Social Democratic Nationalism/Left Nationalism = SAVE AMERICA - Politics | PoFo

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Hello. My name is Sam. What follows is a very quick and basic rundown of my political beliefs:

I am Left Nationalist who despises both political parties in America.

I feel that the so-called "left-wing" in this country (and much of the west in general) is merely the left hand of capital, doing their part in conjunction with the "right-wing" to divide the working class. Whereas the "left" poisons social minorities with identity politics, the "right" tricks poor whites into voting against their own interests, while poisoning them with appeals to reactionary ideas.

My belief is that people are most happy among people who are most like themselves in terms of values and a shared purpose, and that things like race, identity, etc are just modern perversions resulting from capitalism.

I despise virtue signalers of the bourgeois class. These malodorous miscreants, who most certainly adore the aroma of their own flatulence, isolate themselves deep within privileged white enclaves and lash out against things like "white privilege" and look their noses down on "white trash", when they themselves have never produced even one thing of actual value.

I advocate for a political state system comprised of three main features:

1. Hyper Democracy
2. Social Patriotism
3. Collectivization

Hyper-Democracy is very important to the functioning of a healthy and happy society. Everyone has a part to play in the People's State. All adults are required members of the National Party, overseen by a National Vanguard w/ total democratic centralism. Diversity in thought, unity in action. The State should be run by a People's Vanguard, headed by a Leader with complete Veto Power, accountable only to the great mass of people, with daily/weekly referendums. All local governments must no longer govern, but exist solely as administrative arms of an authoritative central government.

Social Patriotism is likewise important. Civic Nationalism is perhaps another term. The problem right now in society is the way our differences are emphasized by the bourgeoisie in perpetuation of the status-quo. In a Social Democratic Nationalist State, the People will be bound together tightly through shared traits, shared history and shared values emphasized above all under the direction of the People's Vanguard, with common duty to one another and nation. No divisions allowed. Those with allegiance lying outside the people must be reeducated.

Collectivization is the economic aspect of Social Democratic Nationalism. Simply put, corporations vital to the functioning of the State and the health of the people are nationalized and made organs of the State. All business and corporate ventures not vital to the health of the people will be monitored closely, with the People's State possessing absolute authority to shut down/liquidate anything deemed harmful to the State or the health of the people.

Healthcare is a human right. Total Nationalization. Land and national resources belong to the people. Total Nationalization.

Free trade will be abolished. A nation must be completely self-reliant.

Identity Politics must be smashed. Capitalism must be smashed. Globalism must be smashed.

The press must be nationalized, and overseen by ethics committees comprised of private citizens.

The people themselves must hAll must take part.
Thank you guys for the welcome!

Rugoz wrote:Be ready to drop the "democratic" when the people do not agree with your nonsense. :excited:

Never. Hyper-Democracy is vital and non-negotiable. It would be better for the entire system to come crashing down than for the people themselves to lose power. In working together, the great masses themselves must have ultimate power.

I don't think the people would disagree under the right circumstances and in the correct environment. Right now, society is so polarized because of capitalism and, more specifically, the extent to which the .1% are willing to go to keep their spoils. So much progress was made during the civil rights movement and I feel that while largely post-racial, identity politics are the last gasp of the capitalist class to keep division rife among proletarian ranks. The ostracizing of those so-called "whites" that do not own capital nor the means that produce it is done to make it "our fight" instead of "their fight", much the same way poor whites have tricked into fighting every war in our nation's history for the benefit of the rich. They always make it personal. It's these social, religious, and cultural institutions that are used by the bourgeoisie to lump white proletarians in with themselves, virtually using them as a shield from the wrath of the minority underclasses, when the white workers should snap out their delusions and join with the social minorities in the interest of revolution and social justice for ALL peoples.

People long to be a part of something, to have a people to call their own, and to see the own shared values projected from the highest of places. A people brought together, to fight together, live and love together, and rule together. Hatred and division is not the default position of human beings. It is put in us by those with self-interest in the preservation of the status-quo.

Where I am different from a Marxist/Leninist is my rejection of internationalism, belief in nationalism and a mixed-economy that's neither capitalist nor communist.

We can have a message that can reach the great masses - there is something for everyone. We should emphasize the things that makes us one, as Americans, none greater than the love of justice.
I applaud your ideals but one comment destroys your objectivity. Why do you suggest poor whites join minorities? Identity politics is being used to keep us separated. Minorities follow the Democratic Party which relies upon their inequality continuing. Asking poor whites to join a party that has labeled them 'deplorables' is not a solution.
Only a third populist ideology can bring us together.
Heisenberg wrote:Welcome.

Which side will you be on in the Great RACE WAR? :excited:
:lol: Irish Jews. Definitely Irish Jews.

One Degree wrote:I applaud your ideals but one comment destroys your objectivity. Why do you suggest poor whites join minorities? Identity politics is being used to keep us separated. Minorities follow the Democratic Party which relies upon their inequality continuing. Asking poor whites to join a party that has labeled them 'deplorables' is not a solution.
Only a third populist ideology can bring us together.

I'm not suggesting that at all. I explicitly stated my support of a new, third party. I despise the democrats and stated my opposition to both parties. But the minorities are not to blame anymore than poor whites are to blame. We need a revolutionary spirited, coast to coast social movement to bring people out of their false identities, and educated/agitate towards the end of instilling class consciousness. It's class consciousness that will doom the bourgeoisie and their petty bourgeois foot soldiers - including those in both parties.

Look at Bernie Sanders. While he didn't go far enough in his criticism of ID politics, or anything else for that matter, he was able to inspire and massive social movement. He's an old guy - not particularly charismatic and not particular revolutionary...yet the fact that he was able to bring out such a diverse coalition of supports ...people from every race, religion, culture, etc...shows the unifying power of a shared understanding and appreciation of class commonality. Now imagine a movement that went all the way, told people the truth, infused constructive patriotism while advocating true left-wing principles and ideals. It would be unstoppable.

People are hungry for unity, freedom, and justice. This nation wants so badly to come together.
LeftNationalist wrote::lol: Irish Jews. Definitely Irish Jews.

I'm not suggesting that at all. I explicitly stated my support of a new, third party. I despise the democrats and stated my opposition to both parties. But the minorities are not to blame anymore than poor whites are to blame. We need a revolutionary spirited, coast to coast social movement to bring people out of their false identities, and educated/agitate towards the end of instilling class consciousness. It's class consciousness that will doom the bourgeoisie and their petty bourgeois foot soldiers - including those in both parties.

Look at Bernie Sanders. While he didn't go far enough in his criticism of ID politics, or anything else for that matter, he was able to inspire and massive social movement. He's an old guy - not particularly charismatic and not particular revolutionary...yet the fact that he was able to bring out such a diverse coalition of supports ...people from every race, religion, culture, etc...shows the unifying power of a shared understanding and appreciation of class commonality. Now imagine a movement that went all the way, told people the truth, infused constructive patriotism while advocating true left-wing principles and ideals. It would be unstoppable.

People are hungry for unity, freedom, and justice. This nation wants so badly to come together.

Talk about a carnival barker, there is no way Bernie Sanders entitlement programs and free stuff could have been paid for, he would have collapsed our economy. I admit many people do buy into his lunacy. In the end Bernie was coward he got used by the Democrats who rigged an election and did nothing about it ( except buy a lake house in VT). That's not a leader that can run this country.
Finfinder wrote:Talk about a carnival barker, there is no way Bernie Sanders entitlement programs and free stuff could have been paid for, he would have collapsed our economy.

Actually, his programs could have easily been paid for by increasing taxes on the rich and decreasing military spending.
Increasing taxes on the rich should require a definition of who you are targeting. I don't believe a couple who sacrificed and worked their asses off to get advanced degrees wrapped in humongous debt should be expected to contribute more to society than they already have.
I see no reason for them to pay a higher tax rate than lower income people.
The real problem is expecting government to pay for more than we can afford.
One Degree wrote:I don't believe a couple who sacrificed and worked their asses off to get advanced degrees wrapped in humongous debt should be expected to contribute more to society than they already have.
By rich, I don't mean those with a college degree. I am talking about CEOs, large shareholders, etc. i.e. The top 1%.

The other solution is to have a communist revolution and we can just pay for everyone's college. :lol:
MememyselfandIJK wrote:By rich, I don't mean those with a college degree. I am talking about CEOs, large shareholders, etc. i.e. The top 1%.

The other solution is to have a communist revolution and we can just pay for everyone's college. :lol:

Okay, but the people I described are in the top 1%. Perhaps the top .025% would be better, as it would eliminate most with strictly salary based wealth.
Welcome to the play pen. POFO does a wonderful and efficient job of providing us lost souls a place to vent and rage (and,even, sometimes debate). Now please register at the door as a "liberal" or a "conservative". At your time of registration you will be given your talking points which should not be varied from. :lol:

On a more serious note IMHO "liberal" and "conservative" are simply worthless hot air designed to divide the people while the plutocrats laugh all the way to the bank. The peasants are to expend their energy on nonsense like who is using which bathroom while they are farmed like the sheep they are and separated from their money.

There, that's my take on the mess.
Prepare to have your mind blown:

Average income of the 1% (annually): $717,000
Proposed increase in tax rate: 39.6%->69.6%=>30% net increase (generous given historical tax rates)
Number of people in the top 1%: ~3,000,000

Average cost of a college education:
$33,480 at private colleges
$9,650 for state residents at public colleges
$24,930 for out-of-state residents attending public universities
Average of ~$25k

($717,000*.3*3,000,000)/$25,000 = more than 25 million college educations paid for.

Note that there are only 21 million college students, so if we even assumed that they were all full-time (far from true), then we could also have a surplus of $100 billion to add to NASA's budget! Who's ready for MARS!?!?

Edit: @One Degree You wanted top .1%? Here you go!

Average income of the 0.1% (annually): $2,542,965
Proposed increase in tax rate: 39.6%->89.6%=>50% net increase (normal given historical tax rates)
Number of people in the top 0.1%: ~300,000

Average cost of a college education: ~$25k

($2,542,965*.5*300,000)/$25,000 = still pays for more than 15 million college educations
Last edited by MememyselfandIJK on 30 Aug 2017 16:31, edited 1 time in total.
MememyselfandIJK wrote:@Finfinder
Prepare to have your mind blown:

Average income of the 1% (annually): $717,000
Proposed increase in tax rate: 39.6%->69.6%=>30% net increase (generous given historical tax rates)
Number of people in the top 1%: ~3,000,000

Average cost of a college education:
$33,480 at private colleges
$9,650 for state residents at public colleges
$24,930 for out-of-state residents attending public universities
Average of ~$25k

($717,000*.3*3,000,000)/$25,000 = more than 25 million college educations paid for.

Note that there are only 21 million college students, so if we even assumed that they were all full-time (far from true), then we could also have a surplus of $100 billion to add to NASA's budget! Who's ready for MARS!?!?

Yes, figures are fun to manipulate to prove our points. Your 'average income ' avoids the fact that it only requires an income of 200K to 300k to actually be in the top 1% depending on what state you live in.
Obviously someone with an income of billions is going to bring the average up substantially.
@One Degree Look, I am a full time student, not the Head of the Treasury (from which Trump would fire me from anyways). In practice, the rates would be broken down and refined to affect those in the lower brackets less and those in the higher brackets more.
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