Cryptocurrency Quotes for Investors Who Don’t Need No Fed - Politics | PoFo

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"If you buy something like Bitcoin or some cryptocurrency, you don't have anything that is producing anything. You’re just hoping the next guy pays more. And you only feel you'll find the next guy to pay more if he thinks he's going to find someone that's going to pay more."
– One of Warren Buffett’s characteristically negative cryptocurrency quotes

In 2010, a Florida man paid 10,000 Bitcoins for two pizzas from a local delivery joint. As of mid-September, 2021, those pizzas would cost the equivalent of $4.8 billion. That’s roughly the gross domestic product of Montenegro.


The establishment still looks down on cryptocurrency as some sort of goofy novelty that will eventually run its course. They might point out that some unseemly people helped to give crypto its start, or that its technology makes it inaccessible to many investors. (We don’t doubt that Buffett’s disdain for crypto stems at least in part from his advanced age. Anyone who has tried teaching a nonagenarian how to use a remote control would rather jump off a cliff than explain blockchain to one. They’d probably land next to the body of the guy who dropped 10,000 Bitcoins on pizza.)

In many talking heads’ books, the biggest strike against crypto is that it’s not backed by any government. But from a philosophical standpoint, this is in fact crypto’s greatest strength. What business has a government really got when it comes to your wealth? Outside of taxing it, that is, a goal which the U.S. government is currently fixing its beady eyes on. What you buy and sell should really be none of Senator Bedfellow’s concern – he only sticks his nose into your money so he can forcibly redistribute it to himself and his constituents.

For all its blessings, crypto is not for the weak of heart. If the average schlub lost 30% of his portfolio in a single day, he too would join the pizza guy’s cliffside cadaver. But fortune favors the bold, and in crypto’s case so does time. Tuck a little more of your dough into crypto every day, and soon you might be able to afford whatever Buffett rides around town in. (And I’m not talking about a hearse).

Best Cryptocurrency Quotes

"Who is John Galt? Bitcoin is John Galt."
– Pietros Maneos

"The great thing about Bitcoin is they can’t stop it. They can’t even find out where it is."
– Jeff Berwick

"The same people who thought Bitcoin at $100 was expensive, now think it is fairly valued at $30,000."
– J.R. Rim

"If 1% of all gold hoarders bought Bitcoin, you’d see a Bitcoin price of over a million dollars a coin."
– Charlie Shrem

"Cryptocurrency is absolutely here to stay. If you can't see that at this point, it's time to learn more about it."
– Joel McLeod

"The divine line "Bitcoin/Cryptocurrency is for criminals" is a cunning defensive strategy created by so called traditional financial services sector."
– Mohith Agadi

"An intelligent investor sees an opportunity in dip than risk."
– Mohith Agadi

"Cryptocurrency is freedom, Banking is slavery"
– Arif Naseem

"Those who believe in Bitcoin also believe in cleverness."
– Arif Naseem

"By 2030, some form of Crypto will become the global reserve currency but it will not be based on what exists today. Existing cryptos need to transform or will disappear. Also around 2030 or so, the first Nobel Prize in Economics will be awarded to a Cryptoeconomist."
– Tom Golway

"Bitcoin is the most stellar and most useful system of mutual trust ever devised."
– Santosh Kalwar

"Currency is like God, it exists as long as people believe in it."
– Abhijit Naskar

"Bitcoin is the biggest opportunity set we can think of over the next decade."
– Bob Garfield

"Fiat dominated banks refusing to work with cryptocurrency are like bookstores refusing to work with the internet. Only time will tell."
– Olawale Daniel

"Bitcoin has no physical form – it technically exists online as a complete digital asset. If you do see it, it is in the form of lines of code in an alphanumeric string. But the bottom line is, it is a store of value void of manipulation by government."
– Olawale Daniel

"At this crucial time, telling someone about Bitcoin is not financial advice by all factors. It is life advice."
– Olawale Daniel

"In cryptocurrency investment, long term thinkers are less stressed."
– Olawale Daniel

"The government wants to fool its people by doubling the minimum wage but at the same time printing more than enough money into circulation. We can't solve problems by creating more problem for generations to come which is why Bitcoin and some other decentralized finance applications powered by blockchain technology looks to be our only hope of creating a better future."
– Olawale Daniel

"Only smart people understand Bitcoin and Ethereum, and that’s why most of the people in the world don't understand it, thus not involved in it."
– Olawale Daniel

"Bitcoin cannot be acquired for free, neither is it too costly to acquire today, which is precisely why it is setting humanity free."
– Olawale Daniel

"Bitcoin is a digital gold - it is harder, stronger, faster and smarter than any money that has preceded it."
– Olawale Daniel

"Bitcoin is rapidly becoming the global reserve cryptocurrency just like the dollar is to fiat currency."
– Olawale Daniel

"The banker has unlimited supply of fiat to buy limited supply of commodities."
– Gun Gun Febrianza

"Cryptocurrency mark the era to the end of money counterfeiting."
– Gun Gun Febrianza

"We have elected to put our money and faith in a mathematical framework that is free of politics."
– Tyler Winklevoss

"Bitcoin is starting to resonate with the world. If you can pay attention, you can feel it."
– Tyler Winklevoss

"If you like gold, there are many reasons you should like Bitcoin."
– Cameron Winklevoss

"Right now Bitcoin feels like the internet before the browser."
– Wences Casares

"Blockchain is the tech. Bitcoin is merely the first manifestation of its potential."
– Marc Kenigsberg

"You can’t stop things like Bitcoin. It will be everywhere and the world will have to readjust. World governments will have to readjust."
– John McAfee

"Bitcoin is the most advanced form of money ever created."
–Saifedean Ammous

"Bitcoin and the ideas behind it will be a disruptor to the traditional notions of currency. In the end, the currency will be better for it."
– Edmund C. Moy

"Any time a country transitioned to a fiat currency, they collapsed. That’s just world history; you don’t have to know about crypto currency to know that."
– Nipsey Hussle

"Bitcoin was created to serve a highly political intent, a free and uncensored network where all can participate with equal access."
– Amir Toaki

"The relative success of the Bitcoin proves that money first and foremost depends on trust. Neither gold nor bonds are needed to back up a currency."
– Arnon Grunberg

"Gold is a great wat to preserve wealth, but is hard to move around. You do need some kind of alternative and Bitcoin fits the bill. I’m not surprised to see that happening."
– Jim Rickards

"Blockchain technology could change our world more than people imagine."
– Jack Ma

Cryptocurrency Quotes for Investors Who Don’t Need No Fed originally appeared on Thought Grenades, the blog on Libertas Bella
Igor Antunov wrote:So like fiat has been enabling for centuries?

Crypto advances the opportunities to fuck people over. Especially since its easier to make it sound complex and dupe people.

I'm on your side. I say let's rip some people off. I am all for crypto.
Rancid wrote:Crypto advances the opportunities to fuck people over. Especially since its easier to make it sound complex and dupe people.

I'm on your side. I say let's rip some people off. I am all for crypto.

Yes of course it does, because it's more powerful/flexible than fiat. It's just a tool, people fuck people over, not their tools. Use it wisely my friend.
Igor Antunov wrote:Yes of course it does, because it's more powerful/flexible than fiat. It's just a tool, people fuck people over, not their tools. Use it wisely my friend.

With great power comes great lulz.
Igor Antunov wrote:Yes of course it does, because it's more powerful/flexible than fiat. It's just a tool, people fuck people over, not their tools. Use it wisely my friend.

While I generally agree with this, the problem is that crypto has developed a brand problem. If everyone sees it as scammy, they will be less willing to use it.
Rancid wrote:This sounds like scam.

It sounds like what it was specifically designed to do. With BTC forming the basis or reserve of the crypto blockchain craze, there is a finite amount that can be mined. Therefore every subsequent bitcoin mined will drive the value of this funny money up. This is why it's ideal for long term money laundering. ... ord-2-43m/

Won't you please think of the mafia.
Igor Antunov wrote:
It sounds like what it was specifically designed to do. With BTC forming the basis or reserve of the crypto blockchain craze, there is a finite amount that can be mined. Therefore every subsequent bitcoin mined will drive the value of this funny money up. This is why it's ideal for long term money laundering. ... ord-2-43m/

Won't you please think of the mafia.

I'm not interested in crypto as an investment, Much like how I'm not into currency trading. To me, these are tools (as you say) not investments. For this sort of tool, stability is key. Even considering inflation on fiat, it is still relatively stable and there are plenty of ways to hedge against that inflation as well. Hence why I'm waiting for cryptos to become a more established tool (which means a more stable tool) than they are now. At which point, I will be more open to holding some for the purpose of transacting, not investing.

Aside from BTC, what other associated shitcoins do you hold?

Also, do you not agree that BTC/Crypto is based on faith as well? Much like fiat?
Rugoz wrote:We should ban that shit.

It's completely useless and eats tons of energy and graphics hardware.

True, there is a serious energy impact to crypto.

Right now, all I see is a game and a bunch of people trying to play it.

Did China do a full ban? I'm surprised Igor isn't applauding that. He loves everything the CCP does.
Igor Antunov wrote:In the end all that matters is purchasing power.

-Fiat, Constantly losing purchase power due to inflation
-Crypto, Constantly going up in relative value

nuff sed

LOL, this is the bird brain talking.

If my crypto is "forever going up in value" why would I even spend any of it? I could end up like the OP buying 2x 4 billion pizzas :lol: . Under this paradigm, you couldn't possibly use it as an actual currency at all as more and more people hoard it endlessly.
This is something that does not produce dividends like a stock.
Does not generate cashflow like real state.
Does not produce interest like a bond.
Does not generate any sort of goods like factories.
Does not grant royalties like IP such as patents.

Supposedly, it is meant to be a "currency" but it sucks at it, it is expensive and cumbersome to use as currency, and you are telling me, that if I use it today, I could be wasting 4billion on 2 pizzas.

Face it. You just bought a bunch of tulips, and you are hoping the next fella comes buy them from you for more $$.
Some countries are building crypto cities, others are introducing digital versions of their existing fiat currency based on the same principles.

You're not seeing the forest for the trees little one. Right now BTC is a viable gold standard. Once current finance systems fail (and they will) we're going right back to the old ways, this time we have a new tool to do that with. Mining gold is even more energy intensive. No need anymore.
I see it will be used in the future. A mixed public-private currency system is definitely coming.

I do need a car soon though Igor, for my mum... so we're looking for a cheap new one now(Chinese MG3 looks alright). Maybe pay half and demand my brother pay the rest.

I hope this Crypto extended bull run goes through to Easter again. I'll load up on Bitcoin slow and steady.

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