Antisemitism & opposition to Israel - Page 11 - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

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noemon wrote:I wish I could commend you too but you live in utter denial. No matter how many times you have repeat your fantasies it won't make them true. If you ever did have an argument you would say it but its obvious you do not.

Radical Zionists are not very good at having a fair discussion, but they are very good good in promoting soviet-style censorship and repressions, they do not care a rat's ass about the freedom of speech, they hate the American amendments, they want to repress any freedom of discussion and disarm the population, like they have already done in Europe.

Can you imagine? They want to outlaw any discussion about the crimes of Zionism! If you point out the racism and crimes of Zionists against the native Semites of Palestine, they will call you an "Anti-Semite" and they want to go further, they want to put you behind bars for that!

Trump does not support this agenda very much, and that is the reason why he is so hated!
Silencing Critics of Israel

Israel doesn't accept criticism. In fact, whether from friend or foe, even mild criticism is viewed as an existential threat prompting Israeli officials to unleash a torrent of abuse in an effort to silence and/or punish critics. And given new initiatives being rolled out in Israel and here is the US, by Congress and some state legislatures, this effort to silence critics is endangering free speech and the search for peace.

This worrisome tendency was on display in recent weeks as Israelis reacted with striking vehemence to remarks by United Nations Secretary General, Ban Ki Moon, and US Ambassador Daniel Shapiro.

The Israeli reactions to both Ban and Shapiro were predictably harsh. Ban was accused of demonstrating a "double standard" with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu saying that the United Nations had "lost its neutrality and moral force" and charging that Ban had given "tail wind to terror". Netanyahu also called Shapiro's observations "unacceptable". The Ambassador was accused demonstrating a "double standard" and was crudely dismissed by a former Netanyahu aide as a "little Jew boy" courting favor.
In Israel, steps have been taken to punish teachers and artists and the Knesset is considering a series of measures and the passage of a new law that target domestic critics in an effort to blacklist them as "traitors".

Meanwhile, here in the US, the Department of State has issued guidelines on anti-Semitism which, in addition, to including examples of displays of "hatred toward Jews...Jewish institutions and religious facilities" also goes down a dangerous path terming as anti-Semitic "applying double standards by requiring of [Israel] behavior not expected of any other democratic nation". And several state governments have passed laws prohibiting efforts that call for boycotting, sanctioning, of divesting from Israel because of Israel's treatment of Palestinians.
There is a certain irony in all of this because in their hysterical use of charge of "double standard"--i.e. that Israel is being "singled out for criticism"--it is Israel's supporters who are themselves guilty of a "double standard", since, if they were to have their way, it is Israel which would be singled out as the only country that cannot be criticized.
... ... 70692.html

As we see, radical Zionists have the chutzpah to accuse others in what they themselves are (racists and supremacists) and what they are doing (hypocrisy and double standards).

Why do radical Zionists behave so childish?

Well, they can get away with that, because of their huge influence on Media and Governments, and they seem to suffer from a psychological disorder, called Narcissism:

A 2012 book on power-hungry narcissists suggests that narcissists typically display most, and sometimes all, of the following traits:[8]

An obvious self-focus in interpersonal exchanges
Problems in sustaining satisfying relationships
Difficulty with empathy
Hypersensitivity to any insults or imagined insults (see criticism and narcissists, narcissistic rage and narcissistic injury)
Flattery towards people who admire and affirm them (narcissistic supply)
Detesting those who do not admire them (narcissistic abuse)
Using other people without considering the cost of doing so
Pretending to be more important than they really are
Bragging (subtly but persistently) and exaggerating their achievements
Inability to view the world from the perspective of other people
Denial of remorse and gratitude ... _and_signs

[Please avoid excessive formatting]
Last edited by Typhoon on 19 Mar 2016 11:41, edited 1 time in total. Reason: Rule 5
ArtAllm wrote:Trump does not support this agenda very much, and that is the reason why he is so hated!

You are confused and naive. The finest guy is Bernie Sanders, the Jew, yes the Jew, he is the finest candidate objectively speaking and he is also the only one who cannot abide by Israeli standards by virtue of being Jewish and accused of being a puppet. Sanders can change the world.
As I posted on FB, he's not getting much from the establishment Jewish groups & press because he isn't kowtowing to them, raving on about anti-semitism and inviting AIPAC stooges onto his stage for 'words of wisdom'.
I not only believe that Sanders will not take their words of wisdom merely to avoid being accused of doing so but also because I do believe that in his own heart he does not want to, like Einstein who really did not want to become that thing and that guy who achieved so many and in the end allowed supremacists to act on his name.
noemon wrote: Sanders can change the world.

I do not want to live in a Communist world, because I am not naive, I am a grown up person.

Einstein was a Jewish racist and a German-Hater, he openly talked about the usefulness of the so called "anti-Semitism" to the preservation of the "Jewish race", and he openly advocated the collective punishment of all Germans, including civilians.

If Sanders is like Einstein, then he is a disaster.
ArtAllm wrote:Radical Zionists are not very good at having a fair discussion, but they are very good good in promoting soviet-style censorship and repressions,
Nazi / soviet-style censorship and repressions.

Lets remember the Nazis has a little bit of a deficit on the free speech front as well. They weren't quite the pluralistic, peace mongers that some of their latter day sympathisers would portray them as. I have frequently objected to the demonisation of the Nazis, they only did what the rest of humanity has been doing since before we were even humans. I have also objected to the idealisation of the Jews as the innocent victims of the last three thousand years. But lets be honest, I think by 1945 the Nazis had proved beyond reasonable doubt that they shouldn't be trusted with another term in office.

However I do agree with you Jewish supremacists have a stranglehold on the western ideological discourse that needs to be removed.
ArtAllm wrote:Radical Zionists are not very good at having a fair discussion, but they are very good good in promoting soviet-style censorship and repressions,

Rich wrote:Nazi / soviet-style censorship and repressions.
Lets remember the Nazis has a little bit of a deficit on the free speech front as well. They weren't quite the pluralistic, peace mongers that some of their latter day sympathisers would portray them as. I have frequently objected to the demonisation of the Nazis, they only did what the rest of humanity has been doing since before we were even humans.

Well, there are no National Socialists any more, this ideology is outlawed, but they have not outlawed Communism.


You can freely say that Communists were good guys in any western country, this is called "freedom of speech", but you cannot ask "wrong" questions about National Socialism, that is outlawed.

People call each other "Nazi", play the "Nazi Card" or use the "Argumentum ad Hitlerum"; if they do not like a politician, they just call him "New Hitler", but this name calling does not have any meaning any more, and you cannot talk about National Socialism in the historical context.

Without the Treaty of Versailles, the disaster of the Weimar Republic and the threat of Communism (do not forget about the Bavarian Soviet Republic, Communists seized power in Bavaria in 1918!!!), nobody would have elected the National Socialists in Germany.

Even Churchill admitted after WWII that this war could have been easily prevented:

Up till the year 1933 or even 1935, Germany might have been saved from the awful fate which has overtaken here and we might all have been spared the miseries Hitler let loose upon mankind. There never was a war in history easier to prevent by timely action than the one which has just desolated such great areas of the globe. It could have been prevented in my belief without the firing of a single shot, and Germany might be powerful, prosperous and honored today; but no one would listen and one by one we were all sucked into the awful whirlpool.

I have always said that if Great Britain were defeated in war I hoped we should find a Hitler to lead us back to our rightful position among the nations.

So if they could have prevented WWII, and made Germany a prosperous nation in the 30th, without firing a single shot, why did they not do that?
And how could Germany become a honoured and prosperous nation, without the revision of the Treaties of Versailles and the fight against Communism?
If Communists were not stopped, they would have transformer the entire Europe into another GULAG!

Pat Buchanan wrote a book about it, this book is called:

"Churchill, Hitler, and "The Unnecessary War": How Britain Lost Its Empire and the West Lost the World". ... 0307405168

The West lost the World in an necessary war, that could have been easily prevented.

Just think bout it!

Rich wrote:I have also objected to the idealisation of the Jews as the innocent victims of the last three thousand years.

If you do not accept that Jews were innocent victims of the last three thousand years, then they will call you a wicked "Nazi" and an "Anti-Semite", regardless of what you think about Hitler or National Socialism.

Rich wrote:However I do agree with you Jewish supremacists have a stranglehold on the western ideological discourse that needs to be removed.

You cannot have any free discussion about the historical events of the past century, they will call you a "Nazi", "Hater", and other names, they may put you into prison even if you just ask the "wrong" questions.

It seems that Communism won in the West, you can be an admirer of Bolsheviks, you can be an active Communist, and you can promote the sovietization of the West, calling your opponents "Fascists", "Nazis", "Racists" or "Bigots".

Another good quote, attributed to Churchill:

The fascists of the future will call themselves anti-fascists.
ArtAllm wrote:Even Churchill admitted after WWII that this war could have been easily prevented:

Up till the year 1933 or even 1935, Germany might have been saved from the awful fate which has overtaken here and we might all have been spared the miseries Hitler let loose upon mankind. There never was a war in history easier to prevent by timely action than the one which has just desolated such great areas of the globe. It could have been prevented in my belief without the firing of a single shot, and Germany might be powerful, prosperous and honored today; but no one would listen and one by one we were all sucked into the awful whirlpool.

I have always said that if Great Britain were defeated in war I hoped we should find a Hitler to lead us back to our rightful position among the nations.

ArtAllm wrote:So if they could have prevented WWII, and made Germany a prosperous nation in the 30th, without firing a single shot, why did they not do that?
And how could Germany become a honoured and prosperous nation, without the revision of the Treaties of Versailles and the fight against Communism?
If Communists were not stopped, they would have transformer the entire Europe into another GULAG!
Your argument seems incoherent. I really can't be bothered to dissect every one of Churchill's self serving claims. When did World War II start? The obvious start dates are 1931 and 1935. Churchill supported appeasement in both cases. In the summer of 1914 Germany was clearly in the right, France, Russia, and Britain were clearly the aggressors. But in both wars Germany supported both the Bolshevik terrorists and Muslim terrorists. Germany's behaviour in these respects was utterly wicked. Adolph Hitler was the second best friend the Bolsheviks ever had. Second only to the German high command in World War I. Hitler was an utter phony as an anti communist. He gave a large swathe of Eastern Europe to Joseph Stalin. He destroyed the anti communist bulwarks of Poland and Czechoslovakia. His gencidal occupations of Poland, and the Soviet Union did catastrophic damage to the anti Communist cause. There was no danger of the Communists taking power in Germany 1933. Hitler used anti Communism as a pretext to follow his own demented narcissistic agenda.

As for Buchanan if the American blow hards had instead stepped up to the plate in 1939 and shouldered their international responsibilities, the war could have been brought to a speedy end, and Japan would never have dared to attack Pearl Harbour. So Buchanan is in fact 180 degrees wrong.
Rich wrote: In the summer of 1914 Germany was clearly in the right, France, Russia, and Britain were clearly the aggressors. But in both wars Germany supported both the Bolshevik terrorists and Muslim terrorists. Germany's behaviour in these respects was utterly wicked.

Fully agree with you.

The support of Bolsheviks and the Muslims was a treason a Christian nation should never have done.

The Bolsheviks executed the Russian Tsar, who was of German blood, and his wife was a German princess. The Bolsheviks had an easy job to instigate the hate of Russians against their Tsar, calling him a "German spy". The Russian Tsar was an orthodox Christian, he had to support the Christians, who were under the Turkish yoke. To go to bed with Muslims and Anti-Christians was not a good thing.

But there were other forces that were interested in a big war, because they could earn a lot of money, and these forces hated any monarchy and aristocracy, so the collapse of the German monarchy was a predictable consequence of the German collaboration with Bolsheviks.

After the German Kaiser helped to destroy the Russian Tsar, the British and American media immediately started their hate campaign against Germans.

BTW, neither WWI nor WWII started as "World Wars", these wars would just be another European Wars, like the Napoleonic Wars, if the USA did not mess in these wars.

Rich wrote:
There was no danger of the Communists taking power in Germany 1933. Hitler used anti Communism as a pretext to follow his own demented narcissistic agenda.

Well, leading Russian military historians, like Mikhail Ivanovich Meltyukhov, would disagree with you. See "Stalin's Missed Chance".

Rich wrote:
As for Buchanan if the American blow hards had instead stepped up to the plate in 1939 and shouldered their international responsibilities, the war could have been brought to a speedy end, and Japan would never have dared to attack Pearl Harbour. So Buchanan is in fact 180 degrees wrong.

They provoked Japan to attack, because some lobbies in the USA wanted WWII, and they needed a pretext.

BTW, even the Polish nobleman and ambassador to the USA, Jerzy Józef Potocki, mentioned this in his reports.
I watched on as Trump said he would remain NEUTRAL in negotiations for peace between the Israelis and Palestinians. Then...right on queue, he was accused of being somehow against Israel, and even of being anti-semitic himself.
Although were I a US citizen, I would most certainly cast my vote for Sanders, I think it's important to point the obvious here.
1. Remaining NEUTRAL in peace negotiations is...the proper stance to take.
2. Trump's statement does not make him anti-semitic. Such cat-calls are simply tired old Zionist horseshit.!
skinster wrote:Trump on Israel: "We love Israel. We will fight for Israel 100 percent, 1,000 percent. It will be there forever."

Every presidential candidate, even Trump, have to kiss the ass of the Israel Lobby. If they do not, they are immediately stopped.
Personally I don't instantly connect a person's anti-zionist beliefs to Anti-semitism.
I don't mind dicussing Israel, and while organizations like BDS and Btzelem strike me as a bit ruder than they should be, I understand that most of thier members are not anti-semites.

Those who do are either politicians who gain alot from fear mongering but it also has a deeper dimension than that.
Israelis trully do believe that Israel is a hot topic in the international community, they think that most people have some sort of understanding of the situation and thoughts.

I can't blame my country men for this though, especially when you see the insane amount of coverage that our little country gets.
There is a reason why one of an Israeli's first arguments that he pulls is that other, arguably worse situations around the globe recieve much less attention.

Why would the international community care so much for such a small country? actually I don't even know myself anymore, but the general answer in Israel is: "Because we're Jews, no one cares about Tibetans, no one cares about the Sudanese, the west still has some bone to pick with us and the news coverage shows exactly that".
Maher: "Maybe Europe Will Have A Little More Sympathy For What Israel Goes Through," They've Been "Real A**holes"

On his HBO last night, Bill Maher briefing addressed how Europe treats Israel in light of the terror attacks Belgium suffered earlier in the week. On HBO's Real Time, Maher said maybe Europe will treat Israel better, instead of being the "a**holes" they are now, and have "a little more sympathy" for what they go through.

"Europe has been real assholes about Israel," Maher said Friday. "I mean, in general. The U.N., as of 2015, the United Nations Human Rights Council had issued more official condemnations of Israel than the rest of the world's nations combined. I wonder now that Europe has been attacked four times now in a little over a year, and they say ISIS has 400 fighters that they are ready to introduce back into Europe, and they're trying to get a dirty bomb. Maybe Europe will have a little more sympathy for what Israel.

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