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Rancid wrote:I recall listening to a podcast about the differences between rightist and leftist. Basically, rightest respond more strongly to fear. Your line of responses really lines up with that point. It's very interesting. Leftist tend to respond stronger to optimism. This is why at conservative political rallies, there's always a lot of talk of fearful things. Like, they're coming to take our rights, they're taking our jobs, etc. etc. This works well to rally these people. If you look at left political rallies, there's a lot of optimistic talk, because this rallies these types of people. A lot of it is actually tied to our genes. Anyway, that was just a side note.

Spare me the left racialist pseudo-science. I have heard it all before...


SolarCross wrote:The left love race science when the races in question are leftwingers and rightwingers. Then they enthusiastically come up with all sorts of completely unbiased studies proving the rightwing race is intellectually inferior to the naturally superior leftwing race.

One recent study by leftwingers to prove the innate stupidity of rightwingers had the following brilliant method:

First they asked chimpanzees to list all the Noam Chomsky books they had read. Then they went to a school for the mentally impaired, a well known spawning ground for rightwingers as every leftwinger knows, to ask all the right wingers there how many Noam Chomsky books they had read. In both cases the answer was none. This establishes that rightwingers have an intelligence equivalent to that of a chimpanzee. From there leftwing professors were able to discover the average cranium size of rightwingers by measuring the craniums of the chimpanzees.

The next step was to demonstrate not just that rightwingers were as stupid as chimpanzees but also to show by just how much the pure egalitarian leftwing race are superior to the rightwing race. So they measured their own craniums.

Obviously they had to add a few inches to these measurements to compensate for the notorious inaccuracy of tape measures. Inaccurate because they are all probably invented by stupid rightwingers as evidenced by all the stupid numbers on them.

They then compared their cranium sizes with the cranium sizes of rightwingers as found by measuring chimpanzees. And right there was the conclusive proof that leftwingers are like lots smarter than rightwingers because the leftwingers had craniums sizes a few inches larger. :excited:
SolarCross wrote:Spare me the left racialist pseudo-science. I have heard it all before...

What in that quote said anything around racism/racialism? Further, I didn't even suggest that conservatives are better than liberals. I just stated some research, and that you appear to line up with it. A lot of the pofo leftist also line up with the point I made.

The point you should be taking from this is that we need to recognize how we respond to information. Because this allows us to remove emotion and use logic. That's it, that's all.

The same is true for leftists. I think responding strongly to messages of optimism and hope only can also be destructive, just as much as responding to strongly to messages of fear.

Side note, everyone is a little bit racist.

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