6th-Grade Black Girl Says She Lied About 3 White Boys Cutting Her Dreadlocks - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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This was a pretty big story over the weekend in the media and on Black Twitter, which read on a daily basis.

Girl admits she made up allegations about boys pinning her down, cutting her dreadlocks

A 12-year-old girl who accused three sixth-grade boys of pinning her down and cutting her dreadlocks has admitted to school officials she was not attacked and cut her own hair, her family's attorney and the school said.

A sixth-grade girl at Immanuel Christian School in Springfield, Virginia, said three white classmates ambushed her on the playground last week and used scissors to cut off some of her dreadlocks while telling her her hair was "nappy" and "ugly."

She and her family met with school officials Monday morning to apologize.

The girl maintains she has been the victim of bullying, her family's attorney said. The family is seeking counseling for the girl.


FAIRFAX, Va. – The Fairfax County NAACP, along with much of the nation, was outraged at the reported attack on Amari Allen at Immanuel Christian School in Springfield, Va., last week. We take every allegation of racial violence seriously and we treated this incident the same. Regrettably, in this instance, the reported assault turned out to be false, and the Allen family is working with the school to achieve a resolution. We would like to thank the Fairfax County Police for their quick action in opening an investigation into the matter, and to the school for being forthcoming and open throughout this process.

Amari is not a public figure. She is a young girl who made a mistake, and we are asking everyone, supporters and critics alike, to please respect the family’s privacy at this time. Her family has released a statement to the Washington Post apologizing to the other students she accused, and her school, and the community.

Too often in these rare instances of fabricated hate crimes, critics use a broad brush to claim racially motivated crimes are virtually non-existent. This is demonstrably wrong. Data from numerous sources, including the Anti-Defamation League, the FBI, and the Justice Department, shows bias motivated crimes are on the rise, year over year. The fact is that these type of fabrications are isolated incidents, but the public and media has a tendency to sensationalize falsifications over the thousands of real hate crimes reported every year.

The Fairfax NAACP remains committed to the ongoing conversation around race in our community, and stands prepared to assist victims seeking justice.
Finfinder wrote:It's probably what she was taught.

This seems too vague even for speculation as a motive though.
And what is it that they're teaching exactly? Because it doesn't come readily to mind that anyone is taught to make false accusations.

For example, with some false accusations it can be motivated by revenge or the need of an alibi for something they don't want known.
So in the article could speculate that she wanted revenge on her bullies as it states that she maintains that she is being bullied, although the article doesn't assert that she says that those she falsely accused bully here.
Or she might've cut the dreads impulsively and then felt she would get in trouble with her parents or something and in an effort to avoid admitting her impulsiveness, taking responsibility for her own behaviour, made up a story to cover for it which got more out of hand than she might've expected.

EDIT: I laughed at the Jussie Smollett comment XD If there's something to learn from that, it would be not to lie Haha
Finfinder wrote:It's probably what she was taught. What is the saying, " it takes a liberal village to raise a lying libtard"?

Maybe her parents let her watch Empire and Jussie Smollett.

I believe that in today's world in the U.S. that Black children are taught racism much more than White children were in the old days. If a Black person has some problem today, they usually blame the cause on racism. Even many liberals, regardless of the color of their skin, will call someone, who has a different opinion, a racist just for openly disagreeing with them.
Wellsy wrote:This seems too vague even for speculation as a motive though.
And what is it that they're teaching exactly? Because it doesn't come readily to mind that anyone is taught to make false accusations.

For example, with some false accusations it can be motivated by revenge or the need of an alibi for something they don't want known.
So in the article could speculate that she wanted revenge on her bullies as it states that she maintains that she is being bullied, although the article doesn't assert that she says that those she falsely accused bully here.
Or she might've cut the dreads impulsively and then felt she would get in trouble with her parents or something and in an effort to avoid admitting her impulsiveness, taking responsibility for her own behaviour, made up a story to cover for it which got more out of hand than she might've expected.

EDIT: I laughed at the Jussie Smollett comment XD If there's something to learn from that, it would be not to lie Haha

Vague ? She is like 11 or 12 years old what else do you need to know? All she needs to do is listen to the shit liberal teachers spew everyday in the classroom and the news. Who knows about the parents. Not taught to make false accusations? Jussie Smollett got a free pass, the district attorney lied and covered for for him, if that is not teaching kids what is wrong than what is?

Wellsy wrote:For example, with some false accusations it can be motivated by revenge or the need of an alibi for something they don't want known.
So in the article could speculate that she wanted revenge on her bullies as it states that she maintains that she is being bullied, although the article doesn't assert that she says that those she falsely accused bully here.
Or she might've cut the dreads impulsively and then felt she would get in trouble with her parents or something and in an effort to avoid admitting her impulsiveness, taking responsibility for her own behaviour, made up a story to cover for it which got more out of hand than she might've expected.

EDIT: I laughed at the Jussie Smollett comment XD If there's something to learn from that, it would be not to lie Haha

This is so ironic. Really what the lesson this girl learned was, yes lie your ass off it's not a bad thing to lie for your cause, getting caught is bad, but that's not the end of the world, because there is plenty of liberal apologists out there to support you.

For a second I thought I was still on the Ukraine thread. LOL

Is so true, liberals can't win at anything unless they lie,cheat, or rig the system.
Last edited by Finfinder on 30 Sep 2019 21:34, edited 2 times in total.
Wellsy wrote:Wonder what her motive for lying was.

Well don't wait for the media to provide any explanation. They are only there to throw gasoline on top of any story that has any sort of racial aspect to it because that appears to be a sure fire way to generate ad revenue while trying to ruin people's lives. It's a win win situation for them.

It is my opinion that the girl is just not adjusting well to the school, and it may be that her classmates are mostly white. It's worth noting that her grandparents are raising her and not her biological parents.

It is also noteworthy that this just happens to be where Vice President's wife teaches. The media and LGBT groups have previously attacked this very school this year- Mike Pence defends wife’s teaching job at anti-LGBTQ school in Virginia, accuses media of ‘attacking Christian education’.

There's no evidence that this hate hoax has to do with the vice president, but it does explain why the media was eager to run with this story.
Hindsite wrote:Maybe forced to grow back her hair and braid it in dreadlocks to be worn until she graduates from high school for a start. Anymore suggestions? :lol:

My suggestion would be something a long the lines of making her do some amount of community service hours.
The girl maintains she has been the victim of bullying, her family's attorney said. The family is seeking counseling for the girl.

Probably she was verbally bullied by the boys but she didn't have the evidence. To prove it, she made up the incident to go after the bullies. There was a Kurdish refugee girl who was constantly bullied by her schoolmates in Japan and she secretly recorded what a boy said to her about her elongated nose by her cellphone. The black girl was not so smart but the use of cellphones is the most effective nowadays to get the incriminating evidence.
Rancid wrote:My suggestion would be something a long the lines of making her do some amount of community service hours.

She lied to the police, which is a pretty serious crime I think. I don't know how the law applies to children but it doesn't look like she is going to face penalties at all.

In my town, I have seen kids, not much older than her who were caught stealing or something and they were made to stand on the corner of a busy intersection with a sign that they committed whatever crime.

I think this would be a very appropriate punishment for the girl. We also need to make the media be held accountable in some way as well. They can't be allowed to continue to keep pushing this fake stories trying and ruin people's lives.
ThirdTerm wrote:Probably she was verbally bullied by the boys but she didn't have the evidence. To prove it, she made up the incident to go after the bullies. There was a Kurdish refugee girl who was constantly bullied by her schoolmates in Japan and she secretly recorded what a boy said to her about her elongated nose by her cellphone. The black girl was not so smart but the use of cellphones is the most effective nowadays to get the incriminating evidence.

This is the societal problem just STOP making excuses for her. Take the punishment and move on. Everyone gets bullied at some point in their lives.
Finfinder wrote:Vague ? She is like 11 or 12 years old what else do you need to know? All she needs to do is listen to the shit liberal teachers spew everyday in the classroom and the news. Who knows about the parents. Not taught to make false accusations? Jussie Smollett got a free pass, the district attorney lied and covered for for him, if that is not teaching kids what is wrong than what is?

What makes you think teachers are doing that at this school?
I don't think the school has a reputation that neatly fits into even this crude characterization.
We see in the the next post by maz how the school is characterized as anti-lgbtq.
Doesn't sound a bastion of the sort of liberals you suspect.
And why should this example necessarily be causal in the case of this girls false accusations?
The mere associations of race and false accusation doesn't explain this case.
A lot of things can be quite similar if not the same yet be independent of one another.
Finfinder wrote:This is the societal problem just STOP making excuses for her. Take the punishment and move on. Everyone gets bullied at some point in their lives.

I don't think the point about bullying makes an excuse as much as it attempts to explain motive as I did earlier.
One can still be responsbile for one's misdeeds whilst the explanation of those misdeeds are based in some other wrong.
But true to the saying, two wrongs don't make a right, her wrong isn't negated by mention of any wrong done to her.

This is so ironic. Really what the lesson this girl learned was, yes lie your ass off it's not a bad thing to lie for your cause, getting caught is bad, but that's not the end of the world, because there is plenty of liberal apologists out there to support you.

For a second I thought I was still on the Ukraine thread. LOL

Is so true, liberals can't win at anything unless they lie,cheat, or rig the system.

And what is her cause? This is pretty much what I touched upon in asking what was her motive.
You seem to be pressing it into a straitjacket of some political agenda where this could be more readily explained by the girls personal circumstance and probable influences upon her life than any reference to political ideology which may be applicable to media commentators but isn't apparent in regards to the actual situation of the girl.
maz wrote:
She lied to the police, which is a pretty serious crime I think. I don't know how the law applies to children but it doesn't look like she is going to face penalties at all.

In my town, I have seen kids, not much older than her who were caught stealing or something and they were made to stand on the corner of a busy intersection with a sign that they committed whatever crime.

I think this would be a very appropriate punishment for the girl. We also need to make the media be held accountable in some way as well. They can't be allowed to continue to keep pushing this fake stories trying and ruin people's lives.

She's a 12 year old. I think community service is good enough in terms of criminal punishment. You want her to do hard prison time? What does that accomplish?

If someone's life was ruined by this, they can pursue a civil law suit.
Hindsite wrote:Yeah, she could do that too. Anything else?

Dunno, at some point it just becomes too punitive. You have to be careful not to take out your frustrations with society at large on a 12 year old.

By the way, I don't think she should be made to grow her dredlocks and keep them through high school or whatever. Gimmick punishments are stupid.
Rancid wrote:Dunno, at some point it just becomes too punitive. You have to be careful not to take out your frustrations with society at large on a 12 year old.

By the way, I don't think she should be made to grow her dredlocks and keep them through high school or whatever. Gimmick punishments are stupid.

Yeah, I was just joking about that. Considering her age, I don't think anyone will bother anymore with it.
Rancid wrote:She's a 12 year old. I think community service is good enough in terms of criminal punishment. You want her to do hard prison time? What does that accomplish?

Where did I say hard prison time :?:

I said that she could be made to stand out on the corner of a busy intersection with a sign saying that she lied to police and falsely claiming to have been a victim.

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