Another Black Man's death blamed on Police - Politics | PoFo

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Police use of spit hoods scrutinized after Black man's death in N.Y.

Not five minutes after police slipped a "spit hood" over Daniel Prude's head, the 41-year-old Black man went limp. A week later, he was taken off life support.

His death has underscored one of the top demands of the police reform movement: that certain duties should not be handled by law enforcement but by social workers or mental health experts. Seven officers involved in the encounter were suspended with pay Thursday.

While many in law enforcement defend the hoods as vital to prevent officers from being spit on or even bitten -- a concern that has taken on new importance during the coronavirus pandemic -- critics have denounced them as dangerous and inhumane.

Prude, in Rochester to visit his brother, was taken by police for a mental health evaluation just hours before the fatal encounter after he was said to have expressed suicidal thoughts. Prude's brother told police he was calm when he returned to his house but later got high on PCP and ran away, prompting the brother to call 911.

Police found Prude wandering the street naked after allegedly smashing a storefront window, and he could be seen on body camera footage spitting in the direction of officers and heard claiming to be infected with coronavirus. Officers said that led them to employ the hood.

Prude, handcuffed by this point, can be seen continuing to spit through the mesh and saying that he wanted an officer's gun. The officers then pinned him to the ground, one of them keeping a knee on his back and another pressing his face into the pavement for two minutes. Both appeared white.

Minutes later, an officer could be heard saying, "Ugh, he's puking." After realizing Prude had stopped breathing, paramedics who had arrived at some point, began CPR.

This was more of a drug addiction problem than a mental health problem. The guy snorted too much angel dust (PCP) and was having a bad trip.

Illicit Drugs

Phencyclidine (PCP) is a mind-altering drug that may lead to hallucinations (a profound distortion in a person’s perception of reality). It is considered a dissociative drug, leading to a distortion of sights, colors, sounds, self, and one's environment.

High doses of PCP can also cause seizures, coma, and death (often due to accidental injury or suicide during PCP intoxication). Psychological effects at high doses include delusions and hallucinations. Users often refer to the experiences from hallucinogens as a "trip", or calling an unpleasant experience a "bad trip."

In a hospital or detention setting, they often become violent or suicidal, and are very dangerous to themselves and to others.
This looks like another case of police following what they are trained to do, in another city governed by a Democrat and a black woman no less. Increasingly, it looks like Floyd's death was drug-related as well. So police officers are getting called for behavioral issues that are tied to drugs, and then getting blamed for deaths that it's unlikely they caused.
blackjack21 wrote:This looks like another case of police following what they are trained to do, in another city governed by a Democrat and a black woman no less. Increasingly, it looks like Floyd's death was drug-related as well. So police officers are getting called for behavioral issues that are tied to drugs, and then getting blamed for deaths that it's unlikely they caused.

Yes, I agree. These Black criminals are being represented as the good guys and the police as the bad guys. Kamala Harris said she was "proud" of Jacob Blake, a Black man accused of breaking into a sleeping woman’s house, sexually assaulting her, humiliating her and later returning to harass her. Then the cops she called for help say he resisted arrest, assaulted them and went for his knife. What is wrong with the Democrats of today? They don't seem to be able to tell good from evil. ... e-n2575778
Yes, police do kill a high number of innocent people wi5 mental health problems.

By having a mental health response team to deal with incidents like this (instead of cops), killings by cops could be reduced by (minimally) 20%.

It would also save money.

But a significant number of US conservatives would not want this, as it would mean using tax dollars to help these people instead of using tax dollars to pay cops to kill them.
Hindsite wrote:Police use of spit hoods scrutinized after Black man's death in N.Y.

Not five minutes after police slipped a "spit hood" over Daniel Prude's head, the 41-year-old Black man went limp. A week later, he was taken off life support.

His death has underscored one of the top demands of the police reform movement: that certain duties should not be handled by law enforcement but by social workers or mental health experts. Seven officers involved in the encounter were suspended with pay Thursday.

While many in law enforcement defend the hoods as vital to prevent officers from being spit on or even bitten -- a concern that has taken on new importance during the coronavirus pandemic -- critics have denounced them as dangerous and inhumane.

Prude, in Rochester to visit his brother, was taken by police for a mental health evaluation just hours before the fatal encounter after he was said to have expressed suicidal thoughts. Prude's brother told police he was calm when he returned to his house but later got high on PCP and ran away, prompting the brother to call 911.

Police found Prude wandering the street naked after allegedly smashing a storefront window, and he could be seen on body camera footage spitting in the direction of officers and heard claiming to be infected with coronavirus. Officers said that led them to employ the hood.

Prude, handcuffed by this point, can be seen continuing to spit through the mesh and saying that he wanted an officer's gun. The officers then pinned him to the ground, one of them keeping a knee on his back and another pressing his face into the pavement for two minutes. Both appeared white.

Minutes later, an officer could be heard saying, "Ugh, he's puking." After realizing Prude had stopped breathing, paramedics who had arrived at some point, began CPR.

This was more of a drug addiction problem than a mental health problem. The guy snorted too much angel dust (PCP) and was having a bad trip.

Illicit Drugs

Phencyclidine (PCP) is a mind-altering drug that may lead to hallucinations (a profound distortion in a person’s perception of reality). It is considered a dissociative drug, leading to a distortion of sights, colors, sounds, self, and one's environment.

High doses of PCP can also cause seizures, coma, and death (often due to accidental injury or suicide during PCP intoxication). Psychological effects at high doses include delusions and hallucinations. Users often refer to the experiences from hallucinogens as a "trip", or calling an unpleasant experience a "bad trip."

In a hospital or detention setting, they often become violent or suicidal, and are very dangerous to themselves and to others.

Another nut case off the streets...
Goddamn cops made me put my hands up and were ready to shoot me while I reached for my wallet to show them my ID two days ago. I'm a white country boy. I don't blame the individuals I blame the institution. I am in the fire zone, and it was over someone on the road (my road) operating a tractor (during the fire. I agree with the enforcement. I don't agree with them being such dicks.) All of this did happen.
And all I was guilty of was watching the fire to see what it was doing and if it was heading my way.

Oh and by the way, the police did shoot and kill one of my friends, wounded another, and there were 4 teenagers in the car (including the one that got killed) 2 boys and 2 girls. West Medford, Oregon Albertsons. Look it up if you doubt me.
Crantag wrote:West Medford, Oregon Albertsons

Fugitive had history of running
This guy? An "unarmed white man" is I guess how Antifa/BLM would characterize it. If you have a warrant out for your arrest on a probation violation for assaulting a US Marshall, generally they will be pretty vigilant when going after you. If you try to run them down with a car, they will shoot. They will also shoot if they think you are endangering the people in the car, or that a high speed chase will put the public at risk. Frankly, he had to have been on some sort of drugs, because anybody of reasonable intelligence and sober knows not to do that. What do you think should have been done differently? Keep in mind, if they let people go when they aren't supposed to and people get hurt or killed, the police get held liable for that too.
blackjack21 wrote:Fugitive had history of running
This guy? An "unarmed white man" is I guess how Antifa/BLM would characterize it. If you have a warrant out for your arrest on a probation violation for assaulting a US Marshall, generally they will be pretty vigilant when going after you. If you try to run them down with a car, they will shoot. They will also shoot if they think you are endangering the people in the car, or that a high speed chase will put the public at risk. Frankly, he had to have been on some sort of drugs, because anybody of reasonable intelligence and sober knows not to do that. What do you think should have been done differently? Keep in mind, if they let people go when they aren't supposed to and people get hurt or killed, the police get held liable for that too.

Yes this guy. Nice research. They murdered him. He liked to have some drugs some times, he coulda been high, and yeah he was wanted, that's why he was running away. He didn't deserve being gunned down for it. My friend who survived the vicious police shooting still has a bullet lodged in his arm. Of course the police will try to justify it any way possible, that is no sort of surprise. He didn't deserve to die, bro. He was a good dude, in fact.
Fentanyl kings and queens of all colors, existing in Democrat ruined, Police defunded, HUD Ghettos, breaking every law possible and blaming the system for their own short comings. The losers of the Planet will always be losers. You cannot get an A from two D's. So many crack babies dumped on the courts and ending up in orphanages, raised and paid for by America's taxpaying legal citizens. The Democrats are diseased. They continue to promote socialist policies that cost the taxpayer and generate political feeders for the Blue vote every election cycle. Black moms abort 5 times as many babies as White moms. BLM is a lie and anyone willing to do illegal drugs is committing suicide by cop. Anyone that resists arrest is committing suicide by cop. Never glorify a criminal of any kind. Black men and White men, that break the law, are committing suicide by cop. It is not a matter of if, but when. Cops are trained to shoot criminals. All law abiding, taxpaying, legal American citizens, want a well funded, well trained Police force. The Democrat ruined cities and states prefer to waste money on sanctuary cities and free abortions, for all of those criminals, living in squalor, in the diseased Hud Ghettos, getting a chance to vote against the American dream as they trade their children WIC to smoke another rock. Never vote for an Antifa Loving, BLM Supporting, Police Defunding, Leftist, Brain Dead, Democrat or his favorite boot licker VP.
Chad wrote:Fentanyl kings and queens of all colors, existing in Democrat ruined, Police defunded, HUD Ghettos, breaking every law possible and blaming the system for their own short comings. The losers of the Planet will always be losers. You cannot get an A from two D's. So many crack babies dumped on the courts and ending up in orphanages, raised and paid for by America's taxpaying legal citizens. The Democrats are diseased. They continue to promote socialist policies that cost the taxpayer and generate political feeders for the Blue vote every election cycle. Black moms abort 5 times as many babies as White moms. BLM is a lie and anyone willing to do illegal drugs is committing suicide by cop. Anyone that resists arrest is committing suicide by cop. Never glorify a criminal of any kind. Black men and White men, that break the law, are committing suicide by cop. It is not a matter of if, but when. Cops are trained to shoot criminals. All law abiding, taxpaying, legal American citizens, want a well funded, well trained Police force. The Democrat ruined cities and states prefer to waste money on sanctuary cities and free abortions, for all of those criminals, living in squalor, in the diseased Hud Ghettos, getting a chance to vote against the American dream as they trade their children WIC to smoke another rock. Never vote for an Antifa Loving, BLM Supporting, Police Defunding, Leftist, Brain Dead, Democrat or his favorite boot licker VP.

A vodka shot with the Russian bot.

Imma take a vodka shot with the Russian bot.

I'm pouring it, I'm shooting it, and you'd best be saluting it.

A vodka shot with the Russian Bot.

Salut, bitches.
Which Vodka do you prefer. Texas Vodka is the best. The American story of Tito and his ability to use capitalism and hard work to create a thriving, successful business that gives back to the community is Awesome. When the going gets tough, the hardest workers are rewarded. It may be the bot to some, but it is Patriotism and Religion all rolled up into a nice American Dream. The Democrats are Communists that allow poverty and social injustice to remain in Democrat cities and States. If you do not obey the laws, and or earn a living, you will never leave the Democrat feeders. So have a vodka shot, or two, and bury your head in the sand like a good socialist Democrat.
Crantag wrote:Yes this guy. Nice research. They murdered him. He liked to have some drugs some times, he coulda been high, and yeah he was wanted, that's why he was running away. He didn't deserve being gunned down for it. My friend who survived the vicious police shooting still has a bullet lodged in his arm. Of course the police will try to justify it any way possible, that is no sort of surprise. He didn't deserve to die, bro. He was a good dude, in fact.

I'm not saying he deserved to die, but I find it puzzling that people who do these things do not expect to die. America has a pretty liberal and sort of hedonistic culture, and it is well known what drugs do to people. Psychosis and violence frequently go hand in hand.

I'm more of a "make 'em a ward of the state" person, as I think the big mistake was inferring that mental hospitals were a cross between the Stanford Experiment and One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, and criminal justice isn't the ideal way to handle problematic drug use. Further, a lot of our cops today are Iraq and Afghanistan veterans who will pretty much shoot at the drop of a hat.

Chad wrote:Fentanyl kings and queens of all colors, existing in Democrat ruined, Police defunded, HUD Ghettos, breaking every law possible and blaming the system for their own short comings.

Well, the system does have some culpability, as it hasn't been serving the best interests of the whole of the people for some time. Offshoring jobs to China and Mexico was frankly a really stupid idea, and both parties signed off on it. Furthermore, fentanyl doesn't just find its way into America by itself. Most of it is coming from China and entering the US over the US-Mexico border. I think a lot of the politicians are involved in the drug trade. I'm not saying nobody can be as stupid as they are, but they can't all be that stupid. They have to be getting paid off.

Chad wrote:The Democrats are diseased. They continue to promote socialist policies that cost the taxpayer and generate political feeders for the Blue vote every election cycle.

They are incredibly cynical and venal people, especially the political class.
Chad wrote:Which Vodka do you prefer. Texas Vodka is the best. The American story of Tito and his ability to use capitalism and hard work to create a thriving, successful business that gives back to the community is Awesome. When the going gets tough, the hardest workers are rewarded. It may be the bot to some, but it is Patriotism and Religion all rolled up into a nice American Dream. The Democrats are Communists that allow poverty and social injustice to remain in Democrat cities and States. If you do not obey the laws, and or earn a living, you will never leave the Democrat feeders. So have a vodka shot, or two, and bury your head in the sand like a good socialist Democrat.

The brand doesn't matter.

My barf it will splatter.

After vodka shots with a Russian bot.
blackjack21 wrote:Fugitive had history of running
This guy? An "unarmed white man" is I guess how Antifa/BLM would characterize it. If you have a warrant out for your arrest on a probation violation for assaulting a US Marshall, generally they will be pretty vigilant when going after you. If you try to run them down with a car, they will shoot. They will also shoot if they think you are endangering the people in the car, or that a high speed chase will put the public at risk. Frankly, he had to have been on some sort of drugs, because anybody of reasonable intelligence and sober knows not to do that. What do you think should have been done differently? Keep in mind, if they let people go when they aren't supposed to and people get hurt or killed, the police get held liable for that too.

On reeading you posed a question. How about just let him go and pick him up later. How about don't pursue a high speed chase if it's a danger to public safety. He was a kid. How about not gun people down for not bending to your will. How about not putting my friend in a coffin over petty bullshit. How about that.
Crantag wrote:On reeading you posed a question. How about just let him go and pick him up later. How about don't pursue a high speed chase if it's a danger to public safety. He was a kid. How about not gun people down for not bending to your will. How about not putting my friend in a coffin over petty bullshit. How about that.

Because Democrats have already tried that. It just leads to more crimes and often more serious crimes.
Crantag wrote:How about just let him go and pick him up later. How about don't pursue a high speed chase if it's a danger to public safety. He was a kid. How about not gun people down for not bending to your will. How about not putting my friend in a coffin over petty bullshit. How about that.

If someone is running away and they know who he is, that's a possibility. When it involves a car, and they think he's intoxicated, then the police can be held in dereliction of duty. Police routinely back off on high speed chases when they have air power to track the suspects, and then they can join the suspect later.

How about re-introducing civics classes? How about showing young kids what is actually going to happen when you behave in a disorderly manner toward police? How about explaining to kids that punching your best friend is a misdemeanor, but punching a police officer is a felony? How about teaching a kid that if you attack a police officer with any deadly weapon--a knife, a gun, a swinging chain, an automobile--they are generally authorized to use deadly force against you? How about teaching a kid that the police train on this stuff regularly, and they have well-developed reflexes, and engaging in any of that sort of activity might get you seriously injured or killed?

Many schools teach about the dangers of drug use, but those who had a bunch of baby boomer teachers who didn't take it seriously imparted to kids that it was in fact fun. Why not take high school seniors on trips to morgues where they can see other youngish people dead from overdoses. Let them know it's serious. It's real.

How about not voting for the people doing that sort of thing? Most of these cases that bother people take place in places governed exclusively by Democrats. Portland, Oregon for example--and in the US Marshals case with your friend, during the Obama administration.

Are you ready to start a white lives matter movement? Minneapolis police also shot a white woman for no apparent reason: Australian woman shot dead by Minneapolis police after calling to report possible crime

I've been telling you guys, Democrats are extremely dangerous and violent people. Most violent crimes are committed by people who vote Democrat. That's why Democrats want to allow incarcerated felons to vote--because they vote Democrat.
I spotted a funny argument in here, the one where people should be allowed to flee from the popo.

If you can run away, you can walk away, right?

If you can walk away, doesn't that mean that everyone can just ignore the police?

How are they supposed to "pick him up later", assuming they know where he is and where to find him, won't he just try to walk away again?
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