Iran : War or Regime Change ? - Page 10 - Politics | PoFo

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Iran commander calls U.S. military in Gulf a target not a threat -ISNA

GENEVA, May 12 (Reuters) - A senior Iranian Revolutionary Guards commander said on Sunday the U.S. military presence in the Gulf used to be a serious threat but now represents a target, the Iranian Students' News Agency (ISNA) reported.

The U.S. military has sent forces, including an aircraft carrier and B-52 bombers, to the Middle East in a move that U.S. officials said was made to counter "clear indications" of threats from Iran to American forces in the region.

The USS Abraham Lincoln is replacing another carrier rotated out of the Gulf last month.

"An aircraft carrier that has at least 40 to 50 planes on it and 6,000 forces gathered within it was a serious threat for us in the past but now it is a target and the threats have switched to opportunities," said Amirali Hajizadeh, head of the Guards' aerospace division.

"If (the Americans) make a move, we will hit them in the head," he added, according to ISNA.

U.S. President Donald Trump also has increased economic pressure on Iran, moving to cut off all its oil exports, to try to get Tehran to curb its nuclear and missile programs as well as end support for proxies in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Yemen.

Speaking to CNBC in an interview to be broadcast on Monday, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the U.S. deployments came in response to intelligence about potential Iranian attacks and aimed both to deter them and to be able to respond if necessary.

"We've seen this reporting," Pompeo said. "It's real. It appears to be something that is current, that is things we're worried about today."

"In the event that Iran decided to come after an American interest - whether that be in Iraq or Afghanistan or Yemen or any place in the Middle East - we are prepared to respond in an appropriate way," he said, adding that "our aim is not war."

Iranian navy commander Rear Admiral Hossein Khanzadi said on Sunday that American forces must exit, according to ISNA. "The presence of the Americans in the Persian Gulf region has reached its end and they must leave the region," Khanzadi said.

Major General Hossein Salami, appointed head of the Guards last month, told parliament on Sunday the United States had started a psychological war in the region, the parliamentary spokesman said.

"Commander Salami, with attention to the situation in the region, presented an analysis that the Americans have started a psychological war because the comings and goings of their military is a normal matter," spokesman Behrouz Nemati said, according to parliament's ICANA news site. (Reporting by Babak Dehghanpisheh; Additional reporting by Arshad Mohammed in Washington; Editing by Elaine Hardcastle, Edmund Blair and Will Dunham)

I do not know if they could do it, but in case , by luck or accident or on purpose, if those silly Iranians would sink an American aircraft carrier, undoubtedly all hell would break loose.

I am getting some popcorn just in case
Looks like it's going to be war, folks. Three oil tankers attacked, two Saudi and one Norwegian, near the Straights of Hormuz. Blame no doubt in my mind attributed to the Iranians, but who knows? Somebody wants war and I think they're going to get it good and hard.
Iran’s special marine unit sabotaged tankers. Fujairah was outside US, Saudi, UAE purview

A special unit of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards marine force carried out the sabotage attack Sunday on 4 Saudi oil tankers outside Fujairah port, DEBKAfile’s exclusive sources reveal. Iran chose this venue in the Gulf of Oman waters of the United Arab Emirates for its first proactive strike against US sanctions, because it is way off the beaten track of Gulf oil export routes. There were two other reasons:

(a) To show the US and Gulf oil nations that Tehran doesn’t need to block the Strait of Hormuz in order to disrupt the Gulf’s oil exports to international markets. ... e-purview/

(b) The UAE has built the new Habshan-Fujairah oil pipeline there for the purpose of circumventing the Strait of Hormuz. By striking Fujairah, the Iranians demonstrated that alternative shipping routes are just as vulnerable to Iranian attack as the Gulf of Hormuz.

The above picture shows a direct hit to the Norwegian-flagged Andre Victoria oil tanker which was almost scuttled.

Our sources note that although war tensions between US and Iran were mounting sharply, Western intelligence and the Gulf emirates were caught off-guard by the location of the Iranian attack and its precise targeting. It is now estimated that Tehran carefully calibrated the blasts to cause damage while falling short of sinking the vessels or inflicting casualties. ... e-purview/

Iran is desperate.
Will they make a wrong move?
White House said to review plan to send up to 120,000 troops to Middle East

Proposal by Pentagon officials suggests deployment nearing Gulf War levels if Iran were to expedite nuclear program or targets US forces

The White House has reportedly been reviewing a plan to send as many as 120,000 US troops to the Middle East if Iran accelerates its uranium enrichment or attacks American targets.

The ambitious plan, which would take weeks or month to complete and which approaches the scale of the US invasion of Iraq in 2003, was presented last Thursday at a meeting of defense chiefs, The New York Times reported late Monday, citing more than half a dozen unnamed defense officials in US President Donald Trump’s administration.

Tensions have been simmering with Tehran recently, as the nuclear between Iran and world powers threatened to unravel.

Last week, the US sent in reinforcements — including an aircraft carrier — following Iran’s announcement that it was suspending some of its commitments under the 2015 nuclear agreement, one year after Trump withdrew from the accord and slapped tough sanctions on the Islamic Republic.

Saudi Arabia said on Sunday that two of its US-bound oil tankers were sabotaged, sustaining “significant damage” off the coast of the United Arab Emirates.

Several plans were presented during the Pentagon meeting by Acting US Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan following the latest developments, the report said. The most aggressive of them suggested deploying 120,000 troops to the Middle East.

The meeting was also said to have been attended by General Joseph Dunford, chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff; CIA Director Gina Haspel; and Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats.

The updated plans were reportedly ordered by Trump’s national security adviser John Bolton, reflecting the latter’s influence in pushing a hawkish stance versus Tehran despite deep disagreements within the administration on the matter.

The report said it wasn’t clear whether Trump himself has been updated on the latest plans.

The US president warned Monday that Iran would “suffer greatly” were it to “do anything,” after American intelligence suggested Tehran was planning to attack US interests in the region.

“I’m hearing little stories about Iran,” Trump told reporters as he hosted Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban at the White House. “If they do anything, it would be a very bad mistake. If they do anything, they will suffer greatly.”

An American military team’s initial assessment was that Iranian or Iranian-backed proxies used explosives Sunday to blow large holes in four ships anchored off the coast of the United Arab Emirates, a US official said Monday.

The official said each ship has a 5- to 10-foot hole in it, near or just below the water line, and the team’s early belief is that the holes were caused by explosive charges.

“This is what Iran does … The sort of thing you could see Iran doing,” the official said.

Washington has warned shipping companies that “Iran or its proxies” could be targeting maritime traffic in the Persian Gulf region and said it was deploying an aircraft carrier and B-52 bombers to the Persian Gulf to counter alleged threats from Tehran.

An Israel TV report on Friday said Israel has warned the US that Iran is contemplating targeting Saudi oil production facilities.

The unsourced Channel 13 report said the Iranians were “considering various aggressive acts” against American or American-allied targets. Tehran had looked at targeting American bases in the Gulf, but that had been deemed too drastic. The main target they were interested in was “Saudi oil production facilities,” the TV report said.

Tensions have risen since Trump withdrew America from the 2015 nuclear deal between Iran and world powers, and restored US sanctions that have pushed Iran’s economy into crisis. Last week, Iran warned it would begin enriching uranium at higher levels in 60 days if world powers failed to negotiate new terms for the deal. ... ddle-east/

Psychological warfare, upping the pressure.
Iran is the naughty boy on the block.
So I have got this right? America is demanding that Iran stop behaving like an exceptional nation? I'm only willing to support dealing with Iran after Saudi and Pakistan have been carpet bombed. Its time we stopped acting like cucks got off our knews and stopped grovelling before Jews and Muslims. Our cuck traitor leaders only want to attack Iran to please their Jewish and Sunni Muslim masters.
Rich wrote:Our cuck traitor leaders only want to attack Iran to please their Jewish and Sunni Muslim masters.

Well now, that is an unusual stupid and uninformed thing to say.
The only one in the Region to threaten other countries is Iran.
They have been working on the production of nuclear weapons and have developed a range of ballistic missiles. Iran sponsors several terrorist groups including Hezbollah and Hamas.
The sooner they are cut down to size, the better it will be for everyone including themselves.
check out the Iranian subreddit 90% of users there are against the regime even those who live in Iran

The mullah regime is anti Iranian they are wasting money on terrorism instead of taking care of their people

Iranians dont care about "Palestine" or Syria they just want to live normal quite life and without religious fundamentalism
Frankly, I don't care if it's Iran, "rebels" (rebels=CIA), the Saudis, or Mossad. My guess would be CIA-backed rebels funded by the Saudis, but it's not possible to know at this point. Beware of any "expert" conclusions you hear on the MSM. Those are likely to be propaganda - remember the Skripals.

What I want to know is why Trump, who so bitterly (and correctly) lambasted Trump for the Iraq war is now going down the same road with Iran. A war with Iran will make Iraq look like a walk in the park. What could have possibly possessed Trump to hire Bolton and Pompei? They are the utter opposite of what he promised in his campaign to stop the endless stupid wars in the mideast. And you can bet your bottom dollar they have zero sympathy and zero loyalty to Trump's brand of populism.

If they keep this up, the US is going to get an aircraft carrier sunk. They are insanely vulnerable to submarines and mass missile attacks. To save face, Trump will be forced into an all-out shooting war.

Zionist Nationalist wrote:They wont dare they arent that stupid

You are correct, Iran wouldn't be that stupid. They may be some bad dudes, but they are rational about their self interest. A terrorist strike can't take out a carrier. It would require a stealth submarine attack, mass missile attack, or combination - technical means only available to state payers. Russia or China could do it, but they wouldn't. This leaves Israel. They'd love to sink a US carrier, but they won't unless it's ironclad undetectable.
Actually I dont think trump has any desire for war with Iran but is just making sure they know were not chicken shit.

Iran n korea along with other over the years have a habit of pumping thier chests out and running at the mouth.
N korea isnt backing terriost like iran has . they back hamas the rebels in yemen the plo and others often using them to do thier dirty work.
Iran has major ties to Russia and thats a issue. But turkey and the sausis hate iran .
Iran is well known for wanting to be the big man in the middle east.
But you will see them using thier proxy terrorist to achove thier goals.
Hootie rebels have been using iran made rockets and missles and drones for a long time.
A war with iran would probally be bad for the trump admistration and he knows it.
But he cant be precived as weak by iran or all kinds of crap will break loose
Actually I dont think trump has any desire for war with Iran but is just making sure they know were not chicken shit.

It's actually chickenshit to interfere in the way of life of other countries and how they manage themselves for the past 60 or 70 years, like we have with Iran.

Iran n korea along with other over the years have a habit of pumping thier chests out and running at the mouth.

Yes, sometimes when people are afraid of a big bully, they try to discourage them by making threats against them just like what the big bully is doing, it's totally understandable.

N korea isnt backing terriost like iran has .

North Korea shares missile and nuclear technology with other countries. And it's ''Terrorist''. As far as Iran backing Terrorists, well, the United States backs Terrorists all the time against countries we don't like. When Osama bin Laden was working for us killing Russians in Afghanistan, he was a hero and a freedom fighter, but he turned on us and now he's doing the same things he did against Russians and we call him a Terrorist.

You know the old saying; ''he may be a son of a bitch, but he's our son of a bitch''...

they back hamas


the rebels in yemen

Do you know why they are rebelling? Yemen is one of the poorest countries in the world, and was ruled by a Saudi puppet Dictatorship. The Houthis (which are a kind of Shiite Muslim denomination) led the rebellion against that. They're no more scumbags than our American Founding Fathers and no more a tool of the Iranians (who do help them) than the American Revolutionaries were of the French (who helped us in the American Revolution).

the plo

PLO, stands for Palestinian Liberation Organization.

and others often using them to do thier dirty work.

It's ''Their''. But what ''dirty work'' are these groups doing for Iran, do you think? Hezbollah is more tied to Iran than any bunch you mentioned.

Iran has major ties to Russia and thats a issue.

It should not be an issue, it's dumb that it is.

Let me tell you about Russia, since i've been there and am married to a Russian. Russia is like the Founding Fathers originally wanted the United States to be like, Neutral, doing business with everybody but not messing with everybody's internal affairs. Russia does business with Iran because the Iranians well, pay them money. We could and should be doing more business with Russia, they're great people, smart, and have lots of resources.

But turkey and the sausis hate iran .

Turkey does a lot of business with the Iranians, they don't hate them. The Saudis hate the Iranians because they're afraid of them, and they're afraid of them because how the Saudis treat the minority Shiites that live in Saudi Arabia is terrible, and they are afraid the Iranians well help the Shia rise up against them.

Iran is well known for wanting to be the big man in the middle east.

Iran has always been a regional power in the Middle East, so there's no ''wanting to be the big man in the Middle East'' because they already are. The Israelis and the Saudis can't do whatever they want in the Middle East without wondering what the Iranians will think or do about it. Both Israel and Saudi Arabia have hooked up with Iran before in dealing with common enemies though.

But you will see them using thier proxy terrorist to achove thier goals.

Like who? And when?

And you meant to write; ''but you will see them using their proxy terrorists to achieve their goals''.

Hootie rebels

''Houthi rebels'' not ''Hootie rebels''. You wouldn't like it if someone called you a ''Amurikan'', would you? I try to find out what people call themselves accurately, because it sounds ignorant and insulting if you don't.

have been using iran made rockets and missles and drones for a long time.

Rebels got to get their weapons somewhere, right? So so what? Saudi Arabia gets the weapons to kill the Yemeni rebels from the USA.

A war with iran would probally be bad for the trump admistration and he knows it.

You mean to say;

''A war with Iran would probably be bad for the Trump Administration and he knows it''.

Fact is, a war with Iran would be bad for Iran, US Troops, and a lot of other people everywhere. So it's foolish to want to start a war.

I'm tired of war and killing, American boys fighting and dying for chickenshits who won't do the fighting themselves, aren't you?

But he cant be precived as weak by iran or all kinds of crap will break loose

Bullshit. The strong don't need to prove anything, only weaker bullies do.
first for those who don't wat5ch the news or watch liberal drivel trump has made it plain hes has no plans to send 120000 troops to Iran.
he made it plain if he sent troops there it would be a lot more than 120000.
we sent 1 carrier battle group and we have 11 more mostly front line ships and another 8 smaller of our carrier groups could outfight the entire Iranian air force .Also we have some airforece bomber going there .
Trump has no desire for a war but hes not going to turn his head like Obama and let them do as they please in the region to our allies such as the Saudis Israel and the turks among others.

Iran is like a mad little boy with a big chip on its shoulder that gets other kids such as hootie rebles hamas the plo and others. Iran is the biggest sponsor of terriost in the world . providing funding . Just wanted to make sure anatar who seems to think its chicken shit for America to get involved .

Perhaps in ww2 America was chicken shit for getting involved and saving his family in the past
first for those who don't wat5ch the news or watch liberal drivel trump has made it plain hes has no plans to send 120000 troops to Iran.

We'll see about that.

he made it plain if he sent troops there it would be a lot more than 120000.

He'd need to, Iran has a population of over 82 million people, much larger than Iraq and more rugged territory. It still would be foolish though.

we sent 1 carrier battle group and we have 11 more mostly front line ships and another 8 smaller of our carrier groups could outfight the entire Iranian air force .Also we have some airforece bomber going there .

Iran would give our boys some nasty surprises in the Persian Gulf.

Trump has no desire for a war but hes not going to turn his head like Obama and let them do as they please in the region

It's THEIR region, not ours, are we suddenly the World's Government now, when we can't even govern ourselves much less have reason to tell other nations how to manage their own countries?

to our allies such as the Saudis Israel and the turks among others.

With ''allies'' like those bums, we don't need enemies, they're worse than any enemy could be to America.

Iran is like a mad little boy with a big chip on its shoulder

Sounds like your projecting your own attitude onto another country you know absolutely nothing about at all.

that gets other kids such as hootie rebles hamas the plo and others.

''Gets'' them what? Ice cream? Talk to me when you can express a thought clearly and use it in a complete sentence where you can also spell correctly too.

Iran is the biggest sponsor of terriost in the world .

Do you have a source for that charge; the ''biggest sponsor of terrorists in the world?''

I thought that was the Obama Administration's State Department under Hillary Clinton, when they overthrew Qaddafi in Libya and tried to overthrow Assad in Syria, using Islamic Terrorist Jihadis.

providing funding .

What did the Iranians ''provide funding'' for? When people are trying to go to war with another country, they try to demonize that country's leadership and it's people even, so it's easier to accept bombing and killing them.

Just wanted to make sure anatar who seems to think its chicken shit for America to get involved .

You want to ''make sure'' what exactly? Again, express a complete thought in a complete sentence. It is ''chickenshit'' for us to get involved? Why can't we live as our Founding Fathers intended us to, live in peace with everybody, and if anybody attacks us we defend ourselves? Why can't we go back to that? Can you honestly tell me why?

Perhaps in ww2 America was chicken shit for getting involved and saving his family in the past

With that ignorant and hateful comment, I've lost my patience with you. My American family fought in WW2, grandfathers and great-uncles, because America had been attacked by Imperial Japan, one great uncle spent time in a Japanese POW camp. My wife's family in Russia fought against the German invaders, lost almost all the men in her family. Russia lost 27.6 million of her people fighting 80% of the Axis military in WW2, and everywhere I see military graveyards and monuments to the dead soldiers and the terrible battles.

It's a terrible thing to see America go from helping save the world from Fascism to continually bossing the rest of the world around and meddling in things most of us don't seem to understand.
A good analysis on this topic: The Lunacy Of Waging A War On Iran From Which China And Russia Will Win

Rich wrote:Our cuck traitor leaders only want to attack Iran to please their Jewish and Sunni Muslim masters.

Yep, Neocons/Zionists and Wahabis very much support a U.S. war on Iran, although both seem quite short-sighted insofar as how they'll likely suffer consequences this time around.

Zionist Nationalist wrote:Israel is indeed the biggest sponsor of terrorism such a regime need to be taken down sooner or later

FTFY. :)
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