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Yes hello,

We are two boys one 16 and one 17, We have decided to for a party and call it "People First Party" we have decided to run a democratic government, what we stand for is really simple,

1 the constitution
2 the people
3 the people's voices and opinions

we know that we are still too young to register so we have decided to be an independant movement what we would like to know is, what changes would you like to see in the constitution and what pointless laws you would like taken out of the law system and also what facilities you would like more money spent on. Thank you for your time.


K Ballard
Deputy Leader
People First Party
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By joe
ohh come you guys... Okay I'll post my policy.

This is one of the policies I HAVE MADE as I am

Education & Children Affairs Minister

This is our policy on just General Issues
I'm not going to post it all as 'Aussie' might wanna steal it ;)

Free Education from ages 5-12. A Basic education is a necessity.

100% NO Bullying. If Any Student Found Bullying Suspended for 1day. If same student is found bullying again 2days and if one more time Expulsion. All Students have a right to learn in a safe and caring environment. Parent of Expelled Student may negotiate with School for re-enrolment.

A Piece of fresh fruit and a 300ml carton of Milk will be given to every student every recess every 2days of the week. As its good to maintain high energy and good concentration therefore prolonging learning time.

At the start of each school year each government school will be given new textbooks and items required to start the school year. As students can reach there full potential with required items.

Make all students able to read, write and spell to a satisfactory standard level. So it is known that all students will be able to read and write.

Make Sure that School Councils are representative of the school community and involve the local Primary School Committee, teachers and of course the students in decision-making.

J Wade
People First
Party Leader
Educaiton & Children Affairs Minister
By Efrem Da King
100% NO Bullying. If Any Student Found Bullying Suspended for 1day. If same student is found bullying again 2days and if one more time Expulsion. All Students have a right to learn in a safe and caring environment. Parent of Expelled Student may negotiate with School for re-enrolment.


Bullying is a part of childhood life, we need to teach todays youth to stand up to bullys, not to run away crying to a teacher which will only make things worse. My advice is, if your getting bullied bully back and get some respect. Those are skills that will serve you well in later life.
By Ocker
Efrem Da King wrote:
100% NO Bullying. If Any Student Found Bullying Suspended for 1day. If same student is found bullying again 2days and if one more time Expulsion. All Students have a right to learn in a safe and caring environment. Parent of Expelled Student may negotiate with School for re-enrolment.


Bullying is a part of childhood life, we need to teach todays youth to stand up to bullys, not to run away crying to a teacher which will only make things worse. My advice is, if your getting bullied bully back and get some respect. Those are skills that will serve you well in later life.

Are you serious?

By Efrem Da King
Yes 100%.

Of course there should be some punishments but that is going WAY too far. I have been bullied plenty so I know how it feels, but I have also got in trouble with the punish first find out if it actually happened latter mentality of schools today over bullying.
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By joe
Thanks for that Guys..

What about the other policies...I mean the othe dude got 24replies :(

Are you happy with the rest of them?

Hmm about the Bullying policy....What would you suggest then Efrem Da King ?

And what about you Ocker? What's do YOU THINK would be a good policy - we are looking for PEOPLE's opinion :)

J Wade
People First
Party Leader
Education & Children Affairs Minister
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By Yeddi
I pretty happy with the constitution as it is, i see no need for any changes. Your ideas for education seem pretty sound, but they also seem pretty standard. I think what you need is a core policy. You would surely know that the best you could hope for, at least in your lifetimes would be a seat in the Senate. You need to find a niche and fill it. Good luck to you both. Best advice i can give you is start working now, it costs alot to run for parliament, unless you get the 14000 votes or whatever it is.
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By joe
Thx, Yeddi. Those Education polices are just snippets from various sections of our Education Policy.

Fox prehaps you could answer this or anyone that know pounds..

It states in the Consitution of Australia this :

'There shall be payable to the Queen out of the Consolidated Revenue fund of the Commonwealth, for the salary of the Governor-General, an annual sum which, until the Parliament otherwise provides, shall be ten thousand pounds. The salary of the Governor-General shall not be altered during his continuance in office. '

How much is Ten Thousand Pounds Australian?

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By Yeddi
Using the current exchange rate thats about $28,000 But you have to remember that the constitution was written over 100years ago, and Money was worth alot more than it is now... that is, millionaires were fabulously rich and billionaires were impossible. Everything, in terms of the actual numbers, were very cheap, that is only a few pound would buy you a car (an exageration but i think you get the idea.)

$10000 pounds was probably alot of money back then, in fact i'd bet on it, considering the type of people they would expect to be Governor-General back then and considering that the G-G really did run the country then. Remember that Our first PM Edmund Barton was not appointed to be PM to begin with, I believe the G-G(can't remember his name sorry, Sir Issac Issacs?.. no he was later.. anyway) The first G-G asked a man by the name of Lang (i think) to form the First governemnt of Australia. UNfortunately he couldn't find the numbers in the elections and so reluctantly the PM-ship was given to Barton.

Anyway, i've gone off course. 10000pounds would have been alot of money back then. I'm not sure how much the G-G gets paid today... Probably a lot more than he needs. He is given a house food and transport, he has no need for anything else.

So if what you are preposing is a pay cut for the G-G, i'd support that, but you would have to check out what he actually gets paid today.
I hope that answers your Q.
By K.Ballard
The Current Governer-General, Maj-General Jeffery, gets paid 10000 pounds per year (AUS 30000 Approximate) on behalf of the People First Party I thank you for you advice and It shall be used wisely on my behalf, also we are attempting to recruit members, would you like to join? Your Contribution would be very much appriectated.

awaiting your favourable reply

(AAC) LCPL K Ballard
Deputy Leader
People First Party
By Proctor
Efrem, that's an...interesting way to look at things. I can just see it:
Big kid threatens little kid. Little kid remembers the teachings of the wise Efrem Da King, and punches big kid. Big kid is a little shocked, but being a big kid, it doesn't hurt him to much. He punches little kid, and little kid is left KO'd on the ground.

Well, that worked well didn't it?
By Efrem Da King
No, little kid gets together 3 other little kids, ambush big kid, preferably carrying big sticks and let him have it, he'll leave em alone after that.

NEVER EVER EVER go to an adult, and I mean EVER, it is social suicide, after that the whole school will be after you. I used to be bullied now I am not, I know from first hand experiences. If you are sort of the kid every one the school picks on, NEVER GO VIOLENT And NEVER GO TO AN ADULT, what you should do it try to improve your behaviour. And this may sound silly but, try to get in early on a fad, and try as hard as you can to try to get into a group of kids like you. Safety in numbers.
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By Vincered
You seem like the kind of person I would have bullied at school Efrem. :| My advice to wimps is to hang around with hot girls.
By Political Interest
I agree with Joes idea on Bullying except I think it should be a more suvere punishment 1 bully=expulsion from school.

Also you should turn your country into a Republic,build up your Military, abolish private property so everyone owns it, take over money production so no one can be exploited and make Education and Health free.
By Efrem Da King
Vincered wrote:You seem like the kind of person I would have bullied at school Efrem. :| My advice to wimps is to hang around with hot girls.

Naahh I haven't been bullied since early primary! Then again I go to a VERY nerdy school.
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By joe
Political Intrest wrote:I agree with Joes idea on Bullying except I think it should be a more suvere punishment 1 bully=expulsion from school.

Also you should turn your country into a Republic,build up your Military, abolish private property so everyone owns it, take over money production so no one can be exploited and make Education and Health free.

YES! YES! The dictatorship has started.......yes!!!!

i agree 100% ;)
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By Yeddi
Speaking of the Rupublic, if your party becomes the government within your lifetimes, what sort of Republc would you present in a referendum to the people?
By Political Interest
Turn it into a Peoples Republic and I need some advice should I join a Communist party or should I start one?.
By Enigmatic
If you expelled students after 1 or two incidences of bullying (or allegations of bullying) there would be nobody left in the school system...
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