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By Ocker
MELBOURNE anarchists are telling school children how to blow up schools and set them alight.

A guide boasting of "81 ways to trash your school" has been promoted on an anarchist website established by Melbourne students.

Victoria Police have revealed they are investigating the anarchists and a website promoting anarchist activities.

"Liberate your life, smash your school," the guide tells students, along with advice on starting fires and making bombs.

The Brunswick Libera tion Front is being investigated over a series of attacks in Lygon St.

http://www.news.com.au/common/story_pag ... 21,00.html

As much as I like free-speech, I agree with this.
By Bricktop
Erk. I live in Brunswick, and Lygon St is literally around the corner from me. I hope they lock up these thugs. Gentrification my ass. There are a few new apartment buildings, but honestly, Brunswick cannot be Yuppified.

Bloody Idiots.

By Bricktop
A new group has risen in the midst of Melbourne -- the Brunswick Liberation Front (BLF), who claim to employ the tactics of the Animal Liberation Front (ALF). We cannot confirm whether they are genuine.

The BLF is an 'underground revolutionary organisation founded in Brunswick to fight the Russo family and also to fight ruling and middle class gentrification of Brunswick.'

They claim that 'the Russo family have a strangle hold on the people of Brunswick; they are landlords, doctors, lawyers and butchers. We have never stood for this and we will no longer remain silent.'

'...we as human animals can no longer remain silent at the mindless destruction of innocent non-human lives at the hands of capitalism and those who profit from the power structure of which all animals, human and non-human, are a victim.'

The BLF made an attack on a butcher shop owned by the Russo family on Lygon Street earlier this month, smashing a window estimated at $AU1500. They made Anarchist Action the place to report this action.

They have anonymously provided us with their communique, which can be found here

What.. So because a Family is succesful and widespread in the community they automatically have a strangle hold on it?! :eh:

http://www.melbourne.indymedia.org/news ... omment.php

By Bricktop
More on it here -

http://www.anarchist-action.org/forum/i ... hreadid=39

Brunswick is a great suburb and has no place for these people, even though I am a supporter of free-speech and all, speech is differant to action and when people infringe on other people's "right to life" by attacking homes and businesses and threatening the victim's lives, then it is not on, and these people should be found and locked up.

By Bricktop
And more. Ok, these people are absolute wacks.

Release: Communique of the BLF Tue Jan 27 13:45:44 EST 2004
by Released by Anarchist Action

Note by Anarchist Action: This communique was sent to us anonymously, with the instruction that it can be 'used at will'.

What you see below is the unedited version of their communique.

Communique of the BLF and the ALF

(BLF-Brunswick Liberation Front)

The innocence lost and the blood that has been shed can never be erased from the hands of those responisble.

And we as human animals can no longer remain silent at the mindless destruction of innocent non-human lives at the hands of capitalism and those who profit from the power structure of which all animals, human and non-human, are a victim. The Butchers of Brunsiwck, the Russo family, have tyrannised over both human and non-human animals for too long, as have hundreds of other corporations and capitalists.

The gentrification of brunswick, the slaughter of animals and the exploitaion of the working classes and peasentry must be stopped and, until animals learn to emancipate themselves, we as human animals have to unite and take direct action and use tactics that have been dubbed \"illegal\" by those who commit acts of genocide on a daily basis, from the theft of the land from its rightful owners to the mass slaughter of non-human animals who cannot defend themselves from the gullotine of capitalism. We do not shed the blood of the heartless and we do not shed the blood of the innocent. And the immortal enemy, the corporation, feels no pain, the only pain felt to \"them\" is the loss of profits, due to the destruction of private property.

The Russo family have a strangle hold on the people of Brunswick, they are landlords, doctors, lawyers and butchers. We have never stood for this and we will no longer remain silent. Its time we fought back against this form of genocide and all forms of genocide against both human, and non-human animals. Arson, property destruction and direct action are the tactics we will use, worldwide. we cannot be stopped. we can be imprisoned, disappeared and murdered by capitalism, but our global movement for the liberation of all animals great and small, cannot be stopped. No matter how hard \"they\" try.

We are not terroists, we are not freedom fighters. We are lovers of animals and we are lovers of freedom.

For a future of peace, tranquility and anarchy. For a future without killing.


This ALF and BLF action was committed on Aboriginal land.

By Bricktop
Sorry about all the replies.. but i have started a conversation on my ujournal about this, with a friend of mine, who is an Animal Lib supporter etc... Here is the link if you are interested. Its the latest entry -



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