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Political issues and parties in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

Moderator: PoFo Middle-East Mods

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By Maas
Great Smell of Brut wrote:You are an anti semite because you single them out when their neighborurs are worse.

The Jewish state singles itself out, by having an ungoing racist policy to stealing from 1 race and give it to an other for +60 years now. And it never can be racist to highlight the most racist nation on this planet.

Mass on the other hand doesnt realise that there are plenty of Arab Jews that his Co-religionists forced out of Muslim countries.

Neah. That is just an exceptionally racist excuse you parrot from extremistic Zionists.
Them racist zionists claim that since a Jew got kicked out by an Arab, means it's just to take revenge on an unsuspected innocent person who just happens to be an Arab. With that line of thinking, it would mean that since a person who lost money from a bank headed by a Jew, means you would agree that such a person is allowed to take an equal amount of any random Jew with money. It's exceptionally racist. And you seem to support that by brining this up.

dcomplex wrote:Most Arabs were not expelled but in fact fled their homes in the face of the advancing Jewish army.

So what. To arrange by law to refuse Arabs to return because of their race is still ethnic cleansing and installing apartheid.
And than by law steal their property is also installing apatheid.

And I'm an atheist.
And no, you don't get a say in that.
Tough. That is war. The Arabs started murdering Jews in 1920. The newly formed Israel could not survive if it let the fifth column back in. Czechoslovakia outright expelled its German minority in 1949. That is why you shouldn't start wars of aggression.
By wat0n
ArtAllm wrote:I believe that you are a "Goyim-Hater", because you seem to hate people who expose the crimes of Zionists against the native Semites of Palestine.

I will not bother to debunk your opinion, but I am sure that you yourself hate some prominent Jews (like Shlomo Sand or Gilad Atzmon, to mention only two of Jews I do respect).

There are a lot of Jews that share my opinion, and Zionists hate these Jews.

If I was a Jew-Hater, then I would hate all Jews without any exception, just because these Jews are of a supposed "Semitic" origin.

But that is not the case, I do not hate ALL Jews, I just hate SOME Jews who call themselves "Zionists", who claim to be "returning Semites" and who are Goyim-Haters who hate the native Semites of Palestine.

BTW, if you you hate some Jews, like the two I have mentioned, then you can also be called a "Jew-Hater".

Or do you believe that Zionists are entitled to decide what Jews and Semites can be hated?

Even Hitler himself held some Jews in high regard. Are you saying he wasn't a Jew hater or what?

Of course, you say one thing now but shall I bring up some examples of what you've said in the past?
By Maas
dcomplex wrote:Tough. That is war.

That is not denying Israel has apartheid laws, that has caused that 700.00 people got ethnically cleansed and their property thieved away by the Jewish state because of their race. That is comming up with an excuse why it is an apartheid state. To point at others, is also in no way denying Israel has apartheid laws. That is seeking justification for apartheid, while confirming the Jewish state is an apartheid nation.

Also, to say "that is war"... is a filty excuse to commit warcrimes.
The way you argue, is as if you think people should be excused for the holocaust, since "that is war" as well.
Some argument that is.
Last edited by Maas on 14 Jul 2014 14:54, edited 1 time in total.
Maas wrote:So what. To arrange by law to refuse Arabs to return because of their race is still ethnic cleansing and installing apartheid.
And than by law steal their property is also installing apatheid.

And I'm an atheist.
And no, you don't get a say in that.

Very good points, Maas!

But your opponents will just repeat that "them Arabs" (to say "the Arabs/Muslims" is OK, but to say "the Zionists" is racism) are guilty, because they were killing Jews for "no reason".

Zionists cannot have any arguments, without using the pronoun THEY.

THEY (Palestinians/Arabs) killed Jews!
In reality SOME desperate Palestinians killed some Jews, that was a private reaction of some people who were wronged by the coordinated efforts of Zionist.

But because SOME insignificant and desperate Palestinians committed crimes against SOME Jews, leading and influential Zionists made coordinated efforts to inflict collective punishment upon ALL Palestinians.

The Zionists were pushing their well-planned and good coordinated project on the Palestinian land since the end of the 19th century, before WWI, and there was no room for any non-Jews in this project.

Disraeli talked and wrote in 1877 about "resettling" of one million Jews to Palestine ("The Jewish Question is the Oriental Quest", 1877) .

How could this be possible without expelling the native Semites of Palestine and taking their land?

Leading Zionists, like Jabotinsky, talked (The Iron Wall, 1923) about the colonisation of Palestine against the will of the native population that can only be achieved by military force and the support of rich sponsors.

There was no room for native Semites in the plans of Jabotinsky, and the reaction of the native population was understandable and predictable.

But leading Zionists always used this understandable and predictable SPONTANEOUS AND UNPLANNED reaction of the native population of Palestine to the colonisation PLANS of Zionists as an excuse to steal more and more land and kill more and more Palestinians, replacing in their circular- reasoning-hasbara the planned cause and the spontaneous reaction to the plans of Zionists, which was jus a predictable consequence.

Any discussion about the crimes of Zionists ends with accusing of opponents of being "anti-Semites" and other ad-hominem attacks that are irrelevant for the topic of the discussion, and are designed to deflect the discussion from the solid road of logic into the cul-de-sac of emotions and threats with legal persecutions.
Maas wrote:That is not denying Israel has apartheid laws, that has caused that 700.00 people got ethnically cleansed and their property thieved away by the Jewish state because of their race. That is comming up with an excuse why it is an apartheid state. To point at others, is also in no way denying Israel has apartheid laws. That is seeking justification for apartheid, while confirming the Jewish state is an apartheid nation.

Also, to say "that is war"... is a filty excuse to commit warcrimes.
The way you argue, is as if you think people should be excused for the holocaust, since "that is war" as well.
Some argument that is.

Israel does not have apartheid law. ALL israeli citizens have the same rights.

You also have no idea what war crimes are.

Yu are clearly racist against Jews. The Netherlands clearly needs Geert Wilders.
Great Smell of Brut wrote:If the stupid Palestinians converted to Judaism then they could become Israeli citizens. After ll their ancestor converted to islam for no better reasons.

Zionists still whine about the forced conversion of Jews to Christianity or Islam in the Middle Ages, but they want to introduce these Medieval moral norms in today Israel, and they have the chutzpah to call Israel a modern democracy.

ArtAllm wrote:
Zionists still whine about the forced conversion of Jews to Christianity or Islam in the Middle Ages, but they want to introduce these Medieval moral norms in today Israel, and they have the chutzpah to call Israel a modern democracy.

israel has no intention of forcing anyone to convert. Only Muslims do this.

Try again.
ArtAllem, don't mush up your ideas about Israel's inner and foreign politics. If you open up any notable source you will find Israel's democracy works fine compared to the west and especially fine compared to any other middle eastern nation. Other then the 3 year mandatory service exemption they are normal citizens with every right.

But have you really never heard of this? You don't look new to these forums, maybe you chose to believe in whatever you want to believe. Either way get your facts straight before you make a fool of yourself with a short and wrong fact followed by a happy smiley.
GreenGoblin wrote:

If you open up any notable source you will find Israel's democracy works fine compared to the west...

What do you mean with "notable sources"?

Sources, approved by ADL?

What would ADL say if the majority of American citizens decided to call USA a "Christian State" and forced the non-Christians in the USA (including Jews) to pledge allegiance to a Christian state?

What would the ADL say if the American Interior minister announced that "USA belongs to the white man", and all black refugees must be imprisoned or kicked out of the USA?

What would your "notable sources" say if there was no institution of civil marriage in the USA, and Jews were unable to marry non-Jews in America?

What would your sources say if the migration to the USA were guided by racist laws, and 99,9 % of migrants to the USA were white Christians?

What would your "notable sources" say, if the Native Americans were not permitted to get out of their reservations to use the infrastructure of the USA or use the roads, built through there reservations and were not permitted to live in any place of the USA they want?

What would your "notable sources" say if American government destroyed the houses of Native Americans with bulldozers and created Christian white only settlements in the Reservations?

What would ADL say if a prominent white Christian minister told his audience that Jews were created to serve the superior White Christians, like a donkey was created to serve his master, and this minister got the hugest funeral in the history of the USA and was called by the American government "our great Christian teacher"?

What would ADL say if white doctors treated black women in the USA with depo-provera and reduced their fertility to a minimum?

Would your "notable sources" still call USA a "working democracy"?

GreenGoblin wrote:
Either way get your facts straight before you make a fool of yourself with a short and wrong fact followed by a happy smiley.

Well, what I have described above happens TODAY in Israel.

Just replace the word "Christian" with the word "Jews" and "USA" with "Israel", and you will get the facts, that happen TODAY in Israel!

But this does not bother your "notable sources" that would cry and whine if the same happened in the USA, and the white Christians were responsible for that.
Great Smell of Brut wrote:None of the jew haters here seem t have any problem with their being 'Islamic states' like Saudi Arabia or Iran. Obviously its the usual 'special rights for Muslims' thing whoch is so fashionable on the left.

We don't hate Jews. We hate the Jewish Supremacists. Are you a Jewish supremacist cause you rant like one?
Great Smell of Brut wrote:None of the jew haters here seem t have any problem with their being 'Islamic states' like Saudi Arabia or Iran. Obviously its the usual 'special rights for Muslims' thing whoch is so fashionable on the left.

That isn't the topic under discussion. For what it's worth, though, I think Saudi Arabia is the most vile, backward shithole on the face of the earth, and would cheerfully watch every last member of the House of Saud flayed alive. Iran, while an Islamic state, permits representation of minority religions (specifically Christianity, Judaism and Zoroastrianism) in its parliament, so it is not comparable to Saudi Arabia.

The main issue with Israel is its insistence on receiving material support from western nations, and trying to dress up a tribal conflict with the Arabs as a great moral crusade.
Maas wrote:

And I suspect you're completely aware of that as well, and got your excuses ready with lengthy and trolling monologues explaining that these apartheid laws are justified.

Using be words won't validate your claim.
anarchist23 wrote:[
We don't hate Jews. We hate the Jewish Supremacists. Are you a Jewish supremacist cause you rant like one?

'm not Jewish t all. FACT you pick on JEWISH Israel whilst you pay npthing like the same attention to vastoy worse countries because they are Muslim and you give Muslims special rights. Are you a Muslim supremacist...because you sound like one.
ArtAllem, you mush up two subjects. What a country does to an occupied population that aren't its own citizens means nothing about how 'democratic' it is or isn't.

I notice this 'subject mushing' happens a lot here
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