Is Nancy Pelosi Going to OWN Trump a SECOND Time!? - Politics | PoFo

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So, when it came to the government shutdown, I watched Trump get owned and spanked by Nancy Pelosi. Now, it seems, Nancy Pelosi is doing it AGAIN! For a SECOND TIME! Kellyanne complains that Nancy treats her like a house maid. I think this is hilarious to watch Pelosi kick Trump's ass for a second time in a row. How does it feel Kellyanne and Trump to get your ass kicked not ONCE but TWICE by Nancy Pelosi? I mean, maybe the first time getting beat, people MIGHT think it was a fluke, but TWICE!?

Jeremy Diamond, Dana Bash and Lauren Fox of CNN wrote:Rejecting Pelosi's characterization of his decision to scrap a meeting Wednesday with Democrats because of their continued investigations as a "temper tantrum," Trump accused Democratic officials of being "bad people," referred to Pelosi as "crazy Nancy" and enlisted several White House officials to publicly corroborate his account that he had addressed Democrats calmly -- and not in anger -- the previous day. ... index.html
Trump .....enlisted several White House officials to publicly corroborate his account that he had addressed Democrats calmly -- and not in anger -- the previous day.

And there's the tell: the repeated use of one word, eg "calm". This serves the joint purpose of putting an image of the serene Buddhaesque President Trump into peoples mind's eye, plus it fosters a form of brain washing.
@Zionist Nationalist

Zionist Nationalist wrote:This bitch is crazy

She's frickin' awesome! I love watching her kick Trump's ass! It's funny to watch! I LOVE how she treats Kellyanne too. She really gets to BOTH Trump and Kellyanne. I think Kellyanne and Trump would have made a better couple than Melania and Trump.
Politics_Observer wrote:So, when it came to the government shutdown, I watched Trump get owned and spanked by Nancy Pelosi. Now, it seems, Nancy Pelosi is doing it AGAIN! For a SECOND TIME! Kellyanne complains that Nancy treats her like a house maid. I think this is hilarious to watch Pelosi kick Trump's ass for a second time in a row. How does it feel Kellyanne and Trump to get your ass kicked not ONCE but TWICE by Nancy Pelosi? I mean, maybe the first time getting beat, people MIGHT think it was a fluke, but TWICE!?

I don't see how her antagonizing the President is going to get anything done for the people of this nation.
Pelosi is a very experienced politician. Infinitely more experienced than the president. She is owning him at every turn.

She is going to goad him into another shutdown just in time for the campaign season. Mark my words.
Drlee wrote:She is going to goad him into another shutdown just in time for the campaign season.

Pelosi will be going into campaign season with no legislative accomplishments. Come election day, Trump's electorate will know who is keeping the borders open and wages down. America is a very divided country. The way you and Politics_Observer see it is not the way it is perceived in middle America. Trump is goading AOC and the left toward impeachment, a fight Nancy Pelosi can't win. She will have lost the house twice by her leadership if she continues this way.

Drlee wrote:Pelosi is a very experienced politician. Infinitely more experienced than the president. She is owning him at every turn.

She is going to goad him into another shutdown just in time for the campaign season. Mark my words.

I don't know anything about how business is really truly conducted at the Senate and House of Congress, but it seems Nancy knows and she knows how to get the support she needs from fellow democrats and how to keep them in line and unified. She seems to have complete control of "her house" so to speak as it seems they like to say in the halls of Congress.


blackjack wrote:Pelosi will be going into campaign season with no legislative accomplishments. Come election day, Trump's electorate will know who is keeping the borders open and wages down. America is a very divided country. The way you and Politics_Observer see it is not the way it is perceived in middle America. Trump is goading AOC and the left toward impeachment, a fight Nancy Pelosi can't win. She will have lost the house twice by her leadership if she continues this way.

Yes, but Nancy is a representative for California, NOT middle America. She doesn't answer to the constituents of middle America. She answers to her constituents in California. She also knows that Trump was trying to set a trap to goad Nancy and the democrats to impeach Trump which she kept democrats in line and did not take the bait and go for impeachment. She knew that was a trap set by Trump and was smart enough not to take the bait in the form of provocations by Trump. Yet, it seems that when Nancy set's a trap for Trump, Trump takes the bait and walks right into her traps that she sets. The way Nancy has been owning Trump here lately, before it's all over with, Nancy will be wearing Trump's balls, for her ear-rings.
Politics_Observer wrote:Yes, but Nancy is a representative for California, NOT middle America. She doesn't answer to the constituents of middle America. She answers to her constituents in California.

You are misunderstanding my point. There isn't a snowball's chance in hell that Pelosi's going to lose her seat. She is the leader of the House Democrats. The fractiousness of her coalition will lead others to lose. A lot of the seats they picked up last time was just because of late Republican retirements. They won't hold all of those seats in 2020. If they can't get anything done, they will lose the support of voters. Nancy Pelosi will still be standing, but she may lose the Democratic majority and/or her speakership.

The media is very liberal leaning, but the country is not. Take the abortion debate for example: it's easy to understand Alabama or Mississippi outlawing abortion. How about Missouri or Ohio? People in middle America are far more culturally conservative than the media would have you believe. Liberals love to bash places like Alabama and Mississippi, but they need places like Missouri and Ohio to win presidential elections. They are not going to appreciate Nancy Pelosi's efforts to allow illegal aliens to flood into the United States. That she's blowing up a needed infrastructure initiative in view of all the other unneeded spending going on isn't something voters will appreciate either, but it will give Joe Scarborough a hard-on which he'll gladly rub against Mika Brzezinksi on live TV to the delight of his leftist audience. Leftist voters are blind to that sort of thing, which is why they went into election day 2016 thinking Hillary had it in the bag.

Politics_Observer wrote:She also knows that Trump was trying to set a trap to goad Nancy and the democrats to impeach Trump which she kept democrats in line and did not take the bait and go for impeachment. She knew that was a trap set by Trump and was smart enough not to take the bait in the form of provocations by Trump.

Trump is roiling factions in the House Democratic caucus. He will beat an impeachment charge, and he knows that already. Nancy is having a hell of a time keeping AOC and her ilk in line. Trump is not trying to goad Nancy. He's goading AOC and her ilk to divide the Democratic caucus, making life difficult for Nancy. AOC and her ilk think that impeaching Trump would be a good thing. It might please people in the Bronx, but it will cause the Democrats to lose the house. Nancy has to care about that. I don't think AOC is smart enough to understand the implications of her actions--she didn't even understand the tax incentives to Amazon, and thought NYC was writing Amazon a $3B check. You have to hand it to AOC for having the balls to get into the race and then win a house seat. However, without the aid of her backers, AOC is as dumb as a fence post.

Politics_Observer wrote:Yet, it seems that when Nancy set's a trap for Trump, Trump takes the bait and walks right into her traps that she sets. The way Nancy has been owning Trump here lately, before it's all over with, Nancy will be wearing Trump's balls, for her ear-rings.

House speakers typically do not own presidents. Watch how that plays out in November next year. Media kerfuffles are typically meaningless.
Pelosi will be going into campaign season with no legislative accomplishments. Come election day, Trump's electorate will know who is keeping the borders open and wages down. America is a very divided country. The way you and Politics_Observer see it is not the way it is perceived in middle America. Trump is goading AOC and the left toward impeachment, a fight Nancy Pelosi can't win. She will have lost the house twice by her leadership if she continues this way.

The last thing she needs is legislative accomplishments. That is not why the democrats were swept into power. She is there to thwart Trump and point out each and every one of his failings.

But I like this post of yours because it clearly points out the strategy that Trump and the republicans will use in the next election cycle. I want everyone to notice how, for only one reason, Blackjack21 mentioned Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Why did he do it? Because she energizes the far right, which is the only "base" the republicans have left. The republican strategy will be to do this time and again. They will not speak of issues at all. (Save the wall.) They will speak about Nancy Pelosi and AOC; true boogeywomen to the far right. They could not be better to energize racist and misogynist male voters and their pro-life stance will hold off defections by evangelical women.

Will Pelosi lose the house? I don't think so. She will hold it by picking off Trumps folks in the courts. Though it is a close call, my opinion is that Trumps refusing to let his folks testify is a loser. The reason I tilt that way is that it allows Pelosi to stall for time in the hearings and avoid the calls for impeachment. (Which she knows is a loser.) Far better to keep up the "Trump is a crook and we all know it" narrative. A master stroke will be when Trump is indited by New York State a few months before the election. The idea that a president could be in office knowing that he will stand trial when he leaves office is a powerful campaign tool. "From the Whitehouse to the Big House" will be a real winner. They have to wait until the last couple of months before the election though or the republicans will have a "savior" candidate with a powerful message.

Pelosi will give Trump a budget with stuff everyone wants and the poison pill of de-funding the wall. In order to vote against it republican senators will have to vote against very popular programs in their states. She won't do it now but on the CR close to the election she will de-fund the wall. Not directly but by a rider that disallows transfer of defense funds to "other projects" without congressional approval. This will force Trump to shut down the government again. And he will have to own it. And the people won't like it. In another master stroke she could go after the billions in aid for farmers to offset the problems with the absurd tariffs. Without that aid, Trump support in farm states is toast. It would have to be very carefully finessed lest she suffer the consequences herself.

So Pelosi is holding very strong cards. Will Trump be reelected? Right now it is a real fine line. I am leaning, no for the moment but that could change.

The economy is roaring but Trump is stumbling. He has rolled some big dice with China and I fear underestimated China's ability to absorb his shots at them. Interesting how China, not Russia, is the big dog here. They can roll with this and hurt Trump very badly while having the perfect foil to excuse a shrinking economy with their 1.5 billion people. They also hold over a trillion dollars in US debt which allows them to control the value of the dollar as long as they don't overplay their hand. If they sold the dollars they owned they could slam our economy very hard indeed and even collapse international markets pegged to a dollar with rapidly falling value. But this is a two edged sword. It would cause their currency to rise and make them less competitive. Just the rumor that they might sell US debt near the election could cause the dollar to tank and consumer prices and interest in the US to rise rapidly. No sneaking ads about it. China carries really big guns.

So I have modified my prediction. Biden beats Trump handily. Warren also has the edge. (Fox News Polls this week show several democratic candidates winning.) But Biden is the guy Trump does not want to run against. He is a moderate-leaning conservative and not at all afraid to publicly take Trump to the woodshed. He is "middle class Joe" and very outspoken. His dad was a used car salesman. This will play very well in ads against the "rich kid who inherited all of his wealth".

And then there are women. They could hand the who shebang to democrats this time. They won't. They are squandering their power by going off on the me-too tangent. If someone can energize them it is a whole new ball game. I don't see that happening.

But thanks to Blackjack for clearly illustrating the republican strategy to all here. It may well be a winning one.
Drlee wrote:Because she energizes the far right, which is the only "base" the republicans have left.

The electorate is bigger than the Republicans. In fact, the largest voting bloc in America now is independent voters like me. AOC energizes Wall Street and Main Street, because she is a socialist and the policies she proposes would likely bankrupt the country. Nancy Pelosi herself opposes AOC. Pelosi's comment that "the US is capitalist and that's just the way it is" reflects the ideological split among the House Democrats right now.

Drlee wrote:They will not speak of issues at all. (Save the wall.)

Trump overcame the establishment on two, or arguably three issues: illegal immigration, trade, and arguably political correctness, the latter of which isn't an official policy. Take trade:

Tariffs of 25% are a game changer for China. In the above video, Winston Sterzel gives the anecdote of how Chinese manufacturers get subsidized shipping to the US. He found this out on his first attempt to drop ship t-shirts to the US from China. A 25% tariff tends to wipe out the "free shipping" effect of Chinese goods. It's not going to be trivial. We will see the effects of this in the next six months. I expect stocks will sell off a bit next week, rally to new highs, and then I expect a stock market downdraft as the China tariffs kick in. I expect no-deal Brexit will spook the markets too. AOC is not going to be a front-and-center news story. She is just window dressing for slow news days. Trump is simply exploiting the fractiousness in the Democratic party, which is not unlike the Tea Party that prevailed over the Republican establishment in 2016. The Democratic establishment is facing similar headwinds.

Drlee wrote:Will Pelosi lose the house? I don't think so. She will hold it by picking off Trumps folks in the courts.

Who do you think she could "pick off" in the courts? Every single house seat is up for re-election every two years. Courts generally don't swing congressional house races.

Drlee wrote:A master stroke will be when Trump is indited{sic} by New York State a few months before the election.

As I said, October surprises are no longer a surprise. The electorate is hip to that drill. They didn't even care about "grab 'em by the pussy" straight from Trump's mouth. Trump declassifying everything is already undermining the opposition. This type of attack would work against Mitt Romney, because Romney would never hit back. Trump is calling it a "coup," which is effectively what it is since they cannot put together a prosecution on the merits.

Drlee wrote:This will force Trump to shut down the government again. And he will have to own it. And the people won't like it.

The press and the establishment don't like it. Most people have no problem with a shutdown. I always cheer a shutdown. It never bothers me a bit. Didn't bother me when Obama did it either.

Drlee wrote:In another master stroke she could go after the billions in aid for farmers to offset the problems with the absurd tariffs. Without that aid, Trump support in farm states is toast. It would have to be very carefully finessed lest she suffer the consequences herself.

The problem with low grain prices has little to do with tariffs and a lot to do with overproduction, and the aid is going to help large agribusinesses with powerful lobbying connections. Like I said, Pelosi is not going to lose her seat, but she may lose the House majority and thereby her speakership.

Drlee wrote:Right now it is a real fine line. I am leaning, no for the moment but that could change.

It is going to look much worse for Trump in about six months. It looked horrible for Reagan in 1983, too. You're old enough to remember. You will be waxing victory by September/October of this year like you did in 2015. It's a long way to November.

Drlee wrote:If they sold the dollars they owned they could slam our economy very hard indeed and even collapse international markets pegged to a dollar with rapidly falling value.

You are picking this up from people who don't understand economics. If the Chinese sell off dollars, it will have a short term effect on the dollar against the Yuan, which would destroy China's ability to export to the United States. It would have a temporary increase in short-term interest rates, which could spark a recession in 18-months time--about average for an inverted yield curve. If they don't do that within the next three months--and I'm betting they won't--it will be too late for them to try to impact Trump that way.

Drlee wrote:Biden beats Trump handily. Warren also has the edge. (Fox News Polls this week show several democratic candidates winning.)

They had Hillary winning too. The psyops have already started on PoFo as well.

Drlee wrote:But Biden is the guy Trump does not want to run against. He is a moderate-leaning conservative and not at all afraid to publicly take Trump to the woodshed.

Trump is not Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney or John McCain. Trump is not bed buddies with his supposed "political opposition." Trump will hit Biden hard. Biden's son set up a hedge fund with no prior experience, and raised a billion dollars from the Chinese on a trip there with his father while daddy was VP. What do you think? Beginner's luck? You like to tag Donald Trump, Jr. Yet, Biden getting a prosecutor investigating his son fired will be well known by election day. The fact that he's beholden to China and sold out blue collar workers with his votes on trade will be front and center.

We also don't know yet if Howard Schultz will jump into the race. That's a pretty significant wild card.

Drlee wrote:And then there are women. They could hand the who shebang to democrats this time.

Women aren't blacks. They don't vote as a bloc. Heck, the governor of Alabama who signed the abortion ban was a woman.

Drlee wrote:They are squandering their power by going off on the me-too tangent.

There is no "they," because they don't vote as a bloc. Black voters squander their power by voting always for the Democrats. With districts gerrymandered for them, they could form their own urban black party and force either the Democrats or Republicans into coalition governments to get what THEY want, rather than just having a seat at the table and settling for scraps. Yet, blacks have never done this in spite of voting as a bloc. For women, this isn't a possibility, because they do not have uniform political views.
Well most of that is just deliberate trolling. I will address this:

Who do you think she could "pick off" in the courts? Every single house seat is up for re-election every two years. Courts generally don't swing congressional house races.

Not congressmen. His cabinet people and former lawyers. Executive privilege will only go so far.

You are wrong about China's ability to tank our economy quickly.

Point: Biden's dream is for Trump to go after his son. He will pivot that to his dead son and Trumpites are not smart enough to parse the difference.

But your main point is independents. Democrats will ALL vote against Trump and Republicans will ALL vote FOR him. Gerrymandering makes that a powerful vote. But at the end of the day, as far as independents are concerned, Biden will be the better and more palatable choice. This will come down to who votes against Trump not who votes for him. At some point 3+ years of Trump's own words will come home to roost.

On edit. Thanks for correcting my spelling. I will refrain from mentioning the six grammatical errors in your post. It just muddies the water and is a poor debate technique. Right?
Drlee wrote:Pelosi is a very experienced politician. Infinitely more experienced than the president. She is owning him at every turn.

She is going to goad him into another shutdown just in time for the campaign season. Mark my words.

It appears to me that the extremist of the Democrat Party is owning Pelosi.
Politics_Observer wrote:I mean, I got nothing but astonished respect for Nancy. You know the red coat and the sunglasses after owning Trump. She's a true a gangster!

I think Nancy is losing it. Nancy needs Trump's signature to get anything done, so how is that owning him? Trump said, "No infrastructure deal until they stop the investigations." That seems more like Trump owning Pelosi to me.
I think Nancy is losing it. Nancy needs Trump's signature to get anything done, so how is that owning him? Trump said, "No infrastructure deal until they stop the investigations." That seems more like Trump owning Pelosi to me.

IF Trump is innocent as he claims to be he has no reason to complain. In fact he should be happy that the are wasting their time on this.
Drlee wrote:IF Trump is innocent as he claims to be he has no reason to complain. In fact he should be happy that the are wasting their time on this.

Innocent people can also be harassed.
I have the impression that both sides in this fight are trying to outdo each other and nobody has the interests of the country at heart.

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