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By Potemkin
ingliz wrote:Research suggests English offcomers swung the vote. The Welsh voted Remain.


Yes. That's exactly what I meant. Lol. :)
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By JohnRawls
Potemkin wrote:Yes. That's exactly what I meant. Lol. :)

Facts suggest that not allowing people abroad and specifically british citizens in the EU vote swung the vote. Otherwise there wouldn't have been a Brexit.
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By Beren
Ter wrote:Were EU citizens resident in the UK allowed to vote in the referendum ?

I googled your question.

Wikipedia wrote:Residents of the United Kingdom who were citizens of other EU countries were not allowed to vote unless they were citizens (or were also citizens) of the Republic of Ireland, of Malta, or of the Republic of Cyprus.
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By Ter
Beren wrote:I googled your question.

Thank you.

I do not see the logic of residents with those nationalities having a vote in the referendum though.
Ireland ?
Cyprus ?
I wonder how that came about.
By Atlantis
I can understand that foreigners living in Britain were not allowed to vote, what I cannot understand is why British citizens living abroad were not allowed to vote. They are impacted by Brexit more than anyone.
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By Beren
Ter wrote:Thank you.

I do not see the logic of residents with those nationalities having a vote in the referendum though.
Ireland ?
Cyprus ?
I wonder how that came about.

They all have special historic relationships with the UK, so there are special agreements between them and the UK, I guess.
By snapdragon
They're commonwealth countries. All citizens of former commonwealth countries who lived in the UK could vote.
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By Beren
ingliz wrote:Research suggests English offcomers swung the vote. The Welsh voted Remain.


It's even more dramatic then. However, in my opinion the English would only care to keep Wales in case of a break-up due to Brexit, whereas they'd let the rest go basically.
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By Potemkin
Beren wrote:It's even more dramatic then. However, in my opinion the English would only care to keep Wales in case of a break-up due to Brexit, whereas they'd let the rest go basically.

Agreed. The English want to declare UDI from the rest of the UK, just as they have declared UDI from the rest of the EU. Xenophobic bigotry, even towards those nations they themselves once forcefully incorporated into the United Kingdom, seems to be part of their culture. Lol.
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By Nonsense
I do wish that people, including posters here, would desist from commenting on which country, region or area vote to 'remain' or 'leave' in the referendum,because it's a distortion of the context in which the referendum took place.

A referendum is not based on any of those factors, it's purely related to actual votes, one way,or another, by individuals alone, not whether they are this or that nationality, political,ethnic or social grouping.

Everybody's vote counts, unlike in a general election, which is why MP's thoroughly dislike referendums,which are very common in democratic countries,it, only believes that it has the 'right',(read-monopoly)to decide on political matters & not the people directly.

Anyone that believes in that kind of 'democracy', as representing their interest, surely needs to remove their rose-tinted spectacles, wake up, smell the coffee, to see that groups, such as the current climate protest groups, see that 'representative' 'democracy, serves no one's interest, only those residents of the Westminster bubble.
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By Beren
Potemkin wrote:Agreed. The English want to declare UDI from the rest of the UK, just as they have declared UDI from the rest of the EU. Xenophobic bigotry, even towards those nations they themselves once forcefully incorporated into the United Kingdom, seems to be part of their culture. Lol.

NI is clearly a liability to them, in terms of Brexit especially, while they always have to deal with a Scottish administration and their judges, plus there's always a belligerent SNP overrepresented in Westminster. Meanwhile, the Tories could rule over Wengland comfortably, outside the EU especially.
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By Nonsense
Atlantis wrote:I can understand that foreigners living in Britain were not allowed to vote, what I cannot understand is why British citizens living abroad were not allowed to vote. They are impacted by Brexit more than anyone.

I don't quite see any 'logic' to that argument, Brits abroad, are ex-pats, they live abroad of their own volition,your reasoning is one that suggest that they can have their cake & eat it.

The E.U, according to it's rhetoric, says that, the U.K will feel Brexit much more than the E.U, so,saying that Brits abroad will feel the 'impact' more is a somewhat vaporous argument, besides, they can always up-sticks, return to Albion & enjoy the economic 'sunshine' coming our way post-Brexit. :lol: :lol:
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By Nonsense
Beren wrote:NI is clearly a liability to them, in terms of Brexit especially, while they always have to deal with a Scottish administration and their judges, plus there's always a belligerent SNP overrepresented in Westminster. Meanwhile, the Tories could rule over Wengland comfortably, outside the EU especially.

I have previously suggested that NI have a referendum on unification with the republic, which would solve the 'backstop' issue in a flash if they voted to unify.

We are, where we are however,perhaps when Stormont re-opens(hint-was it closed to forestall a unity referendum before Brexit?), the issue may revive.

The U.K could exact 'revenge' on those elements that have been sabotaging the Brexit passage of the country.

For instance, the Block Grant(Barnett Formula) could be 'adjusted' by degree, accordingly to the political-economic damage done by Scotland,Wales & the Irish republic could be subjected to 'special' measures that would impact it's economy.

There is also other legal,constitutional & political changes that will be necessitated from events in those areas.

These changes will take quite some time to bring about, but change they will, with boundary changes being the first if the Tories win the election, that should sort the Labour Party out once & for all.
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By Potemkin
Beren wrote:NI is clearly a liability to them, in terms of Brexit especially, while they always have to deal with a Scottish administration and their judges, plus there's always a belligerent SNP overrepresented in Westminster. Meanwhile, the Tories could rule over Wengland comfortably, outside the EU especially.

Precisely. Brexit has been a God-send to the Little Englanders. It has given them the opportunity to finally rid themselves once and for all of all those Paddies and Jocks. I notice that Nonsense is already laying his post-Brexit plans to finally drive the non-English nations out of the UK by 'punishing' them for their lack of enthusiasm for Brexit. And he won't be the only one, I'm sure. :lol:
By Unperson-K
Potemkin wrote:Precisely. Brexit has been a God-send to the Little Englanders. It has given them the opportunity to finally rid themselves once and for all of all those Paddies and Jocks. I notice that Nonsense is already laying his post-Brexit plans to finally drive the non-English nations out of the UK by 'punishing' them for their lack of enthusiasm for Brexit. And he won't be the only one, I'm sure. :lol:

This, combined with the fact that Scotland has been an electoral graveyard for the Tories since Thatcher. I am sure a good few members of the Conservative Party would be quite glad to get rid of Scotland in exchange for eternal control over the English-Welsh rump.
By layman
Support for Irish unification/ni leaving the uk has been high for some years. Well over 50 percent.

Support in England for Scotland leaving the union was over 45 percent around the time of the 2016 referendum.
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By Potemkin
layman wrote:Support for Irish unification/ni leaving the uk has been high for some years. Well over 50 percent.

Support in England for Scotland leaving the union was over 45 percent around the time of the 2016 referendum.

Things had been drifting that way for some time now (ever since Thatcher in the 1980s), and Brexit has greatly accelerated it. I can't see the UK surviving much longer, quite honestly.
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By Nonsense
Just been listening to an idiot with an 'honour's' degree in stupidity, on the Andrew Neill show this evening,talking about Brexit,his name is, Tony BLAIR.

He has tied himself in knots with his ridiculous answers to the questions asked of him.

he 'advocates' another referendum to 'break' the deadlock, I think that he has lost his 'marbles', I have read better post on here than his contribution to the debate.
Do people like him ever touch down on terra firma, I mean, he is simply unbelievable, parliament has rejected three times, a 'deal' & 'no-deal'.

It follows that parliament is incapable,dishonest & dysfunctional.
The people, unlike parliament, never requested a ,'best of three' referendums', one to ignore, one to be a 'confirmatory' & another to attempt at changing the result with a 'remain' or 'leave' option attatched.
The people made their decision, they elected a government that they expected by voting for them, to implement, with the backing of opposition MP's, that also promised to implement the result, but have since dishonestly voted against every opportunity in which to validate that promise.

History will vindicate the Tory Party under BoJo, Jean-Claude JUNCKER has said that the E.U will 'have the 'final' word' on the issue, well, :hmm: :p , sorry chum, history will have the final word.

The DUP have finally exposed Varadkar as an E.U dupe, who has the back of the european 'leaders' behind him, he has been exposed for his blocking any attempt at removing the 'backstop', because he & europe want NI to remain in the Customs Union-period.

That position, according to their gameplan, is at the expense of the rest of the U.K, which is rejected across parliament,it explains why the E.U,Varadkar & Labour are so intent on sabotaging Brexit in spite of democracy willing it.

As for Michel BARNIER, his 'mandate' has hit the proverbial buffers, the E.U will have to extend his mandate to accomodate the new reality, or else the E.U will have to accept it's failure in the matter.

The Scottish Court are playing their latest decision on the BENN Act,as a political game, they are acting as agents in a kangaroo court, deferring their decision until the 19th October is passed.

All of which will be to no avail, as all of these legal challenges will be water off a duck's back at the end of the day when we leave on 31 October.

The BENN Act will fail to fulfil it's 'promise' of being watertight,the history of Brexit will be studied by other countries in similar circumstances, when they too wish to withdraw their mutual consent to Treaties in which they are co-signatories & it will be an excercise in how 'not to do what you want to undo'.
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