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on a side note ....going back to history to know about where did races came from...what are they and how many are there ....

so to start a little introduction ..after the great flood which ran the entire world ....
prophet Noah had 4 sons ...1 died in the flood and the 3 other sons are the origins of all nations around the world and became to be known as the races ...
so your race isn't as many believe ..your color.....but infact where your people came from at the first cross in humanity ....
and which god said on it that he is to create us of nations and cultures to acquaint with one anther ...

anyways....Noah 3 sons were .sam ..yafeth ..and ham ...

the descendents of sam's sons are 4 different races..
1-Arabs who were living in yemen and then to hijaz and najd and other places around
2-arams who are the ones who lived and built area's of the greater syria ...like lebanon-palestine-jordan and syria as most ..
3-hebrews who are all sons of Israel (known as prophet yaqob or jackob)
4-ashors who are the people in Iraq and around area's

the descendents of ham's sons are all the nations of africa..
which basically started from
1- egyptions (the people of the greater nile empire )
2-amazeeg who are most nations of north africa and north west africa ...
3- anther race which was in lower africa and found many ruins of it but no known name recorded or agreed on ..

the descendents of yafeth who are most europian and asian nations...
4-Italians or back then romans
6-medians or aryans who were in Iran- Pakistan- India- Afghanistan and all around it
10- magols
but magols are a bet different because magols in one side are the origins of most eastern asians
in the other hand there was a number of splits between them that led to say the each is a different race but not true..
and they're the sons of magog ...which leads to even greater story because in religions there is a story about magog and his son yagog ...
so magog had a few sons which each became later on the father of a nation in eastern asia ...but yagog unlike others was the father of the historical magols ....who (as the story says) invaded all nations and burned dawn cities after anther until king tho al qarnain sieged them behind a great dam and god vanished them from this world ..and they recoming is conisdered one of the last signs of judgement day

some historians says the tho al qarnain is iskandar al makdouni but its is mostly not true as he does not fit the description and generally not the same person ...
(and to add that yes even in Europe ..those are the actual races...Europeans aren't all one race )
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its nearly 500k to 1m years...which is very ancient and old (the begining of races)
so its not modern day ..meaning history..
By layman
Where on earth did you get those numbers?

Homosapiens have not been around for a million years. Only around 200k and I think the oldest remains found were 130.
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By Doomhammer
This is all religious nonsense.

Did Noah even exist?
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humanity started from prophet adam ...
around 1.3 million years as far as i know...
the number is different from researcher to anther as while some say over 1m years ...other says its only 100k ...
others says its only 35k ...
and i saw some (very very long and boring) articales saying only 10k......

but the most logical number is 1.3m since at the early generations ..most lived for over 1k years ...meaning the generation is over 1000 years back then ..
and this races things started after the tower of babel curse which was around 13 generations (as most researchers agreed on) after noah ...
(according to religions)
and Noah was 10 generations after Adam meaning it started about 23-25 generations after humanity ...

most these researches are based on ancient manuscripts and stone writings found.....
not just on archeological signs ...since earth is in a full state of regeneration
By layman
most these researches are based on ancient manuscripts and stone writings found.....

Would you mind quoting your sources?

but the most logical number is 1.3m since at the early generations ..most lived for over 1k years ...meaning the generation is over 1000 years back then ..

I dont understand this reasoing at all

Honestly, this doesnt sound like history but scripture. No serious scientist would say only 35,000 years because, as I said, remains have been found dating back 130,000 years.

Throug the human genome we can now actually even trace the migration routes the early humans took. Its a fairly new branch of science and very exciting.

Its a shame some people still hold on to this sort of mumbo jumbo for which there is 0 evidence.
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those are things we were tought as we are kids...but just a bet ago(today) i looked up on wikipedia directly because i couldn't remember the full names..but its in arabic ...here is the articale i read a bet ago

for the age of humanity....yes..many scientists claim its less the 100k and insists on it but knowing the exact age is impossible in reality ..
even by genetics .....
and the remainings of ancients nations which was around 100k years ago and less tells about the nations before it ...

by genetics yes you can trace about human origins ...and its sorted for 3 main types as far as i know...
in religions its known that those 3 types started at Noah sons after the great flood ...
and then split apart to make nations around the world after king namrood at the babel tower ...

now as for evidence...it has many evidence on it ....
like since the topic about in the babel tower....king namrood was the one to order its building to as called he wanted to go up where he can see god .....king namrood gold and remaining of his empires are researched at this time in Iraq and on the news a couple years back said that they started finding some marks of his gold....

but not finding all of it at once or not having it all at a museum doesn't mean it doesn't exist..it just means we didn't find it yet ..
thats why all these types of science and history is still under research...you don't know whats next to be found....

and as far as i know.....these mumbo jumbo you're talking about has given more than enough evidence so far....infact the people disagreeing on it are the ones who haven't given an actual evidence that can hold its ground to deny it or say its false....
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and yes its not fully in history ......but there is no forum talking about races and origins of humanity as far as i think...and science doesn't also fit in to this topic because its way more than just science...so since its old and talking about origin of nations which lies under the historical rank..
i put it in history section ....
By layman
i think the topic should be in religion.

The wiki page isnt in english and this is an english speaking forum only I think.

You have presented literally no evidence for what you are claiming. Also, I dont know of any scientists who say less than 100k years. The consensus is that we left africa 125,000 years ago. This is actually fact and can be proven through human remains and genetics.

Science, dude


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i told you that the page in arabic as i searched it ...not in english...
and science is currently searching these things...not fully certain of the findings....
10 years ago science said very different and 10 years from now it will say very different i believe as well....
and as i stated before the earth is in a full case of regeneration meaning that the older it gets the deeper in earth it is ...and finding it is very hard there for the researches hasn't been completed fully yet...
so as said....knowing everything exactly is not possible ....and for science to tell us about it we need to provide all facts and data about it to actually work for us.....
those are still being researched by day and hour ...

the ark of noah for example which was one of the conformer of this stories was found in east turkey
although there is a good debate about it as in the bible its said to have landed some where eastern turkey but 'm not sure what was the nation's name ....and now they think they found the remaining on a mountain top ...

this is an article just found on it ..
http://beforeitsnews.com/christian-news ... 44569.html

for the first article ..use translator ......just as i have to do it with many of the articles everyone provide....your turn
By layman
10 years ago science said very different and 10 years from now it will say very different i believe as well

I love the way fundies make out that how science revises its positions is a weakness. Scripture is only eternal because people cut your head off when you question it

i am not going to read an article about the discovery of Noah ark because it is absurd.

Just to be clear, I am not against religion. Religion and scripture should stay from science and history though. You just make a tit of yourselves :P
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history such as this fact didn't happen because of religion only .....
just as we today living our lives.....those people back then were also living just as normal with the world they were in ....
religion simply tells us to take example of them and be better .....not to follow blindly ...

and no one will cut your head off if you question it ...
if thats the case infact it would be gone long long ago ....

and science in the world currently is not accurate nor fully true and that is a fact....thats why its called theories not facts...
evidence must be full facts that can hold its ground in all ways...

but in the end i guess each choose his way of life and he has to bare it and live with his choices ....
By layman
and science in the world currently is not accurate nor fully true and that is a fact....thats why its called theories not facts...
evidence must be full facts that can hold its ground in all ways...

You really need to look up the meaning of evidence, facts and theories. I am not being funny but I dont think you fully understand.

Arabs invented the scientific method. It is your greatest contribution to humanity so it is sad to see this ignorance.

but in the end i guess each choose his way of life and he has to bare it and live with his choices ....


We are in full agreement here.
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yes but not just arabs..the Islamic nation have created this method....but it was based on Qur'an and full facts not based on an inaccurate things...
the science in the western world so far happened many times to be proven wrong at one point of time....
meaning that it was not true to begin with ....although it was basically built on whats stolen from the library of Baghdad when the magols invaded it ... but it was taken differently ....what was provided on it by the west is nothing more the theories and studies on an advanced level of it that is changing on a very fast track with no exception.... this fact means it is not accurate nor fully true or stable ...
in geology many things are studied like for an example the age of earth. it is studied based on noticeable things found and rates measured at this current time with the lack of information of any event the could have occurred that changed it on a certain point...their for it is not considered fully true nor accurate and could be proven wrong at one point when science advance ...

in the history of genetics of humans new discoveries are made every day ... and many studies at the moment taking place....
meaning it is not full science but yet being researched and having an accurate number at any point of time nearby is simply impossible ...
all we have estimations based on what we found and we're still finding new things every where .....
knowing where and how races and nations began can only be known currently by studying ancient manuscripts ....religion and mythology as it is based on real people and real events in certain parts....and science at this point plays a side role as it hasn't yet acquired full information and data about the topic ....
saying it is only 200k years old is only estimation not actual result
By layman
yes but not just arabs..the Islamic nation have created this method....but it was based on Qur'an and full facts not based on an inaccurate things...
the science in the western world so far happened many times to be proven wrong at one point of time....
meaning that it was not true to begin with ....although it was basically built on whats stolen from the library of Baghdad when the magols invaded it ... but it was taken differently ....what was provided on it by the west is nothing more the theories and studies on an advanced level of it that is changing on a very fast track with no exception.... this fact means it is not accurate nor fully true or stable ...

You mean those minor western developments like the theory of gravity, modern medicine, the steam engine, electiricy, computers ... Shall i go on?

knowing where and how races and nations began can only be known currently by studying ancient manuscripts ....religion and mythology as it is based on real people and real events in certain parts....and science at this point plays a side role as it hasn't yet acquired full information and data about the topic ....

I am speechless :0
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most things currently were already being studied at the Islamic world ...when the magols came they burned dawn everything ...thats why river eufrat turned blue at one point....
the things that people and scientists managed to take and run with it went to Europe to create all these things you talk about or atleast set basics of it ....and there are many books in Arabian history talking about gravity way before they even thought of it in Europe
ibn al haitham wrote about it centuaries before .....most these things that the European world is proud of discovering and considering it as its greatest achievement not only we discovered it first but Europeans even stole good part and took credit ....

on the topic of historical findings ....
the discovery of knossos ..pompeii ..the dead sea scrolls
the sites at Olduvai Gorge
the Army of Xi’an

all those ruins when discovered it changed a number of things thought to be facts about history that turned out nothing but wrong on wrong on wrong .....
not finding a certain object does not mean it doesn't exist......
if the age of humanity was set to 200k years and just it ....then we wouldn't see scientists searching more and more ...because they know its only estimations based on what they have found so far....
science is here to help finding history and explaining some parts.....but it is lead by religion..manuscripts and mythology .....
many nations and cities were found based on religion telling it is there ......
the namrood king which ordered the build of the tower of babel is being searched now and marks of his gold and of the nation is found all over Iraq and Iran and turkey and yet being searched to find more......
the search is based on where religions told it is ....
and the grandsons of Noah who are believed to be the beginners of races not only mentioned in all religions but are also in ancient mythology and many manuscripts that told about them ......only the description is different in some as who people considered them ,,,...
and science in such cases is only a side role as a tool to find not everything about ,,,
By layman
Very bitter post.

Fact is that Muslim countries invented and discovered very little. The part of the world you conquered was the richest and most dynamic and you ran it into the ground.

Europeans were the ones making all the progress from around 1700-1950. Its sad that you pretend these countless invesntions and discovers were stolen from you. I think that says a lot about the Conspiratorial and victim mentality of the Muslim. You simply cant understand how what “should be” the greatest civilization has so utterly failed. You need to justify it.

Of course its changing now with the far East rising. Muslims are getting even worse though. Sorry but this is just a fact. You are a complete shambles.
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look up the books of ibn al haitham..ibn baker ..ibn sena ....and generally muslims scientists...
match the researches with the europian ones...
and match the dates.....
going around it and pretending it is not true ....as well as trying to hide it in media and other means wont change the truth. ...
it is as simple as that ......
even things as important as flying was first tested and researched by us .....
thats why while you had your dark ages we had our golden ages....
after the invasion of the magols....you simply took our science nothing else...
have you ever read the history of al andalos ? will also tell a good part how much your "great " culture took from the Islamic nation...

the current situation is only a result of the lack of Islamic union in the current world ...and the traitors in the past 100 years which have gotten to power .....
but even so .....with the fact that the current Islamic world is weak. aparted and destroyed....you're still afraid of us and working to destroy us because you realise that your entire nations and forces cant actually stand a chance once we reunit .....
the facts and the current world only shows how weak you are ....not us .....

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