Antifa again demonstrates its undemocratic nature - Page 12 - Politics | PoFo

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Sivad wrote:
What nazi talking points have I ever parrotted? :knife:

You might be a little confused as to why @SpecialOlympian keeps writing that. But you need to understand the position he is in.

See, if he doesn’t tow the Antifa line, those weedy white middle class blowhards will beat him up just like they do any other minority that doesn’t accept their place in Antifa’s racial hierarchy.

We should ask @SpecialOlympian to blink in Morse code if he is in danger and being held hostage.
foxdemon wrote:See, if he doesn’t tow the Antifa line, those weedy white middle class blowhards will beat him up just like they do any other minority that doesn’t accept their place in Antifa’s racial hierarchy.

It's already turned into a retarded inquisition so anyone who isn't militant enough is accused of crypto-fascism and targeted for harassment. :knife: That's the difference between a militant and a radical, militants are generally braindead fanatics who don't have the first clue about where or how to direct their energy and they always serve as useful idiots for power.
SpecialOlympian wrote:It is so incredibly cute how a widdle baby fash such as yourself jokes about how antifa is incredibly strong and in control of every aspect of reality but also, somehow, weak and waiting to be purged.

foxdemon is double thinking at an accelerated level.

It’s OK. We got your code message.

Sivad wrote:
It's already turned into a retarded inquisition so anyone who isn't militant enough is accused of crypto-fascism and targeted for harassment. :knife: That's the difference between a militant and a radical, militants are generally braindead fanatics who don't have the first clue about where or how to direct their energy and they always serve as useful idiots for power.

It is remarkable that they claim to be commies but their funding comes from the global plutocracy.
Pants-of-dog wrote:You continue to make mistakes based on your misunderstanding.

And you have wandered far away from supporting your claim that antifa are a threat to anyone.

They're certainly a threat to Ngo.

And if you're going to adopt the position that they don't attack people, you'll make yourself look foolish. They do, and videos have been presented which demonstrate that...

The vast majority of journalists who record antifa do so without any problem, so it is incorrect to argue that they attack journalists,

The "majority" is not all. They attack anyone who they think may paint them in a bad light...

So, it would be illogical to designate them as terrorists or think they are a realistic threat to this conference supporting racism.

These antifa pieces of shit are a threat to anyone they encounter...
Palmyrene wrote:@BigSteve

You totally unlike how groups of cops tackle an innocent and defenseless black male?

Or how groups of cops gang rape women they're supposed to protect?

Or how cops abuse their authority to do other inhumane things?

Pants-of-dog wrote:Antifa are actually unimportant.

They are not terrorists.

They are not some Pied Piper of the Left dragging all Anglo leftists into some fantasy.

They are simply young men looking for conflict in the way young men do.

They are not organised, they have no strategy, their tactics are crude and predictable. They are exactly what you expect if all it takes to join is to go to a protest wearing black and a mask.

So you admit that they're likely to be antagonistic. They go out looking for conflict. It's a safe bet, at least for anyone whose IQ exceeds their shoe size, that if antifa doesn't find the conflict they seek that they may well create it...
Pants-of-dog wrote:My point was that Ngo cannot be simultaneously the only victim of antifa violence and the reporter covering said violence.

He’s not the onl victim.

All he is doing is getting them to hit him and filming it. It is not a good indicator that antifa is a terrorist group.

If you cannot prove your claim that Ngo is ‘getting them to hit him’ then I’ll have to dismiss that claim.

So, all violent hate crimes are now terrorism. That is what you are arguing.

Er, no, all political violence in the name of an ideology is terrorism.
Sivad wrote:It's already turned into a retarded inquisition so anyone who isn't militant enough is accused of crypto-fascism and targeted for harassment. :knife: That's the difference between a militant and a radical, militants are generally braindead fanatics who don't have the first clue about where or how to direct their energy and they always serve as useful idiots for power.

Agreeing with Maz and repeating what he says is repeating nazi talking points. Congratulations on becoming so woke that you find yourself in agreement with a white nationalist.

This isn't a stopped clock situation you are just in agreement with a guy who watches hour long YouTubes starring the guy who runs the daily stormer. This should cause you to reflect on your position but I'm sure you'll trudge on and find a way to continue being angry at your vague definition of liberals.
BigSteve wrote:They're certainly a threat to Ngo.

No. He can literally be surrounded by antifa and egging them on and all he will get is a few cuts and bruises.

Heather Heyer was not as safe when she happened to he close to a white supremacist, and was not even surrounded vy them.

By this logic, all the hate groups are terrorists.

And if you're going to adopt the position that they don't attack people, you'll make yourself look foolish. They do, and videos have been presented which demonstrate that...

The "majority" is not all. They attack anyone who they think may paint them in a bad light...

These antifa meanies are a threat to anyone they encounter...

No. The only evidence you have is of Ngo.

If you have evidence of anyone else, please present it.

At this rate, it seems like you are working yourself into being scared of these people for some reason. Do you what them arrested and silenced?

BigSteve wrote:So you admit that they're likely to be antagonistic. They go out looking for conflict. It's a safe bet, at least for anyone whose IQ exceeds their shoe size, that if antifa doesn't find the conflict they seek that they may well create it...

And so young men looking for trouble are a terrorist threat that people logically can assume are making viable death threats to people.

Are you honestly arguing that all males between the ages of 14 and 27 are violent terrorists?

Aexodus wrote:He’s not the onl victim.

When I asked for evidence that antifa has a history if violence that would make it reasonable to assume they would threaten the racism conference, all of you only mentioned Ngo.

If you cannot prove your claim that Ngo is ‘getting them to hit him’ then I’ll have to dismiss that claim.

Go ahead.

At this point, I have already dismissed the claim that antifa threatened the conference.

I have also dismissed the claim that this is an anti-racism conference. It seems more like a pro-racism conference.

Er, no, all political violence in the name of an ideology is terrorism.

Again, this definition of terrorism is too broad and would result in, for example, soldiers being terrorists.
Man, who is the bad guy in this situation? Antifa, or the guy whose living is based on selling edited outrage porn that makes antifa look like the bad guy?

I know who I side with in this: the one who marches with nazis (it's antifa, I side with antifa, the real nazis).
Doug64 has done this same shit before. He also thought the Charlottesville nazis were genuinely there to celebrate free speech, which was just a cover story for their nazi march.

He's either a sympathizer, a gullible rube, or both. It takes a big, good, thinky brain to look at the nazis, marching in support of an ideology that is inherently violent and undemocratic, and pearl clutch about how they're the victims in all this.
Again, this definition of terrorism is too broad and would result in, for example, soldiers being terrorists.

When do soldiers commit politically motivated violence?

I’ll paste the USA code of federal regulations definition again.
the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives
Aexodus wrote:When do soldiers commit politically motivated violence?

I support apolitical war. Why can't war just be about killing for no readily apparent reason?

I proudly tie a yellow ribbon round the old oak tree in support of our boys, fighting the fight over there, killing people for literally no reason with no goal or idea of what victory looks like aside from a pile of skulls. I just like the idea that our nation's youths are out there killing people.
Pants-of-dog wrote:No. He can literally be surrounded by antifa and egging them on and all he will get is a few cuts and bruises.

He had to go to hospital. That sort of violence can result in fatalities. If Antifa were as harmless as you are trying to claim, Andy Ngo should have been able to walk right through the crowd without issues.

Heather Heyer was not as safe when she happened to he close to a white supremacist, and was not even surrounded vy them.

By this logic, all the hate groups are terrorists.

No. The only evidence you have is of Ngo.

If you have evidence of anyone else, please present it.

August 2017: Independent journalist Keith Campbell beaten by Antifa in Berkeley, CA.
August 2017: CBS photojournalists attacked by Antifa; required stitches in his head.
August 2017: Female reporter, Taylor Lorenz, allegedly punched by Antifa.
August 2017: Journalist shoved and robbed by Antifa in San Francisco.
June 2017: Antifa attacked Herald Sun columnist Andrew Bolt in Melbourne Australia.
July 2017: Independent journalist Luke Rudkowski beaten by Antifa at G20.
July 2017: journalist Marcus J. DiPaola beaten by Antifa at G20.
July 2017: journalist Max Bachmann beaten by Antifa at G20
August 2017: Rebel Media’s Jack Posobiec assaulted by Antifa in DC.
August 2017: Global News crew assaulted by Antifa in Quebec.
April 2017: Daily Caller cameraman assaulted by Antifa in DC
August 2018: NBC News cameraman shoved around by Antifa in Virginia.
August 2018: Same NBC News crew attacked again by Antifa.
November 2018: Journalist Andy Ngo assaulted by Antifa in Portland.


A 2017 timeline. Why do Antifa attack gays and trans people so much? Possibly because they are weedy white middle class blowhards that can’t beat up anyone stronger? This also explains why they haven’t killed anyone yet, though not for want of trying.

These are both right wing sources though. There doesn’t seem to be any neutral source. The ADL comes closest, and they condemn Antifa violence.

When I asked for evidence that antifa has a history if violence that would make it reasonable to assume they would threaten the racism conference, all of you only mentioned Ngo

They have threatened to lock everyone inside and burn the place down.

At this point, I have already dismissed the claim that antifa threatened the conference.

Only in your own mind.

I have also dismissed the claim that this is an anti-racism conference. It seems more like a pro-racism conference.

No you haven’t. I am still waiting for you to demonstrate the conference attendees have anything to do with far right ethno-supremacists or ecofacists.
Pants-of-dog wrote:When they fight in war.

All actions during wartime by legal and properly uniformed combatants fall outside the definition of terrorism.

Thanks. Now, I assume you think antifa is guilty of this. Is that correct?

That is correct, judging by their own desire to ‘fight’ fascism with their fists.

SpecialOlympian wrote:I support apolitical war. Why can't war just be about killing for no readily apparent reason?

I proudly tie a yellow ribbon round the old oak tree in support of our boys, fighting the fight over there, killing people for literally no reason with no goal or idea of what victory looks like aside from a pile of skulls. I just like the idea that our nation's youths are out there killing people.

Warfare is not terrorism. Secondly, when soldiers fight in a war it’s not politically motivated per se anyway.
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