Jordan joins Lebanon, Tunisia and Palestine in boycotting Wonder Woman - Page 5 - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

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@One Degree

Like I said before, only 20% of the Middle Eastern population even uses the internet and the 20% that does doesn't even use internet that much. Furthermore @noir was very, very selective in the Twitter posts he shows given how biased he is. To assume that you can look at one or two stupid Twitter posts and judge the entirety of the geopolitical climate of the Middle East is downright insane.

Not only that, but he took the Twitter post of a kid, a fucking kid who was a fan of Batman and other DC superheroes. A 12 year old kid who was just sad that he couldn't see the movie of one of his favorite superheroes and probably doesn't even understand politics or gives a fuck about it. And do you know what he magically gained from such an innocent and apolitical twitter post? He assume that the entirety of the Muslim population are a bunch of hypocrites because we all know how much Middle Easterners love Wonder Woman or even know Wonder Woman and then he calls a 12 year old kid who did nothing wrong a twit.

Who the fuck is this person? Who the fuck is this out of touch with reality that they would interpret the post of a kid who just wants to see the movie of one of his favorite superheroes as the representative of every single Lebanese and Muslim in the world. He doesn't even know whether or not he is Muslim, chances are given that he lives in Lebanon, there is a high chance he is Christian. And yet calls him a hypocrite and says he's a twit for it. You can't make this shit up.

I like how you generalize her political thoughts when in reality she's a non-Muslim who actually is just against Salafism and Israel. Yes she is a bit irrational but she's certainly more rational than you are noir with your oh so obvious expertise on the entirety of Muslim and Arabic history and the Quran. Moreso than people who dedicate their entire lives to this sort of thing. Oh no, from just a short skim of a self-validating wikipedia article and a gross misinterpretation you can have a complete understanding of all of that. At least according to you and your methods.
noir wrote:An Israeli Wonder Woman vs European incitement. ... ent-499639

Oy vey...

First, the big story in the West surrounding WONDER WOMAN is the fact that she is a WOMAN who can fight wars and defeat 'evil' men. The fact that she is Israeli means very little to us.

There is another key element of the action film one cannot ignore. The portrayal of the villain is not drawn from the traditional cadre of Hollywood “bad guy” types: not an Arab terrorist, a Russian spy, not a Mexican drug-dealer, not even a Nazi. Instead, the movie portrays the villain as a mainstream European.

Nor can one ignore the manner in which the film’s villain spreads his evil – not through direct killing and destruction, but, as he explains, through subtly instilling ideas and inspiration in people to foment violence.

The European villain, who comes across at first as a polite, courteous, peace-seeking European, lectures Wonder Woman about proper behavior and promotion of peace. This is while he himself continues to spread concepts that promote divisions, intolerance and war.

The 'English Super Villain' is almost literally the most used stereotype in Hollywood history.

In real life, can one imagine what could happen if destructive incitement were sidestepped and the natural good of Palestinians and Israelis were unleashed? Can one imagine an Israeli-Palestinian relationship built on creativity and cooperation, cleansed of the rhetoric of divisiveness?

Then a path could be paved for millions of Israeli and Palestinian wonder women and wonder men to nurture the natural affinity that exists between the two peoples to foster love.

Agreed, everyone wants you to get your shit sorted down there. Stop blaming everyone but yourselves, try to imagine Palestinians as quite possibly human (with an angel and a devil on each of their shoulders, like all men must carry).
MadMonk wrote:
The 'English Super Villain' is almost literally the most used stereotype in Hollywood history.

The clever twist in the end was amusing. Last week the BDS propagandist, Jonathan Cook, had also take on the issue. Israel is currently at war with EU sponsored "civil society" which under the pretext of human rights and peace is destabilizing and spreading hate propaganda. The author is probably found its narrative resonating current Israel dilemma. Like in the film the mainstream European use the conflict "as an opportunity to ignite conflict."

Last edited by noir on 15 Jul 2017 11:20, edited 1 time in total.
The 'English Super Villain' is almost literally the most used stereotype in Hollywood history.

Indeed. They've got our number and no mistake. Lol.

Americans seem to have a deep-rooted inferiority complex when it comes to the Brits. We know how to speak the English language correctly, and one of our superpowers is being able to even spell English correctly. We have better manners than the Americans, and actually know stuff about history and politics. Add to that the fact that we're obviously evil bastards who conquered half the world, murdering hundreds of millions in the process, and we make the perfect Hollywood villain. Only 'ze Naahtzis' can compete, but being German they're just too comical to be taken seriously. ;)
@Potemkin, the screen script was written by two Jews, Allan Heinberg and Jason Fuchs (of Hasidic background). They don't have any interiority complex. They probably directed to what the Jerusalem Post author notes. The history of British villains is not the main issue here but the subtle, subliminal Hollywood style Zionist propaganda/persuasion (like Ben Hur, Samson and Exodus). Giving that Hollywood is Jewish empire it's wonder why did it take them so long to come with (allegoric) Zionist flick.

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