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Will the military need to remove Trump and enforce the election results?

Yes (Military will need to come in to force Trump from office, enforcing the election results)
No (Trump will step down before it ever comes to that)
Military will side with Trump against the election
No votes
Military will split into pro-Trump and Pro-Biden factions.
Other (explain below)
Trump is a shit talker and he likes to go out on his terms. Thus, I voted no. He will realize that being dragged out of the WH by the secret service, millitary officers, whatever would be very embarrassing. Image all the photos of him getting walked out. :lol:

He will walk out of the white house talking mad shit before it comes to this.
Nah. Personally I think Trump is milking this. He is currently on a golfing holiday. He's just getting his rubes to pay for his defeat first. But if I am wrong and he doesn't concede once Biden is elected President Elect, not only will the Army remove him, he will also be put in a prison cell.
B0ycey wrote:Nah. Personally I think Trump is milking this. He is currently on a golfing holiday. He's just getting his rubes to pay for his defeat first. But if I am wrong and he doesn't concede once Biden is elected President Elect, not only will the Army remove him, he will also be put in a prison cell.

Trump is the type who would probably be able to get out of that. He has done that all of his life despite his crimes.
Random American wrote:Trump is the type who would probably be able to get out of that. He has done that all of his life despite his crimes.

Actually, what Trump can get away with is how much he pushes this. If the electoral college votes him out and he is still there come 20th January, he will not get a free pass. Especially if the army is involved. But to be honest, I don't think Trump is that stupid. At first I thought he was in denial, but now he isn't even doing his job and playing golf all day. It is clear he is running a election ponzi.
Military isn't going to get involved in removing a former President who refuses to vacate the White House once his term in office has expired. If a former President must be escorted off the property of the White House, that responsibility falls to law enforcement. It's not the military's duty to escort those who are trespassing on White House grounds from the property to the best of my knowledge. In addition, the military will not follow any orders from Trump after Biden is sworn in given he is no longer the lawful Commander in Chief. By law, the military will be required to follow the lawful orders of President elect Biden once he is sworn in as President on January 20th. Generally, the military stays out of domestic law enforcement duties.
annatar1914 wrote:President Trump will win re-election through Constitutional means. May not like that, but it's something he really could pull off.

What is the scenario you envision here? All his court challenges have been slapped down, and those that have been "successful" where just a re-affirmation of what everyone counting the ballots has been doing anyway.
@Politics_Observer, the notion of Biden phoning 911 amuses me. It would be special forces involved if he refused to leave but I suspect it will be Bidens security teams that would take care of that matter first. And Trump would be arrested for trespassing as well. But all this is merely hearsay. Once the electoral college vote, Trump will concede.
Rancid wrote:What is the scenario you envision here? All his court challenges have been slapped down, and those that have been "successful" where just a re-affirmation of what everyone counting the ballots has been doing anyway.

Not all his court challenges, and some of what his supporters have been saying is credible. But that's really beside the point, except as part of the strategy to keep this going to where the election gets thrown to the Supreme Court or the House of Representatives, where the States themselves will have one vote each on the candidates. All he has to do is run down the clock, in his worst-case scenario. And if he wants to go that route, and if the media assumption they tell us 24/7 about Trump versus the political establishment is correct.

All of this assumes that President Trump and the Establishment are enemies according to the media narrative, I don't really think they are. Trump is likely negotiating future scenarios for a Presidential run in 2024 either for himself or for one of his children. Biden will be close enough to a ''Trump 2.0'' himself in his administration in the interim, and nobody with intelligence wants to alienate for good the electorate that voted for Trump in 2020.
annatar1914 wrote:No. And ''No'' because for one thing, President Trump will win re-election through Constitutional means.

annatar1914 10 days ago:

annatar1914 wrote:I'm calling it a Trump win with 353 Electoral Collage votes to Biden's 183, and Trump winning the Popular vote as well.

You are a veritable Nostradamus. :up:
By "terminating" the secretary for defense and 3 of the most senior civil servants at the Pentagon Trump has used a classic strategy for decapitating the head of the opposing camp necessary in every successful coup.

Will he pull it off? Unlikely, unless he has some more tricks up his sleeve.

But he will probably wreck as much damage as possible.
Rugoz wrote:annatar1914 10 days ago:

You are a veritable Nostradamus. :up:

I have made assumptions based on known facts. Whereas, you simply are emoting malignantly. I don't mind being wrong for the right reasons, whereas there are people who are never right even when they sometimes happen upon a single fact to hang their delusions on.

And this isn't over yet, Trump could still win without being anointed President by the Media and Tech giants.
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