IDF destroys Hamas tunnel extending far into Israel - Page 3 - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

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Far-Right Sage wrote:Some Israeli sources indicated that the tunnel was constructed for the purpose of attacking the Jewish settlement it led out to, but it doesn't make much sense because one could simply ask what they were waiting for. The rapture?

FRS pontificates nonsense as usual, and then the facts come out nicely - in the other direction: ... za-border/

Hamas officially admits to digging tunnel under Israel-Gaza border

Should I count to 10 before the posts fly in how the source is fake, the radio address is manufactured, etc.?


As for the idiotic posts below:

buzz62 wrote: As others have pointed out...there doesn't seem to be any evidence that this tunnel was made to facilitate attacks


rei mursame wrote: What they've actually been smuggling through the tunnels is fast food such as KFC chicken, or basic convenience store supplies, which is smuggled from Egypt or Israel into Gaza through cement tunnels using trolleys and a distribution network traversed by vans.


jessupjonesjr87 wrote: Hmm how depressing. A nation of people besieged, digging medieval tunnels to replace their closed border crossings. Forced to bring fast food through underground tunnels and the Israelis cant understand then why the people of the Gaza strip despise them.

From the link:

" He referred to the underground structure as the “Khan Younis tunnel,” adding that it was dug for the purpose of forcing Israel to release Palestinian prisoners, as it did two years ago in the prisoner exchange deal for Gilad Shalit in which 1,027 Palestinians were released from Israeli prisons...Abu Obeida claimed Saturday that Hamas now had “a greater capacity” to carry out kidnappings."

How do your shoes taste?
I'm not tasting my shoe in any way, since I knew that from the start (hence why I remained silent when others started to talk about the duel-use of the tunnel). I just chose to omit some facts so that you would have to go through the effort of doing some actual research.

The images of KFC chicken that I posted earlier in this thread were true, but I deliberately didn't mention the warfare aspect of it, because I wanted to see if it would cause people like Buzz and Jessup and Magnetonium to take the correct side (it did cause that!). So I see that the only way to get them to take the correct side on this issue is to omit the dual purpose element of what the tunnels are for.

I got what I wanted out of this, it was a pretty grand experiment. See you again in another Israel-Palestine thread, ta-ta!

Times of Israel, 'Hamas officially admits to digging tunnel under Israel-Gaza border', 21 Oct 2013 wrote:The Gaza-based Popular Resistance Committees (PRC) — a coalition of armed Palestinian factions — said that “capturing Israeli soldiers is the effective way and strategy to liberate Palestinian prisoners,” using the Shalit deal as “a reliable example to break the Israeli shackles,” the Hamas-run website reported on Saturday.

They are obviously correct!
Ha ha Rei who are you trying to kid at all?

These tunnels are a life line for the Palestinian people to get the essentials they need, and some luxury's. Still what a depressing and wretched existence it must be getting your KFC through tunnels. In all honestly if these tunnels were used for combat purposes, why would they risk the knowledge of their existence by using them to transport fast food.

I wouldn't be surprised if Hamas claimed these tunnels in attempt to appear more credible and capable rather than admit to using them just to smuggle groceries out of Israel. I'd even go as far as to say Hamas might not have even known about these tunnels existence.
Rei Murasame wrote:I'm not tasting my shoe in any way, since I knew that from the start (hence why I remained silent when others started to talk about the duel-use of the tunnel). I just chose to omit some facts so that you would have to go through the effort of doing some actual research.

The images of KFC chicken that I posted earlier in this thread were true, but I deliberately didn't mention the warfare aspect of it, because I wanted to see if it would cause people like Buzz and Jessup and Magnetonium to take the correct side (it did cause that!). So I see that the only way to get them to take the correct side on this issue is to omit the dual purpose element of what the tunnels are for.

I got what I wanted out of this, it was a pretty grand experiment. See you again in another Israel-Palestine thread, ta-ta!

They are obviously correct!

Wow, if anyone doesn't realize this he or she is most likely unfit to even talk about these issues now.
Rei Murasame wrote:I'm not tasting my shoe in any way, since I knew that from the start (hence why I remained silent when others started to talk about the duel-use of the tunnel). I just chose to omit some facts so that you would have to go through the effort of doing some actual research.

The images of KFC chicken that I posted earlier in this thread were true, but I deliberately didn't mention the warfare aspect of it, because I wanted to see if it would cause people like Buzz and Jessup and Magnetonium to take the correct side (it did cause that!). So I see that the only way to get them to take the correct side on this issue is to omit the dual purpose element of what the tunnels are for.

I got what I wanted out of this, it was a pretty grand experiment. See you again in another Israel-Palestine thread, ta-ta!

They are obviously correct!

Source November 03, 2013 08:54 PM

GAZA CITY, Palestinian Territories: The bodies of two Hamas militants killed when Israeli troops attacked a border tunnel, burying them inside, were still missing three days after the fighting, Gaza authorities said Sunday.

Four commanders of the Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Palestinian Islamist movement that rules Gaza, were killed late Thursday in clashes sparked by an Israeli raid to destroy a Hamas tunnel from the strip into Israel.

One was killed in a firefight with troops on the surface and buried on Friday. Three more died deep underground in Israeli strikes on the tunnel, but one of the bodies was later recovered and laid to rest Sunday.

The search for the remaining two bodies will resume after daybreak on Monday, Palestinian officials said.

The Qassam Brigades says it dug the tunnel as part of a plan to capture Israeli soldiers and hold them in exchange for imprisoned Palestinians.

I guess you can't trust the word of the Qassam Brigades as reported by Lebanon media either.
The intended purpose of these tunnels is clear.

I like how the Israeli raids sparked the clashes. I guess Israel should have just let the tunnels be? What harm could they be...
Oh, they searched the tunnels and no KFC was found anywhere.
Magnetonium wrote:That tunnel was very impressive, very long and well constructed. I wouldn't be surprised if there's more of them. I am not sure if the purpose of the tunnel was to smuggle stuff, or if it was to carry out subversive activities against Israel. Judging by the fact that no terrorist attacks were carried out against Israel while the tunnel was operational, its highly likely that smuggling was its main purpose. Its well known that there are still many things that Israeli blockade prohibits from entering Gaza. Another question is which of Gaza groups ran the tunnel. Although Israel's response is very predictable - they are going to put Gaza back into full blockade already, only further enhancing the livelihoods of illegal smugglers and criminals.

They should have simply planted mines in the tunnels - so that next time some of the smugglers went down, they'd get buried under tonnes of rock.

jessupjonesjnr87 wrote:I agree Buzz. Unfortunately thanks to the likes of FOX and Sky people in the west think the Israelis want peace and the Palestinians want terror but what people in the west don't realise is that Israeli popular opinion is actually completely against the Palestinians ever getting a state of their own. They want them gone. All these talks and peace processes are a load on nonsense, the long term plan the Zionists have laid out for Israel has no room for any form of Palestinian people in its future.

Proof, or it didn't happen.
Or, in words simple enough for your kind to understand: Put up, or shut up.

wat0n wrote:Of course I can. You were even called to order by the forum's mod as well, and some members called it for what it was.

Is anyone who knows this "man" really surprised?

Buzz62 wrote:The Terror Tunnel...
Ya know3...there's a picture of the evil Gazans smuggling KFC.
Do you have a picture that shows otherwise?

There's a picture of some men with KFC. That's it. Nothing about who, where, or how they came to be in posession of the KFC.

Buzz62 wrote:It also tells us that the Israeli blockade is starving these people.

It tells us no such thing

Buzz62 wrote:Give the people independence and freedom, and the need/support for Hamas will dwindle.

1: When the Arabs sign a peace treaty recognizing the existence of Israel, and pledging to stop terrorism, then they'll get "independence".
2: What will happen if Israel does as you demand and unilaterally withdraws from everywhere in Gaza, Judea and Samaria, is that the terrorists will be strenghtened in public opinion ("It worked!!"), and the attacks on Israel will intensify.
Either you're aware of this, and want this to happen because you want a Judenrein Middle East, or you're ignorant of it, in which case the level of naivete is over 9000....

What WILL happen in any unilateral Israeli withdrawal, was shown when Israel did exactly that: Withdrew from Gaza unilaterally. 8 years of constant bombardment from Gaza.

Rei Murasame wrote:I'm not tasting my shoe in any way, since I knew that from the start (hence why I remained silent when others started to talk about the duel-use of the tunnel). I just chose to omit some facts so that you would have to go through the effort of doing some actual research.

I don't agree with you about what the "correct side" is, but.....well played!
And yes, of course the usual antisemites took the side of the Arabs. Nothing in the world can make them NOT take that side. Heck, the elected leaders of the Arabs call for the total eradication of Jews, and STILL these people side with them.
Hirdmann wrote:1: When the Arabs sign a peace treaty recognizing the existence of Israel, and pledging to stop terrorism, then they'll get "independence".

Why do I hear the words, "On a cold day in Hell" in this statement of yours?
Hirdmann wrote:2: What will happen if Israel does as you demand and unilaterally withdraws from everywhere in Gaza, Judea and Samaria, is that the terrorists will be strenghtened in public opinion ("It worked!!"), and the attacks on Israel will intensify.
Either you're aware of this, and want this to happen because you want a Judenrein Middle East, or you're ignorant of it, in which case the level of naivete is over 9000....

There would be some continued attacks...yes. But they would subside and stop over a fairly short period of time.
And hey...when ya abuse an entire population for...50-some-odd years...ya gotta expect that there are so ruffled feathers.
Ya gits what ys pays fer...
But it would provide a lasting and real peace in the long run.

Hirdmann wrote:What WILL happen in any unilateral Israeli withdrawal, was shown when Israel did exactly that: Withdrew from Gaza unilaterally. 8 years of constant bombardment from Gaza.

Christ! Are you daft?

Rei Murasame wrote:I'm not tasting my shoe in any way, since I knew that from the start (hence why I remained silent when others started to talk about the duel-use of the tunnel). I just chose to omit some facts so that you would have to go through the effort of doing some actual research.

Hirdmann wrote:I don't agree with you about what the "correct side" is, but.....well played!
And yes, of course the usual antisemites took the side of the Arabs. Nothing in the world can make them NOT take that side. Heck, the elected leaders of the Arabs call for the total eradication of Jews, and STILL these people side with them.

Ya we do...and do you know why?

Its simple really...
You STOLE someone's land and then beat on them both physically and psychologically.
You cut off their clean water supply.
You killed their fathers and demolished their homes.
What the fuckin hell do you expect?
#14326298 clear out a point ..and show how much of hypocrites there is here ....
first ..Palestine Jordan were captured by force by Britannia and Syria and Lebanon by France ..OK...
then the basic structure of Israel was started to be built by help of British (before there was anything called Israel)
then after some fights ..Britain went out leaving the area to Israel which is basically transforming the occupation from one hand to anther...
so since its called occupation it means that there will be resistance ....and since there is resistance means that wither the tunnel was used for humanistic reasons or military reasons..its still considered fight back or self defense since people keep forgetting the main fact which is ...
now ...according to what many people here keep posting and how illegal resistance is ...
well...all nations at our time (now) were at one point of time a simple colony for anther mass empire or more as conquered by one...
so according to your logic .....the existence of your country (wither USA or general western world) is entirely illegal because you are not allowed to fight occupiers ..nor allowed to fight for your freedom >> ( national law says so according to people around the place )
Buzz62 wrote:Why do I hear the words, "On a cold day in Hell" in this statement of yours?

I don't know. I am not responsible for the voices you hear in your head. Maybe you should go see a doctor?

Buzz62 wrote:There would be some continued attacks...yes. But they would subside and stop over a fairly short period of time.

And then everyone would sit in one giant circle singing Kumbayah, and everyone would be happy!

Buzz62 wrote:But it would provide a lasting and real peace in the long run.

No, it wouldn't. It would encourage the Arabs to continue terrorism, against a strategically weakened Israel.

Christ! Are you daft?

No, but you apparently are.
1: I have got nothing - I'm not Israeli.
2: The blockade was a RESPONSE to the attacks from Gaza. It was enforced AFTER Gaza wouldn't stop launching attacks against Israel!

Buzz62 wrote:Ya we do...and do you know why?

So, you admit to being an antisemite who support genocide. Good to know
Luckily, you won't get your wish. If Israel goes down the whole Middle East goes down in a series of atomic blasts, and it'd be justice. Mecca, Riyadh, Damascus, etc would be gone.
Or in other words: Israel won't go quietly into the night. It'll take as many of its enemies with it as possible. And that's why none of the great powers are going to allow Israel's demise, even if they support the Arabs.
But hey, Mecca should be a good place for a parking lot

Buzz62 wrote:You STOLE someone's land and then beat on them both physically and psychologically.

Show me when I did any such thing. Or, when Israel did any such thing. One cannot steal what no one owns.

Buzz62 wrote:You cut off their clean water supply.

Yeah, lol, the conflict is about water. Go pull the other one.

Buzz62 wrote:You killed their fathers and demolished their homes.

When those people used the homes as weapons storages, and the "fathers" were repsonsible for terrorism against Israeli civilians, then there is no legitimate complaint when Israel takes them out.
Action --> reaction. And the Arabs began the fight.

Buzz62 wrote:What the fuckin hell do you expect?

I don't expect antisemites like you to want Jews to survive anywhere.
Hirdmann wrote:I don't know. I am not responsible for the voices you hear in your head. Maybe you should go see a doctor? :lol:

What wit.
Does that talent get honed by the act of ethnic cleansing?

Hirdmann wrote:And then everyone would sit in one giant circle singing Kumbayah, and everyone would be happy!

Well...everyone except the likes of you Hirdmann.
But hey...when hatred runs that deep into a person's soul...the poison takes a bit longer to be flushed from the hereditary systems.

Hirdmann wrote:No, it wouldn't. It would encourage the Arabs to continue terrorism, against a strategically weakened Israel.

Scary monsters under the bed?
Or just a flat rejection of peace...

Hirdmann wrote:No, but you apparently are.
1: I have got nothing - I'm not Israeli.
2: The blockade was a RESPONSE to the attacks from Gaza. It was enforced AFTER Gaza wouldn't stop launching attacks against Israel!

And WHY did this happen?
Comon Hirdmann...what's the root cause of this issue?

Hirdmann wrote:So, you admit to being an antisemite who support genocide. Good to know ;)
Luckily, you won't get your wish. If Israel goes down the whole Middle East goes down in a series of atomic blasts, and it'd be justice. Mecca, Riyadh, Damascus, etc would be gone.
Or in other words: Israel won't go quietly into the night. It'll take as many of its enemies with it as possible. And that's why none of the great powers are going to allow Israel's demise, even if they support the Arabs.
But hey, Mecca should be a good place for a parking lot ;)

Ahhh...the tool of the Zionist accuse those who oppose injustice in Israel, of anti-semitism.
Its and old and stale argument that has lost all of its power.

But I wish to address the part of your ever so learned statement I've emboldened.
It is your opinion/desire that the entire Middle East should be fried by Israel, should Israel's existence be threatened.
The death of hundreds of the The Jewish State may exist AS IS.
Kill 'em all before finding a way to actually share that sand-box.
How very...telling.
How very arrogant and greedy.
And how very convenient that you should expose this ugly underbelly for all to see, exactly why Israel is doomed should they continue down this path. As the pressure mounts...and support continues to dwindle...go back and read these rather ugly words of yours...and know why Israel fails.

Hirdmann wrote:Show me when I did any such thing. Or, when Israel did any such thing. One cannot steal what no one owns.

The denial of Palestine and the Palestinians.
Hirdmann...your views are hypocritical as, you want them to acknowledge The Jewish State, yet deny them even their history.
How arrogant...

Hirdmann wrote:Yeah, lol, the conflict is about water. Go pull the other one.

And no sympathy what so ever.
Indeed...a mentality I'd suggest the world could do without.

Hirdmann wrote:When those people used the homes as weapons storages, and the "fathers" were repsonsible for terrorism against Israeli civilians, then there is no legitimate complaint when Israel takes them out.
Action --> reaction. And the Arabs began the fight.

The Arabs DID NOT begin this fight.
Israel did.

Hirdmann wrote:I don't expect antisemites like you to want Jews to survive anywhere.

And that's another reason you fail Hirdmann.
Not once have I said anything about "Jews".
I've spoken of Zionists...who can also be Christians...and of Israelis who hold the same racist and arrogant ideals as you do.
Massive failure Hirdmann.
And if the leaders of Israel think as you do...Israel will be a massive failure too.

Happy Monday...

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