once the communist treat disappeared after the ussR dissolution, it was hard for neocons to secure such stunt in 90's altho obviously in 80's by faking treat were successful -[1]

    what is interesting is that those afghani mujahedins were restructured in balkans later and obviously in that was involved the osamas network -[1] check also the third part (70th min onward) of the documentary proposed in the end of this post were even is stated that al-qaida (base) was label for mujahedine database -[1]

what is interesting from all this 9/11 hype is that alqaeda is direct inception of cia, and alone just like that even later cia didnt have nothing with any plot is big not just embarrassment but also harm for the us citizens, not just those that died in 9/11 but also all the public how was manipulated to embrace 21 century occupation and mass murdering in middle east, some say the numbers goes above one million civilian collateral as result on "the war of terror" -[1] if this was kgb mess probably the western agitprop wells would bucked it up the same point 24/7 till there is media around, its cool tho how Russia or China are not doing the same to ridicule usA, even havent seen any particular documentary from their side which would expose alqaida as cia yoyo, respect for the italian independent flashcard called ZERO: An Investigation into 9/11 watch it from the 60th minute onward [1][1][1]
Odiseizam wrote:my opinion is more simple not Russia and Serbia but Orthodox Christianity is at stake which could be seen from my recent thread on PoHo Manufactured Reality, but lets keep the logic on real politics, as I've suggested cia saw mujahedins fit to serve as mercenaries where euroatlantic determinists see fit eg. Bosnia and Kosovo i.e. even in eU the same could be used for intimidation of unobedient member states, tho mainly like this alone as invisible terror meance was/is conditioned the us'congress to envision greater military budget once the communist treat disappeared after the ussR dissolution, it was hard for neocons to secure such stunt in 90's altho obviously in 80's by faking treat were successful -[1]

    what is interesting is that those afghani mujahedins were restructured in balkans later and obviously in that was involved the osamas network -[1] check also the third part (70th min onward) of the documentary proposed in the end of this post were even is stated that al-qaida (base) was label for mujahedine database -[1]

what is interesting from all this 9/11 hype is that alqaeda is direct inception of cia, and alone just like that even later cia didnt have nothing with any plot is big not just embarrassment but also harm for the us citizens, not just those that died in 9/11 but also all the public how was manipulated to embrace 21 century occupation and mass murdering in middle east, some say the numbers goes above one million civilian collateral as result on "the war of terror" -[1] if this was kgb mess probably the western agitprop wells would bucked it up the same point 24/7 till there is media around, its cool tho how Russia or China are not doing the same to ridicule usA, even havent seen any particular documentary from their side which would expose alqaida as cia yoyo, respect for the italian independent flashcard called ZERO: An Investigation into 9/11 watch it from the 60th minute onward [1][1][1]

@Odiseizam ;

I would say that it is a war of equal effort against Orthodoxy Christianity especially as a way of life, and against the Slavic peoples as a related adjunct to that. It's a good question though as to what tail is wagging the dog in this particular situation.
obviously we as slavic ethnos need to be assimilated so the euroatlantic nwo skim would not have any obstacles ahead, now Serbia and RUssia only stayed free while last in a row my country Macedonia was grabbed and when I say this I mean it coz altho constitutional norm corrupt politicle elites pushed our country in nato without referendum consent which is mandatory constitutional norm for joining political or military union, but knowing that we live in world bound by causality on methaphisical level actually nato embraced like this virus in its row and good luck with that probably when least they'll expect causality will fireback! Glorry To Our Lord for everything especially knowing how all slavic people are welcomed by Russia to change their mind, and they will, the question is whether for that would be trigger new balkan war or collapse of the northatlantic alliance logically first on economical then political and day military level, still knowing this already parts of the shadowy elites seek to infiltrate Russia and China and retook it from within aside the regular agenda for colored revolutions by "political" stooges like navalny [1][1] but think that is undoable yet west is using such skims for imposing greater economic sanction pressure, altho if for something russians are capable is for aclimatization on any harsh pressure, think ww2 is proof and good motivation for any similar future scenario, tho as could be seen on causality level every such skim is firebacking to west exponentially!
@Odiseizam , you replied;

obviously we as slavic ethnos need to be assimilated so the euroatlantic nwo skim would not have any obstacles ahead, now Serbia and RUssia only stayed free while last in a row my country Macedonia was grabbed and when I say this I mean it coz altho constitutional norm corrupt politicle elites pushed our country in nato without referendum consent which is mandatory constitutional norm for joining political or military union,

Those behind the war of 1914-1945, are set upon preparing the ground for their planned victory in the future, this I firmly believe.

but knowing that we live in world bound by causality on methaphisical level actually nato embraced like this virus in its row and good luck with that probably when least they'll expect causality will fireback!

The chain of causality is not for us to break perhaps, although it is maybe a part of being formed in God's Image and Likeness that (being fallen) we try to make it as if we do. God though is free, He can do anything, absolutely anything!

Glorry To Our Lord for everything especially knowing how all slavic people are welcomed by Russia to change their mind, and they will, the question is whether for that would be trigger new balkan war or collapse of the northatlantic alliance logically first on economical then political and day military level, still knowing this already parts of the shadowy elites seek to infiltrate Russia and China and retook it from within aside the regular agenda for colored revolutions by "political" stooges like navalny [1][1] but think that is undoable yet west is using such skims for imposing greater economic sanction pressure, altho if for something russians are capable is for aclimatization on any harsh pressure, think ww2 is proof and good motivation for any similar future scenario, tho as could be seen on causality level every such skim is firebacking to west exponentially!

We shall see, my friend, we shall see. By the way, I am one of those strange people who insist that the Macedonians of the past were the same as those people of the present Macedonia, so I know that one cannot keep you folk or any other Slav down for long!
yes causality on this world could broken or rewerted only by Omnipotent Lord yet knowing that those euroatlantic determinists are freemasons (thus luciferians) they cant achieve their final goal enlightenment nwo as superhumanity, altho it is said would be given to anathemago some time to mesmerize the world [1] so as humanity we need just to clever and cautious while challenged by future geopolitics [2] not to fell in despair and panic and like that to become souls ready for recycling!

about the ethnic issue above all is word for one standardized by Orthodoxy Language and Cyrilic Alphabet wide pool of tribes that some were more influenced by vatican while the rest by Byzant, and luckily ottomans appeared otherwise balkan slavs would be assimilated by the west and Russia till now would loose its own cultural root what would be Ohrid ... tho here we are speaking per'se for cultural and spiritual root while the imperial would be Russia as orthodox sucessor of Byzant, yet some say that through khazar line russian and macedonian slavs were even direct cousins ...

~ http://www.kubarev.ru/en/content/303.htm ~

now why historians accepted that slavic ethnos exists only from the late antiquity that is question for debate and in my opinion its word for the Pelasgians as ancestors of macedonias ilirians and thracians who later cam in contact with other tribes eg. vikings and popped up russians, while greeks were mix from pelasgians and phoenicians, still the fact that slavic language pop up as inscription even before Christ says big time how in question is continuity from the macedonian through the byzantine till the russian empire nowadays, its same today compared to romans europeans anglosaxons i.e. they defacto have even less common language but their imperial root is exactly that roman, tho unlike the eastern empire they resurected paganism while on east Orthodoxy didnt loosen except the emergence of bogomolism the dualistic sect drawn on balkan by the byzantine resettling of the caucasian paulicians who made syncretic dualistic sect that mixed zoroastrian past with Christianity, anyway now Macedonia is by force pushed in nato and that is unnatural imperial skim thus the same move by causality will fireback sooner or later, how hm I wouldnt speculate about methaphisical reflexes but just know that the boomerang vibe already is flashing ...

~ http://forum.idividi.com.mk/forum_posts.asp?TID=30901&PID=3133532#3133532 ~
@Odiseizam ;

In any case, it is a sad fact of this world that ''history is written by the victors''. While the real history is a tale told around campfires and a story for children at bedtime, hidden under a layer of a kind of code.

Edit; I wanted to add too, that some of your links are to a very wacky group of people. I am fully prepared to look at new information, but i'll accept it only if it is in accord with previously accepted and affirmed truths. What they teach most assuredly is not.
the first centered link from kubarev.ru its not mine, while the two footnotes and the second centered link (for the pelasgian thread from idividi forum) are mine, as such mostly all nonmainstream logic, as You've observed too not affirmed truth coz the neopagan european winners had have written biased and twisted view of history in which there is no place for the existence of the eastern "european" empire through the past ~3 millenia ...

    we can continue elaborating my logic and points further in some histo thread, sorry for all those digression here, altho all are in context to my assertions ...

anyway real history cant exist coz as always there will be revisionism coz different point of view even there was not word for biased possessive or victorious narrative, yeah postrevionism rulz too, simply every two interpretations will have own specific style if not else ...
maybe as scholar he has extra academic knowledge but that dont means overall his interpretations are precise, especially when interpreting Khorasan as Afghanistan, it could be also word for Iran [1] even more knowing that after the clash between magog and gog (Russia vs euroatlantic determinists) [1][1] altho this early judaic eschatoly could be interpreted in different ways i.e. that is not word for Russia but Turkey [1][1][1] and this aligns somehow to other prophecies eg. that of Elder Paisios [1] and Saint Cosma of Aetolia [1]

    also, altho maybe neglectful, but also wrongly ImranNH is suggesting in the video you've shared how russians occupied Afghanistan, but that is not true nor from ethnic nor from political aspect i.e. those in command were bolsheviks, even "covert zionists" eg. from the very beginning as Lenin Yagoda Trotsky [2][2][2]

... anyway. what is interesting to be pointed in cotext of Your assertion is that Islam eschatology also accept that the Mesiah is Christ ... what they dont grasp only its The Dogma Of Holly Trinity i.e. that Jesus Christ Is Our Almighty Lord As One With The Father, and think its even worst to debate muslims on this topic than atheists coz those that are indoctrinated anyhow by any tradition even modern one are from start approaching with resignation, I had the same experience with universalists on historum [3] what is interesting tho is that muslim eschatologists (thus Islam overall) are seeing Christ as One who in the end will slay djelal-anathema-to-him, altho interpret this from perspective of Prophet Victory [4][4] simply they were too late in the process of accepting the Revealed Truth about Our Messiah even tho they see Him too as Messiah as could be seen from the last footnotes ...
I am absolutely an Orthodox Christian of the most traditional and doctrinaire sort. But I detest a certain kind of politics that takes it upon themselves to declare that I must be a Romanov Monarchist, that I must be in the camp of the White Guard, of Kolchak and Denikin and the rest, or I am not an Orthodox Christian.

But neither am I of the liberal sort that is all in for this modern faux-progressive age. Likewise, a servile attitude towards the Theomachists of the Bolshevik power leaves me cold as well.

One would have to go back into history to understand why, but we live in an age where history is something despised, that one shouldn't try to learn from, all that matters is today and today's dollar.

I think that the key to understanding events today in fact lies in seeing the period 1914-1989 as one long war, fought by two sides, and one side fought back with the knowledge that most fighting had no clue as to what the real objectives of this war were.

Of this, I will turn my next few posts of reflection.
annatar1914 wrote:I am absolutely an Orthodox Christian of the most traditional and doctrinaire sort. But I detest a certain kind of politics that takes it upon themselves to declare that I must be a Romanov Monarchist, that I must be in the camp of the White Guard, of Kolchak and Denikin and the rest, or I am not an Orthodox Christian.

But neither am I of the liberal sort that is all in for this modern faux-progressive age. Likewise, a servile attitude towards the Theomachists of the Bolshevik power leaves me cold as well.

One would have to go back into history to understand why, but we live in an age where history is something despised, that one shouldn't try to learn from, all that matters is today and today's dollar.

I think that the key to understanding events today in fact lies in seeing the period 1914-1989 as one long war, fought by two sides, and one side fought back with the knowledge that most fighting had no clue as to what the real objectives of this war were.

Of this, I will turn my next few posts of reflection.

@Political Interest , @Potemkin

Well, I had intended to dive deeper and tackle these issues in more depth. But something happened elsewhere outside of PoFo that is going to change my direction for now.

I have as many know, been a advocate for the literal reality and physicality of the unseen realms which are believed in by many religions including Christianity. But what's more, and what came up in discussion outside PoFo, was that Gender is very much a physical reality in the higher spiritual realms as well. We know of many male Angels, and even of female Angels as we can read in Zechariah 5:9;

''...Then lifted I up mine eyes, and looked, and, behold, there came out two women, and the wind was in their wings; for they had wings like the wings of a stork: and they lifted up the ephah between the earth and the heaven....''

We read in Scripture in Genesis of fallen Angels who mate with mortal women. Our Lord spoke not that Angels have no Gender in Heaven, but that ''they neither marry nor are given in marriage''.

Clearly however, the history of thought on these matters in the West has been actually quite hostile, beginning with Scholasticism and a hatred of physicality, of ''gross'' Matter, that I think comes from both Greco-Roman Philosophy and the outcomes deriving from a male mandatory celibate Clergy in the West (and frankly, numerous clergy historically of ambiguous sexuality, with an ambivalence towards gender issues and all that, embedded within the Western celibate clergy).

Hmm, Gender as something foundational to physical reality of both seen and unseen realms, with the Highest Reality, God (in Christian and other teaching) indicating that it's important to see Him, as ''Him'', however mysterious that might appear...

Kind of fits in with my earlier ruminations on the West and Modernity tending towards Matriarchy over time, and what forms that takes or will take.

Watched ''Brat 2'' again, it had been quite a few years;

It's not easy being of two worlds, and one has to go back and choose the world that is native to reality.

Money versus Truth;

Danila: American, what's your power? Is it really money? My brother says it's money. You've got lots of money - so what? Truth is a real power. Whoever is right is strong. You cheated on a man and took away his money. Did it make you stronger? No, it did not, 'cause you are not right, and the person you cheated on is. That means he's stronger. Right?

Mennis: [crying] Right!

I know, a lot of people won't get it, it's true. The fact that I do get it makes me feel like a stranger in a strange land, I know why I've always had such a hard time. Lot of other uncomfortable truths in the movie.
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