What Media Do You Trust? - Page 2 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Language, bias, ownership, influence; all media related topics.
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"The moment I trust a stranger to tell me how the world is run is the moment where I let him tell me how he is running the world".

Therefore, there is no such thing, from my part at least, to trust any media. There is indeed a preference to read(and listen) to the news or news discussion from particular mainstreams or alternative news sources but that relies on the fact on the political agenda I wish to be reaffirmed or that particular agenda I wish to be informed upon.

Media gives me a snapshot of reality, indifferent to its credibility,reliability and its evidently fact-based approach.
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Many people get news about their own country from foreign sources. BBC and RT are popular in USA. Al Jazeera has recently opened a TV channel there.
In Cambodia VOA is trusted over local media.
Always read between the lines and recognise the bias. Seek out multiple sources and perspectives.

My favourites;

Al Jazeera (internet)
RT (TV, internet)
BBC (TV, internet)
The Economist, The New Statesman, The Independent, The Guardian, WSJ, NYT, LAT, Reuters, etc. (The Cambodia Daily cuts and pastes news from multiple sources)
Journalists or their sidekicks were apparently involved in accessing medical and bank records too of the public. they hounded innocent people and their families and friends. they out them under surveillance. They would print and be damned anything they chose including destroying innocent victims. They pur police officers and solicitors that were trying to expsoe the crimianl behaviour of the press, 'under surveillance'

Who would ever take on the medis.
They claim they are there to expose corruption and wrongdoing

They forgot to tell us they were covering up the corruption and wrongdoing they were involved in themselves.
They want to hold us to account but don't want to be held to account themselves. Oh the irony. A massive cover up ..by the press themselves. They decided the public didn't need to know about their criminality. They take the british public for fools.

Well said, from a poster in response to this article. Regarding the trials of two scum in the UK phone hacking scandal
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