the outcome of Cuba - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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By Vincered
Gives them free education and free money.


I love that. What do they do to illegal immigrants who AREN'T cuban? :roll:
By Rowan.
Fidel has done alot for Cuba but its not going to becaus Fidel is going to die soon. I just hope Cuba dosn't loose its culture and attitude towards hardlife.
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By Faceless
Gives them free education and free money.

Not just this, the U$ also refuses to give many Cubans visas so they are forced to flee. I doubt that his brother will take over. Castro's had long enough to plan Cuba's fate and I trust him. The exiles though he'd be out in a week with the Bay of Pigs, they thought he'd be gone after the fall of the Soviet Union but ten years later...
Democracy and Socialism will reign for a while yet in Cuba.
By Rowan.
Yes i agree with you alot. If the US does try and install democracy, do you think The CUbans will oppose and form a new revolution?? or do you think they will just go along with democracy. I personally think no matter what they do the US will have the final say.
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By Vincered
Cuba already has strong democratic institutions in place... er, doesn't it? At least in regards to the handling of the economy... right?
By Rowan.
well, i was watching a doco on Cuba and it was interveiwing people that were trying to oppose of fidel and install democracy. There were also interviews with people on the street that were also against castro but if you ask me, it was a very biased americam doco even though it was made by some no hoper Australian.
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By Vincered
By "democracy" I suppose they mean Capitalism? I am really unsure myself of how democratic or un-democratic Cuba is - I don't know how the government is structured.
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By Faceless
Cuba is democratic. They have elections.
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By The Sentinel
If you want to know what will happen to Cuba, why not look at every other country in the region? The US has intervened in practically all countries in the hemisphere, as a result all of them are in miserable condition. All have a super wealthy elite and a despearetly poor working class. They've tried to overthrow the Cuban government for 40 years, and you know exactly what would be the result there as well.
By ohgolly
I've always suspected that Castro was some sort of secret US project. After all, if they didn't want him there they'd send another ball player to overthrow him, as they did to Batista. The US sure as hell doesn't permit popular revolutions in its sphere of influence, regardless of the media spin and dramatic political gestures fed to the American public.

Don't know what the plan is though.
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By joe
ohgolly wrote:I've always suspected that Castro was some sort of secret US project.


Indeed, Row.

Free Education is needed in Australia, Paul told me that their already is.

horse-shit their is.
By bach
Well, acording to the lastest news coming out of Cuba, there are three main groups within the island interrested in succiding castro.

The first one is known as "Los Talibanes" the Talibans, those are the ones lead by the young members of the regime, among them the the foreign ministry.

The second one although has castro's brother as public figure, is compose by veterans of the regime who plan to manage the country from the background.

And the third one I belive is made up of arm forces personal those in charge of the security operatus.

As for the democratic forces in the opposition, well they have lost power since the crack down last year when around 20 of the members were send to the slamer and two were executed. This is the group lead by "Palla" and the "Varela Project" which is internationaly recognized, and somehow supported by the US and some of the opposition forces in Europe, which dont get along with the opposition forces in the US.
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By Comrade Nicolae Ceausescu
i have been interested in Cuba for a while now, and i have plans to go there very soon, what does everyone think will happen to Cuba when Castro dies? USA will install a democracy? Castro will have someone pre elected? hopefully the USA won't turn it back into Batistas times........

Cuba is a Worlers Democracy and a multilaterrally developed socialist society. Here is an excellent article writen by someone on Isf

"Recently, I have heard a number of people on this forum stating that the socialist project in Cuba will fail because of lack of “worker’s control” or lack of “worker’s democracy.” I am curious as to what these persons define as worker’s democracy, because I believe (in fact I know) that Cuba has adopted and currently operates well under a socialist people’s democracy.

I have explained many times how the political system in Cuba works, but I will do so again. The people elect all seats within the National Assembly of People’s Power. Candidates are nominated by mass people’s organizations, for instance youth groups, trade unions, woman’s organizations and so forth. Essentially, they are nominated by the working people!

Anti-Fidelistas will claim that this is “how it works on paper” but in truth only President Fidel Castro has any real power. This is also false. I have been to Cuba, and I can tell you that while I was there I saw posters on walls giving the electorate information on candidates running for the Havana municipal assembly, and telling them where nomination meetings were taking place.

In Cuba there is a real socialist democracy, and I invite all of those who differ to present a logical case with any proof that Cuba is somehow not under the working people’s control."

From AWIP......
Here are a few observations I made in Socialist Cuba.

Cuba is a very wonderful country with enchanting natural beauty, which is untouched by commercialism. Most of the westerners who visit Cuba compare with the standards in their country and brand it poor. But What I observed is that everyone has a home and all the basic necessities like food, clothing, shelter, health care and education are provided- what the rich western countries were not able to provide.. I think it would be more appropriate to compare with a developing country like India because Cuba started in 1959, much later than India did.


The Roads in Cuba are really good with all the road signs and directions and very less traffic. The Indian roads are horrible compared to the Cuban roads. Most villages do not have proper roads in India. You have proper good road to every village in Cuba. All of the villages (even the ones in the mountains) are provided with water, electricity, roads , hospitals and schools.
Due to oil scarcity, Cuba doesn’t have frequent bus transportation but there is a rule that every govt vehicle if it can accommodate passengers, must stop for the people who want transportation. So it is not really a problem for the Cubans and for the tourists they have priority buses and trains just for the tourists. You don’t have many accidents on the roads due to the wide roads and less traffic. Everywhere they have speed limits and most of them follow the traffic rules except the speed limit on highways. On highway the speed limit is 100 km/hr and in cities it is b/w 30-40 km/hr. The police do not have radars or any equipment to know the speed. They stop you if they feel you are above the speed limit. They are fined 30 pesos if they exceed the speed limit and 12 points off your driver’s license. They have exit roads and overhead bridges all the way on the highway but the exits are not numbered. In school zones they speed limit is 30km/hr but most of the vehicles slow down to around 20 km/hr.
I have seen a school beside a highway in a town and there was a bridge from the school to the opposite side of the road so that children wont get hurt while they cross the road. This was the first time I saw such a bridge built solely for the purpose of crossing roads though there is hardly any traffic............

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By tragicclown
Raul Castro will be the next president of Cuba, without question. It is not because he is Fidel's brother but because he would be the last surviving revolutionary commander. He is the Cuban vice president. If Camillo or Che where alive, then they could be equally politically viable Cuban presidents, but since they are dead Raul is by far the most powerful political leader after Fidel Castro.

He is not someone who will be transitioning the island to capitalism, he is a hardline Communist, far, far to the left of Fidel Castro. During the Revolution Che and Raul where officially Communist, Fidel only publically Communist after the revolution was completed. Raul Castro has already announced that he will never give the United States diplomatic recognition or negotiate with an American president, which is a much harderline stance than Fidel Castro has taken. Raul is considered far more militaristic than Fidel, he is responsible for the military now, he is the person responsible for the recent saber rattling against the United States.

When Raul Castro was in Havana University he seemed to have experimented with homosexuality, but that was just a college thing...if a leftist doesn't experiment with their sexuality in college, then there is probably some reason for concern :p. Keep in mind that Raul was only 21 at the begining of the Revolution. He has since married and been consistently heterosexual in his adult life...not that it would politically undermine him anyways.
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By Comrade Joseph
Good post Tragic.

Only brainwashed Americans and dreaming fascists in Miami believe that capitalism will be restored in Cuba after Fidel Castro dies.

Keep dreaming, reactionaries. :lol:
By The One.
I think Scarface will step in and kill all the commies in cuba then end communism.

Only brainwashed commies and dreaming fascists in Hanoi think that communism will continue to exist in cuba after Fidel Castro dies.

Keep dreaming, commies. :lol:
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By Baron Nogood
An absolutly classic thread filled with communist ramblings. As anyone who has studied this country will know (not simply visited and it 'seemed' alright), the country is in no way some kind of communist utopia.

There is a black economy which works on dollars, and if you do not have the don't get the desirable consumer goods from under the table.

Another wonderful myth that has been uttered here is that Cuba is not under the control of a dictator (al beit a very fashionable one). Monarchs have advisors and install lords who run municipalities...but we can't exacly call those societies democracies.

I will concede that there is are no problems with housing and food on the island...however this does not mean that people are not living in poverty unable to fulfil their (capitalist) potential.

The good thing is that Castro will die, and that some form of tin pot democracy will be installed. To the individual who stated that he hopes it will not be like when Batista is in control, I have encountered numerous people who quite liked that era (ie, sugar exporting nation with vile dictatorial dynasty in place), and have encontered many who like this era (vile dicatator, 'equality of poverty for all') and will probably like the next era where the US will really take control and make it into a...vile democracy led by a different moron every few years.

As for the 'history' of US intervention in this region, it is well documented....what is NOT well documented is the fact that the only reason the US was able to do this was due to inherited political and social cultures...not the evil US butting in where it didn't belong. There are some very interesting and geopolitical and historical reasons for Latin America's decline and it current status as a neo colony of the US...but that's for another thread.

As for Cuba, this country is a parody of communism, as are China and Vietnam. These countries have all the 'equality of poverty', which communist countries seem to strive for...and a hell of a lot of capitalist and evil consumerism for a small elite section of the population...gotta love those principals.

To the person enjoying describing Cuba's wonderful democracy...

Cuba is not a democracy, it has ONE party (ie the PCC, Partido Communista de Cuba) the last 'election' for head of state and vice president...well blow me if it wasn't a 100% vote for Fidel and a 100% vote for his relative for Vice president...

I am not saying the people can't choose the candidate they want for the National Assembly...but those individuals represent the same party...and have been carefully selected by the state aparatus as candidates...if it was a democracy the PEOPLE could select their own candidate or run in a different political party...they can't...all political parties are illegal and don't exisit anyway (excpet underground).

A 100% victory for Castro...they must love him...or they remember what happened when he assumed control (not necesarily a bad thing as it got rid of Batista, a US backed puppy), and he asked who opposed him. He then shot all those in the assembly who opposed him. This is NOT US propaganda, this is as told to me by my communist lecturers. Make no mistake, Castro is a shrewd politician, but don't make him out to be anything other than an undemocratic dictator...please!
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By Stan
Only brainwashed Americans and dreaming fascists in Miami believe that capitalism will be restored in Cuba after Fidel Castro dies.

Black market capitalism is already a reality in Cuba and the currency of choice is the USD. A third of the Cuban economy runs in capitalistic dollars sent in by the Cubans in Miami.
By Rowan.
Cuba is defenatly not a Communist Utopia, and yes thats 100% true, only the rich Cubans are the ones who have family in Miami who send the money over.

Cubans who have no money are more at peace with themselves than each other than the average money filled tourist. thats what i like about Cuba. as far as they are concerned Friendship is better.
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By Esteban
Castro's brother takes over from what I hear.

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