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Political issues and parties in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

Moderator: PoFo Middle-East Mods

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Dagoth Ur wrote:They are intentionally targeting everyone. Children are part of everyone.

Prove that. Prove that the target of any Israeli raid is the citizens.

Here's a rational thought :

If Israel does in fact target citizens, why use 125,000$ guided rockets? Why not use much much cheaper 155 MM or 85 MM shells?
If Israel does in fact target citizens, in the most crowded place in the world, after all, why are the numbers are high as it should be if your claim is ture?

Well, Palestinians claim that there are around 1400 killed. How many of them are Terrorists/Militants?

Hamas and Islamic Jihad up untill now, lie and lied much about that figuers. Heck, they even issued an order to the Gazans to not film rocket lauching from crowded/civilian areas and to treat ALL casualties as innocents. Did you pounder upon that?

First what's the ratio between Israeli children's deaths and Palestinian children's deaths? Like 1:50? That sure sounds like a targeted attack on the part of the Palestinians.
Second, I can find just as many zionists advocating genocide against all Arabs.

Wow, you guys still don't get it that it's not about numbers. It's about intentions.

We, really defend our people. They don't. That's the entire point. They are willing to sacrifice innocents in the name of the "Mokawama", just read about it.
Read the Hamas manifesto, you'll find that they actually force the things that they believe in, on the population they rule.

Ask yourself why? Because there are many efforts to prevent this sort of attacks on Israeli citizens. So, by your logic, we should let them kill and murder just to get you sympathy? That's sick.

Here's an question : If they love their children so much, why do they tell them to go on roof tops? When clearly it's an act that could get them killed.

About the other claim, it's not many and certainly not most. Like every nation, we have our own extremists. Most Israelis don't celeberate when a child is dead.

And also I can point you to the other direction, when do you say about those who celeberate when Israelis are murdered and killed? When they hand out sweets? When they cheer on rooftops? Huh?

Which solves nothing. Israel will never allow the Palestinian state from being any more than a heavily guarded buffer/satellite state. The Palestinians will still live in grinding poverty under the constant threat of Israel's war machine. War, apartheid, and occupation as a cycle cannot end while Israelis and Palestinians are separate.

You guys still don't get it, and that's why many Europeans and Americans unsuccesesfully fill the middle man position, that's why so many proposals didn't make it.

Both sides, don't wish to live under one state. The sooner you get it, the better it will be. If the Palestinians will denounced violence there is no interest for Israel to do the things you said. Is Egypt a satellite state? How about Jordan? We had tough wars with those counries, now there is a collaboration on many issues.

Or rather it would mean that Israelis have to give political concessions to Arabs in a joint state and Zionists are adamantly against this. The zionists could start a civil war but they would lose.

Here's another point why you guys don't really get the conflict. What is a Zionist? Zionisem fulfilled it's purpose when Israel was born.
So is Israeli Patriot is Zionist in your eyes?

Dagoth Ur wrote:Good luck with that. I'm sure that will have zero negative repercussions on Israel.

I wonder, what will happen if Israel didn't follow the International Law?

I mean, we follow the international law, we do more things than the international law demands from a country at war, and still, the world is biast. I mean,
we are called "Murderes", "Killers" and other names. Also, they refer the inicidents at Gaza as a genocide and a massacre when clearly it's a populist move, because there are no legal justifications to prove that, but it doesn't stop them from doing that.

You got some hypocrite politicians and celebrities who use this conflict for P.R reasons so you can see theam smear Israel when they have no idea what they talk about.

So why bother?

We will always be the aggressor. We will always be the disproportional side.

No matter what reasons. No matter what actually happend. No matter the facts. No matter nothing.

Biast. Fixed game.

So in their mind, Israel should keep getting hit by rockets becasue we have Iron Dome. Israel should keep getting inflitrate by tunnels. Israel should sit quitely while suicide bombers and terrorists trying to enter Israel.

In other words, Israel should not defend itself.

I don't think that people get what Gaza is, or how hard is to fight in Gaza without involving innocents and how Hamas is cynically using this situation.
Wrath - Speaking of ethnically-motivated conspiracy and deceit, check out the Letter of Aristeas and pseudo-MLK's Letter to a Zionist Friend.

So there's a very long history and practice of such methods. (There's a "masked happy merchant" meme which makes fun of this technique.)

IdeationalOntarian - The text was so one-sided it reads like a parody. Yet, the comments below were 90% positive! That just goes to show how polarized opinion becomes when there is this kind of conflict.

I would like more info on civil rights' leaders attitude towards Israel. On the one hand, anticolonialists/antiracists in general I believe were hostile to Israeli settlement of Palestine, seeing it as an extension of European colonialism. On the other hand, civil rights leaders were given a lot of support from liberal Jews in terms of financing and organisation, and they may have been supportive of Israel and expected the same from their protégés.
Dagoth Ur wrote:Israel isn't trying to make themselves look even worse on the world stage. Collective punishment is carried out with a clear sense of the fact that Israel is watched by many people. Hence supposedly humanitarian tactics like "roof knocking".

And yet, Israel also uses even softer tactics such as dropping leaflets or phone calls, undermining the collective punishment meme.

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