Has Anti-Racism Become as Harmful as Racism in the USA? - Page 2 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Modern liberalism. Civil rights and liberties, State responsibility to the people (welfare).
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Godstud wrote: Maybe if you said it in bolder and larger letters

People are dense, they need shit spelled out for them in giant letters and even then they still don't get it. All I need is like two percent of people to get it and activate, the rest of you are just dead wood.
Godstud wrote:Apparently, I asked too much of you.

People don't get labelled racists, unless they do and say things that are racist. Your argument somehow hinges on this label being applied to people who don't act and say things racist. That's a flawed argument.

:lol: :lol: :lol: A moronic assertion. Maybe if you said it in bolder and larger letters it would be even MORE melodramatic

99.9% of the time someone says ‘racist’, they are describing ‘discrimination’. They are not the same. It is only used to sensationalize and divide people. It’s use is not for benevolent purposes. It is an attack on a person where the evidence is not possible to know. This means it’s only purpose has to be to do harm, not good. You don’t solve problems this way unless your solution is to dehumanize for the purpose of justifying discrimination. We are seeing this play out in people losing their jobs for ‘politically incorrect speech’ whether their motivation was racism or not. Censorship. Hate laws. All the things racists and fascists do to harm a group.
One Degree wrote:99.9% of the time someone says ‘racist’, they are describing ‘discrimination’. They are not the same.
I don't think you have any fucking idea what racism is, if you think that discrimination is NOT a part of it. In fact, you are clueless, when it comes to this, since your other statements assert this quite clearly.

-prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

-the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.

Racism is dehumanizing. Speaking out against racism is not.
Godstud wrote:I don't think you have any fucking idea what racism is, if you think that discrimination is NOT a part of it. In fact, you are clueless, when it comes to this, since your other statements assert this quite clearly.

-prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

-the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.

We have discussed this before. You deliberately use words to change what I said. I did not deny discrimination could be the result of racism. It usually isn’t today however. The two words are not interchangeable, as they are used today for nefarious reasons.
Discrimination is PART of racism!!! It's not a matter of it "could be". It's in the very definition! You are trying (and failing) to change the definition of a word to fit your narrative.

Sorry, @One Degree, but you aren't a fucking victim!! Try as hard as you want to try to make it appear as such and you still won't be!
Godstud wrote:Discrimination is PART of racism!!! It's not a matter of it "could be". It's in the very definition! You are trying (and failing) to change the definition of a word to fit your narrative.

Sorry, @One Degree, but you aren't a fucking victim!! Try as hard as you want to try to make it appear as such and you still won't be!

Every person is a victim of discrimination and guilty of discrimination. Virtually none of it has anything to do with race superiority beliefs today in the US. Just a lie to divide.
The question should really be:

Has anti-WIG (White, Infidel Gentile) racism become the biggest form of racism?

To which the answer should be undoubtedly yes. The key thing to grasp is that Cultural Marxism and Jewish Supremacism, the intellectually dominant purveyors of WIG racism, are not the same thing. Although both groups have sought to manipulate the other to further their agendas. You see both the Soviet Genociders and their fanbois on the one hand and the Jewish supremacist Zionist ethnic cleansers and their fanbois on the other, both wanted to demonise the Nazis and the Germans, but for completely different agendas.

This has been confused for a number of reasons. Nazi and other far right lying propaganda sought to portray Marxism and the beginning of what was quite reasonably labelled Cultural Marxism as tools of Jewish supremacists, as stratagems by Jewish nationalist to take over the world. They were not. This was a straight up lie, which to paraphrase Petr Baelish that the Far Right repeated over and over again until they forgot it was a lie. Yes the Marxist leadership was dominated by people of Jewish or part Jewish decent right back to Marx himself. But then modern Physics has been dominated by people of Jewish decent to equal degree. That doesn't mean that modern physics is a fraud perpetrated by Jews to take over the world.

Lenin, Trotsky and the many Trotskyist leaders of Jewish decent that have followed him, have been the most consistent opponents of Jewish Supremacism and Zionist racism, bigotry and terror. After the October Revolution there was an existential self interest in people of Jewish decent what ever their politics to support the Soviet state against White restoration, the Nazi invaders and the many other Eastern European Christian nationalist regimes that opposed the Soviet Union. Stalin knew this and for completely cynical reasons he chose to support the establishment of the Israeli State and the ethnic cleansing of Palestine. Ethnic cleansing a region was all in a mornings work for Stalin. But none of this made Stalin some kind of puppet of Zionists or Jewish Supremacists. Not one bit.
One Degree wrote:Every person is a victim of discrimination and guilty of discrimination.
Patently false, and you know that. You're still trying to push your "white people are victims" narrative, and it's pathetic and transparent. You are trying to justify your own racism, by doing this.

One Degree wrote:Just a lie to divide.
You're the one spreading a lie. The lie is that white people are victims of racism, or that people are calling non-racists racist, to which the answer is obviously NO, since you have to exhibit racism and display it, to be called on it.

Rich wrote:Has anti-WIG (White, Infidel Gentile) racism become the biggest form of racism?
To which the answer should be undoubtedly yes.
Another victim narrative from a non-victim. :roll:

Is this now the go-to argument for right-wingers? Claim victim-hood when people question their questionable values, and shitty conduct?
Godstud wrote:Patently false, and you know that. You're still trying to push your "white people are victims" narrative, and it's pathetic and transparent. You are trying to justify your own racism, by doing this.

You're the one spreading a lie. The lie is that white people are victims of racism, or that people are calling non-racists racist, to which the answer is obviously NO, since you have to exhibit racism and display it, to be called on it.

Another victim narrative from a non-victim. :roll:

Is this now the go-to argument for right-wingers? Claim victim-hood when people question their questionable values, and shitty conduct?

You obviously have no understanding of the terms you are throwing around. You can not demonstrate racism by your actions, but you can demonstrate discrimination. Your argument above just proves my point that you replace ‘discrimination’ with ‘racism’ so you can harm them. You also have no idea what discrimination means or you would not deny we are all victims.
One Degree wrote: You can not demonstrate racism by your actions, but you can demonstrate discrimination.
Are you really that dense? Racism IS discrimination! FFS, go back and read the damned definition.

Discrimination based on racial ground is RACISM. Why can't you understand such a simple concept? :?: :?: :?:

One Degree wrote:You also have no idea what discrimination means or you would not deny we are all victims.
Oh, fuck off. :roll: The old "victim narrative". Come up with something logical, reasonable, and new.

You are not discriminated against for your race if you are an old white man, so quit playing the victim.
Godstud wrote:Are you really that dense? Racism IS discrimination! FFS, go back and read the damned definition.

Discrimination based on racial ground is RACISM. Why can't you understand such a simple concept? :?: :?: :?:

Oh, fuck off. :roll: The old "victim narrative". Come up with something logical, reasonable, and new.

You are not discriminated against for your race if you are an old white man, so quit playing the victim.

When you have no argument, resort to word games and ‘superiority’? You would have no need for insults if you had arguments. :)
Sivad wrote::knife: It applies to the entire liberal establishment. That's politicians, media, academics, philanthropists and foundations, all of the douchebags that that are cynically exploiting race as a distraction from the real issues.

Again, if these people are capable of setting economic and foreign policy, then they are political elites, and should not be confused with the vast majority of anti-racism activists, who are mostly young working class people of colour.

Barack Obama would be a better example.

They are both good examples. You seem to have an aversion to criticising conservative proponents of neoliberalism.
The thing is that cops are more likely to kill blacks as they are more oriented toward racism compared to the general population. Police officers are not educated beyond high school and they are strongly influenced by ordinary racism they grew up with in a small town. Probably recruiting more college-educated people to the police force will reduce racist incidents. The same could be said of other professions such as border agents or custom officers, who are known to exhibit racial stereotyping toward foreigners or out-groups. We are brainwashed into believing that police officers are righteous and saintly people who can do no wrong but they are the most racist group of people in any country. I support the enlightenment theory based on the notion that racist attitudes arise from narrow-minded and undemocratic world outlooks (Wodtke 2014), which are typical among uneducated youngsters.

That education has a liberalizing impact on racial attitudes is a cultural axiom in the U.S., and much research on temporal trends in racial attitudes credits higher levels of education among younger cohorts as the primary source of progressive change in Whites’ attitudes. For example, Hyman and Sheatsley (1956:39) remarked that the trend toward acceptance of racial integration was likely to accelerate because of “the continued influx of better educated and more tolerant young people into the effective adult public.” More recent studies echo similar sentiments (e.g., Farley et al. 1994; Kluegel and Smith 1986). Enlightenment theory is premised on the notion that negative inter-group attitudes arise from narrow-minded, poorly informed, and undemocratic world outlooks; ethnic prejudice is seen as “an antipathy based upon a faulty and inflexible generalization” (Allport 1958:9). An advanced education attenuates prejudice and fosters a real commitment to racial equality by providing knowledge about the historical, social, and economic forces responsible for inequality; teaching the dangers of prejudice; neutralizing fear of the unknown; promoting democratic norms of equality and civil rights; and facilitating contact between racial groups (Hyman and Wright 1979; McClelland and Linnander 2006; Quinley and Glock 1979; Schaefer 1996).
Last edited by ThirdTerm on 02 Dec 2018 21:10, edited 5 times in total.
All this inclusiveness nonsense is actually quite divisive and encourages hatred against white straight males.
ThirdTerm wrote:The thing is that cops are more likely to kill blacks as they are more oriented toward racism compared to the general population. Police officers are not educated beyond high school and they are strongly influenced by ordinary racism they grew up with in a small town. Probably recuruiting more college-educated people to the police force will reduce racist incidents. The same could be said of border agents or custom officers.

Yes, you are using references that are totally out of date. You reference a work from the 50’s on race relations.
None of what you say about current police departments is correct today.
One degree wrote:When you have no argument, resort to word games and ‘superiority’? You would have no need for insults if you had arguments. :)
:roll: Yes, relying on the actual definition of a word, must seem like a "word game", to you. It must be that shitty American education you received.

It's not a word game to know the actual definition of something....
Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.
Godstud wrote::roll: Yes, relying on the actual definition of a word, must seem like a "word game", to you. It must be that shitty American education you received.

It's not a word game to know the actual definition of something....
Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

How many believe that today?
Pants-of-dog wrote:Again, if these people are capable of setting economic and foreign policy, then they are political elites, and should not be confused with the vast majority of anti-racism activists, who are mostly young working class people of colour.

Yeah, that's what astroturfing is. The tea party activists were mostly working class people, that doesn't mean the tea party wasn't promoted by power elites. Most of these working class people of color got their programming from elite academics, politicians, and culture creators who manufactured a controversy to divert people's energy and focus away from the issues that would threaten these elites as a class.

You seem to have an aversion to criticising conservative proponents of neoliberalism.

Well we both know you're lying here because I just responded to your post in the HW thread saying that Bush was an evil piece of shit and that I hope the guy is rotting in hell. the trolling and lying you constantly engage in is pointless.
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