Jewish Settlements are NOT in Israel (EU) - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

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When warned, last April, that some in the European Union (EU) parliament were calling for a resolution to label products from the illegal Jewish settlements in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, so that shoppers would not be confused into thinking that they were coming from Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu reacted in his usual way by calling such talk redolent of what the Nazis did. "Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel’s right-wing leader, has reacted angrily to a resolution by the European Parliament calling for the labelling of goods made in Jewish settlements, invoking the second world war-era persecution of Jews by speaking of the “historical memory of what happened when Europe labelled Jewish products”.
He miscalculated. States which are normally very pro-Israel, such as Germany and England, do not like to be called Nazis and now what would have been drafted as a mild labeling protocol, perhaps "Produce of Settlements", will be very much broadened when it is voted on later today. "Enshrining this “policy of distinction” in European law and in agreements with Israel in the realm of economics, research and development, law, air travel and visa exemptions could lead to serious restrictions on companies, groups and individuals working, based or living in settlements."
Netanyahu gets away with his tirades against Palestinians, Iranians, and any number of critics over the years, including the United States President in a speech before Congress but calling Germans and the British Nazis is a big No No.
Jewish Settlements are NOT in Israel (USA)
"In a move that seemed designed to underline US opposition to Israel’s settlement policies, Washington has issued a reminder that products imported from the West Bank or Gaza Strip should not be labeled “Made in Israel,” the State Department confirmed Thursday."
This comes after Benjamin Netanyahu had a tantrum last week when the U.S. State Department criticized different treatment of Palestinians and Jewish settlers in Occupied Palestine just as the European Union's resolution followed his comparison of Europeans to Nazis. Netanyahu does not have a clue how ugly he presents the face of Israel to western democracies.
Paul Sanderson wrote:Heine, where did you hear that Netanyahu called the Germans and British "Nazis"? I can't see any deteriorations developing while the Middle East is in meltdown mode and these traditional allies are all occupied with their own problems.

I gave the source in a link in my opening post. Netanyahu's response to the proposed EU labeling of products from the illegal Jewish settlements by referring to the Nazis' boycott of Jewish shops with the words, “historical memory of what happened when Europe labelled Jewish products”, was calculated to smear the Europeans as similar to Nazis. The Israelis typically respond to criticism by accusing their critics as anti-Semites, Holocaust deniers, and Nazis. It is all rather jaded.
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