Maintaining the Jewish Majority... - Page 3 - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

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I think Germany had a right to draft those laws, I think they were stupid because it hurt Germany in the sciences, and the economic long term stablity. Getting rid of Jews is not a great idea for a countries long term success. Germany is the land of Germans, if they no longer want a certain group living in its land, they have all the right in the world to force them out or have them live as second class citizens. I do have issue with wholesale murder of those people, but thats another story.

Israel is a Jewish state, if Arabs want to live in that land they can live as second class citizens or move to out.
Oxymoron wrote:I think Germany had a right to draft those laws, I think they were stupid because it hurt Germany in the sciences, and the economic long term stablity. Getting rid of Jews is not a great idea for a countries long term success. Germany is the land of Germans, if they no longer want a certain group living in its land, they have all the right in the world to force them out or have them live as second class citizens. I do have issue with wholesale murder of those people, but thats another story.

Israel is a Jewish state, if Arabs want to live in that land they can live as second class citizens or move to out.

Ya of these days someone is gonna be in a position to execute these warped beliefs you "claim" to have...on you.
I'd like to be a fly on the wall that day...
I doubt that very much, America is the land of mutts plus there is no identifying feature that would make me stand out from a Anglo Saxon or German. Well aside my accent, but that could be fixed .

Plus if all else fails, I can always go to Israel and be first class citizen
Oxymoron wrote:I doubt that very much, America is the land of mutts plus there is no identifying feature that would make me stand out from a Anglo Saxon or German. Well aside my accent, but that could be fixed .

Plus if all else fails, I can always go to Israel and be first class citizen

Well...if nothing least you're much more honest that most of the other Zionists I've met.
Oxymoron wrote:I think Germany had a right to draft those laws, I think they were stupid because it hurt Germany in the sciences, and the economic long term stablity. Getting rid of Jews is not a great idea for a countries long term success. Germany is the land of Germans, if they no longer want a certain group living in its land, they have all the right in the world to force them out or have them live as second class citizens. I do have issue with wholesale murder of those people, but thats another story.

Israel is a Jewish state, if Arabs want to live in that land they can live as second class citizens or move to out.

Than it is safe to assume Israel is NOT a democratic state. Rather it is an Apartheid state and that the USA should adjust it's policies accordingly.
No Oscar, Athens the founder of the Democratic state, and it didn't allow none land owners to vote, or women for that matter, and they had Slaves.

There is nothing in Democracy that doesn't fit with Tribalism. Israel is a Democratic state, with tiers in its citizens rights based on Ethnic and religious grounds. Just because it isn't a liberal multicultural democratic state, doesn't disqualify it from being Democratic.
Oxymoron wrote:No Oscar, Athens the founder of the Democratic state, and it didn't allow none land owners to vote, or women for that matter, and they had Slaves.

There is nothing in Democracy that doesn't fit with Tribalism. Israel is a Democratic state, with tiers in its citizens rights based on Ethnic and religious grounds. Just because it isn't a liberal multicultural democratic state, doesn't disqualify it from being Democratic.

You just described South Africa "with tiers in its citizen rights based on Ethnic and religious ground." The USA considered South Africa an "Apartheid State" for the same reasons; when the American public starts to realize this, support for Israel will erode. It will erode anyway when USA dependence on ME resources (e.g. oil) starts to wane.
ou just described South Africa "with tiers in its citizen rights based on Ethnic and religious ground." The USA considered South Africa an "Apartheid State" for the same reasons; when the American public starts to realize this, support for Israel will erode. It will erode anyway when USA dependence on ME resources (e.g. oil) starts to wane.

Unlike South Africa, it doesn't have a black and white race conflict. Something that made Europeans and Americans feel guilty. No one cares about Israel making Arabs who celebrated 9.11 into second class citizens. Actually most Americans support Israel for doing so.

So why did you drop the whole its not a Democratic country none sense?
Haaretz wrote:If you think I’m a racist, then Israel is a racist state

Upper Nazareth’s mayor answers detractors who say his reelection campaign calling for the mixed city to be 'Jewish forever’ is racist.

Over the past few days, many people have been calling me a racist. Sometimes they also call me a Nazi, a bully or even Hitler. One need only look at the comments on Haaretz’s website to put me before a firing squad. What’s my crime? What act of bullying did I commit? I made a clear and unequivocal statement that Upper Nazareth was a Jewish city.

Yes — I’m not afraid to say it out loud, to write it and add my signature, or declare it in front of the cameras: Upper Nazareth is a Jewish city and it’s important that it remains so. If that makes me a racist, then I’m a proud offshoot of a glorious dynasty of “racists” that started with the “Covenant of the Pieces” [that God made with Abraham, recounted in Genesis 15:1–15] and the explicitly racist promise: “To your seed I have given this land” [Genesis 15:38].

When the Jewish people were about to return to their homeland after a long journey from slavery in Egypt, where they were enslaved for racist reasons, the God of Israel told Moses how to act upon conquering the land: he must cleanse the land of its current inhabitants. “But if you do not drive out the inhabitants of the land from before you, then those of them whom you allow to remain... as I thought to do to them, so will I do to you” [Numbers 33:55–56].

God gave them an explicit warning. Yes, the racist Joshua conquered the land in a racist manner. More than 3,000 years later, the Jewish people stood bruised and bleeding on the threshold of their land, seeking once again to take possession of it from the wild tribes that had seized the land in its absence. And then, an outbreak of racism flooded the country.

The racist Theodor Herzl wrote "Der Judenstaat" (“The Jewish State,” not “The State of All Its Citizens”). Lord Balfour recommended the establishment of a national home for the Jewish people. David Ben-Gurion, Chaim Arlosoroff, Moshe Sharett and other racists established the Jewish Agency, and the racist UN decided to establish a Jewish state — in other words, a state for Jews. The racist Ben-Gurion announced the establishment of the Jewish State in the Land of Israel, and during the War of Independence even made sure to bring in hundreds of thousands of Jews and drive out hundreds of thousands of Arabs who had been living here — all to enable it to be founded with the desired racist character.

Since then, racially pure kibbutzim without a single Arab member and an army that protects a certain racial strain have been established, as have political parties that proudly bear racist names such as “Habayit Hayehudi” — “the Jewish home.” Even our racist national anthem ignores the existence of the Arab minority — in other words, the people Ben-Gurion did not manage to expel in the 1948 war. If not for all that “racism,” it’s doubtful we could live here, and doubtful that we could live at all.

In these times of hypocrisy and bleeding-heart sanctimoniousness, of the proliferation of flaky types who are disconnected from reality, in the relative security that causes us to forget the dangers we face, we can sit in north Tel Aviv, and cry “racism” to seem enlightened and good-hearted in our own eyes. We can be shocked at a mayor who prefers that his city, which is right next to the largest Arab city in Israel, retain a Jewish majority and not be swallowed up in the Arab area that surrounds it. There will not be a single Jew in the future Palestinian state, but that’s all right. That isn’t racism.

Upper Nazareth is a Jewish city. Fewer than one-fifth of its inhabitants are Arab citizens, and they enjoy full municipal and national rights. Many of them are friends of mine, and I like and respect many of them. I could wish that Jews were treated the way the Arabs of Upper Nazareth are — not only those Jews who lived in Europe of times past, but also those who live in the Arab countries of today. If that were the case, perhaps we of Upper Nazareth would have no need to be “racists.”

The writer is the mayor of Upper Nazareth.

I have to say, I am astounded and amazed this fellow could even write this. In essence championing many things I'd fight a life time against. Biblical purge of land of it's inhabitants, intention to create policy to manufacture an ethno-religious character. Jews would not stand for this kind of treatment against themselves elsewhere in the world, so why should such idealism be tolerated when it aims to benefit Jews?

Plus, how does this fellow intend to implement such an objective, without discrimination? How could it be implemented without discrimination?

It is stuff like this, that I started this thread for...
Great find and post Tailz.
Every once in a while, the true feelings of one of these Zionists seeps out for public viewing.
I'm sure its an embarrassment to many Israelis and Jews living outside Israel, but the world must see for itself, the racially charged environment of Israel. How the Zionist movement has implemented a sort of "Nazi-Light" ideology.

Its seriously depressing that the center of world focus today...the Middle East...has a true pariah living right in the middle of it.

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