The Wuhan virus—how are we doing? - Page 41 - Politics | PoFo

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Provision of the two UN HDI indicators other than GNP.
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QatzelOk wrote:It's the kind of "pandemic" that kills 81 year olds with several medial conditions - just like strong flu bugs.

But killing the economy and forcing millions into poverty... is seen as "less harmful" to media viewers because... because... mass media owns your ability to form common .

Your posts surprise me. You usually pan commercial enterprises. And considering Quebec followed by Ontatio's Covid 19 numbers are utterly abysmal compared to other provinces that also didn't do a full shut down, you know your goverment made a royal cock up.
Atlantis wrote:It kills the vulnerable irrespective of age. It kills especially poor people and people of ethnic minorities such as the American natives.

All medical conditions kill all people who are more vulnerable all the time. There is no change here. If your country allows many of its citizens to go through life with no resources for self care or medical care, then THAT is the problem.

For society to accept the killing of vulnerable groups of society, we have to go back to the state of mind of the Nazis

You are already there. Most of our Western countries are killing machines abroad, and they empower killer corporations at home and around the world.

People drive the biggest trucks they have ever driven, and they kill harder than ever. This is not normal, but that is because we have been fooled by sophisticated manipulation by Mafia Corporations.

Stormsmith wrote:You usually pan commercial enterprises. And considering Quebec followed by Ontatio's Covid 19 numbers are utterly abysmal compared to other provinces that also didn't do a full shut down, you know your goverment made a royal cock up.

The COVID vaccine infomercial IS a commercial enterprise. And so are most people's brains now. All those commercial apps that automatically installed themselves in your brain while watching sophisticated media.

The COVID vaccine infomercial IS a commercial enterprise. And so are most people's brains now. All those commercial apps that automatically installed themselves in your brain while watching sophisticated media.

Not an answer, m'dear
Godstud wrote:@Sivad It WAS an Infowars person with the mic. She's not wrong. :lol:

Well ironically the 'worms in your brain' girl has brain worms herself and everyone that thought she was awesome has brain worms and the infowars girl has brain worms too. Basically everyone but me and like three other people that aren't total fucking idiots, has brain worms.
"If someone is an asshole, they're an asshole, if everyone is an asshole, you're the asshole." :D I think this applies to the "total fucking idiots" thing, as well.
You wanna know how absurd it is? I tell you how fucking absurd it is. In about 35 days I'm gonna go cast a vote for a grotesque halfwit fake billionaire with a cheeto orange spray-on tan and a ridiculous comb-over because he's the last best hope for staving off total domination by demented techno-babbitts. It's like if a madhouse on crack fucked a madhouse on PCP and had a baby. :lol:
Sivad wrote:It's like if a madhouse on crack fucked a madhouse on PCP and had a baby

and that baby raped a shortbus and the lovechild from that blessed union was abducted by pod people and crossbred with a bipolar sasquatch...
Rancid wrote:@Sivad @QatzelOk

What do you guys think about how the media is prepping us with fear for a new surge in cases in the fall/winter?

By the way, I agree with you guys, in the sense that when I look at the numbers and then look at the media, something doesn't match up there for me. Feels like the media is acting like we're at 1 billion deaths.

That said, I'm still all for wearing masks and working from home. :)

Do you think this might be an effect of US media? and by that I mean the way that the US news industry leans towards sensationalism and ratings would influence how they depict it.

From the perspective of a person living in Canada and not watching TV, the media do not seem to be inculcating fear in the population up here. But I just read articles in the virtual version of the local paper and boring studies.
Americans seem to think that everywhere is the same as in USA. It's not. Get over yourselves, @QatzelOk and @Sivad .

Media doesn't do what you assume it does in many different places. Some news media actually portrays facts about the pandemic, doesn't sensationalize, and doesn't make it political.

Rancid wrote:You talking to yourself now?

more like farting into the wind.

But maybe like 500 years from now some historian will be laboring under the misapprehension that folks in our time weren't total jackasses, that we were merely doing the best we could with the limited information that was available to us, and then they'll turn up some of the shit that I posted across the internet and they'll see that someone like me who really wasn't any kind of scholar or endowed with any remarkable intelligence got it more or less right more often than not and they'll know that this was actually a dark age of mass babbittry, ubiquitous ninnery, and woeful jackassery.
Pants-of-dog wrote:Do you think this might be an effect of US media? and by that I mean the way that the US news industry leans towards sensationalism and ratings would influence how they depict it.

From the perspective of a person living in Canada and not watching TV, the media do not seem to be inculcating fear in the population up here. But I just read articles in the virtual version of the local paper and boring studies.

Yes, I think it is a product of how the news operates here. Good to hear it's not the same up there. Again, don't get me wrong, I'm all for being careful, etc. But I stopped reading US news (on most things actually) because it's just exhausting how dramatized everything is.
The News organisations are only doing their job. Their job is to create news, entertaining news. Complaining about news organisations creating panics, is a bit like attacking Alfred Hitchcock for scaring cinema goers. There will always be lies, fake news and hate propaganda, that can never be got rid of. The key difference is between fascists like Joe campus Show trials Biden who want to ban any opposition to their lies, fake news and hate propaganda and real democrats that support free speech.
Speaking of creating entertaining, dramatic news:

Lawmaker demands criminal charges for Ohio governor over coronavirus orders

    A conservative lawmaker took his frustration over Ohio’s coronavirus public health orders to a new level Monday by demanding that criminal charges be filed against fellow Republican Gov. Mike DeWine.

    Rep. John Becker, a Republican from Cincinnati, says DeWine has exceeded his authority under state law and the Ohio and U.S. constitutions in issuing orders restricting Ohioans movements and activities. He made his demand in Clermont Municipal Court under a provision of state law allowing private citizen affidavits.
    A reviewing prosecutor dismissed the request for charges almost immediately, and a DeWine spokesman called the move “absurd.”

    Becker filed to have the prosecutor charge DeWine with 10 different crimes, including engaging in a pattern of corrupt activity, complicity, terrorism, inducing panic and interfering with civil rights.

    DeWine has assumed dictatorial powers and “stuck his thumb in the eye of the General Assembly,” Becker said in an interview. Becker, who is term-limited and not running for re-election, is also spearheading an effort to impeach DeWine that currently has four backers among the 99 House lawmakers.

    “If this were serious, I would have a comment. Because it is patently absurd, I do not,” said DeWine spokesman Dan Tierney.

    Clermont County Municipal Clerk Tim Rudd forwarded Becker’s complaint to county prosecutor Vincent Faris, who reviewed and rejected it.

    “I don’t think policy decisions should be criminalized. These are policy matters, not a criminal charge,” Faris said.

    Despite the extreme nature of Becker’s move, he’s not alone among conservative critics of DeWine in the Legislature.

    House and Senate lawmakers have introduced well over a dozen bills since March attempting to limit DeWine’s ability to respond to the virus through the issuance of public health orders and other emergency measures.

    One of those, a Senate bill prohibiting criminal penalties for violations of state or local health orders related to the pandemic, even reached DeWine’s desk in July, when he promptly vetoed it. “In the midst of this pandemic, now is not the time to change tactics and impede local health officials’ ability to protect all Ohioans,” DeWine said in his July 17 veto message to lawmakers.

    Last week, he said that, should it arrive on his desk, he would veto a bill moving through the Legislature that would prohibit Health Department quarantine and isolation orders from applying to people who have not been exposed or diagnosed with a disease.

    The governor said such a measure would handcuff future governors and health directors trying to address disease outbreaks.

    Ohio has reported more than 151,000 confirmed or probable coronavirus cases, with 993 cases reported Monday, above the 21-day average of 975.

Though I don’t know why County Prosecutor Faris is complaining about criminalizing political disagreements, the Democrats have been trying to do that to Trump, his administration, and his allies and supporters ever since Trump won the election—just look at General Flynn, Becker is just adopting the Democratic playbook.
Rich wrote:The News organisations are only doing their job. Their job is to create news, entertaining news. Complaining about news organisations creating panics, is a bit like attacking Alfred Hitchcock for scaring cinema goers. There will always be lies, fake news and hate propaganda, that can never be got rid of. The key difference is between fascists like Joe campus Show trials Biden who want to ban any opposition to their lies, fake news and hate propaganda and real democrats that support free speech.

I disagree. The premise/idea is that news organizations are here to objectively inform, not to entertain. If this is not true, we should not call them news organizations anymore. There was a time in journalism schools where people were taught to try and be as objective as possible. That's all out the window apparently.

In the case of Hitchcock, it is understood that aside from maybe some social commentary, his works are for entertainment and not news.
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