Report: Egypt working to create buffer zone around Gaza bord - Politics | PoFo

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Report: Egypt working to create buffer zone around Gaza border

As part of new campaign to create buffer zone around Gaza, Egypt military forces launch Sinai operation, destroying tunnels, homes, and raiding villages serving terrorists, Palestinian news agency reports

Egyptian border forces destroyed tunnels leading into Gaza from Sinai as part of new campaign to create a buffer zone along the border with the Gaza Strip, Palestinian news agency Ma'an reported.
According to the report, 10 tunnels and seven homes were destroyed on Saturday as part of the new plan to create the buffer zone, which would extend 500 meters in some places, the report claimed.

According to Ma'an report which cited an Egyptian security source, the campaign began with a military operation in the border town of Rafah, where tunnels leading into Gaza were targeted.
The security source added that the tunnels were destroyed and the homes they were located in were subsequently blown up.
He explained that the move was part of a wider campaign being led by Egypt to set up a buffer zone along the border with Gaza in Rafah that would extend 300 meters in populated areas and 500 meters in open areas.

According to Ma'an, the zone would pose a threat to dozens of Gaza homes, which has been divided by the international border since the 1982 Camp David peace accord between Egypt and Israel.

According to the report, thousands were displaced in the early 2000s when Israel demolished homes to build a similar buffer zone on the Palestinian side of the border with Egypt.

The Egyptian security source also told Ma'an that Egyptian army forces successfully foiled three explosive devices placed in military vehicles and armored cars in Sheikh Zuwaid, including two that were placed near the Sheikh Zuweid Hospital and a third on the road to a nearby village south of Sheikh Zuewid.
The report highlights the rising tensions between Islamist active in Sinai and the Egyptian regieme working to root them out. The tensions have been on the rise since Egypt ousted Mohammed Morsi, a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas ' sister group.

He added that army forces raided "militant strongholds" in the a Sinai village south of Sheikh Zuweid and destroyed three homes and five "hideouts."

They also destroyed an olive grove that was reportedly used to hide militants following attacks taking place on the nearby road to Rafah International crossing.

Egyptian armed forces launched large scale military action against terrorists and militants in the Sinai Peninsula earlier in September, in what officials described as the largest mobilization of force in the area since the 1973 Yom Kippur War .

Until July of this year, Ma'an reports, tunnels connecting Gaza to Egypt provided a vital lifeline for the territory which has been under an Israeli-Egyptian blockade which has been in place since 2006.
Since the Morsi's July ouster, Egypt has strictly enforced its side of the blockade, specifically targeting the illegal tunnels.

Egyptian Maj. Gen. Ahmad Ibrahim said in October that nearly 800 tunnels had been destroyed since the beginning of the year at that time, while Rafah officials estimated in September that these operations had demolished 95% of previously existing tunnels, Ma'an reported.,7340 ... 15,00.html

This is good news. The terrorist's lifeline is being cut off. Egypt is proving to be a good neighbour.

Now I expect Turkey to send some ships and commandos to break the blockade by the Egyptians. Come on Erdogan, you fucking hypocrite.
Ter wrote:This is good news. The terrorist's lifeline is being cut off. Egypt is proving to be a good neighbour.
Egypt has just gotten rid of the Muslim Brotherhood and it is heart warming to learn that they have no intention of allowing the remnants of the Brotherhood or the rat faced Palestinians in Gaza to control the action and continue to screw things up.

If the Palestinians want some consideration I suggest that they prove themselves capable of controlling their people by maintaining a 5 year cease fire while Israel maintains a policy of no new settlements. When that trial period has been successfully completed Israel should work with them to develop a mutually beneficial arrangement. BUT one terrorist attack spoils the deal for all time.

Because the Palestinians are too dumb to take such an opportunity and make good on their part of the bargain Israel would then be free to build as many settlements as they want and expel as many Palestinians as they desire from the West Bank which should be annexed as a client state.
redcarpet wrote:The tunnels aren't just used to obtain weapons though, but also other vital civilian supplies. Losing the tunnels means the humanitarian crisis will worsen.
True but I have to ask, who gives a shit? If the filthy slobs had behaved themselves after Israel withdrew from Gaza then there would be no humanitarian crisis to worry about. Israel is not responsible for the situation it is only reacting to Palestinian/Hamas actions. They have made their bed and now they have to sleep in it.
Xbow wrote:Redcarpet wrote: The tunnels aren't just used to obtain weapons though, but also other vital civilian supplies. Losing the tunnels means the humanitarian crisis will worsen.

True but I have to ask, who gives a shit? If the filthy slobs had behaved themselves after Israel withdrew from Gaza then there would be no humanitarian crisis to worry about. Israel is not responsible for the situation it is only reacting to Palestinian/Hamas actions. They have made their bed and now they have to sleep in it.

Well that is really not quite true is it, the blockade existed before the withdrawal, movement was already restricted and controlled by Israel and Egypt, imports and exports where already controlled.

You comment about them being filthy slobs reminds me of the Germans and their film crews wandering about the Jewish Ghetto while they were making that detestable film, the Eternal Jew. They focused on the squalid living conditions of the ghetto, and commented that to was Jews in their natural environment. Not mentioning that the conditions of the ghetto were so because the Germans were denying them essential services, and packing such a large population into such a small area. Thus the Germans helped to create the squalid conditions of the ghetto.

Now we come to Gaza, you accuse them of being filthy slobs, ignoring that the conditions of the Gaza area are so because they have been fenced in, had their movement restricted, lack of services, high unemployment because their economy has been crashed because they can't maintain power (let along export or import). It is the same as the ghetto, look at those slobs, let's just ignore the fact we helped to turn them into slobs.

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