Is Janette Fair Game? - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in Australia.

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By unbalanced zealot
Goldstein wrote:The southern American accent is cute.



That's similar to Dolly Parton's accent ?
or similar to GWB or LBJ ?
By Efrem Da King
I don't mind most american accents. But the hillbilly accent can get on my nerves.
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By joe
Guys, Who cares about people's accents.

BTW - Efrem have you ever considered people find the Australian (wait sorry, the 'Sydney') accent annoying??

I find this thread annoying because of the pointless crap that is going on.!OpenDocument

that has NSW's population, Not Sydneys.

I would guess

your having a guess, so was Efram, again, who cares.

You travel 30 mins from the cities centre AND THERE ARE COWS! Its more of a country town than a city


Why the hell does it matter??

So he lives in sydney, good for him.

end of conversation.
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By Andrew
I think I am one of the (or maybe only) person to agree with you. John Howard is an idiot who takes complete advantage of his Politician-role and has an addiction in spending (Oh no, sorry, I meant wasting), taxpayers money. He shouldn't have the oppurtunity to live in Kiribili House. A house which is NOT for the use of Prime Ministers, rather Foreign Diplomats. He conspicuously lives there as it is next to Sydney Harbour, and by living there, he chooses to continue wasting Taxpayers money by making continuous to-and-from costly flights to Canberra.

He not only takes advantage of this priveledge, but so does his family. I dont want Australian hard working tax money to go to them! Are they somehow superior to the entire nation? What exactly does Janette do anyway? On a scale of 1 to 10, I give her a minus 1. ;) The least she could do is make herself seem WORTHY for the money like the article mentioned; charity work, visiting hospitals. Make herself known, rather than unknown and dull.

I am not over 18 and I'm still a Highschool Student, so I do not pay tax, but if I did then I wouldn't pay my Tax Money to:
A) Pay for someone else's wedding! (Especially a person whom I barely know!)
B) Pay for Politicians to have free holidays and continuously fly everywhere.
C) Pay for people whom I do not respect. (Aka, John Howard, Aka, Retarded little bald man).
D) Have it not spent on useful sectors such as the Health and Education sector which needs the money.

By the way, I think our politicial views bond quite alot. I agree with so much you say so its great to see somebody share my political views also. ;)

By Bricktop
Ah good some intelligent discussion once again ;)

You make somre good points and you know what, i wholeheartedly agree with what you say Andrew.

BTW - Welcome to Pofo :)

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By Andrew
Thin Spirits wrote:So he has to fly to work? Big deal.

Yes, it actually is a big deal! Many people in Australia and in the world fly to work, but the difference here is that they spend their OWN money to fly to work. John Howard uses TAXPAYERS money for NO reason when he can simply live in his beautiful mansion in Canberra!

Thin Spirits wrote:Why should it matter where the pm lives? The government pays for a lot of other politicians to fly to Canberra too.
If he wants to stay in Sydney, leave him be. Its apretty pett argument.

I actually find your statement much more pathetic. You make it sound easier said than done! And just because the Government also flys other Politicians to and from Canberra does not make that alright either. However, the difference with John Howard is that his prime location should be Canberra. I mean, he doesn't even live in his own electorate? What a poor leader Federally and Municipal wise.

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By Andrew
Efrem Da King wrote:There are 7 mill people in sydney

There is definitely not 7 million people in Sydney! Last time I read, it was 4.3 million. I strongly doubt it is anymore than 4.5 million.


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