Israel’s medieval ban on intermarriage - Politics | PoFo

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Surely the government in Burma is not doing anything different than Israelis. It's just that some animals are more equal than others.

Israel’s medieval ban on intermarriage

3 June 2014

Here is a simple infographic (possibly behind the Haaretz paywall) setting out how Israel has engineered a series of hurdles to prevent intermarriage, especially between Jews and non-Jews.

There are no civil institutions in Israel dealing with marriage (and many other personal status issues), meaning that only hardline Orthodox rabbis get to determine who marries a “real Jew”.

Israel dresses this up as an attempt to protect religious tradition, but actually it’s religious coercion designed to prevent assimilation – the greatest threat to Zionism, Israel’s state ideology.

So this kind of medieval enforcement of segregation according to sect, tribe or race (depending on how you look at it) is actually required by the very nature of a Jewish state – sorry, I meant Jewish and democratic state.

See more at: ... i67zj.dpuf
You seem to be ignorant about the origins of Israeli marriage laws. They stem from Ottoman times (the Millet system) and are no different from those of neighboring countries that were under Ottoman domination at the time.

There is widespread opposition to them among seculars but religious (Jews and non-Jews alike) support them for obvious reasons (guess who gets to decide if a couple can marry or not). It should be noted that Israel recognizes marriages performed abroad (including gay marriage), so that option can be used to bypass the system.
It definitely is quite ridiculous that these old laws haven't been abolished, and are exploited by the more extreme portion of the population. I'm sure many in the Arab sector approve of these laws as well. Fortunately there are go-arounds. There are intermarried couples in Israel, and their unions are recognized by the state.
Yeah, while this is definitely a nuisance, it is a minor one as work-arounds are very widely used. And it's something that time is working against.
Sorry, haters, you're going to have to find something else to hang your "DEM EVUL JEEWWS"hat on!
Jews are winning the race war (at least for the moment). The Jewish Israeli population is growing. Birth rates have increased amongst secular Jews. The world's White Goy population on the other hand is in decline. The question is whether this is all just an accident. Just a coincidence of unrelated factors and trends.

What is undoubtedly true is that Goy infidels are the N***** of the Middle East. As far as I can see though our only real long term hope in the Middle East is Israel. Assad and the Egyptian military are not a long term solution for us, neither were Gadaffi and Saddam, good riddance to them. In the same way that Black nationalists were better off remaining within the United States or other ethnic European States in the nineteenth century.
This is total nonsense.

I know three Israeli couples who are Jewish/Christian.

I believe Israel also recognises gay marriage.

Ultra Orthodox in any religion give out a bad impression....but the vast majority of Israelis ignore them....Israel is actually a secular society.

How many Catholics conform with the Church's rules on contraception?
How many Moslems have a drink now and again?
How many Hindus have a steak occasionally?
Sorry, haters, you're going to have to find something else to hang your "DEM EVUL JEEWWS"hat on!

No one has said evil jews. Just saying "backwards racist Israelis", no better than Saudis or Qataris

You should get used to it by now and continue to justify the unjustifiable by shamelessly throwing the antisemitism card on any critics

It's ok, we still love you !!

I met one before, but the girl rejected me because i am a Muslim.

Probably also because of your political opinions which are disgusting as far as i know.
The usual bullshit from the Anti israel frothers. The ultra Orthodox do NOT get to decide who is married in israel and who is not only conversions are overed by them. Any Israeli who marries anyone else can bring their spouse to israel and they can become Israeli citizens. Israel is not like a Muslim country that imprisons or murders people who marry non muslims.
Probably also because of your political opinions which are disgusting as far as i know.

I don't talk politics or religion with girls when there is a possibility that she can be my girlfriend. There are some distinct behaviours like not drinking alcohol, not having interests in pets etc. which prevent you from being socialized so everybody understands that you are a devout Muslim.
The fixation against 'backward racist Israelis' becomes less funny when those same people don't see their own racism and don't pay the same attention to the same backwards racists that are in their back yard.

Oh well, i feel targeted by your comment... Since the source of the article is Israeli, i assume that there are plenty of progressive, cool Israelis i could get along with. Since i'm European and in regards the latests European elections results, i assume there are also plenty of backwards racist Europeans. You made a good point !

I certainly should phrase my opinions in a more diplomatic way in order to not offend people who do not deserve to be offended. But it is difficult when you're an asshole like me

There are some distinct behaviours like not drinking alcohol, not having interests in pets etc. which prevent you from being socialized so everybody understands that you are a devout Muslim.

Displaying devotion ostensibly sounds like vanity to me.
Buzz62 wrote:It amuses me to see threads about Israel's idiosyncrasies, and find people saying things like, "Well they do it too."
Perhaps "they" do...but this thread is about ISRAEL.

Such simple-minded attempts at misdirection...

So it only matters if Israel does it?
wat0n wrote:So it only matters if Israel does it?

Yes it matters.
But this thread is about ISRAEL.

Israelis and their supporters like to misdirect conversations concerning Israel's acts and policies, by showing how "other" nations do the same...if not worse. The problem with that is rather obvious. Israelis will make such a comparison with some third-world nation, and then in the same breath, tell us all how advanced and "westernized" Israel is.

Israel has a long way to go before it even approaches the "western norms". This is likely a major reason why the UN is constantly reporting on the racist policies and conditions within Israel. If they were so "westernized", they wouldn't be building in the WB this very day. Instead, they'd be altering their society to be more "westernized" by getting rid of things like this ban on intermarriage...among numerous other issues which are "lacking" before Israel can actually make any serious claims to be "westernized".
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