The only US civil war war criminal executed. - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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By Far-Right Sage
Command Responsibility > Nuremberg Defense.

If people weren't so jumpy concerning World War II and the political tensions which emerged in its aftermath, more might realize that the Nuremberg Defense actually carries a good deal of credence. In the end though, it all comes down to who is being tried, rather than their actual crimes. Nuremberg had little to do with justice, but revenge. I'm fine with revenge when it comes to the execution of political figures(rather than military personnel) in the aftermath of a war, but let's see it for what it is.

But in the end, Lenin and Stalin lost and Gandhi won.

On a global scale, Communism seems to be a great deal more influential than pacifism, so I would debate your claim.

Perhaps we could build a memorial to Ribbentrop, Streicher, Frank, Seyss-Inquart, etc in DC for their unjust executions ... scuse me now - I'm getting emotional - (sob! sniff!))

Meh; the figures you mentioned weren't military so it's a bit of a different scenario.

However, I don't think one has to be a geopolitical expert to realize that the execution of Ribbentrop was a revenge killing and nothing more. If revenge killing floats your boat then that's fine, but there were American and British officials who caused just as much war death and misery as Ribbentrop; the man was a politician at heart.
By smashthestate
MB wrote:All killing is murder, whether legal or not.

Then you obviously don't know the definition of the word. If a killing is legal, then it is by definition not murder. Keep your emotional influence from trying to undermine the actual definition of this word.

Murder is illegal killing. This is the definition of the word, regardless of how much you want it to include all killing.

MB wrote:Giving it specific legal terminology is tantamount to justifying it.

False. It simply describes a killing which is permitted by a government. Again, please keep your emotions out of this. We all know what killing means, and most people don't like it, but murder has a specific use and definition regardless of whether or not the idea itself is morally acceptable. Please don't undermine language.
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By MB.
Then you obviously don't know the definition of the word.

FFS. Murder means killing which is not legal. Happy?
trying to undermine the actual definition of this word.

Murder is illegal killing.

Goodjob, want a cookie?

Now, all slaying is reprehensible.
By smashthestate
MB wrote:Now, all slaying is reprehensible.


MB wrote:Goodjob, want a cookie?

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By Potemkin
Now, all slaying is reprehensible.


False. If a serial killer is attacking your wife and kids with an axe and you shoot him dead, that is certainly a killing, but would you really describe it as 'reprehensible'?
By Rick
However, I don't think one has to be a geopolitical expert to realize that the execution of Ribbentrop was a revenge killing and nothing more. If revenge killing floats your boat then that's fine, but there were American and British officials who caused just as much war death and misery as Ribbentrop; the man was a politician at heart.

How about the secret protocols of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact divying up eastern europe with the soviets - just the work of a politician?
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By Far-Right Sage
How about the secret protocols of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact divying up eastern europe with the soviets - just the work of a politician?

Yes, a politician with a brilliant appreciation for geopolitical strategy.
By InterestedInPolitics
How about the secret protocols of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact divying up eastern europe with the soviets - just the work of a politician?

Yes, a politician with a brilliant appreciation for geopolitical strategy.

This was Stalin's price for not making an alliance with France and the United Kingdom.
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By Far-Right Sage
This was Stalin's price for not making an alliance with France and the United Kingdom.

Precisely why Stalin always had much more in common with Adolf Hitler than with the Western Allied leaders, such as Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill. Chalk it up to American and British naivete.
By Red Flag
Now, all slaying is reprehensible.

That is one of the most foolish statements I have ever heard.

If people weren't so jumpy concerning World War II and the political tensions which emerged in its aftermath, more might realize that the Nuremberg Defense actually carries a good deal of credence. In the end though, it all comes down to who is being tried, rather than their actual crimes. Nuremberg had little to do with justice, but revenge.

Nuremberg had little to do with justice, but it also had little to do with revenge, it had everything to do with politics and making a statement about who won the war.

On a global scale, Communism seems to be a great deal more influential than pacifism, so I would debate your claim.

Pacifism is the most profound exspresion of both moral and physical cowardess.
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By Far-Right Sage
Nuremberg had little to do with justice, but it also had little to do with revenge, it had everything to do with politics and making a statement about who won the war.

I suppose it was a little bit of both. However, if you honestly believe that French nationalists weren't licking their lips for the blood of a few German diplomats, then you're sorely mistaken.

Pacifism is the most profound exspresion of both moral and physical cowardess.

By Red Flag
I suppose it was a little bit of both. However, if you honestly believe that French nationalists weren't licking their lips for the blood of a few German diplomats, then you're sorely mistaken.

The French may have the most vengeful of the allies, in someways maybe even more so than the USSR in that they wanted Germany completely wiped from the map. But the French were not the archetects of Nuremburg.

I would agree with you that a large amount of the wars crimes trials were motivated out of vengence but Nuremburg was a political statement, and a way of delegetamatizing the German leadership to the point of portraying them as common criminals. And if they are common criminals it makes it a lot easyer to deal with them. If the Waffen SS was indead a criminal organisation it makes it alot easier to just put bullets in thier heads.

Nuremburg also allowed the allies an out for letting lesser members of the German government and Army off the hook by making such a show about trying the top leaders.

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