The ultraleft is here - Politics | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Please introduce yourself here.
I guess. I mean, I was lurking a bit before joining, and it seemed to me that while there are quite a few people who identify as left-wing, socialist, or communist even, there is an absence of ultra-left tendencies such as left communism or communization theory. I hope this situation changes with my arrival. :)

Politically, I began as an individualist, crypto-anarchistic political liberal, then slowly drifted to the left. I increasingly became more and more radical: from liberal to socdem, from socdem to ancom/libsoc, and now if I had to describe my political views, I would simply call myself a communist, meaning that I stand for the original communist program of annihilating commodity production, self-abolishing of the working&underclasses, and ending capital. My methodology is mainly marxist, but drews heavily from some post-Marxist thoughts as well (especially Camatte). I'm also interested in New Materialism and left-accelerationism as well.
Yeah, I'm not keen on annihilating commodities. I quite like wheat and grain, and don't want them to disappear from the earth. :lol:

Having said that, welcome.
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By Nonsense
mikema63 wrote:What does "annihilating commodity production" entail exactly?

Also, new materialism?

Sounds like an ideological contradiction in terms if you ask me :roll: :lol:
Heisenberg wrote:Yeah, I'm not keen on annihilating commodities. I quite like wheat and grain, and don't want them to disappear from the earth. :lol:

Having said that, welcome.

Do you mind? :D "Commodity" is only form, not substance. Commodity is a form based on the mass production and exchange of goods. Goods =/= commodity. Yes, and I'm probably taking wheat jokes too seriously :D

Edit: to elaborate, because others asked: commodity production is the key to the problem of capitalism. Contradictory to popular belief, which treats the program of communists as a program preoccupied with ownership and property (a mistake frequently made by self-identified communists as well), the communist program is all about abolishment. The "annihilation" of commodity production means that this movement seeks to alter the conditions which make pssoible the perpetual existence of goods as commodities (made to be sold and bought, not for a direct satisfaction of human needs) and the existence of property as capital (where property is not mainly a form of belonging, a form of connection between the owner and the owned thing, but as a means by which capital can produce and reproduce itself). I hope I gave a satisfying explanation :D

New Materialism is a contemporary intellectual-philosophical movement. As I'm interested in materialism not just from a Marxist perspective, it is a new and interesting thing for me to look into. One of my friends told me about it, I'm still relatively new to the concept myself.
Last edited by Aufheben Olam on 14 Aug 2017 16:37, edited 3 times in total.
New Materialism is a contemporary intellectual-philosophical movement.

Bahaha! :roll:

Welcome to the god-pound.... The 'ultra-left,' huh? So are you like the megatron of political cartoons? One more ideological transformer ready to transform a system of closed ignorance? :lol: Let me guess, you're going to use dead language so you may pretend you're influencing things beyond your control... oh and like the other dogs around POFO, you'll probably chase your ultra-right tail as you commit yourself to a dialectic tail-spin. As you fall from the clouds of obsolescence and reclaim your fictional glory, our surveillance cloud will be collecting your radical fixed perspective for posterity.

Transformers... Robots in disguise! Great, one more ideology robot.

I stand for the original communist program

"Must reboot Marx. The dead-ideology-bot-9001 will save planet earth from the Decepticons."
Fucking hilarious, bro.
1. Your first quotation is basically laughing at a merely factual statement.
2. The "ultra-left" is a generally accepted word for tendencies such as the Italian and German-Dutch left communists, and various stripes of communization theory (troploin, endnotes, tiqqun, etc). Your ignorance is not my fault.
3. I don't claim that I, or anyone else has influence over "things beyond our control". The exact opposite, really. I'm here to share my thoughts with others. Not like YOU are ready for any thought that is beyond your seemingly very shallow comprehension.
4. You clearly don't understand what "ideology" is. I stand for a political program, and I do so because there exists a theoretical framework that - I think - explains the realities we live in very well. The foundation of the political program is this theory, and this theory emerges from the everyday realities that we face. This is the exact opposite of ideology, which is basically idealistic beliefs with no grounds + indoctrination (interpellation, if you will).
5. I always wonder how people have the audacity to claim that "Marx is obsolete, marxism is dead blah blah blah". Not like liberalism and conservatism are not old politics as well. This is so far from an actual argument it hurts.

I hope your next one is going to be gulag references or failed states. I would be not surprised, you already demonstrated that you have no intention to understand others.

Fucking hilarious, bro.
@Aufheben Olam
You might want to slow down and give yourself time to get acquainted with different posters philosophy.
@Aufheben Olam
Don't worry about RhetoricThug - none of us understands his blathering either. He actually has his own forum - Opaque Cogitations - to ramble about whatever he likes without annoying the rest of us. :lol:
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By fuser
Welcome aboard, comrade.

@Heisenberg Commodity in marxist terminology is basically anything that is produced for profit and sold in market to get that profit.

All Marxists (almost anyway) do want to do away with commodity production and not just some crazy ones.
One Degree wrote:@Aufheben Olam
You might want to slow down and give yourself time to get acquainted with different posters philosophy.

Sorry if I seemed combative or aggressive. It's just shocked me first, and I tend to reply to such aggressive attacks - and also tend to make judgements very quickly.
Which is something I should work on, yeah.
Heisenberg wrote:@Aufheben Olam
Don't worry about RhetoricThug - none of us understands his blathering either. He actually has his own forum - Opaque Cogitations - to ramble about whatever he likes without annoying the rest of us. :lol:

Oh, ok then. I guess. Didn't expect to get into a conflict right in my introduction thread though. :D
fuser wrote:Welcome aboard, comrade.

@Heisenberg Commodity in marxist terminology is basically anything that is produced for profit and sold in market to get that profit.

All Marxists (almost anyway) do want to do away with commodity production and not just some crazy ones.

Thanks! I hope we will have some fruitful debates. (Although, when it comes to communists, I still think that I fall under the Some Crazy Ones category :D)
@Aufheben Olam
Understandable. Some understanding of @RhetoricThug s philosophy will show his comments were not as personal as you took them. You took them right, just out of context. :D
And I have no idea why I am speaking for him. :lol: Have fun here.
By RhetoricThug
Aufheben Olam wrote:1. Your first quotation is basically laughing at a statement.

Yes, correct.

2. The "ultra-left" is a generally accepted word for tendencies such as the Italian and German-Dutch left communists, and various stripes of communization theory (troploin, endnotes, tiqqun, etc). Your ignorance is not my fault.
When it comes to communists, I still think that I fall under the Some Crazy Ones category
3. I don't claim that I, or anyone else has influence over "things beyond our control". The exact opposite, really. I'm here to share my thoughts with others. Not like YOU are ready for any thought that is beyond your seemingly very shallow comprehension.
Didn't expect to get into a conflict in my introduction, I hope we will have some fruitful debates.
4. You clearly don't understand what "ideology" is. I stand for a political program, and I do so because there exists a theoretical framework that - I think - explains the realities we live in very well. The foundation of the political program is this theory, and this theory emerges from the everyday realities that we face. This is the exact opposite of ideology, which is basically idealistic beliefs with no grounds + indoctrination (interpellation, if you will).
Oh, ok then. I guess.
5. I always wonder how people have the audacity to claim that "Marx is obsolete, marxism is dead blah blah blah". Not like liberalism and conservatism are not old politics as well.

This is so far from an actual argument it hurts.
I hope your next one is going to be gulag references or failed states. I would be not surprised, you already demonstrated that you have no intention to understand others.
I tend to make judgements very quickly. Which is something I should work on.

Heisenberg wrote:@Aufheben Olam Worry about RhetoricThug - none of us understands his blathering either. He actually has his own forum - Opaque Cogitations - to ramble about whatever he likes without annoying the rest of us. :lol:


Sorry if I seemed combative or aggressive It just shocked me.

The primitive instinct is strong with this one.
I've decided to be a centrist because all those on the wings (either one) look seriously crazed to me and the more ultra they are, the more crazy. The trouble is there is nothing edgy about being a centrist, and as everyone knows there is nothing more sexy than edginess. So I shall be an ultra-centrist and enjoy the sexiness of extremism without the drawbacks of foaming at the mouth disease and blood drenched murder cycles.

You too can have opportunities to bed impressionable college girls with edgy political posturing but without having to get arrested for throwing bricks at police, kill people, or shout random nonsense through a mega-phone. Join the ultra-centrist movement today!

Sitting quietly and minding one's own business will change the world!
SolarCross wrote:I've decided to be a centrist because all those on the wings (either one) look seriously crazed to me and the more ultra they are, the more crazy. The trouble is there is nothing edgy about being a centrist, and as everyone knows there is nothing more sexy than edginess. So I shall be an ultra-centrist and enjoy the sexiness of extremism without the drawbacks of foaming at the mouth disease and blood drenched murder cycles.

You too can have opportunities to bed impressionable college girls with edgy political posturing but without having to get arrested for throwing bricks at police, kill people, or shout random nonsense through a mega-phone. Join the ultra-centrist movement today!

Sitting quietly and minding one's own business will change the world!
Ideology is dead. The social-biological ground is shifting, techno-plates made of political plight tend to collide then shatter our conception of reality (thrusting mountains of conceited information upward toward the public forum), causing separation in our physical world. Political friction is reshaping public opinion and our technology is forcing the polls to shift. As the center of noosphere-gravity becomes increasingly elusive, we find mankind in the eye of a self-motivated hurricane, an atmosphere modified by man's appetite for deception.

“Madness is something rare in individuals — but in groups, parties, peoples, and ages, it is the rule.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Left and Right.

The politicking mind and noospheric conditions (state of mind) seem to be dictated by an absence of love. Any political spectrum must be a value-system, cognitive dialectics constructed for a moment in time-space. Humans invented a label for the absence of light, they call it 'darkness.' 'Darkness' is a label humans use to describe the absence of light, darkness itself doesn't exist, it is one noospheric condition dictated by the relative translation of environmental stimuli. Likewise, left or right tend to be labels humans use to describe an absence of love. The motion of a body of knowledge is one fluid movement, humans superficially fragment the information so it can match the cognitive pattern(s) humans create within the mind as they interface with 'reality.'

Try not to distance yourself from love. :)
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By Godstud
Welcome to pofo. You'll be a nice counter to the ultra-right wing Nazis which are pretty strong on this forum.
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