Israeli troops shoot dead an unarmed Palestinian. - Page 10 - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

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@redcarpet, Israel ended its occupation, since their war is not about occupation (as the west understands it) but annihilation of Israel, which they see as "occupy" the Islamic land, they continue their jihad. Israel is not obliged to finance these evil.

Of course, in Palestine it's not wahabi money, rather the EU itself which finances the UNRWA schools who breed hate cult and perpetual war.

Israel implements illegal cuts to Gaza’s power supply
Israel reduced its supply of electricity to the occupied Gaza Strip on Monday morning, in spite of warnings from human rights groups that the move violates international law.

The cuts come despite dire warnings in recent weeks from the International Committee of the Red Cross, the World Health Organization and UN officials that the induced electricity shortage is causing a humanitarian catastrophe, as essential health, water and sanitation facilities cannot function.

In mid-May, the ICRC declared that Gaza was on the brink of “systemic collapse.”

Israel plans to eventually reduce its electricity supply to Gaza by 40 percent, according to a plan approved by its cabinet earlier this month.

On Monday, Israel reduced the power supply by about seven percent, which will result in 45 minutes less electricity to Gaza households.

Electricity for most of the two million Palestinians in Gaza is already available for no more than about three or four hours each day.

If the Israeli cuts are fully implemented, Gaza’s population will be left with just two hours of electricity a day.

Israel is responsible
But human rights groups reject Israel’s effort to wash its hands of Gaza, insisting that Israel is obliged to maintain the electricity supply regardless of payment.

Human Rights Watch’s director for the region Omar Shakir told the right-wing pro-Israel publication Algemeiner that because Israel is “legally the occupying power,” it must refuse the PA’s request to cut Gaza’s electricity.

“Israel controls the borders, the airspace, the waters of Gaza, so Israel has an obligation that goes beyond merely responding to a request from Palestinian authorities,” Shakir said.

The UN, the ICRC, the United States and the European Union all maintain that under international law Israel remains the occupying power in Gaza, despite Israel’s withdrawal of its soldiers and settlers from the interior of the territory in 2005.

“As the occupying power, Israel has obligations to ensure the basic needs of the civilian population are met,” Magdalena Mughrabi, Amnesty International’s deputy director for the Middle East and North Africa, said last week.

“The Israeli authorities must immediately lift the illegal blockade and end their collective punishment of Gaza’s population,” Mughrabi added.

The spokesperson for the European Union’s foreign affairs chief Federica Mogherini did not respond to a request for comment about the deteriorating situation in Gaza.

In a letter to Israel’s attorney general last week, 16 Israeli organizations said that the decision to cut the electricity clearly violates international humanitarian law.

Gisha, a group that monitors the blockade of Gaza, said the letter emphasizes “the illegality of the cabinet’s decision under both Israeli and international law.”

In 2008, the Israeli high court ruled that Israel could minimally reduce the supply of electricity to Gaza for “security” needs. But Israel is not claiming security as a factor now.

The ruling was denounced by human rights groups at the time, but the 16 organizations reminded the attorney general that even the 2008 ruling acknowledges that Gaza is “almost totally dependent on Israel for its supply of electricity,” and that Israel has a “humanitarian obligation” to prevent “harm to the civilian population.”

The 2008 ruling had allowed Israel to reduce its electricity supply by just five percent but required Israel to continue to supply Gaza with enough fuel to operate its power station.

Today, Gaza is even more dependent on Israel for its electricity than it was in 2008. Gaza’s sole power plant no longer operates at all.

The power plant has not operated at full capacity since 2009, when Israel stopped allowing the “humanitarian minimum” of diesel fuel to enter Gaza.

It completely shut down in April after it ran out of emergency fuel supplies paid for by Qatar and Turkey.

While the electricity crisis imposes severe hardships on daily life, it is catastrophic for hospitals, which lack sufficient backup capacity and are already canceling critical surgeries and shutting down entire wings.

A generator powering an intensive care unit at a children’s hospital stopped working three weeks ago because it was overloaded.

Gaza’s health ministry is warning that more than 50 operating rooms that perform around 250 surgeries each day may be closed unless Israel fulfills its obligation to guarantee basic services to the population, including fuel to operate Gaza’s power plant. ... wer-supply
Oxymandias wrote:@Zionist Nationalist @Juice

Behold, the so-called multi-culturalism that rivals that of Western countries in Israel! Look at this Israeli's multi-culturalism and bask upon it's greatness!

Say whatever you want but Israel is far more diverse than Western European countries like Germany,France,Italy
I wonder whats gonna happen when the Europeans will feel that they are slowly becoming the minority :lol:

and I dont think this juice guy should stfu and not discuss things he doesn't know shit about
There's a difference between diversity and multi-culturalism. Multi-culturalism is where you accept and encourage people to keep their cultures and identities. Racism is where you force others to destroy their cultures and identities. In Israel there is only Jewish culture, nothing else. You are either a part of Jewish culture or not and if you;re not then you a second-class citizen.

America, for example, is multi-cultural and encourages people to keep their own cultures.

You don't think? As in you don't want him to stfu and you don't want him to stop talking about stuff he doesn't know about.

And btw, you also talk about stuff you don't know about. Don't forget about how you think you understand everything about Arab culture and how you think you can psycho analyze an entire population of people.
There's a difference between diversity and multi-culturalism. Multi-culturalism is where you accept and encourage people to keep their cultures and identities. Racism is where you force others to destroy their cultures and identities. In Israel there is only Jewish culture, nothing else. You are either a part of Jewish culture or not and if you;re not then you a second-class citizen.

Im not Jewish and Im not a second class citizen

Israel does not encourage anyone to abandon their culture thats bullshit

And btw, you also talk about stuff you don't know about. Don't forget about how you think you understand everything about Arab culture and how you think you can psycho analyze an entire population of people.

I know Arabs very well I can even speak some Arabic
@Zionist Nationalist

Then you are either white or lying. If you are white, then that makes sense. Israeli culture is a combination of Middle Eastern Jewish culture and European culture. If you are anything else, you are fucked.

A country which support multi-culturalism does not attempt to kill off a population and remove it from it's country. A culture which is inherently multi-cultural would look down upon such actions and despise them. Therefore, Israel isn't multi-cultural.

Knowing some Arabic =/= understanding Arabs

Also the fact that you say "Arabs" as if Arabs were a single culture shows how little you understand Arabs. Ok, tell me Zionist Nationalist, if you went to any Arabic country and if they talked to you in Arabic, would you understand them?
A country which support multi-culturalism does not attempt to kill off a population and remove it from it's country. A culture which is inherently multi-cultural would look down upon such actions and despise them. Therefore, Israel isn't multi-cultural.

Israel does not attempt to kill off anyone
also "Palestine" was never a country so you cant remove someone form a place that never existed in the first place

Also the fact that you say "Arabs" as if Arabs were a single culture shows how little you understand Arabs. Ok, tell me Zionist Nationalist, if you went to any Arabic country and if they talked to you in Arabic, would you understand them?

not really because I can speak a little bit and not fluently :roll:

Then you are either white or lying. If you are white, then that makes sense. Israeli culture is a combination of Middle Eastern Jewish culture and European culture. If you are anything else, you are fucked.

You need to decide if Israel is have Jewish or European country because those are completely same things :lol:
Israel is not an European country

also there isnt really such thing as an Jewish culture since Jewish society is diverse and in Israel there just an is an Israeli culture (the most diminant of all)
which is a similar case of the american melting plot
The Arabs can set up multi-cultural states if they wish. Some of them are called an 'Arab Republic' which sounds racist to me. Are Hamas allies here on PoFo going to denounce the Arab dictatorships for being dictatorships and racist apartheid regimes? No!

I'm an Athiest, can I go to Mecca? How many non-Arabs are there in Arab legislatures? Do white atheists like me even have a chance to get appointed/elected?

Like the Olympic, the Hajj is pretty-much now a money-making ritual for the Saudi tyrants with pilgrims from outside SA & the Gulf states treated like second-class citizens made to take buses or walk.

Let's hold all states to the same standards and laws.
@Zionist Nationalist

Was it officially a nation state (not country, it was a country before)? No. But does this mean that people weren't living there before? Does this mean that people there did not have a society and culture there? No. Palestine did exist then, because civilization there existed before Israel and continued to exist. Palestine wasn't just a giant desert with some tribes living there before Israel, Palestine had an intellectual community, an economy, many [Palestinians] lived in cities, many were modernizing, and many were becoming more democratic.

Which is why Israel has policies that encourage and ignores any actions that could potentially hurt Palestinians. One of these actions are often killing.

So you do not disagree with everything else I said? You agree that you know nothing about Arab culture or Arabs?

What are the same things? Because Middle Eastern Jewish culture and European culture are definitely not the same thing.
I never said it was a European country.

1. You're saying that Jewish culture doesn't exist because it's diverse? That's stupid. American and European culture is diverse, but you don't see people going around saying that American and European culture doesn't exist. Just because a culture is diverse doesn't mean it isn't a culture.

2. You said that Israel is multi-cultural and yet you say that the most dominant (or diminant as you put it) culture is Israeli culture. The word dominant suggests that israeli culture is the most influential or powerful culture out of all of them. Therefore Israeli culture would favor itself over other cultures and force others to join that culture. Also didn't you just say that Jewish culture doesn't exist? If so then what is Israeli culture and what is it based on?

3. America never had a melting pot to begin with, it's more of a salad bowel.

4. Israel is not a melting pot. Given that it has a dominant culture, it is impossible for it to have a melting pot.
So you do not disagree with everything else I said? You agree that you know nothing about Arab culture or Arabs?

I know that they cannot be trusted

You said that Israel is multi-cultural and yet you say that the most dominant (or diminant as you put it) culture is Israeli culture. The word dominant suggests that israeli culture is the most influential or powerful culture out of all of them. Therefore Israeli culture would favor itself over other cultures and force others to join that culture. Also didn't you just say that Jewish culture doesn't exist? If so then what is Israeli culture and what is it based on?

its the same like with the USA

there are many cultures but the most dominant is the American culture
and eventually all immigrants become American whatever its the first generation or their offsprings

America never had a melting pot to begin with, it's more of a salad bowel.


Israel is not a melting pot. Given that it has a dominant culture, it is impossible for it to have a melting pot.
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it is for the immigrants
Arabs are having a separate society
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