British as Amalek - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

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By dcomplex
I found a good article from 1948:

As one looks through the newspapers of this time a year ago, one wonders at the things that were possible in Palestine only 12 months back.

Dispatches then reported strict curfews imposed on cities and even entire areas of the country by means of which the population was placed under house arrest for weeks; sentences to the gallows and firing squads; exiles to Kenya without trial or even formal accusation; ships intercepted on the sea and rammed; and the High Commissioner’s or military chief’s summoning the heads of the Jewish Agency and speaking to them arrogantly.

Pictures in newspapers showed Jewish inhabitants of towns and farms corralled behind barbed wire. Today the jailer and the hangman are thrown out of the Holy Land. The barbed wire exists only on Cyprus.

A few days ago we read of the military parade in Tel-Aviv, when the city of 250,000 crowded the streets and the rooftops and thunderously cheered the Israeli fighters who came from the fronts of Negeb, and Saron, and Jerusalem, and Emek, and Galilee. A nation defended a little place under the sun.

* * *

It is not correct to say that the nation was born. The nation never died.When the boys and girls of Kfar-Etzion in the wilderness of Hebron sacrificed their lives that the gates of Palestine might be opened to survivors from Dachau and Oswieczim, no kin of theirs, or to immigrants, unknown to them, from Romania and Galicia, then, by the Almighty, they in Kfar-Etzion and in Oswieczim are of one nation.

There will come a day when new chapters will be written in the Hebrew Bible, chapters that will record the history of the wandering of the Jews among nations and of their life as a persecuted minority everywhere, and of their return to their homeland after a long nightmare.

* * *

The Hebrew Bible is the history of the Jewish people among the peoples of the world. The centuries of persecution for their faithfulness to their religion and to their past, their contributions to world civilization, their decimation in our day, and the return of “the remnants of Israel” to their homeland are biblical themes that await only the penmen to write them and a conclave to include them in the Scriptures.

When Israel went out from Egypt, from the furnace of affliction, the Amalekites met him on his way to Canaan and blocked his path. The Amalekites fell upon the wanderers in the wilderness, the weary survivors of Egyptian racial persecution.

The 25th Chapter of Deuteronomy reads:

“Remember what Amalek did unto thee by the way, when ye were come forth out of Egypt. How he met thee by the way, and smote the hindmost of thee, even all that were feeble behind thee, when thou wast faint and weary, and he feared not God.”

* * *

In the cast of characters in the modern drama the Nazis with their death chambers played the role of Pharaoh and the Egyptians, but the role of the Amalekites belongs to the British. In the darkest hour of the long-suffering Israel the British kept the doors of Palestine closed, in spite of the fact that the White Paper of 1939 was pronounced an illegal document by the Permanent Mandate Commission of the League of Nation in its session of June 8-29, 1939.

The British branded those who tried to come to Palestine as “illegal immigrants,” though it was they and not the immigrants who acted illegally. The Royal Navy intercepted the Jews returning to the Promised Land on the desert of the sea and carried them into the barbed-wire enclosures of Cyprus.

Despite the indisputable decision of the Security Council of the United Nations that during the truce period on Palestine the age of the immigrants should not bar them from entering the State of Israel, and that only military personnel should not enter the land, a decision that was separately voted on and therefore cannot be misinterpreted, the British have condemned all males between 17 and 45 years of age, who were illegally seized and imprisoned on Cyprus—more than 10,000 persons—to further imprisonment.

* * *

The British jailer loves his work and feels lost if he has no prisoners behind his walls. At the same time he has presented a fat bill for keeping the kidnaped immigrants in the prison of Cyprus.

The British are inscribing themselves in the annals of humankind as breakers of international law. Being modern Amalekites, they have chosen the same place—the approaches to the Holy Land—and the same people—the eternal nation of Israel—as the object of their historic crime.
By layman
You said on another thread that international law was meaningless.

Also, Israel wouldnt exist without the British Mandate.

Also, British soldiers faught your first war of independance and were repaid with terrorism.
Last edited by Cartertonian on 25 Jun 2014 23:39, edited 1 time in total. Reason: rule 3
By SolarCross
Given what has happened since 1948 it seems remarkably far-sighted of the British to try and keep european jews out of palestine. It is regrettable that they were not more successful.
By wat0n
layman wrote:Also, British soldiers faught your first war of independance and were repaid with terrorism.

Huh? They didn't, they tried to keep out as far as they could so they could leave.
By wat0n
layman wrote:I was refering to this ... _Palestine

It destroyed the arab leadership and made Israel possible. The Jews would have been thrown into the sea had it not happened.

No it wasnt god, it was British Soldiers who saved you ..

Yes, they had to police their de facto colony, greatly harming the Arabs. They didn't do so for the sake of the Jews, however.
By layman
Yes, they had to police their de facto colony, greatly harming the Arabs. They didn't do so for the sake of the Jews, however.

Motivation isnt really my point but the British were the enablers of zionism. This is a historical fact. An yes those jews would have been thrown into the sea had we not protected them.

Jews moaning 50 years on because they didnt get everything their own way is just typical of them. The arabs are the ones who should be pissed.
By wat0n
layman wrote:Motivation isnt really my point but the British were the enablers of zionism. This is a historical fact. An yes those jews would have been thrown into the sea had we not protected them.

Why should anyone thank the British, then, if they were doing it for their own sake?
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By dcomplex
Oh those Jews just complaining about their murdered familied; it's just a horrible reminder that we failed to get all of them!


Last edited by Gletkin on 21 Jul 2014 08:04, edited 1 time in total. Reason: Rule 3 violation
By wat0n
dcomplex wrote:However,


You do realize that stuff like that is precisely why some people bash Israel and/or Jews as racists, right?
Last edited by Gletkin on 21 Jul 2014 08:07, edited 1 time in total. Reason: Redaction of dcomplex's quote
By layman
Why should anyone thank the British, then, if they were doing it for their own sake?

Dont be absurd. Noone should thank the British anymore than someone should thank the USA, Russia, whatever for defeating hitler.

Countrys act in their own interests and sometimes those interests are shared. Obviously though the British were crucial to zionism so its pretty rich to hear all this petty moaning.

Bascially this guys wanted the British to do all the ethnic cleaning for them. Look, at least we made a start for you. Be grateful for that at least
By wat0n
layman wrote:Dont be absurd. Noone should thank the British anymore than someone should thank the USA, Russia, whatever for defeating hitler.

Countrys act in their own interests and sometimes those interests are shared. Obviously though the British were crucial to zionism so its pretty rich to hear all this petty moaning.

Bascially this guys wanted the British to do all the ethnic cleaning for them. Look, at least we made a start for you. Be grateful for that at least

On the other hand, it was for the sake of your own interests that (for example) the Mandate was closed to Jews running from the Holocaust - and yet the vast majority of Zionists (Lehi being an exception, and in fact traitors) decided to overlook that so a key shared goal would be reached (namely, fighting the Nazis).

I don't agree with the moaning, but I'd say things were evened after that.
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By dcomplex
wat0n, we are not hated because we are blamed. We are blamed because we are not loved.

Imagine if every Arab who said something outrageous had that spread to all Arabs. What would the PC police do?

Have some self-respect.

He who excuses himself accuses himself.

“We constantly and very loudly apologize… Instead of turning our backs to the accusers, as there is nothing to apologize for, and nobody to apologize to, we swear again and again that it is not our fault… Isn’t it long overdue to respond to all these and all future accusations, reproaches, suspicions, slanders and denunciations by simply folding our arms and loudly, clearly, coldly and calmly answer with the only argument that is understandable and accessible to this public: ‘Go to Hell!’?
Who are we, to make excuses to them; who are they to interrogate us? What is the purpose of this mock trial over the entire people where the sentence is known in advance? Our habit of constantly and zealously answering to any rabble has already done us a lot of harm and will do much more. … The situation that has been created as a result, tragically confirms a well known saying: “Qui s’excuse s’accuse.” We ourselves have acquainted our neighbors with the thought that for every embezzling Jew it is possible to drag the entire ancient people to answer, a people that was already legislating at the time when the neighbors had not even invented a bast shoe. Every accusation causes among us such a commotion that people unwittingly think, ‘why are they so afraid of everything?’ Apparently their conscience is not clear.’ Exactly because we are ready at every minute to stand at attention, there develops among the people an inescapable view about us, as of some specific thievish tribe. We think that our constant readiness to undergo a search without hesitation and to turn out our pockets, will eventually convince mankind of our nobility; look what gentlemen we are–we do not have anything to hide! This is a terrible mistake. The real gentlemen are the people that will not allow anyone for any reason to search their apartment, their pockets or their soul. Only a person under surveillance is ready for a search at every moment…. This is the only one inevitable conclusion from our maniac reaction to every reproach–to accept responsibility as a people for every action of a Jew, and to make excuses in front of everybody including hell knows who. I consider this system to be false to its very root. We are hated not because we are blamed for everything, but we are blamed for everything because we are not loved…
We may apologize only in rare, unique and extremely important moments when we are completely confident that the Areopagus in front of us really has just intentions and proper competence. We do not have to apologize for anything. We are a people as all other peoples; we do not have any intentions to be better than the rest. As one of the first conditions for equality we demand the right to have our own villains, exactly as other people have them. Yes, we do have provocateurs and draft dodgers, and it is even strange that we have so few of them under current conditions. Other people have also these kind of “good,” and, in addition, they have embezzlers, and pogrom-makers, and torturers–so what– the neighbors live and are not ashamed…. Do our neighbors blush for the Christians in Kishinyov who hammered nails into Jewish babies’ eyes?” Not in the least,– they walk with head raised high and look everybody in the face; they are absolutely right, and this is how it must be, as the persona of a people is royal, and not responsible and is not obliged to apologize…
We do not have to account to anybody, we are not to sit for anybody’s examination and nobody is old enough to call on us to answer. We came before them and will leave after them. We are what we are, we are good for ourselves, we will not change and we do not want to.”
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By Tailz
Now this is a curious thread from our new resident hate-monger, claiming the British are Amalek. I find this especially intresting considering Dcomplex’s comment in the thread: Should Israel liquidate the Palestine Arab cause?
dcomplex wrote:If they are Amalek, we can wipe them out entirely.

Has Dcomplex moved on from wanting to liquidate the Palestinian Arabs, to the British?

Is there anyone Dcomplex does not hate?
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By ThirdTerm
In the cast of characters in the modern drama the Nazis with their death chambers played the role of Pharaoh and the Egyptians, but the role of the Amalekites belongs to the British. In the darkest hour of the long-suffering Israel the British kept the doors of Palestine closed, in spite of the fact that the White Paper of 1939 was pronounced an illegal document by the Permanent Mandate Commission of the League of Nation in its session of June 8-29, 1939. The British branded those who tried to come to Palestine as “illegal immigrants,” though it was they and not the immigrants who acted illegally. The Royal Navy intercepted the Jews returning to the Promised Land on the desert of the sea and carried them into the barbed-wire enclosures of Cyprus.

The White Paper of 1939 set an annual limit of Jewish immigrants to 75,000, mainly because of the 1936–39 Arab Revolt in Palestine, by which Palestinian Arabs expressed their opposition to mass Jewish immigration. The situation got out of control as violence between the Arabs and Jews in Palestine escalated into a race war during the period and it was thought that winning hearts and minds in the Arab world was a wartime necessity. But during the 1940s, any Jewish refugee who managed to reach a neutral country were given clearance to immigrate to Palestine and the emigration of 4,000 Jewish children from Bulgaria to Palestine was allowed on human rights grounds and the British were not entirely heartless.

Jewish Boy scouts and Girl Guides greet Winston Churchill as he goes to plant a tree on Mount Scopus near Jerusalem to plant a tree on the site of what would be the Hebrew University (March 1921).

The Bulgarian Government has agreed to permit 4,000 Jewish children and 500 adults to emigrate to Palestine, as a result of successful negotiations by the British Government, which was represented by a neutral nation, it was reported in the House of Commons today by Colonial Secretary Col. Oliver Stanley. The children and their escorts will be permitted to travel in transit through Turkey. Col. Stanley indicated. Transportation for the group has already been arranged, although it involves great practical difficulties,” he said. The British Government has also decided to admit into Palestine 500 Jewish children from Rumania and Hungary, instead of only 270 as previously announced, the Colonial Minister informed Commons. (A cable from Palestine to the JTA today stated that 72 Jewish children have already left Hungary for Palestine and that 22 Jewish children from Hungary have arrived there recently.) The Palestine Government, Col. Stanley revealed, is prepared to admit more children and also a number of adults, within the limits of the White Paper under which approximately 29,000 Jews can still enter Palestine, and has even provided available transportation facilities to this end. He warned, however, that the difficulties in securing transportation as well as in providing sustenance in Palestine might limit the number of immigrants that can be admitted.
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By dcomplex
This is false. Jews were denied access coming from Hungary, Romania, and Turkey, at least (the last is the reason why they towed the Struma out to sea without letting the passengers disembark).

Also, the 'annual limit' was not 75000 but 15000, and the British blocked most applications (75000 over 5 years). By the end of the war there were still tens of thousands of certificates left.

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