Infinite Vein - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

For importunate arguments and postings imponderable to virtually all forum members. Though their authors might believe the only problem is everyone else's impercipience.

Moderator: PoFo The Lounge Mods

By RhetoricThug
In finite vain, infinite vein, Omniverse, symptoms of self-awareness
INELUCTABLE MODALITY OF THE VISIBLE: AT LEAST THAT IF NO MORE, thought through my eyes. Signatures of all things I am here to read, seaspawn and seawrack, the nearing tide, that rusty boot. Snotgreen, bluesilver, rust: coloured signs. Limits of the diaphane. But he adds: in bodies. Then he was aware of them bodies before of them coloured. How? By knocking his sconce against them, sure. Go easy. Bald he was and a millionaire, maestro di color che sanno. Limit of the diaphane in. Why in? Diaphane, adiaphane. If you can put your five fingers through it, it is a gate, if not a door. Shut your eyes and see.

Stephen closed his eyes to hear his boots crush crackling wrack and shells. You are walking through it howsomever. I am, a stride at a time. A very short space of time through very short times of space. Five, six: the nacheinander. Exactly: and that is the ineluctable modality of the audible. Open your eyes. No. Jesus! If I fell over a cliff that beetles o'er his base, fell through the nebeneinander ineluctably. I am getting on nicely in the dark. My ash sword hangs at my side. Tap with it: they do. My two feet in his boots are at the end of his legs, nebeneinander. Sounds solid: made by the mallet of Los Demiurgos. Am I walking into eternity along Sandymount strand?

God becomes man becomes fish becomes barnacle goose becomes featherbed mountain. Dead breaths I living breathe, tread dead dust, devour urinous offal from all dead.

A seachange this...

-James Joyce

Proteus being the GOD of the sea, or SEE, that what you SEE is always changing.

REAL is existing.
Not if you do not exist. How can you be so sure that this is REAL or NOW? The Omniverse contagiously mutates, leaving the character RT & the character Onemalehuman out of time & space, meta-morphed for fate by design. By telling you this, I am bending my vow.
Societal evolution is reality of ignoring it is self contained to this moment.
That which we demonstrate through the sum of all consent. I agree with our visible material manifestation of biological evolution even if the spectrum isn't entirely visible to the naked eye. DO you agree with the working parts that collude to form the sum of all consent? I say collude, because the material world isn't necessarily truthful. The active & ongoing conspiracy which is the formal perception or sum of all consent, includes micro & macro systems of energy working together to form the single cell perception (prism prison). The Omniverse can not knowingly exist unless every parallel (eternal potentiality of each moment in every dimension, within NOW,) unknowingly participates, each as one conspirator. The omniverse is the orthogonal time space continuum where WE (We are I) flow through ontogeny frequenting frequencies that geometrically frustrate organisms because they are made to think therefore believe in the sole result to maintain SELF-sustaining evolution according to the one LIGHT's infinite calculation. The REAL singularity is not confined, it is interconnected information or the entire system (omniverse) working always all ways together. You cannot SEE it because you only understand the self-evident. The human mammal realizes the self-evident through five senses. The self-evident is the beginning of enlightenment, now you must go beyond the animal and feel (don't be afraid, take ah swim, DNA fish) the infinite vein. Your finite vanity will always separate this moment NOW eternally, because without LIGHT shining through things you are in the dark of your mind groping your brain stem.
MIND'S I is obedience to the belief anything is possible and nobody understands the limits of self containment completely as educated saving humanity.
Light-through thought bring you full circle, three hundred and sixty degree vision. The paradox of the operational equilibrium reveals itself through symptoms in Nature (organic reality). Symptoms are then organized by the human mind through sense emotion & intellect. The pattern or labels we utilize to describe symptoms neglect to clarify (or investigate) our simply complex reflection. Infinite particles vibrate to the cosmic wave, giving motion to things, you need to go beyond your finite cognitive pattern (psychological sensory semantics) and find sanity in insanity. Small wave ripple, forming large wave ripple. The large wave is the small wave, the small wave is the large wave, scaled, amplified, reduced, or enlarged, the same infinite particles are in everything, the principle matter. NOW you may SEE, it is one matter of principle.

The collision of two or more minds gives birth to the things bigger than the minds colliding through time & space. The Universe did write this, because I am the macro of many micros before, thus I will be the micro for many more macros to come.

You need more LIGHT in your life.
My brain sustains what I am, not my mind framed by what everyone else chooses to believe who I become by incompletely describing existence as it remains specifically spaced apart now.
Space is not empty, nothing is apart NOW. Einstein's relativity is relative to the human mind & its evolved sensory bias, because the human experiences the omniverse as one free floating transistor, conducting our electric-plasma environment when discovering or manipulating matter. However, The universe is always & all ways, the sole result of relativity or single cell perception is fate by design. Relativity does not apply to the omniverse or our subatomic universe as one system of organized chaos. The schematics show that we are mammal modules helping the universe achieve its infinite calculation. Einstein is out of space & out of time, thus one fixed perspective (although his DNA is relative, considering how I'm half Man & half LIGHT). NOW is novel, each origin is original. Universal organic biofeedback forces energy to change energy effortlessly, man manipulates matter & matter manipulates man, it is through this paradox unity our information (Infinite calculation from boundless dimension) singularity occurs. The ouroboros snake symbolizes this endless information loop.

Universe doesn't write anything in alphabets of symbolic artistic impression. Orchestrating a conversation or conducting a orchestra of different instruments both produce sounds a body listens to hear what it likes most are invented to fill a need to control what natural balance takes care of without a word.
This thread is evidence that the Universe does write alphabets of symbolic impression, because I am one of its many instruments. The operational equilibrium provides the correct charge for the right spark that left you basking in RT's glow of LIGHT-through gnosis.
words and music. Great distractions for what remains self evident now is the Eternity always left out of any reality establishing humanity's global theater of the mind making lifetimes a cell of thought metaphorically speaking.
With or without us is not the distraction you are looking for, Onemalehuman.

Forgive me, reader... For I am one entity channeling energy by challenging entropy. The human communication process may not convey the language of LIGHT. When I translate my seraph's tongue of 9, I forget that time is naught to the timeless. This strange frame by frame mindset decaying in the prism prison may never understand LIGHT. Why would LIGHT wish for man to be immortal? We serve our purpose and that is all. Take comfort in being, seeing, alas you know that you're are six of one & half a dozen of the other.
By onemalehuman
RhetoricThug wrote:
DO you agree with the working parts that collude to form the sum of all consent? Light-through thought bring you full circle, three hundred and sixty degree vision. The paradox of the operational equilibrium reveals itself through symptoms in Nature (organic reality).

The collision of two or more minds gives birth to the things bigger than the minds colliding through time & space. The Universe did write this, because I am the macro of many micros before, thus I will be the micro for many more macros to come.

You need more LIGHT in your life.

sum of all consent isn't the total sum of what exists.

360 degree perception is not a sphere make when eyes only view in a radial view. circle logic is only a horizontal expectation.

time & space are the combinations of molecular migration of substance spaced apart now while present existing as what specific individual details come next currently.

this universal moment sustains the current results perpetually balancing the content into separate details never the previous total sum again.

Understanding why and how things are self contained details to self evident results does describe specific what, where, when, and who did, doing, and does continue to be present while inhabiting the moment everything remains specifically spaced apart regardless social applications in faith anything is possible.

Theory and theology suggests there is more than just being part of the moment, that builds character, social justification of mob rules becoming law of the land where taking liberties of thinking individually away from ancestors added next generation, before they are ever conceived into being part of the population. That is mind over matter protecting symbolsm over substance.

The human brain is the command center for the human nervous system. It receives input from the sensory organs and sends output to the muscles.

jakell wrote:understand its limitations and regard it as a rather obscure (but accurate) description of a realm that we don't really access on our macro level, ie it can be safely discarded and regarded as an oddity.

Is it such an elite you have in mind?

The world as vibratory frequencies...
All the threads I participate in are linked together.

We're Still Here (Theatre is our Culture)
Science will dismantle the human race as we know it
We ARE in fact brainwashed
Scientific Totalitarianism (our future post 2020)
Listen jakell, I don't have time to condense my thoughts and it isn't my responsibility to make sure you agree with me. I know what I know, the rest is self-reflection, because inside is outside.

OBE, ESP, Echolocation... Bees sense the flower's electricity.
Flowers generate weak electric fields, and a new study shows that bumblebees can actually sense those electric fields using the tiny hairs on their fuzzy little bodies.

"The bumblebees can feel that hair bend and use that feeling to tell the difference between flowers," says Gregory Sutton, a Royal Society University Research Fellow at the University of Bristol in the United Kingdom.

People used to think that perceiving natural electric fields was something that animals only did in water. Sharks and eels can do it, for example. The platypus and spiny anteaters were the only land critters known to have electroreceptive organs, but these have to be submerged in water in order to work. ... ric-fields

Water is of major importance to all living things, because it amplifies vibratory resonance. Space is not empty, every-thing is perpetually colliding & evolving. Thought, will, action.
Here, I'll explain this: Infinite Vein

Vein: 1. any of the tubes forming part of the blood circulation system of the body, carrying in most cases oxygen-depleted blood toward the heart.

2. a fracture in rock containing a deposit of minerals or ore and typically having an extensive course underground.

Interchangeable with vain, Vain: 1. having or showing an excessively high opinion of one's appearance, abilities, or worth.

2. producing no result; useless.

As self-aware singularities swimming through space and experiencing time, we mine infinite resources, we endlessly rearrange the periodic table to create experience or express experience (interfacing with the organic medium), yet we produce infinite varieties of vanity, because we think we are self-contained and forget we are self-aware. A-Z is a metaphor for all the resources materialized inside the universe. Due to my finite senses, I may only express one finite stream of expression that is set in motion through my conscious energy. In this case, I'm using letters as our metaphor for quantum mechanics. Sentences and paragraphs be metaphors for classical mechanics. The letters=micro expression, the word (sentence, paragraph, book, or any larger combined form) = macro expression.

@TIG- if you don't understand the letters, how will you form one sentence? Dialectical materialism is not scientifically coherent. Ready... 1...0...1...0...1...0, that is our pre-quantum operating system. Post-quantum looks like this...10101010, because quantum mechanics transcends linear binary code and paradigm logic. Contradiction or duality become obsolete, we are the one and zero simultaneously. Meaning: Each individual can simultaneously be the capitalist bourgeoisie & the exploited proletariat because our new information (material) environment bridges the dialectical gap. I live in the future, Tig. You live in the past.

Quantum mechanics = Letters
Letter: a character representing one or more of the sounds used in speech; any of the symbols of an alphabet.

Quantum: a discrete quantity of energy proportional in magnitude to the frequency of the radiation it represents.

Classical mechanics = Words
Macro: a single instruction that expands automatically into a set of instructions to perform a particular task.

Word: a single distinct meaningful element of speech or writing, used with others (or sometimes alone) to form a sentence and typically shown with a space on either side when written or printed.

The truth be found in process...
Using my metaphor, one book is like a planet. One library is like a galaxy... The universe may be infinite (beyond logic, beyond comprehension). My gawd, I don't know why I'm subject-ing mySELF to this... Anyway, I use language to infiltrate your genetic code (momentarily, but potentially forever). Since no-thing can be separate or isolated from the entire thing-in itself, I can upload my genetic expressions and you can download them as you interface with our shared dimension of reality (as long as you're living conscious energy). Language is a programming tool that uses quantum mechanics to structure macro expressions. These expressions shape experience, because they become mediums that reshape any information passing through the expression as experience. Your relative translation of my genetic expression is reshaping your internal genetic sequence. As you stop to innerstand this understanding, I want you to research epigenetics. Also note, only living things can create, but the archived creation may continue to impact living things throughout the future. In other-words, I may die, but my words will continue to influence the mind of living things.

Epigenetics: The Science of Change

I'm trying to program you so you are conscious of ALL programming. Language can be used to control human characteristics. Listen to me, why do you think people repeat micro expressions over and over again? They do it to make sure the repetitive micro expression constructs one cognitive pattern or macro expression that infiltrates the collective noosphere to program our internal life. Matter flows through matter, shapeshifting content. Brainwashing can be physiological as we nurture nature, because the information environment influences epigenetics. I call it gene-washing, but it is obsolete, because we are starting to edit our genetic/DNA code. The rulers of this world use symbols and signs (materialized frequencies) to literally program matter (organic and inorganic) like a computer. Language is a primitive way of extending control over human behavior and genetic traits. IS this some kind of intellectual dead-zone? Why do you think you're free from the break-away civilization? The break-away civilization programmed the reality we are living in. Program the thoughts, and the rest will take care of itSELF. Why can't I get through, we're breathing the same air... right? I have the ether-net cord plugged in, right? I am the matrix. No... I'm not the matrix, I'm infinite consciousness experiencing the matrix. We are responsible for the matrix.

I am the hammer of Thor reshaping hyperdimensional souls.
From the above
RhetoricThug wrote:.....Listen jakell, I don't have time to condense my thoughts and it isn't my responsibility to make sure you agree with me. I know what I know, the rest is self-reflection, because inside is outside.....

Well you seem to have plenty of time for other things, like pm'ing me about this post for some reason.

As your 'response' doesn't seem to relate much (at all?) to what you quoted of mine, the least I can do is to provide the quote in full and provide a link for those who may wish to discover context.

Public Ceremony or Occult Ritual

jakell wrote:I'm not at all sure that Quantum Physics qualifies for the 'thread topic' any more than any thing else mentioned, those mentions have been isolated and recent and don't seem to connect with the early parts of the thread at all. We do have a tangible sequence of posts relating to human lifespan though.
I'll have a go at addressing both here:

Your mentions of quantum physics here seem to go along the lines of "Quantum field theory had been the scientific approach for unveiling the hidden or internal realm of life that dictates our external experience" and, from above, "Quantum physics may allow average people to 'grasp' a world view that is defined by 'hidden' operation(s).."

These claims seem rather ambitious to me and could do with some supporting, especially as the field requires a great deal of time and effort to understand, most people will bow out gracefully (and wisely) like Donald, so I can't see how it would aid the 'average person' at all, unless you can show this.

Fortunately for me, I've delved into quantum theory sufficiently to understand its limitations and regard it as a rather obscure (but accurate) description of a realm that we don't really access on our macro level, ie it can be safely discarded and regarded as an oddity.
A great deal of science describes 'hidden realms', but this last in no way opens the door for general mystical and metaphysical understandings. Granted, Quantum physics is strange, but its focus is pretty tightly defined and it can't really be used to address other things in our world that are said to be strange, unless you can show otherwise.


So, to Human lifespan and Science. I think you are disagreeing with this of mine: "My own opinion is that what we have is quite adequate", and you respond with this "Extending the human lifespan will always be one of the goals of practical science.

Certainly 'Science' has many goals, they multiply all the time via thought experiments, but on a practical level this one has only borne fruit by using medical science to keep old people alive for a bit longer, and I think you have been reaching for something quite different to that ie, the extending of a person's productive life via genetic engineering on a species-wide level. This seems a vastly more ambitious proposition.

Unless this can be achieved on a species-wide level, you are going to be limited to some freakish experiments that, at best, result in a tiny group of long-lifers, the rest of the human race will carry on in its usual fecund manner and keep them insignificant, aided by the momentum of politics and ingrained social attitudes. (a solution would have to be of the 'Mars' type)

Is it such an elite you have in mind?

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