Latham wins! - Politics | PoFo

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By GandalfTheGrey
Good news for all those who recognise the need for new blood and a breath of fresh air. Thankfully labour has recognised the folly of re-electing a has-been, who has failed twice at the polls, and now twice at the leadership bid. Welcome the new era for labour (hopefully!)
By Ocker

I certainly didn't see that coming. I guess time will tell.
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By Yeddi
Well at least we can see that the ALP aren't entirely stupid.
If they'd brought Beazzzzley back they would have been finished.
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By unbalanced zealot
All I can say on this is that things are going to get interesting
with Latham there. I didn't think he'd get the numbers - actually
just sneaked in 47-45.

:hmm: Wonder if he will initiate something re negative gearing
on property investment. He's said a lot about it in the past.
He's also a good mate of Whitlam.
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By joe
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :| :| :|

KIM LOST!!!!!!!!!!!


Well, Good Luck Latham, actually what am i saying..bad luck latham
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By antiskeptic
ppl ppl. i think we all need 2 agree on one thing. the australian government is a crack up. its so stupid. not once has it done the right thing by the ppl. the pm always thinks about himself. i personally think we need more ppl like bob hawke as pm. he is a champ and a great pm! he drank a yard glass! he is keepin it real with all the aussie peeps.

look at my signature neways ppl

peace dude and dudettes
By Efrem Da King
Well to attack the Howard gov like that he must be stoned. It is easily the best government australia has had in ages. Looking into to future, look what they have set up.

I am against him on most domestic issues but his foriegn policy really have made australia becomeing a world power more than just a pipe dream.

(what is a pipe dream anyway, I know I'm using it correctly just forgot the definition.)

Anyway only.....13 MORE DAYS TILL THE HOLIDAYS!!!!

By Catria
You don't have to be stoned to be off your head, as your post proves. How does our international reputation as a suck rat to the US make us a *world power*?

A pipe dream is an opium delusion. Nice while your having it, but reality generally smacks you in the mouth sooner or later.
By Efrem Da King
YAY I used it right, thanks.

Anyway, we aren't a suck rat to the US, the US is a suck rat too us. YOu just can't read between the lines. Heheheh, first the ME then the pacific!!!
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By antiskeptic
Efrem Da King said
Well to attack the Howard gov like that he must be stoned. It is easily the best government australia has had in ages. Looking into to future, look what they have set up.

i dont think so. they have done nothing right by the people. and this is going to show on election day. there is no way that john howard could win after what he has done to this country. he has turned it in to little america. what this world needs is less america... and yes less eddie maguire. but look what johnnie has done - he has made us more of a target for terrorism, has ruined our moive industry, made us apart of a war WE DO NOT BELONG IN!!!

thank u i think i made my point

oh and by the way... i wasnt stoned when i wrote what i said before... i havent been stoned in over 3 months.
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By Yeddi
antiskeptic wrote:i dont think so. they have done nothing right by the people. and this is going to show on election day. there is no way that john howard could win after what he has done to this country.

I partially agree, The government have done nothing by the people yes.
But do i think that will be shown on election day? Nope, not a chance. HOward will get back in, Labour is too divided and anyway, who in Australia actually pays attention to the government fucking them?.. hardly any, they will look for the guy who looks like he will benefit them immediately, and most likely that will be Jonny with his "Security and money" ideas.
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By lessthanjars
I think the ALP stands a chance on the back of a protest vote alone. There are a lot of people unhappy with Howard and many of the decisions he's made. If you want to use opinion polls as a measure of support (and they're not a very reliable one at all), the ALP and the Liberals have been almost neck and neck on a two-party basis for the majority of the time with the ALP overtaking the Coalition at one stage. Can Latham beat Howard? I think it depends on the media attention recieved by both leaders between now and the next election.
By GandalfTheGrey
antiskeptic wrote:they have done nothing right by the people. and this is going to show on election day. there is no way that john howard could win after what he has done to this country.

lessthanjars wrote:I think the ALP stands a chance on the back of a protest vote alone. There are a lot of people unhappy with Howard and many of the decisions he's made.

You would think so, but voters are funny people and they don't always follow logic. People are fed up with Howard, yes, but wasn't that the case in the last election? But look what happened, everyone said "oooooooooh, evil refugees! We must vote for Howard to fight them!" And so my point is, all it requires is a bit of political skill and to know when to use it. I don't think Howard's done yet, he knows exactly how to get voted in, and no doubt he will pull something out of the hat come the election hour.
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By unbalanced zealot
Has anybody noticed the recent rise in interest rates -
or is it just me.

Anderson was bleating about how enough is enough and
putting the hard word on the reserve bank. But I think
the Reserve has another 25 basis pts locked in for
Feb. I posted before about the end of the property boom
and Howard is pretty vulnerable considering rise
residental property values have been the foundation that
most his economic gains has been built upon. As you guy's
said above ... voters tend to be ...
'what have you done for me lately' types.

What do you guys think of Howard calling a double dissolution
election before the property market goes to heck ?

Sorry this is a bit of a rushed post ... late Friday afternoon
and all ... heading to the pub ... [i

PS: I had a joke post deleted from this thread I think.
Didn't know they could do that - I suppose they can. It was
a stupid quip anyway.

Proctor's Edit: Yup, that was me. I can't remember what it said exactly, but as it added nothing to the thread, and was a one liner (it needs to fill both conditions for me to delete it, unless it's the standard Efrem vs. CasX flame war), I got rid of it. No harm done eh? ;)
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By unbalanced zealot
lessthanjars wrote:I think it depends on the media attention recieved by both leaders between now and the next election.

..This is a good comment. It also makes you wonder how much influence folk like Packer and Murdoch have on any election result.
By Efrem Da King
has ruined our moive industry

By Thin Spirits
Australia does have a movie industry, however, it is pretty small.

I think the labour party needs more than just a change of leadership, I just hope that Latham can move the party in a new direction (anywhere other than downwards). I'm not a labour supporter, I just think some sort of competition would be healthy for Australian politics. Howard is a brilliant politician, but he's had a very easy run.

antiskeptic wrote:i dont think so. they have done nothing right by the people. and this is going to show on election day. there is no way that john howard could win after what he has done to this country. he has turned it in to little america. what this world needs is less america... and yes less eddie maguire. but look what johnnie has done - he has made us more of a target for terrorism, has ruined our moive industry, made us apart of a war WE DO NOT BELONG IN!!!

Howard has played several smart moves in Australian politics and its pretty obvious that your opinion is pretty biased, John Howard has retained support as the most popular leader and put the liberal party in a very commanding position over Australian politics by listening to the people. By 'the people' he has been listening to a majority of semi-right wing older middle class citizens (disillusioned one nation supporters) and giving them what they want.
He's won a lot of votes by doing this; believe it or not but by joining a war with america or by following any other policies you will condem, he's doing it with the support of a large majority that you (and I) are not in. He has been ignoring loud, left-wing criticism and grumblings from middle class intelligensia to follow a majority.

And i agree with you that we shouldn't follow America, But this is nothing new as Australia has been sucking up to the Americans since WWII, both labour and liberal governments.
By Efrem Da King
Australia does have a movie industry, however, it is pretty small.

Trust me my mums a film maker, we really don't have a film industry.

The people with money give it to the most pretensious cr*p that doesn't have a hope in hell of being comerical. You know why?

Because they are able to, being funded by the gov, that funding goes and we may well have an entertainment industry. Not a "men eating cats because they are depressed" industry.

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