National Anarchism Not Just Restricted To White People - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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The 'no government' movement.
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In this thread I have already outlined that national anarchy is for everybody of all races and cultures where it doesn't really exclude anybody. In the future through international struggle against all statist powers I like imagining there existing Japanese, Chinese, Indian, Palestinian, Russian German, Chilean, Ethiopian, and any other racial cultural group that would embrace national anarchy in order to make this truely a international based movement of allied federations.

Sure we support the notions of seperateness but all that means is that we are seperate yet equal human beings where each differing strand seeks its own independent destiny.

In this thread you see those who feel threatened by national anarchism who want to slander, criticize, and defame us because of our lack of belief in their multicultural or multiracial integration policies where it almost seems like they despise us for our desire of racial cultural seperatism alone.

They act like this because they fear what they don't understand and because they can't control a seperatist faction that desires to secede on it's own in truely being independent.

They label us as fringe because of our desire of a seperate isolated and protected existence by our own self interest wrestled away from their control or influence. This alone shows how bankrupted their entire arguments against us really are.

In the end they have no real genuine criticism against us.
I will respect your preference against multi-cultural or multi-racial policies, provided (as always) that you do not propose to initiate force against those who disagree with you.

Would your system allow for a multi-racial community if the members of those community do prefer a multi-racial lifestyle?
Eran wrote:I will respect your preference against multi-cultural or multi-racial policies, provided (as always) that you do not propose to initiate force against those who disagree with you.

Would your system allow for a multi-racial community if the members of those community do prefer a multi-racial lifestyle?

Of course. We would only desire that we have our own separate land and territory amongst ourselves in preserving our own traditions.

As long as we have this territory amongst ourselves we wouldn't bother anybody else if they didn't make it their point to bother us.

Yes, I believe such a system would allow for a multi-racial and multicultural community should people form a faction in desiring one.

Removing culture, ethnicity, and traditional customs out of such a anarchist tribal faction I wonder if the nationalism in that particuliar strand of national anarchy would be something reminiscent to civic nationalism. I'll have to think about that.

In national anarchy society is operated under tribalism where each anarchist faction under national anarchy is it's own tribe.

From each individual tribe under analysis there more than likely would be a difference of customs, culture, ethnicity, preference, and social structure.

Theoretically in some tribes there would be racial cultural seperatists while in others they could choose to be multiracial and multicultural if they decided in choosing to be as such.
Last edited by JohannKaspurSchmidt on 02 Mar 2013 04:02, edited 1 time in total.
JohannKaspurSchmidt wrote:Of course. We would only desire that we have our own seperate land and territory amongst ourselves in preserving our own traditions.

As long as we have this territory amongst ourselves we wouldn't bother anybody else if they didn't make it their point to bother us.

Yes, I believe such a system would allow for a multi-racial and multicultural community should people form a faction in desiring one.

Removing culture, ethnicity, and traditional customs out of such a anarchist tribal faction I wonder if the nationalism in that particuliar strand of national anarchy would be something reminiscent to civic nationalism. I'll have to think about that.

In national anarchy society is operated under tribalism where each anarchist faction under national anarchy is it's own tribe.

From each individual tribe under analysis there more than likely would be a difference of customs, culture, ethnicity, preference, and social structure.

Theoretically in some tribes there would be racial cultural seperatists while in others they could choose to be multiracial and multicultural if they decided in choosing to be as such.

How would you feel about a sharing a river as a border with a Zionist tribe? Personally? Do you think you would be popular in your tribe?

How would you feel about a sharing a river as a border with a Zionist tribe? Personally? Do you think you would be popular in your tribe?

Laughs. I see what you are trying to do there.

While I don't specifically like zionists I would attempt to maintain seperate borders next to them peacefully in a diplomatic cooperative manner.

So long as they don't infringe on my territory I wouldn't with theirs which is the basis of territoriality.

You stay in your sandbox and I'll stay in mine sort of thing.

It wouldn't be the first time people bordered next to each other that don't necessarily like each other.
This is some serious bullshit.

It's the same kind of cat piss the Neo-confederates have been feeding the libertarians, who have been eating it up like swine.

"Look, I'm just saying that I'm going to forcibly remove blacks a jews from their homes because they personally offend me. Does it make me racist just because I want to cart everyone I personally deem inferior away?"

Cue the libertarians, "Well, as long as you allow other people to be multi racial states, you're a wonderful person!"

Fuck that. If you don't like people of other races, grow a pair and say so. Don't cower under hypotheticals and whine like a bitch because people might not like your point of view if you framed it in a way that didn't concede to a dominant paradigm.

And you libertarian apologists can never see the real world through your hypotheticals. Had all the Jews left peacefully from Hitler's greater Germany, he wouldn't have had to displace and exterminate them. Thats all this nonsense is saying.

And what I'm saying is you guys can dance arouhnd the ethics of ethnic cleansing and hypotheticals, and the materialists will come with tanks and red flags and regulate like we did last time. Then you can try to take credit again and come up with the same bankrupt bullshit we will extinguish as many times as your oppressive system bounces back.
To Goon:

I don't consider myself a libertarian. I don't buy into that whole left right paradigm.

The rest of your post is filled with propagated propaganda style rhetoric that isn't even worth addressing.

Nobody here is talking about forcibly removing anybody.

Nobody here is talking about ethnically cleansing anybody either.

I actually like studying and admiring other cultures or races of people.

I respect them from a distance as I have my own separate interests.

Stop comparing every ethnocentric minded people to Hitler or national socialist Germany.

This same tireless propaganda script gets really old and frustrating where it only makes you look like a political correctnes or censorship sock puppet.

Come after us in red tanks? Go ahead and try buddy.

That is what anti tank weapons are used for.
Last edited by JohannKaspurSchmidt on 02 Mar 2013 17:17, edited 5 times in total.
My stated issue with you and your proposal is that you don't come right out and seize your opinion. You instead try to wrap it up in rhetoric that is consistent with dominant liberal discourse and the , when convenient, say that you personally don't like the label of being on the right-as if that should somehow magically negate all meaning in language and politics.

So far as the libertarians, which I'm not saying you are, this is the same fascist bullshit they always support through history because someone says he cares in theory. Since actual reality and implicatjons and history don't matter, they're the first to come and praise your peaceful ways while completely overlooking the structure of what you say, the implications, and the only way to possibly execute such a plan.

Marx rallied the European working class to help stop the European powers from aiding the Confedracy and this helped crush slavery despite the Manchester school and other good capitalists wanting to violate their stated ideals by keeping slavery.

The Bolsheviks, of all sides, worked tirelessly through Europe to stop the fascists while economic liberals and far capitalists apologized for the Hitlerites.

And in this thread the same sick proposals are being suggested, and again the libertarians are saying it sounds great. Well, yet again a red like me is going to say it's all bullshit.

You should say what you mean, and the libertarians should wake up and cease fawning over your ridiculously convoluted ideas.
To Goon:

Well aren't you a communist with a giant chip on their shoulders. You communists always speak of yourselves as the biggest fighter for the rights of humanity yet ironically are also the biggest violators of them as well. You claim that you want to tear down the system in the creation of a new one but in reality it's just one tyranny supplanted with another under the communist brand.

You don't even know my opinions hardly at all where you now come into this thread claiming to be a professional on them. Such arrogance but I would expect nothing less from a communist.

I am not a fan of Hitlerism or national socialist Germany.

Not once have I advocated anything remotely close to that.

It was a fascist state. I am against government fascism under all forms.

I have advocated racial and cultural separatism for those wishing to preserve their identity however I would like to do it in a manner that is peaceful without the use of violence if possible.

It's such nonsense being compared to that.
Last edited by JohannKaspurSchmidt on 02 Mar 2013 03:57, edited 1 time in total.
It reeks of fishing for candidates.

I did a few searches of white power websites and they are just as confused.

The few nat'l anarchist websites I can come up with stress the need to play low key so they don't invite contention. Once the numbers have been established to a satisfactory degree, on an international level, the rhetoric can be scaled up a bit with the idea that the established numbers will protect them and feed the movement.

Their leader, Troy Southgate, gets a lot of abuse from neo-nazis and white supremacists on those respective forums.

Here is a bit published today about efforts in New York:

There was this group identified as Black Ram, see logo below, that was created in Britain in 1982 and attempted an article titled "Towards an Anarchist Nationalism: provisional manifesto of the National Anarchist Pagan Resurgence" in the second edition of their newsletter but apparently broke up before they could get the second edition out.


If the Westboro Church is the most hated group on the planet, I have to say these guys are coming in at second. They do not appear to get anyone's respect.

Johann said he didn't feel superior to any group, so besides the obvious all I could do was liken his distaste of Zionist groups as not fitting with the kitchen colors.

Perhaps Gilligan was onto something when he only chose to wear red, white and black on his island. He had it all save for those pesky Howells.

EDIOT: It tilts me to no end that Johann cannot spell "seperatism" correctly. I guess it indicates the initial literacy rate of the tribe and we can only hope it increases from there.
Last edited by feihua on 02 Mar 2013 03:43, edited 1 time in total.
Yes, and what happens when your undesirables don't want to leave?

And further, your line between a big government and fascism really ignores the entire point of fascism. It is a volk community; the manifestation of the people and their ideals and whatnot. I don't agree with it, but I know what it is. Maybe if you knew that, you'd have a fuller idea of yourself instead of making up stigmas about things you don't understand and clamoring to say you're special.

This, again, comes down to parallel the libertarians. The assumption that everyone will throw away what they want and agree with what you want.

Any way, I would be curious to know what your actual true objections to this mày be:

Not what you think about the guy, or how things turned out; what do you actually think of the content?
Duly noted that I have often confused the words seperate and separate which is common.

It's a pity I am not allowed to go back to past posts and edit them.

Not everybody are masters of the English language or the equivalent of a English teacher.

I'll refrain from confusing those two words again.

I am so glad that we have the grammar and writing nit picking police here to catch up on such things.

Just got done working fifty five hours in a four day stretch. Will write and reply more tomorrow.
JohannKaspurSchmidt wrote:Duly noted that I have often confused the words seperate and separate which is common.

It's a pity I am not allowed to go back to past posts and edit them.

Not everybody are masters of the English language or the equivalent of a English teacher.

I'll refrain from confusing those two words again.

I am so glad that we have the grammar and writing nit picking police here to catch up on such things.

Just got done working fifty five hours in a four day stretch. Will write and reply more tomorrow.

What on Earth is the meaning of seperate?!?

I am very curious to learn this particular word.

If you are glad the grammar and writing nit picking police are here, why are you so intent on having only people who represent you in the same camp?

Is sarcasm a particular identity of your tribe? Would it not be hard to make sure of one's intents on purity?
Myself I am cosmopolitan to the core, I would find living in a "pure" ethnic tribe very boring, but one thing I have learned from driving a taxi is that some people are insular, call them bigots (sometimes I do) or racists but it won't change them. I think these insular people are afraid of otherness, but see maybe the best cure for fear is to let them seperate themselves from the source of their fear. The more afraid a person is the more they are dangerous, the more secure they feel the more peaceable they will be. So why not let the insular people make little enclaves for themselves if they hurt none in the process? They will feel less threatened by "otherness" and so will be less vulnerable to the frenzied rhetoric of hate-mongers. National anarchism then seems to be the antidote to fascism.
feihua wrote:Here is a typical conversation one day in the tribe:

A: Your girlfriend is going to leave you.

B: Why?!?

A: She says you don't respect her.

B: Don't respect her?!? Everyone knows she is the best pig in the tribe!!

Trying your best to bait me and make me infuriated I see.

It won't work as I have a high tolerance and nerves of steel where I have put up with more from other individuals than you.

Do you have anything to offer in this conversation other than instigation?
feihua wrote:So this is not the type of talk one would prefer to hear on their side of the river?

Would noise reduction walls be erected?

Would such walls be plastered?

I hear some of the finest erections in Europe are plastered.

Good walls and fences make great neighbors, haven't you heard?

There was this group identified as Black Ram, see logo below, that was created in Britain in 1982 and attempted an article titled "Towards an Anarchist Nationalism: provisional manifesto of the National Anarchist Pagan Resurgence" in the second edition of their newsletter but apparently broke up before they could get the second edition out.

National anarchism is a new anarchist movement as it hasn't been out for awhile.

As it accepts ethnocentric people that wish to preserve racial and cultural traditional elements it unfortunately has a way of drawing people in who may of been a part of fascist movements formerly like national socialists who are also ethnocentric. It is unfortunate but many within the national anarchist community are doing their best in trying to seperate themselves away from such movements like that especially considering that we are anarchists that don't believe in institutional government or the state something completely opposite to movements like national socialism that revolves around the state.

What on Earth is the meaning of seperate?!?

I advise you to go to a internet dictionary website.

If you are glad the grammar and writing nit picking police are here, why are you so intent on having only people who represent you in the same camp?

I don't understand your question.

Is sarcasm a particular identity of your tribe?

I can't speak for everybody within our movement but yes I can be very sarcastic at times. It takes hard work and dedication to be a professional in something like sarcasm. I try my best.

Would it not be hard to make sure of one's intents on purity?

Please explain.
Last edited by JohannKaspurSchmidt on 02 Mar 2013 17:40, edited 2 times in total.
Pants-of-dog wrote:Let's say that I and the rest of my multi-racial family decide to live in town A. A few years later a white national anarchist group kicks out the local gov't and establishes an area where their values prevail.

What happens to my family?

If we established our own territories the way we would like to my proposal is to settle in unpopulated areas. This makes it where there is no harm on anybody.

This is of course no easy task as there is shortage of unpopulated areas not to mention governments are quickly claiming ownership of all the unpopulated areas that are left which isn't privately owned. My typical answer to that in a illegalist sort of fashion is to seize upon those government unpopulated owned areas to redistribute amongst ourselves whether organized governments like it or not.

I would like to avoid a violent northern Ireland or Basque separatist movement in the future because I fear if things are not avoided now in a timely cooperative manner the likelyhood of turning into such movements could be inevitable especially if land cannot be acquired for ourselves.

Of course even if we were to somehow purchase huge areas of land assuming we could get wealthy charitable members within the movement where we didn't have to seize government owned land governments would nonetheless try to interfere in our communities targeting us by various means and as a national anarchist I will say for myself that we will have a zero tolerance attitude towards that which is why in many ways we are a secessionist movement just as much as we are a separatist one.

The Immortal Goon:

Yes, and what happens when your undesirables don't want to leave?

I have explained this by moving into unpopulated areas.

And further, your line between a big government and fascism really ignores the entire point of fascism. It is a volk community; the manifestation of the people and their ideals and whatnot. I don't agree with it, but I know what it is. Maybe if you knew that, you'd have a fuller idea of yourself instead of making up stigmas about things you don't understand and clamoring to say you're special.

I can only speak for my own anarchist faction as differences prevail from faction to faction.

Our economic model is something akin to anarcho syndicalism where we believe in decentralization as anarchists.

You will find that we are very much proletarian and working class in nature where we believe in the organization of workers unions.

Our communities would revolve around direct democratic principles being that such communities would initially start out small where direct democracy makes sense.

We are virtually the same to all other anarchists where the only differences and conflict derived from others especially on this board is that we are ethnocentric with a heavy emphasis on culture.

This, again, comes down to parallel the libertarians. The assumption that everyone will throw away what they want and agree with what you want.

I am not libertarian. I am not a Ron Paul supporter and I very much despise Ayn Rand. I am not sure how much clearer I can be on this.

I am actually very socialist only in a non-communist angle towards a majority of social issues.

I don't believe in centralization of power so that destroys your entire fascist argument in trying to judge us.
Last edited by JohannKaspurSchmidt on 02 Mar 2013 17:55, edited 4 times in total.

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