Atheism is Evil - Page 29 - Politics | PoFo

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By Potemkin
Pants-of-dog wrote:Well, the Victorians were not universally wrong.

They were the first Englishmen to use a sewage system, for example.

Indeed. And it would seem you have more in common with them than you might have thought. ;)
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By Crantag
late wrote:Religiosity can be evil.

But the language is limited and awkward. Don't get me wrong, I made a similar mistake, and it colors my thinking, in a negative way, to this day.

I see it as an intellectual limit. We seem unable to devise a system that includes everyone, and the rest is just denouement.

Funny thing is, I actually took up bible study over zoom calls this past summer with a 7th day advent pasture. I was feeling in the mood to study some bible, and I called around to churches, and they were the ones that picked up the phone. I didn't know anything about the sect, but whatever, I'm a 7th day adventurist myself, so I figured what the hell.

I am just rather a novice when it comes to biblical teachings and stuff, but I did manage to read Genisus several times.

Yeah, I dumped that dood when he came at me trying to tell me to join his cult.

I was sorta trolling him really, I was sorta trying to convert him to atheism. For example, our call when the topic of Darwin came up... that was a funny conversation.

But yeah the bible is interesting. But I am definitely an atheist, in the literally sense of the word (Latin 'a' + 'theist').
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By Rugoz
Verv wrote:Why isn't the rule simply that which benefits me is good, that which harms me is bad, for the overhwelming majority of people already act this way when their intersts come into conflict with society.

Most people aren't sociopaths. There's a limit to what people are willing to do for their own benefit. In fact if most people were sociopaths, we wouldn't have a thing called society. Nobody believes sociopaths could somehow reason out a social contract and stick to it. :lol:
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By Potemkin
Rugoz wrote:Most people aren't sociopaths. There's a limit to what people are willing to do for their own benefit. In fact if most people were sociopaths, we wouldn't have a thing called society. Nobody believes sociopaths could somehow reason out a social contract and stick to it. :lol:

No, but they could certainly reason out a social contract and force others to stick to it. Which seems to be what actually happens. Lol. ;)
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By MrWonderful
Agent Steel wrote:There have been over 2,000 years of Christianity. How many dead people have there been in time as a result? Have you any numbers on this? You can't just cite deaths by atheism while ignoring thousands of years of bloodshed in the name of Christianity.

Why don't you do some homework. Any time a Believer provides statistics, they are ALWAYS denied and refuted by you atheists. Always.

You're missing the point I just made in a new thread. Evil is of course widespread. That does not make it any less evil. Christians and atheists today murder innocent, unborn babies. Horrific. Cowardly. Defend it if you will. I would expect no less of you. Christians are expected to obey our Commandments and eschew evil, for which we are forgiven. You have no such hope.
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By MrWonderful
Crantag wrote:Funny thing is, I actually took up bible (sic) study over zoom calls this past summer with a 7th day advent (sic) pasture. (sic) I was feeling in the mood to study some bible (sic) , and I called around to churches, and they were the ones that picked up the phone. I didn't know anything about the sect, but whatever, I'm a 7th day adventurist (sic) myself, so I figured what the hell.

I am just rather a novice when it comes to biblical (sic) teachings and stuff (Like spelling and grammar.) , but I did manage to read Genisus (sic) several times.

Yeah, I dumped that dood (sic) when he came at me trying to tell me to join his cult.

I was sorta trolling him really, I was sorta trying to convert him to atheism. For example, our call when the topic of Darwin came up... that was a funny conversation. (Not as funny as this one.)

But yeah the bible (sic) is interesting. But I am definitely an atheist, in the literally (sic)sense of the word (Latin 'a' + 'theist').
By Pants-of-dog
According to my understanding of Christianity, all Christians are atheists when it comes to believing in any god(s) other than the Christian triune god.
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By Crantag
Why do I get a (sic) for the word bible?

That was a pretty shitty post from Mrterrible.

I misspelled pasture and dood intentionally. I don't know what the other sics were about.

Don't sic me.
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By Potemkin
@MrWonderful doesn't seem to know how to Christian. Lol.
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By Crantag
I am not looking to derail a thread.

The bible is interesting.

And, I think there probably was a really big flood, which influenced the authors of the bible.

But see, here is where I'm going to run in to trouble again, with the doctrinal Christians, who have no concept of nuance.
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By Crantag
I do believe there might have been a guy named Noah, who might have had a boat. And if he was, you know what he did? He took a pair of chickens, a pair of sheep, a pair of goats, maybe even a cow and a bull, and went and reestablished a farm.
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By Godstud
Yes, Noah's Ark. A good story about how a god gave Man free will at an earlier time, and when he didn't like what they did with it, killed everyone in a flood. :knife:

Hardly free will if you are punished if you don't do as you're told. :D
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By Rugoz
Potemkin wrote:No, but they could certainly reason out a social contract and force others to stick to it.

I don't think so. I think sociopaths can exist as individuals within a society that provides a moral framework, but not as a class. That would require cooperation and the creation of moral values. But I'm no psychologist.

In any case, my point was rather that humans, with very few exceptions, are moral beings. That doesn't mean they aren't capable of doing evil things, but they need to be able to justify them (to themselves) or be ignorant of them.
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By MrWonderful
Crantag wrote:Why do I get a (sic) for the word bible?

That was a pretty shitty post from Mrterrible.

I misspelled pasture and dood intentionally. I don't know what the other sics were about.

Don't sic me.

Sure you misspelled them intentionally. Sure you did. And you don't even know how you misspelled "Bible"?

The Bible is a proper name. Must I explain everything to you atheists? You're always so snottily condescending and pretentious about your "intellectualism" but the funny thing is, you don't display what you feign. I do not suffer fools gladly.
"Let him who hath no sword sell his garment and buy one." - Jesus Christ
Swords are not used for plowing.
By Pants-of-dog

Can you explain which atheists are evil? All of them?

My youngest daughter is still too young to have an understanding of what god is, thus she cannot be said to have any belief in god. Is she evil? Or are toddlers exempt?

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By Verv
ingliz wrote:Are you saying Christians can do all that evil stuff and still be good because they repent? Good even if they are repeat offenders as long as they repent, and repent, and repent. That Christians are good per se, no matter how evil they are?


Christians must be contrite in repentance, and repentance means honestly attempting to change themselves. So, the person who strives to give up a habituated sin must make honest strides to that end.

A common issue these days is 'self-abuse' (a euphemism for another sin that starts with 'm' and ends in 'ation'). Self-abuse is easily habituated through becoming addicted to internet smut, and it can also be triggered by even images that are perfectly fine to be displayed in sexual imagery in TV, advertising, the WAP music video, etc. It can be very difficult to overcome habituated self-abuse.

But we are expected to make progress. So, for instance, if your issue began in 2018, we may expect that you completely cut out internet smut from your life with few relapses by 2019, and with almost zero relapses by 2020; perahsp some amount of self-abuse persists, triggered by everyday events or triggering images, and so maybe you would be expected to cease a lot of social media activity, and make self-abuse seldom in 2020...

So, in the case of a habituated sin, the effort to overcome it is protracted.

... But let us remember that self-abuse is a very, very easy sin to overcome compared to even more basic sins like anger.

People experience anger or frustration at their neighbors so often that the process of excising anger from one's heart seems like a near impossible task that will take decades.

The process of overcoming evil things is lifelong, and repentance is lifelong.

So, Christians will sadly end up doing evil things that fall short of the grace of God their entire lives.

What hopefully distinguishes the Christian is some sort of progress towards achieving these goals. If this is not the case, then it is a sad situation, and we are thus sort of just laughing at the foibles of others & of man in general if we make the observation that it is so impossible for regular people to ever become Christlike.
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By Verv
Rugoz wrote:Most people aren't sociopaths. There's a limit to what people are willing to do for their own benefit. In fact if most people were sociopaths, we wouldn't have a thing called society. Nobody believes sociopaths could somehow reason out a social contract and stick to it. :lol:

I do not understand why you think that ideals are what holds society together, and not concentrations of power and their ability to enforce law.

As it stands, people break the law fairly frequently, do they not? And this is within a system in which people are fairly often punished, and the punishments can be quite severe for serious crimes like murder (happens 15,000+ times a year in the US) and vehicle theft *(roughly 721,000 of these in 2019). Yet, they happen regularly, and are done by tens of thousands of people per year, with hundreds of thousands of people per year committing pretty grave crimes.

18th century England would hardly be called a lawless society, but in the first half of the century, it was incredibly unsafe to go out at night in London (anyone who had to and who had the means hired armed men to accompany them), and according to the Chronicles of Newgate Prison (recently reading), every single road going in and out of London had gangs of highwaymen ruling them by night.

Our 'social contract' is only as effective as the ability for it to be enforced by the violence of arms & prisons.

Man is ruled not by ideals, but by force.

Perahps you completely agree with me, and then I did not make my point clear enough:

You can have all the ideals that you want, but it is not moral consensus or the advanced ethics of people in the 21st century that make you safe. It's the fact that people will rot in jail, where they may even be subject to abuse by other thugs, that ultimately keeps us safe.

Human progress is not moral progress -- it is the progress of surveillance & technology.
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By Crantag
MrWonderful wrote:Sure you misspelled them intentionally. Sure you did. And you don't even know how you misspelled "Bible"?

The Bible is a proper name. Must I explain everything to you atheists? You're always so snottily condescending and pretentious about your "intellectualism" but the funny thing is, you don't display what you feign. I do not suffer fools gladly.
"Let him who hath no sword sell his garment and buy one." - Jesus Christ
Swords are not used for plowing.

Okay, I'll spell it Bible from now on. That's no worries.

I am an atheist, in that I am not religious, never had religious experience, grew up that way. People like me do exist. And I don't find Christianity convincing. The Bible is interesting, though.
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