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Vyth wrote:At the heart of materialism is the perverse desire to be sexually dominated by the female.

Ancient Greece: Notorious matriarchy
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By Vyth
The Immortal Goon wrote:Ancient Greece: Notorious matriarchy

The Greeks were strongly patriarchal as were all other Indo-European communities, and matriarchal communities have never been recorded to exist because on the one hand, the Passivity of the female nature precludes the general ascendency of the female sex, and women in positions normally accorded to patriarchal authority, if they be good leaders, are 'men in spirit' who surrender any trace of femininity in the exercise of power; while on the other hand, the Activity of the masculine nature guarantees the general ascendency of the male sex, so long as the culture is strong and healthy. Added to this, prerequisite to the perpetuation to subsequent generations of any form of government, is its embodiment of Order, which is a modality of the masculine essence, and it must be illiminated by Truth, which is the male original; symbolised as Light, Truth projects into the void, just as the phallus inserts itself the vaginal cavity.

But if matriarchy did exist for some time it would have originated as a symptom of the general weakness of the menfolk during a period of the deterioration of a formerly virile community. Matriarchy may be conceivable as a constant feature within some extinct breed of lust-apes that may have been morphologically indstinguishible to the human corporeal shell (to the bafflement of archaeologists and anthopologists), but the subhuman status of such a breed would disqualify them from consideration herein; for the existence of apes is intended to demonstrate, precisely that which humanity is not, by way of subtracting the human element from our nature, and leaving only those animal characteristics that we possess in common with apes, and projecting it as 'baboon', 'chimpanzee', and the various subhuman species that preceded or formerly lived alongside the human species.

Unable or unwilling to assert patriarchal authority, the men in a matriarchal community would surely be in an overall state of weakness; since in view of the centrality of the family unit, the same weakness that would lead the men to relinquish paternal authority, would also be operative in society at large as a pervasive disorder; and in the absence of male authority, a feminine ambience would be predominant in the community. In consequence of this feminine ambience, the average mentality would be characterised by materialism (for women are closer to earth/matter), subjectivism (for the male, being drawn to the female, is oriented to the Object, while the female is oriented to herself as Object: therefore, men have a more objective overall mentality, while women are more subjective), relativism (as consequence of subjectivism), immorality (as consequence of relativism and subjectivism), indifference to truth (as consequence of relativism and subjectivism), inustice (as consequence of the subordination of objectivity, as embodied in justice, to subjectivity, which is manifested as female care and affection), disorder, totalitarianism (as consequence of maternal control), subordination of truth to subjective affection and desire, lack of creativity and originality (as consequence of subordination of truth to subjectivity, hence of true creativity), nihilism (as consequence of subordination of truth to subjectivity, hence of meaning). Such preponderance of the female side of life would be mentally, socially and spiritually castrative.

Paedomorphsis. The men would be held in contempt by the women until such time as the people as a whole were subdued by a more virile folk, to whom the women would willingly surrender themselves; for women respect the strength of men, and love the masculine attribute of Majesty, just as men love the feminine attribute of Beauty, in all its forms; but when the menfolk consist of impotent and disgraceful cuckolds and cowards who enjoy 'World of Warcraft', molesting their children, and being smothered by their obese lesbian girlfriend, women quite justly have no respect for the men. The women will assume a more maternal role in relation to their husband, or even reverse the sexual roles by dominating the male, who is shamefully reduced to a mere instrument of female stimulation, an evil and inexusible humilation of the male sex as a whole. This emasculation of men may be conducive to the development of the conditions for matriarchy, just as it has been responsible for the rise of feminism in the modern age, but it will be equally conducive to the destruction of such a society, which is only hastened by the usurpation of male authority, which is part of the why the enemy is doing everything in its power to destroy male strength through feminism, sodomy, paedophilia, etc. The weakness of the castrated male united to the chaos and confusion of the unguided female, will spell the destruction of civilisation.
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