Tell the Catholic Church to respect US immigration law! - Politics | PoFo

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During his recent visit to the US, the pope made general statements that implied disapproval for recent efforts at immigration law enforcement and reportedly advocated amnesty in his conversation with the president. Various other Catholic clergymen, including Cardinal Mahony of Los Angeles, made the church’s hostility towards immigration law enforcement explicit during the pope’s visit.

In doing so, they carried on the legacy of John Paul II, who was outspoken in his view that “true acceptance of immigrants in their cultural diversity” was the duty of a Christian.

Rep. Tom Tancredo issued a stinging rebuke to the pope in a press release.

I called the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops today, and they told me that their department of Migrant and Refugee Services was the best contact for complaints about the church’s immigration policy. Please send the letter below or one of your own composition to

My sample letter is written from the perspective of a non-Catholic. If you are a Catholic, your letter will have much more impact. You should certainly include a statement that you are a Catholic and perhaps revise it in other ways as well. Additionally, all Catholics should send the letter to their bishops, archbishops, and cardinals. Contact information for these clergymen is here.

Thanks for doing your part.

Dear Sir or Madam:

The views on immigration recently expressed by the pope and other Catholic clergymen were deeply offensive to me because they encourage disrespect for the rule of law and insult American natives.

During his visit, the pope reiterated the church’s long-standing disapproval of efforts to enforce immigration law when he said Americans should “continue to welcome immigrants… and help them flourish in their new home.” The pope is reported to have pressed for amnesty for illegal aliens during his conversation with the president.

Other clergymen also expressed the Catholic Church’s hostility towards immigration law enforcement during the pope’s visit. Cardinal Mahony, of the Los Angeles diocese, for example, complained of a roundup of illegal immigrants by federal agents:

“I just feel these raids are totally negative. I thought it was very inappropriate to do it in such a blatant way when the pope was coming, when he has been so outspoken in defending the rights of immigrants.”

In making these statements, Catholic clergymen undermine the rule of law and give divine sanction to anarchy and law-breaking. Regulating immigration is one of the essential functions of the nation-state. To say that enforcing the law against illegal immigrants is a violation of their rights not only hinders the state’s performance of its duties, but promotes a general disrespect for the law.

Furthermore, the pope insulted Americans when he urged that we fight “all forms of violence so that immigrants may lead dignified lives.” This statement falsely implies that mistreatment of immigrants is a salient problem in America and maliciously associates peaceful and responsible activism for immigration law enforcement with thuggery. As Rep. Tom Tancredo responded:

“I would like to know what part of our lax immigration policy is considered violent. I fail to see how accepting more refugees than any other nation and providing free health care, education, housing and social service benefits to millions of illegal aliens is in any way ‘violent’ or ‘degrading.’”

The Catholic Church lavishes compassion on immigrants, but I think the native population of the US deserves compassion too. Hispanic immigrants have overloaded our social services and brought gangs and a hostile culture to our country. Government statistics on crime, welfare usage, and educational attainment indicate that Hispanics are poorly suited to assimilate into American society and are destined to form a permanent and resentful underclass. Rather than insulting them, a church that felt compassion towards American natives would respect their right to enforce immigration laws in order to maintain their culture and their way of life.

Sincerely, ... ation_law/
By Koga
Why do people get so irate whenever The Pope speaks?

It's not like anybody listens to him anyway. You know, I could understand if The Pope said something, and everybody went into a panic, stock markets crashed, and the laws we know turned upside down in the blink of an eye.

But that doesn't happen. The Pope is more or less a hooker. I know that's a blasphemous comparison, but it's true.

A hooker tells you all kinds of naughty and nasty things you want to hear, and humors you.

But after the hour, she goes back to her crack house, and you're left with an empty home. As if she was never there at all..
By CessnaAgWagon
I'm Catholic, and yeah.....I want MY CHURCH to stay out of this matter altogether. The U.S., like any other country, has the right and obligation to defend its borders and control immigration. 8)
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By Dave
And what exactly is telling off the Pope going to accomplish? Ratty just wants more gold flowing to Rome, and more butts in the pews in the world's largest economy should certainly accomplish that. There's a long history of being suspicious of the Roman Catholic Church in America, and for good reason. "Dialogue" with the Catholic Church won't accomplish much. Theoretically we could sign a concordat with the Vatican telling them to butt out, but good luck getting our feckless leaders in Washington to take any steps toward patriotic immigration reform.
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By Dr House
Tell the Catholic Church to respect US immigration law!

I want nothing to do with the Church and I think US immigration laws are too strict, therefore I will not.

-Dr House :smokin:
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By Dave
Dr House wrote:I think US immigration laws are too strict.

I saw earlier that you detest nationalism, but surely as a libertarian you can appreciate Milton Friedman's argument that open borders and a welfare state are incompatible, no?
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By Dr House
Actually, yeah.

-Dr House :smokin:
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By Dave
And what of the idea that a free society cannot exist apart from the values and the ideals of its people? Wouldn't you fear that a large influx of people who do not value economic and social self-government would endanger the prospects for increases in individual liberty that you seem to desire?
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By Dr House
That's certainly some food for thought. I'll have to chew it over and get back to you.

-Dr House :smokin:
By Manuel
Dave, do you know anything about Catholicism besides what centuries of Protestant envy and myths have raised you to know?
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By Dave
Sure, but being educated doesn't mean I have to stop being bigoted. :D

I'm down with the Catholics though. Black tie fundraisers are so much more fun than the pot luck luncheons our dour Protestant churches always seem to think are a fun idea. :lol:
By smashthestate
Orange wrote:During his recent visit to the US, the pope made general statements that implied disapproval for recent efforts at immigration law enforcement and reportedly advocated amnesty in his conversation with the president.

Please back this claim up. As far as I'm aware, the Pope never made any claims that made clear his disapproval of US policy toward immigration. I would have to see quotations to consider this claim as valid.
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By R_G
Of course, Christians are all about assimilation didn't ya know?

Same with the Muslims.....

ANYway, what do you want me to do? Go to the Vatican and plead with them?

Forget it, I may be able to burn money on a vacation or two every year, but going to the Vatican would not be worth it.

Now Milan, there's an idea.
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By dannymu
Why all world leaders visit and host the Pope is completely beyond me. The man has nothing useful to say and should be focused on church matters and especially the child abuse that is so rampant in the papist church...

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