Who Do You WANT To Be The Next Global Super Power? - Page 5 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Who Do You WANT To Be The Next Global Super Power?

1. USA
3. EU
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B0ycey wrote:To keep you happy @SolarCross, I voted EU. But in reality there will not be a global superpower in the future and America is on the fast track of losing their hemogony. There be four equal hemogonous powers.

Ok thanks, but the poll is a wish list not a reality check. You could vote for the fairy godmother if that was your thing. The EU does not have to be likely only desirable. Anyway props to you for at least choosing the EU over China. The EU may not be my preference but clearly a bunch of banana measuring turbo-bureaucrats are better humans than a gang of organ harvesting gulag totalitarians. You made the right choice. :up:
Tainari88 wrote:You see this is why you and I need to debate more B0ycey. I like this flat stuff that British posters put out there. Such matter of fact statements like these....

Can I interest you in an authentic Pina Colada?

Big kiss for you B0ycey.

Big kiss for you too Tariani. And thank you. Although there are plenty of people who execute such matter of fact statements on pofo and you have to be blind not to see the tide is changing in terms of global influence. But I suspect SolarCross had an alternative motive in starting this thread. He seems to thing everyone is turning politically Chinese. :eek:
SolarCross wrote:Ok thanks, but the poll is a wish list not a reality check. You could vote for the fairy godmother if that was your thing. The EU does not have to be likely only desirable. Anyway props to you for at least choosing the EU over China. The EU may not be my preference but clearly a bunch of banana measuring turbo-bureaucrats are better humans than a gang of organ harvesting gulag totalitarians. You made the right choice. :up:

Well you know I am a Europhile and the project is about as liberal as you can go and promotes equality in nations and is strong in human rights. If the world adopted EU policies and targets, it would be a very pleasant world indeed. But EU isn't ever going to become the global hemogony and instead likely to adopt more influence by diplomatic means. It will basically be working with China (and America) in the future and not dominated by it.
B0ycey wrote:Big kiss for you too Tariani. And thank you. Although there are plenty of people who execute such matter of fact statements on pofo and you have to be blind not to see the tide is changing in terms of global influence. But I suspect SolarCross had an alternative motive in starting this thread. He seems to thing everyone is turning politically Chinese. :eek:

I agree that the geo-political tectonics are shifting, they always are anyway. I did not have an ulterior motive or at least not quite the one you think. My motive was curiosity. I already know that pofo has plenty of 1984 advocates so actually I am a little surprised there were not more votes for the alt-USSR which is China. There may be one or two who seemed to be in stealth mode about it though. I always say you can be as vile as you like but at least be man enough to own up to it.
SolarCross wrote:There may be one or two who seemed to be in stealth mode about it though.

I presume polling does not display names so I fail to see why people have to go into stealth mode.
SolarCross wrote:Ok thanks, but the poll is a wish list not a reality check. You could vote for the fairy godmother if that was your thing. The EU does not have to be likely only desirable. Anyway props to you for at least choosing the EU over China. The EU may not be my preference but clearly a bunch of banana measuring turbo-bureaucrats are better humans than a gang of organ harvesting gulag totalitarians. You made the right choice. :up:

The EU cannot become a superpower because it's federal structure prevents it from projecting imperial power. But it is exactly this feature that makes the EU ideal for leading the world into a multipolar future that is not dominated by a superpower. The EU can serve as an example of how to manage international affairs by consent and not by coercion. I can't imagine anyone who would not view this as the most desirable outcome. Ultimately, imperialism always is destructive and those who believe that imperialism is the only option view the future in a rear-view mirror. Future problems will require new solutions.
Zionist Nationalist wrote:The poll is not about historical or fantasy superpowers

Arabs uniting? best joke ever :lol:

It wasn't my intention to choose this option. But the poll reduced me to that.

I enjoy it while reading about past Arabic superpowers. They had very important scientific and cultural contributions to civilization. We don't have these in Ottoman history.
SaddamHuseinovic wrote:Ottomans were the first army with artillery.

Religous freedom

Ottomans was not successful at creating a common culture between folks living under its dictate. Religious freedom is something but again they failed at turning it a gain in trade and economic benefit. Ottomans lacked basics of modern economics. Ottoman economy was based to looting of other countries.
Right now America is for sure today's world's greatest superpower with no doubt.
But we live in a very "liquid" and uncertain era from a political, military and economical view.
There are plenty of small regional or even secondary powers that through a proper chain of events and leaders can turn into a global great power and eventually The Superpower.

Most of them are "underdogs" , the nowadays great powers aren't in position neither political neither economical neither military to evolve into superpower. Social and political landscapes of Europe and America are sliding the states backwards closer to dissolution than unification.

Underdog states that could turn into great powers and possibly The superpower within the next 100-200 years are, Greece, Turkey, Pakistan, England, Iran. These are candidates that could unite some regions under a strong leadership could become a great power, such as Mesopotamia and Minor Asia , Central Asia and some parts of Africa.
Greece Turkey and Iran, one of these if the political conditions are set up, they could unite Mesopotamia and minor Asia under one state.
These regions I call them the heart of the Western World.
If United and developed properly they'll pose the most powerful state in the world right now.
Controlling a huge amount of west's energy resources and also controlling very important land and maritime trade routes. A state like that would hold all Europe by the balls and have huge leverages against USA, China and the rest of its neighbours.
Economically this state could easily have Autarky since middle east and minor Asia is rich of almost every resource necessary to modern industries and markets.
The only way I state like that could survive through time would regarding modern data be a kind of parliamentary monarchy. The monarch would only exist as a public figure and have limited powers, like a national emblem, something for the people to trust in. And the parliament democratically elected could rule the place and make the important decisions.

Turkey if led by a competent and bright leader could be the best candidate for this miracle. But they would have to treat everyone who they have conquered as exactly equals and give them seats in the Parliament, which I think turks aren't yet spiritually and mentally able of accomplishing, they still have that imperial Ottoman complex in them. Otherwise they would have been my number one candidate.

Greece if led by a real goverment and not by German puppets could overtake Turkish state, fortunately democracy is part Greece's national identity and thus uniting anatolia peoples and bringing real democracy and stability to the region. That way the Turkish and Greek state can develop its military, economy and politics. Then they would expand into kurdish and Arab states and establishing democracies there too.
And when they have incorporated Syria and Iraq they could stop there for the time being. The following decades /century could be spent stabilising, implementing full democracy and establishing a just and fair
state that would finally bring stability and prosperity to the anatolian and mesopotamian region.
A state like that won't be a nationalistic state, it won't be Greek, it won't be Turkish, it won't be Arab. It will be all of them working toghether for the same goals, freedom, prosperity and stability.
The parliament would be defined by equal political bodies representing all peoples of the state and there won't be a particular official faith but instead everyone is allowed and guaranteed to practice their own faith freely.
And even the Emperors role would be to make sure there are no imbalances with the treatment and justice between the people of this state.Also he would make sure that every people's would keep their cultures and faiths, the goal of this state is to bring stability and protect the locals, not ethnic cleansing or forced religions.

The most proper name for such a state would be the United Free Democracies. Because the whole notion that keeps that thing toghether is democracy, stability and prosperity. It may have smaller states in it which have particular religions or nationalities but the central one hasnt nationalistic nor religious character. It has the one I mentioned before

That could only be accomplished through brutal force by a strong military. Noone ever unites because of good will. New system will have to abolish all the old states in the area and replace them by force with new. Because otherwise it will be a rotten structure and it won't last for long.
@Istanbuller brother I want your opinion on that, because as far as I have understood, you're a classic turk when it comes to politics, thus your opinion would be appreciated by me :)
Last edited by Hellas me ponas on 15 Jun 2020 01:42, edited 1 time in total.
Hellas me ponas wrote:@Unthinking Majority
Remember all of the American history.
And then rethink your reasons.
I agree with America that they were the greatest so far. But definitely not for that reason (mainly because its not true)

Compare the US to every other empire or country that had great global power in history. The British Empire, French Empire under Napolean, 1940's Germany, The Spanish Empire, USSR, Roman Empire, Imperial Japan etc. They were all murderous disgusting regimes that conquered vast territories through warfare.

Meanwhile, the USA had a monopoly on THE FREAKING ATOMIC BOMB after WWII, they could have taken over much of the world if they wanted to. They could have nuked Moscow etc & maintained nuclear hegemony. But they didn't.

As I said, the USA is far from perfect, but be careful what you wish for. Sometimes the grass isn't always greener.
Unthinking Majority wrote:Compare the US to every other empire or country that had great global power in history. The British Empire, French Empire under Napolean, 1940's Germany, The Spanish Empire, USSR, Roman Empire, Imperial Japan etc. They were all murderous disgusting regimes that conquered vast territories through warfare.

Meanwhile, the USA had a monopoly on THE FREAKING ATOMIC BOMB after WWII, they could have taken over much of the world if they wanted to. They could have nuked Moscow etc & maintained nuclear hegemony. But they didn't.

As I said, the USA is far from perfect, but be careful what you wish for. Sometimes the grass isn't always greener.

You only tlaking about modern empires though.
For medieval times Byzantine Empire was rather bloodless. And they never massacred anyone or mass exterminated anyone.
The only cruel thing you cna mention would be the blinding of 10.000 Bulgarian soldiers by Emperor Basilios the Bulgarian Killer.
Which happened only to end the bloody war with Bulgaria. The situation was pretty similar to the US bombings of nagasaki and hirosima. With the only difference he didn't massacre civilians but soldiers and that he didn't kill them, he blinded them and sent them back to Bulgaria.
And for a medieval Empire that lasted more than 1000 years, Byzantine were the most civilised empire ever existed when it comes to massacring and murdering civilians(mainly because they wouldn't do that).
Unthinking Majority wrote:The USA is far from perfect, but are the least murderous empire in human history, so I'll go with them.

The current situation is comparable with the status before WW1.

USA is the British Empire China the German Kaiserreich.

China is extremly industrializing the only option for the USA is to stop it by warfare.

China has also pledged never to use nuclear weapons at first.

Chinese make also huge leaps in millitary technology they built hypersonic gliding rockets.

The USA has just 10-30 Years time after this China will have a superior millitary.

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